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Guerrilla Games - "2013 biggest year since we released Killzone way back in 2004"


It has to be a new IP. It's clear Killzone isn't the big draw Sony hoped for. Their talent would be best used for something fresh. Hopefully they can get some scenario writers onboard, I always felt the shallow narrative of Killzone was the main reason it never created a big following.

Speaking of which, what have Heavy Rain devs been up to since, well, Heavy Rain?

They worked on developing new performance capturing pipeline with Kara:

And then they started making Beyond: Two Souls

alfa gameplay, unfinished UI
They're a successful, critically acclaimed dev and that was the game that put them on the map. Of course it was big, especially for them, which is what they're saying.

but 2 was the one that put them on the map...the first one just established them as the developers behind a disappointing game that was hilariously overhyped
but 2 was the one that put them on the map...the first one just established them as the developers behind a disappointing game that was hilariously overhyped

Sure the single player had its flaws, but the graphics were truly remarkable for the time. Multiplayer on the other hand was one of the most fun experiences I've ever played. Played it online for years. It is one game, the other exceptions being Halo and BF, that benefited from glitches. The glitches actually made for an incredibly deep experience over fantastic gunplay, and some of the best multiplayer maps I've ever played. Great game.


Rule #1 for GG next gen should be "STOP CHASING EVERYONE ELSE." Just do your own thing. Make Killzone the game it has the potential to be.


Killzone 3 was utterly terrible for that very reason, they were influenced far too much. Saying that Killzone 2 still fell short of what people wanted the franchise to be, but at least it was unique.


I'd be in the dick
Does anyone know if GG has one or two teams? I know Cambridge just got acquired by them but before that I heard rumblings about one team working on a new IP and the other working on KZ4 but never heard anything concrete one way or the other. I assume KZ4 is going to happen at some point to wrap up the story but I'd kind of like to see them start fresh on something new. An open world FPS in the vein of Rage from them would be incredible. A bigger game could let them actually explore the great backstories they have instead of the narrow focus the KZ games wind up having.
Does anyone know if GG has one or two teams? I know Cambridge just got acquired by them but before that I heard rumblings about one team working on a new IP and the other working on KZ4 but never heard anything concrete one way or the other. I assume KZ4 is going to happen at some point to wrap up the story but I'd kind of like to see them start fresh on something new. An open world FPS in the vein of Rage from them would be incredible. A bigger game could let them actually explore the great backstories they have instead of the narrow focus the KZ games wind up having.

There's never been mention of killzone 4. They only said that they'd be working on the franchise on ps3 this year, which is true because the HD collection was released as well as digital releases of kz3 and other content.


Stop including the ISA as the main focus; imagine a Helghan civil war. I don't want another generic protagonist.

Ditto, if it's another Killzone game then I don't want anything to do with the ISA.

I bought a PS3 just to play Killzone 2, so I'm very interested in what they have to show next.


I really hope it is a compelling IP this time. Killzone always felt so generic to me. Maybe the world had depth and there was something to really behold... but i never saw it. I simply saw subpar FPS games that barley gave games like Red Faction a run for their money.

So if they are going to be one of the people bring ing a PS$ killer App they really need to up their game. <-- Pun intended


Their comment makes me think its not KZ related but a new ip. Why would it be a more momentous event for them than KZ2? Unless they mean the uncertainty and excitement that comes with releasing a new ip.

Weren't they supposedly making a RPG or was that just some crazy rumor?


This one knows something.

a lot of people on this forum know a lot, but can't say anything. Must be amusing to them to read neogaf.

Speaking of KZ I really see no point in continuing that IP. It doesn't sell as huge IP should, or at least like Uncharted or GOW games. Better try something new imo. Killzone Vita will confirm that few care about it.


Does anyone know if GG has one or two teams? I know Cambridge just got acquired by them but before that I heard rumblings about one team working on a new IP and the other working on KZ4 but never heard anything concrete one way or the other. I assume KZ4 is going to happen at some point to wrap up the story but I'd kind of like to see them start fresh on something new. An open world FPS in the vein of Rage from them would be incredible. A bigger game could let them actually explore the great backstories they have instead of the narrow focus the KZ games wind up having.

3 teams. 2 in Holland aka GG + Cambridge
Guerrilla's Studio Art Director Jan-Bart van Beek said that the team -- which now includes the Sony Cambridge Studios working on Killzone Vita -- is simultaneously working on three different projects.

Rolf NB

they considered the release of the original Killzone to be "big"?
Ehrm, there's a difference between "biggest since" and "bigger than". Saying "biggest since" Killzone 1 doesn't imply that there hasn't been anything bigger afterwards.


a lot of people on this forum know a lot, but can't say anything. Must be amusing to them to read neogaf.

Speaking of KZ I really see no point in continuing that IP. It doesn't sell as huge IP should, or at least like Uncharted or GOW games. Better try something new imo. Killzone Vita will confirm that few care about it.

Did they at least break even on the two games?

Also, what genre would you preferred they dabbled in for the new IP?


WRPG maybe something like Dragon Dogma(SSM is working on a shooter I believe) ? Sony already lost the soul series.

I doubt we are going to see classic shooters going into next gen. Where you go from coridor to coridor and shoot, then copy paste. It will be more open, aka open linear maybe and leveling up will be a must. Honestly making generic 6hr campaign shooters, no one will care.

That said SSM is not working on generic shooter, I am 100% sure of that. That's not Stigs type of game. And they have been working on it for a long time

rdrr gnr

I doubt we are going to see classic shooters going into next gen. Where you go from coridor to coridor and shoot, then copy paste. It will be more open, aka open linear maybe and leveling up will be a must. Honestly making generic 6hr campaign shooters, no one will care.

That said SSM is not working on generic shooter, I am 100% sure of that. That's not Stigs type of game. And they have been working on it for a long time
Stig has "made" a total of 1 game that was pretty much like the two games previous to it. How exactly do you know?



Killzone 3 was utterly terrible for that very reason, they were influenced far too much. Saying that Killzone 2 still fell short of what people wanted the franchise to be, but at least it was unique.

Kz2 was my favorite shooter of this generation. The mp maps were unique and incredible. The controls were unique and had weight, the graphics were top notch, the sp was ok but really an fps is its controls and online far more than it is its campaign to me.

a lot of people on this forum know a lot, but can't say anything. Must be amusing to them to read neogaf.

Speaking of KZ I really see no point in continuing that IP. It doesn't sell as huge IP should, or at least like Uncharted or GOW games. Better try something new imo. Killzone Vita will confirm that few care about it.
I care! It's the best exclusive Sony has (uncharted WAY overhyped IMHO).


Stig has "made" a total of 1 game that was pretty much like the two games previous to it. How exactly do you know?

He has worked on 3 games http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2660452/

remember hearinghim speak about games on some podcast, mentioned gta, uncharted. Can't remember everything, but he sure was interested in working on something new and fresh. Making one more generic shooter doesn't qualify as that.
btw He even said that if it was up to him he would put GOW to rest for 10 years. I just doubt dude bro shooter is on his radar.
Other then that, yeah I pulled it out of my a22


There should be more tampons in gaming
a lot of people on this forum know a lot, but can't say anything. Must be amusing to them to read neogaf.

Speaking of KZ I really see no point in continuing that IP. It doesn't sell as huge IP should, or at least like Uncharted or GOW games. Better try something new imo. Killzone Vita will confirm that few care about it.

Not really a genuine indicator of the series vitals considering how poorly the Vita is doing. I think if KZ4 launched with PS4 and it garnered as much attention as KZ2 did then the series would cement itself and become a more readily recognizable name and be established with casuals as well. Using it's success or lack thereof on a handheld that CoD can't even sell isn't the fairest test of series viability.


Not really a genuine indicator of the series vitals considering how poorly the Vita is doing. I think if KZ4 launched with PS4 and it garnered as much attention as KZ2 did then the series would cement itself and become a more readily recognizable name and be established with casuals as well. Using it's success or lack thereof on a handheld that CoD can't even sell isn't the fairest test of series viability.

If it did "Ok" on PS3, that has atm 70+ million install base, not sure what makes you think launch on PS4 (small install base) will make any difference?

It has small following compared to other FPS games.

rdrr gnr

He has worked on 3 games http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2660452/

remember hearinghim speak about games on some podcast, mentioned gta, uncharted. Can't remember everything, but he sure was interested in working on something new and fresh.Making one more generic shooter doesn't qualify as that.

Other then that, yeah I pulled it out of my a22
Still, he has only been in charge once. I agree that it won't be generic but not because of Stig. I actually dislike many of Stigs choices in GoWIII.
Not really a genuine indicator of the series vitals considering how poorly the Vita is doing. I think if KZ4 launched with PS4 and it garnered as much attention as KZ2 did then the series would cement itself and become a more readily recognizable name and be established with casuals as well. Using it's success or lack thereof on a handheld that CoD can't even sell isn't the fairest test of series viability.
I can't believe that people still believe this. How many games taken off four titles in? Not including Mercenary and Liberation. It will never reach those levels of hype as Killzone does not have good word of mouth nor will people be as psychologically primed as they were in '08. The series has cemented itself as utterly boring with stunning visuals. It would be a waste as the fan base has gotten smaller -- not larger. It's just as viable as Resistance 4. A new IP at least as the possibility of garnering a new fan base. I don't trust Guerilla to figure out a compelling storyline, either.
a lot of people on this forum know a lot, but can't say anything. Must be amusing to them to read neogaf.

Speaking of KZ I really see no point in continuing that IP. It doesn't sell as huge IP should, or at least like Uncharted or GOW games. Better try something new imo. Killzone Vita will confirm that few care about it.

Killzone 2's input lag turned atleast three people I know off from the game. Did a lot of damage to the brand, imo.
The new Killzone will take place immediately following the events of Killzone 3. Although the green gassy shit fucked up humans and helghast, the nuke version is different. The entire planet of Helghan was covered in it, mutating most of the Heghast into hideous infected monsters. You, and your squad (if you choose to squad up) get to free roam around Helghan similar to DayZ. Survival at all costs. It will be glorious.

Oh yeah, and you play as Helghast.
No idea why people are thinking they're talking about KZ4. The card says "biggest year since we released KZ back in 2004." Meaning it's bigger news than anything they did between 2004 to 2013. Take a look at the events:

2004- Killzone: New IP launched
2006- Killzone Liberation: Portable spin-off of their IP [Thus KZ: Mercenaries isn't what their statement is referring to, because they've done this before]
2009- Killzone 2: First release of their pre-existing series on a new console [KZ4 would be this for the PS4, yet Guerrilla says its bigger news than that]
2011- Killzone 3: Second release of their pre-existing series on this console [unless you think they're releasing Killzone 4 and 5 next year, this is obviously impossible]

If you're going back to 2004 in terms of importance to their studio, then that means they're releasing a new IP. That doesn't mean that 2013 can't have Killzone: Mercenaries, Killzone 4 and a new IP announced, but the statement implies that their 2013 news is bigger than just KZ:M and KZ4). Meaning it's a new IP.

Guerilla is obviously full of talent on the tech side of things, so I'd love to see what they can do with the PS4. I just hope it's not an FPS, or if it is, it's something that's wildly original compared to anything else on the market.
The new Killzone will take place immediately following the events of Killzone 3. Although the green gassy shit fucked up humans and helghast, the nuke version is different. The entire planet of Helghan was covered in it, mutating most of the Heghast into hideous infected monsters. You, and your squad (if you choose to squad up) get to free roam around Helghan similar to DayZ. Survival at all costs. It will be glorious.

How bout this. You, one of the only surviving helghast goes on a mission of revenge against the ISA.


I think a prequel from the Helghast perspective would be awesome, like the war which they loss and fled to Helghan. Would give some perspective on why they hate the ISA so much and it wouldn't need to be full of nazi like propaganda because Visari simply took advantage of Helghan resentment to fuel change and the like.
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