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Guild Wars 2 Press Beta [Prepurchase Is Live]

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That human warrior video is cool and all... but wtf is that high pitched noise when she swings. Jesus christ


Do we know what this icon is?


We know that the other three are Tasks, Waypoints, and Skill Points (Skill Tests?) discovered. What else happens in the world that you want to find? Random outposts and landmarks? The random event quests?


We know that the other three are Tasks, Waypoints, and Skill Points (Skill Tests?) discovered. What else happens in the world that you want to find? Random outposts and landmarks? The random event quests?

Someone already answered it for me elsewhere and they're Points of Interest, like You have discovered Seaside Cavern and such.


I played and loved Guild Wars for many, many hours but, unlike most people, I pretty much did it myself (with henchmen). I think there was one quest that I had to find some people to help me with because the henchies weren't smart enough but otherwise it was all me.

I'm just wondering if I should be looking forward to Guild Wars 2. I don't have loads of friends into GW and find looking for people to make up a party takes up too much time.

However, am I right in saying that the whole party mechanic in GW2 isn't that strong. You just find people out and about and join in with them on a particular quest rather than agreeing everything up front?


I played and loved Guild Wars for many, many hours but, unlike most people, I pretty much did it myself (with henchmen). I think there was one quest that I had to find some people to help me with because the henchies weren't smart enough but otherwise it was all me.

I'm just wondering if I should be looking forward to Guild Wars 2. I don't have loads of friends into GW and find looking for people to make up a party takes up too much time.

However, am I right in saying that the whole party mechanic in GW2 isn't that strong. You just find people out and about and join in with them on a particular quest rather than agreeing everything up front?

The simplest way to explain it is you'll happen upon stuff just through exploring or stuff will find its way to you. It's all very organic and requires no formal grouping at all outside of dungeons. See someone and help them out, there's absolutely zero detriments for either of you and you can just form ad hoc groups with people and do things together. You don't need to talk to an NPC or join a group to partake in anything. It just happens.


There's not even any kill or loot or (I believe) gathering stealing. You just bash shit and get loot and gather from the same spot.

Plus there's your whole personal private instance racial specific storyline that spans the entire game afaik.

So uh. Yeah, plenty to do even if you never set foot in a dungeon. Or pvp. Or WvW. Or crafting. Or or or.


I'm trying not to get too hyped because every MMO since EQ has let me down, but damnit everything sounds so good about this game. All the positive feedback isn't helping. With a few exceptions (performance issues), Guild Wars 2 seems to be getting nearly universal praise in its beta state. That's a pretty rare thing for an MMO. It's so nice to hear about it NOT comparing to WoW or trying to be a clone.


I'm trying not to get too hyped because every MMO since EQ has let me down, but damnit everything sounds so good about this game. All the positive feedback isn't helping. With a few exceptions (performance issues), Guild Wars 2 seems to be getting nearly universal praise in its beta state. That's a pretty rare thing for an MMO. It's so nice to hear about it NOT comparing to WoW or trying to be a clone.

At its heart, its still an mmo, you still wander around and bash bunnies and/or players, or (unless they revamp it) stare at meters going up to craft.

... but its really damn good and pain free in a lot of those areas, so as long as you're not burnt on the core gameplay period, I can't see them fucking this up.


I'm trying not to get too hyped because every MMO since EQ has let me down, but damnit everything sounds so good about this game. All the positive feedback isn't helping. With a few exceptions (performance issues), Guild Wars 2 seems to be getting nearly universal praise in its beta state. That's a pretty rare thing for an MMO. It's so nice to hear about it NOT comparing to WoW or trying to be a clone.

The performance issues aren't even really an issue, more of a byproduct of driver issues and people running Fraps. From what many people said as soon as they stopped recording their FPS was fine.


I'm watching some of the dungeon videos and my concerns about the combat is yet to be remedied; fights look like standard MMO clusterfucks to me.


At its heart, its still an mmo, you still wander around and bash bunnies and/or players, or (unless they revamp it) stare at meters going up to craft.

... but its really damn good and pain free in a lot of those areas, so as long as you're not burnt on the core gameplay period, I can't see them fucking this up.

I actually still love the genre, I just think it's completely stagnant. I've dabbled in too many to count, but only a handful have made any kind of impression on me. I want a big world, with lots of adventure minus all (or most) of the WoW-era quest hubs. Also, I love that GW2 is drastically reducing the seemingly infinite number of hotkeys most modern MMOs require you to push. I want to play a game, not a fucking piano.


Saint Titanfall
I am the only one really liking some Jeremy Soules work on this game, I'd probably say it was better than his work in Skyrim though that's probably because Skyrim doesn't have much of a soundtrack, it's most atmospheric music with one very good song that has a few variations played through the game. This game seems to have several very good tracks although I personally don't considering to be quite as good as Skyrims one track, they're each very good in their own right and have a lot of variety. Which I overall from what I've seen prefer.


What? So what kind of combat do You except from MMO?

Well I'm coming from a position where Guild Wars and Final Fantasy XI had the most interesting and intricate combat systems of any MMO I've played - rather than spamming skills for the sake of it.


Well I'm coming from a position where Guild Wars and Final Fantasy XI had the most interesting and intricate combat systems of any MMO I've played - rather than spamming skills for the sake of it.

Just to clarify, most skills in GW2 are on long cooldowns. What they did was they took out the mana system and replaced it with longer cooldowns that achieve the identical effect. That effect being spamming your abilities = bad. Understand that 95% of the footage you're seeing from the press here is absolutely terrible. These guys really are atrocious at showing the game. The press are grossly unaware of the systems in place and have no clue what they're even doing. They're still stuck in the stand in one spot and spam a skill mentality, the skill ceiling will be extremely high with GW2. You'll be able to tell a good player from a bad one quite quickly, The press doesn't dodge, they don't weapon swap, attunement swap, use their class specific mechanics, they don't move at all, they generally spam skill 1 over and over, they spam utility skills as they're dying without actually knowing what the skills even do, they heal at the wrong time, they don't ever even use cross profession combos..and on and on. See my point?

Take a look at the 3rd video on this page:


That guy was taking on a level 11 mob at level 6 his level and won, he is without a doubt the best example in showing off how combat is supposed to work. With just one weapon, no traits, and 1 utility skill, he is able to do more than any of the other press who were at level 80 with everything unlocked.


Just to clarify, most skills in GW2 are on long cooldowns. What they did was they took out the mana system and replaced it with longer cooldowns that achieve the identical effect. That effect being spamming your abilities = bad. Understand that 95% of the footage you're seeing from the press here is absolutely terrible. These guys really are atrocious at showing the game.

Take a look at the 3rd video on this page:


That guy was taking on a level 11 mob at level 6 his level and won, he is without a doubt the best example in showing off how combat is supposed to work. With just one weapon, no traits, and 1 utility skill, he is able to do more than any of the other press who were at level 80 with everything unlocked.

I understand that it's limited to the people we're seeing playing the game - but fights looks like a mess of effects and abilities with what looks like very little skill compared to GW1. I italicise that because, again, these are fresh players in most cases.

Everything else I'm seeing looks amazing - though there's still a question mark over the combat, at least for me.


The number of videos today of people standing in one spot and trying to do WoW-like rotations has been irritating, and it hasn't done this game justice. The warrior video earlier and some of the PVP stuff has shown what GW2 will probably look like in the hands people who actually play games, not just write (poorly) about them..
I saw a ton of tanking yesterday. That left range attackers to pew pew pew away.

Overheard from a good PvE guardian video:
Warrior: "I lost my armor, I have to go back and repair it. Oh crap I can't." (cool stuff)
Guardian: "Don't worry, I'll do the tanking." (uhhhhh)

However, their warrior/guardian tanking system worked in the end...


I was just wondering what ArenaNet is like with patching issues. How fast do they patch the performance issues in the beta? How many patches do you get each week?


Saint Titanfall
I was just wondering what ArenaNet is like with patching issues. How fast do they patch the performance issues in the beta? How many patches do you get each week?

Typically a-net's pretty good at least in regards to gw1. In all the years gw1 was open it never once had any any downtime except near the end of it's lifespan when they were preparing servers for gw2.


Their team size is 250+ with about 70 or so artists. For reference their team was ~70 in 2007, 20-30 in 2005, and 6 in 2000.

So they've come a long way then, that's good. I'm basically sold on it. I just need to play it to see how responsive and fluid the combat is to myself, though I have faith in them understanding one of the key aspects of what makes a game that people will want to play.


So hard not to bring up "that topic" again, but these videos... Maybe it's just a a lack of skill, but I'm definitely seeing a lot of trinity, or at least duality.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Motherfucker. I can't stop reading these previews.

Everything else in my life goes on hold when this comes out. I will construct an apparatus that injects it into my veins directly

Typically a-net's pretty good at least in regards to gw1. In all the years gw1 was open it never once had any any downtime except near the end of it's lifespan when they were preparing servers for gw2.
Uh, it's still open, right? I want to get a couple more points in the HoM...


So hard not to bring up "that topic" again, but these videos... Maybe it's just a a lack of skill, but I'm definitely seeing a lot of trinity, or at least duality.

There seems to be duality because a lot of it is what you would do in a real life fight against a single big guy. Either you both run around trying to dodge him, or one person takes him on while the other tries to support from afar or prepare to take over the frontline position.

Team fights, however, get more complicated. Especially because of the small group sizes, it seems you'll need to prepare some kind of defense skill or weapon set for yourself.

All healing from other people seems to come from short bursts of regeneration, so you really can't depend on it still, at the very least.


So hard not to bring up "that topic" again, but these videos... Maybe it's just a a lack of skill, but I'm definitely seeing a lot of trinity, or at least duality.

It's just a lack of skill from the looks of it. I saw some other videos where a Mesmer/Engineer pair were holding their own, and a Warrior took down an enemy several levels higher than her without getting hit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
- GAF Guild is gonna be the place to be.[/B] Even the people in this thread who tend to get on my nerves with their pessimism are people I look forward to playing with; they may be cynical, but they still have enough passion for the game to argue their case. I can't think of many gaming communities that will form a cohesive unit like GAF should (Goonsquad, of course, and I'm sure 4chan will have their own little party too). Here's to future nights stomping around in WvWvW representing the Glorious Orange and Gray.
I'm there. I volunteer to be a whatever, leader helper guy. God knows I'll be playing the game enough.

I'll be the one that's invisible most of the time.

edit: Can't believe this game, a massively multiplayer RPG, has the Second Wind feature from Borderlands of all things. directly into my veins
edit: and it's even better
While playing, we found that it was possible to get into a situation where you were down, but there were no enemies around to either finish you or that you could use to rally. This left you watching yourself slowly slip into unconsciousness while there was nothing you could do to stop it. Needless to say, this was not a particularly fun experience. To fix this problem, we turned this fourth skill into a channeled heal that is interrupted by damage. This means that as long as there are no enemies around to damage you, you’ll be able to revive yourself.


Well I'm coming from a position where Guild Wars and Final Fantasy XI had the most interesting and intricate combat systems of any MMO I've played - rather than spamming skills for the sake of it.

I agree with you that it does look messy. You have to remember that these are press videos, and are not exceptionally skilled players and on top of that it's their first time. I remember when I played in the Guild Wars beta, if I look back upon those times the builds and the way we used to play was just seem stupid. Skill will evolve over time and people will eventually realise that spamming doesn't work. Well at least I hope ANet have made it so, if not they're gonna have to role out some updates to limit the spamming.

Also, a few things I've noticed is that it may look like spamming since it's actually just a skill on auto-attack (which you can assign), if they had different animations for one skill it would probably look a bit different. Another thing is the amount of deaths I've seen. Although I haven't watched all of the videos, I have noticed you actually see quite a few deaths from players who have no idea what they're doing. There is a dungeon video where the whole team just gets wiped 4-5 times and they were just spamming skills away. Like I said before, people will eventually learn that spamming is useless.

You might want to check out this video, if you haven't seen it already. It's one of the few videos I've seen of this press beta, where the player actually seems to know what he's doing and it's quite enjoyable to watch too.


Hidden Treasures

Another recent development for Guild Wars 2 has been the implementation of hidden areas with interesting challenges. Our amazing environment artists have carved out a variety of caves, cliffs, and structures in the world. We’ve been stretching our imaginations to fill these spaces with content that should provide an exciting change of pace. Some areas will test your platforming abilities, requiring you to make a series of difficult jumps before you find your treasure at the end, while others contain dangerous foes that will stop at nothing to see you dead.
We hope that these experiences bring a new level of challenge for the best Guild Wars 2 players and provide everyone with a chance to test their mettle against a different type of content. Whether you are fighting off bandits or using the broken remnants of the Great Northern Wall to climb to a hidden chest, we think you’ll find these areas to be both fun and formidable. Just remember that not every leap is what it seems, and occasionally, you have to have a little faith.

Nice, encouraging and rewarding people that explore the world. And the Meta Events sound cool, really anticipating to see it by myself in the future :eek:.


At risk of spoiling you all even more against the current crop of beta videos, here are some PvP videos from Game Star (which I had previously confused with Gamescom). They're 5v5 matches where each time had a developer on their side, either Izzy or Karl. All three videos here are from Karl's perspective, but watch out for the moments when Izzy appears.

Guardian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4-lyj9p92I

Elementalist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNAITjKJusw

Warrior: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG50U6XtCeo

Keep in mind that these are from an earlier build, so there have been a few changes in the ways of skills. But it is an updated build from what they showed at Gamescom beforehand.

Now to look through the Gamescom videos for decent Thief and Necromancer vids...


All those coments about performance... And here was i hoping this game would run on my 2010 macbook air... How foolish of me...


All those coments about performance... And here was i hoping this game would run on my 2010 macbook air... How foolish of me...

Its beta and there is still time, don't jump to conclusion yet, if there are reports of problems close to the release date then worry :V


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
At risk of spoiling you all even more against the current crop of beta videos, here are some PvP videos from Game Star (which I had previously confused with Gamescom). They're 5v5 matches where each time had a developer on their side, either Izzy or Karl. All three videos here are from Karl's perspective, but watch out for the moments when Izzy appears.

Guardian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4-lyj9p92I

Loving the Guardian videos. Keep them coming!

Sad there's not a lot of Engineer videos though.


Is there a /stick /follow or /assist command?

I know in GW1 you could target someone, hit your numbered skill as a warrior and it would 'stick' to the enemy and keep following and attacking it until you manually moved. I'm not sure if i'm seeing that this time around...


All those coments about performance... And here was i hoping this game would run on my 2010 macbook air... How foolish of me...

It has been said by ANet themselves that they've tested GW2 on GPU's you can no longer buy. Whether it's still performs well is another question.

Is there a /stick /follow or /assist command?

I know in GW1 you could target someone, hit your numbered skill as a warrior and it would 'stick' to the enemy and keep following and attacking it until you manually moved. I'm not sure if i'm seeing that this time around...

I could be wrong, but I believe that is no longer possible.

EDIT: In fact I'm sure that's no longer the case. For instance, you can use a skill anywhere at any time. So if you are a warrior and you use a skill, it will activate even if there is no enemy. If there is an enemy, you have to manually move up close for let's say Sever Artery to be effective. I remember a debate about how network latency issues could be a problem, since you could be 2 seconds behind and therefore think you are within range of your target, but instead you are not, resulting as a missed attack.


In the Warrior vid on the french website, when they fight the broodmother, you can easily see

Ezeeyo - it's Mike B's thief!



Is there a /stick /follow or /assist command?

I know in GW1 you could target someone, hit your numbered skill as a warrior and it would 'stick' to the enemy and keep following and attacking it until you manually moved. I'm not sure if i'm seeing that this time around...

I think there's something you can do like that... The only thing I've heard mentioned for sure is the ability to click somewhere in the world and auto-walk as you do menu stuff. And I know the number under the skills in your bar turn red when you're out of range, but I'm not sure if that's a toggle or if it will prompt you to run up to an enemy first if you flick on a setting.

Edit: Looks like Yogscast will be posting Char videos today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M-gvfQjdm4


Take a look at the 3rd video on this page:


That guy was taking on a level 11 mob at level 6 his level and won, he is without a doubt the best example in showing off how combat is supposed to work. With just one weapon, no traits, and 1 utility skill, he is able to do more than any of the other press who were at level 80 with everything unlocked.

can you use a gamepad with the game?? seems perfect for it


Is there a /stick /follow or /assist command?

I know in GW1 you could target someone, hit your numbered skill as a warrior and it would 'stick' to the enemy and keep following and attacking it until you manually moved. I'm not sure if i'm seeing that this time around...

I didn't play GW1 much but the people who did go on about how it was the pinnacle of skillful PvP, and there was as /stick command? That's ironic to me.

Dont think you can in this game, hope not anyway. A follow command I can see for out of combat or on allies only, that's handy.


And here's a video of a bunch of people zerging in PvP like it was some random action game. At least they're not standing around as much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uEgNgoUc88
Not really understand how the skills work anymore. No more limited amount of skills?

Skills 1-5 are your weapon skills. If you have a two handed weapon, it fills all five slots, and if you have a main hand and off hand weapon, the first three skills belong to the main hand and the second two belong to the off hand. The skills you get are based on the weapon type and your chosen class.

Skill 6 is a healing skill.

Skill 7-9 are utility skills. These are all class dependent.

Skill 10 is your elite skill. Also class dependent.

Anything involving F1-F4 is class mechanic relate.

I should have gone with that.

Edit: And here's the above player in his more natural, standard MMO habitat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN2uIG7XKZU


Do the 5 weapon skills ever change? Maybe get different Sword abilities as you level up?

So you basically only choose 3 skills?

If you use the same weapon type, itll be the same 5 skills. Some people have complained that combat while leveling gets pretty samey.


Do the 5 weapon skills ever change? Maybe get different Sword abilities as you level up?

So you basically only choose 3 skills?

You choose the last five skills of the game based primarily off your class.

You choose the first five based on your weapon, meaning you have 5-10 sets of skills to choose from, meaning at least 40 that you have to weight the upsides and downsides of since they come in 2s, 3s, and 5s.

Edit: I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but if there's a red circle around the skill number of a skill slot, then it means that the skill slotted there can be used as the initiator of a Cross Profession Combo.
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