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Guild Wars 2 Launch Date announced: August 28th, 2012




Earlier this year I told you that 2012 would be the Year of the Dragon, and that the next few betas would help us nail down our actual launch date. Well, after the results of our latest stress test, I’m happy to announce that we’re ready to nail down that date.

Guild Wars 2 will officially launch on Tuesday, August 28th.

This is an incredibly momentous day for the studio and for me personally. This journey began in 2007 when we first announced that we were beginning work on Guild Wars 2 and that you wouldn’t be hearing from us for a while. Then in 2010 we unveiled our manifesto for Guild Wars 2: a living breathing online world that challenges convention, that’s designed for fun instead of grind, and that brings social interaction to a new level in an online world.

Through all the long hours and hard decisions, we were bolstered by the knowledge that we were not in this alone. All along you’ve been there for us, cheering us on, supporting us when we needed it, testing early versions of the game, and above all, giving us your honest feedback every step of the way. Guild Wars 2 is a better game for all of the work that our community has put in.

Now that we’re just two months away from launch, we’ll spend our remaining time optimizing, polishing, and balancing the game, to ensure that we provide you with the best launch-day experience we possibly can.

To this end, I’m excited to announce that our next and final Beta Weekend Event is planned for July 20-22.

These are exciting times; we’re on the cusp of a new era in online roleplaying games, and we’re glad you’re on this journey with us.

We’ll see you in-game.



It has arrived.

Why should I be excited? What is Guild Wars 2 different from other games?

1. Don't have to wait 30 min in Queue for the dungeon finder because you are DPS, just need to find 4 more and you are ready to go because there isn't holy trinity, everyone must keep tab of their health, defensive cd and looking the enviroment to survive.

2. No subscription, so you are free to play it when you want and can take time away from the game to play new games without wasting your sub play time.

3. The game empathize in exploring, there are hidden challenges, skill points, places that you can find if you decide to.

4. You don't need to fight with other people to complete quest objectives, no kill/item stealing. everyone contribute to complete the quests (events in this case), and everyone receive rewards.

5. Multiple ways to complete quests, you can kill monsters, waters crops, taste beer, etc.

6. Its less gear based and more pay attention and play well.

7. There is Transmogrification so you can combine different design of armos, also the Dye system allow to make a lot of color combinations to personalize your character.

8. The Personal history is a series of events and a special zone in your race capital city where the choices you make in it are reflected in your special zone, its like a single player where you can take paths, take decisions and shape the history of your character.

9. WvWvW, World vs World vs World, Its a PvP zone where you take towers, castles, keeps and supply lines with siege weapons and blood, if PvP is your thing and don't want to lvl with PvE you can Lvl to 80 with WvW.

10. sPvP its easy to jump in, just create a lvl1 character, finish the tutorial zone, jump to the mist and you are scaled to lv80 with all the traits (like talents) and skills unlocked. You are provided with PvP gear. Tho the gear in sPvP isn't so important like in WoW arenas/PvP, the sPvP its more skill based, but you get gear rewards to change your look.

11. Jeremy Soule in charge of the music.

12. There are dynamic events that change the world, some town attacked by bad guys that if you fail to defend, they take control and you need to retake to free it for example, but also there are bigger events where you start doing some simple stuff and it evolves in fighting a giant shadow swamp boss.

13. The scale of the bosses are impressive:


14. The art direction is beautiful.

There is more but that is what i have in top of my head. The game is good and its a breath of fresh air after WoW and their clones.

I've created the web chat IRC channel for the GW2 NeoGAF Community.

Easy foolproof link to join the chat by browser

If you already have an IRC client:
IRC: irc.seraphimlabs.net
Channel: #gw2

Once people actually start joining I'll sort out op (admin) permissions on the IRC. I'm willing to give anyone like Jira or Retro admin positions pretty much automatically.


That video, images of Orr, Destiny Edge united once again, that big flying undead thing.


To this end, I’m excited to announce that our next and final Beta Weekend Event is planned for July 20-22.
Ah crap, they split the thread and now it looks like I'm some sort of incapable troglodyte at creating Opening Posts. Someone more worthy should be looking after this.


That date is (almost) perfect. I'll get to play the week before I leave for Croatia for 2 weeks! Then come back and everybody in the guild will be max level.

I now have to upgrade my PC for this ... damn. That was my only hope for a post-vacation release. Between a wedding ring, vacation, and summer in general ... this is going to be a very costly 3 months ahead of me.



Awesome, after I return from a quick holiday. That would have been stupid to be outleveled by pretty much everyone on the server.


Unconfirmed Member

That date is (almost) perfect. I'll get to play the week before I leave for Croatia for 2 weeks! Then come back and everybody in the guild will be max level.

I now have to upgrade my PC for this ... damn. That was my only hope for a post-vacation release. Between a wedding ring, vacation, and summer in general ... this is going to be a very costly 3 months ahead of me.


If she really loves you then you can cheap up on the ring.... Actually just give her GW2... That's more of a time commitment together than a ring.

Earlier this year I told you that 2012 would be the Year of the Dragon, and that the next few betas would help us nail down our actual launch date. Well, after the results of our latest stress test, I’m happy to announce that we’re ready to nail down that date.

Guild Wars 2 will officially launch on Tuesday, August 28th.

This is an incredibly momentous day for the studio and for me personally. This journey began in 2007 when we first announced that we were beginning work on Guild Wars 2 and that you wouldn’t be hearing from us for a while. Then in 2010 we unveiled our manifesto for Guild Wars 2: a living breathing online world that challenges convention, that’s designed for fun instead of grind, and that brings social interaction to a new level in an online world.

Through all the long hours and hard decisions, we were bolstered by the knowledge that we were not in this alone. All along you’ve been there for us, cheering us on, supporting us when we needed it, testing early versions of the game, and above all, giving us your honest feedback every step of the way. Guild Wars 2 is a better game for all of the work that our community has put in.

Now that we’re just two months away from launch, we’ll spend our remaining time optimizing, polishing, and balancing the game, to ensure that we provide you with the best launch-day experience we possibly can.

To this end, I’m excited to announce that our next and final Beta Weekend Event is planned for July 20-22.

These are exciting times; we’re on the cusp of a new era in online roleplaying games, and we’re glad you’re on this journey with us.

We’ll see you in-game.


Just put in for a weeks vacation at work!

And hell yes, 3 day head start for August 25th!!!

Darn Youtube vid! I want to see the one with Colin and his new shirt!!!!!
If she really loves you then you can cheap up on the ring.... Actually just give her GW2... That's more of a time commitment together than a ring.

Ha! The ring is a surprise, she thinks she's getting a hand-me-down from my mom. BUT, my goal is to build her a PC with my leftover parts as she actually spent more time with BWE1 than I did, I couldn't get her to stop so I just played Trials Evo while she played for about 5 hours.

goodbye other PC games!!!

This definitely will curb some of my spending with the upcoming Steam Sale.


Awesome. I think I'll arrange my next break from work around this date. I am not too fond of the final BWE dates though. I wonder if we'll have to redownload the client for the real game.


GAF parliamentarian
Holy shit. Guess I should stop mooching off beta weekends and buy it.

Also: Steam Summer sale spending? Now 0. I don't need any more PC games after this announcement.
So Mists of Pandaria will be launching around then. Good to know.

I know I'm just one person, but I couldn't care less when that game releases. World of Warcraft is such a tired dead horse right now. Admittedly I haven't touched it for 3 years, but hey, and I know that even though I won't be buying it others probably will.
I was going to grab GW1 in the Steam Sale and try to cram as much of that in as I could before GW2 was released, but I'm not sure it'd be worth doing that now.


Yay! My interest has kinda taken a backseat since I've been busy with other games, but it's awesome to finally have a release date! Great news.

Can't wait to run with the Asura assault squad!
Vacation time scheduled. Now the decision to play beta weekends anymore... It's too close now to put too much time into a character that is going to be deleted.
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