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Gun store owners 'seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers'

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Well if you're just looking for home protection a shotgun ain't bad. For carry I've discovered it's all just personal preference. You're going to want something you can operate efficiently and carry comfortably so I would go to a gun range with an idea of some firearms you are considering and rent them to shoot. This is a lot easier too if you have someone take you who is knowledgeable with firearms. If that's not possible "most" gun ranges offer some sort of intro to firearms/firearms safety courses. This is something everyone should take and retake. Basically Cindi you live in a firearms paradise so you have many more options than some states.

My personal preference is polymer pistols in 9mm. Something with a safety double action/single action. I would most definitely recommend something in 9mm and polymer, but the rest is up to you.

Glock 43 and S&W shield are probably the best way to start. If that's to small you can try larger frame pistols from there. Good luck and be safe.

This was posted earlier but it was missed among the swamp of anti-gun posts.

Went to a store today with the SO.

I held my gun picks and any others that interested me.

Really, really impressed. Never had any experience with pistols. Holding them in my hand I had to treat them like a baby despite having gun experience. I'm used to rifles and shotguns comparatively, if you would imagine, because they are what I was raised on.

The p238 is surprisingly heavy for its size. Of course, I lift weights and do bjj so I'm confident in my grip strength and ability to hold it. The Shield is considerably lighter which really shocked me.

I'm still split so I'll separate them and rate them accordingly. We didn't get to shoot them but holding them after researching them made it feel real.

Sig Sauer p238:

The most beautiful gun I've ever seen, in picture, in video, in real life. I am in awe at its beauty. I went expecting the standard p238 colors. What I found was at least four different colors, including purple. Purple is my favorite color and I felt a connection to that gun like none other. I needed it based off of aesthetics alone.

Being more critical, I found it easy to rack the slide, the thumb safety is nice and big, allowing for easier unlocking, and it's such a great size for concealed carry. My only complaint if any so far is that the safety is on the side. I am left handed so this poses a problem. I'd probably have to have it customized for me so that the safety is flipped to the right part of the gun. Also, the gun is on the expensive side, costing 650 dollars, but art and beauty demands a hefty price.

M&P Shield:

Surprisingly light! The grip is comfortable as hell. It's really rough for me to tack its slide, though I partly attribute this to lack of experience. More worrying is the safety. I saw in the review I posted that the safety is hard to unlock and it really is. It's the biggest negative with the gun and could put me in danger in a moment if self defense. The Shield benefits from being cheaply priced while also boasting 9mm caliber, and being a proven gun.

Aesthetically, although not a appealing as the p238, it still remains a beautiful gun. I'm especially fond of the grip!

Also looked at a Kimber Micro Carry, the Walther suggested in this thread, and some others.

Right now I'm not which to get. The Shield has a great price but a really poor safety. The p238 is more expensive but seems like my perfect gun.

Tomorrow my SO and I are going on a date to the gun range and we're going to try out my picks to see what I like. We have picked the range and everything and I'm really looking forward to it. He has begged me to go with him to the range for months and I've always said no because of my fear of guns. No longer! That nigga is going to get his wish! Tomorrow will be the deciding factor. P238? Shield? Or something else? How do they shoot? How far do they shoot? How do they handle? Can't wait!

The NRA has no reason to appeal to us if we don't bother to be counted. Although an alternative would be nice.

I'm going to consider all sides from now on. The election made me realize I didn't know a single Trump voter and I lived in a bubble. Time to change that and consider other arguments. Are these arguments perfect? Nope. But they certainly offer an alternative view and I can see their logic. With the gun issue the needle probably points more in the middle than at the poles.

Yeah, you're going to have to prove this a little more. Black people aren't going to die "en masse" without guns or with the election.

I mean he already won so it's not exactly like there's a difference between now and his inauguration.

I disagree. I don't think we've seen anything and after inauguration there will be a huge spike in violence because it will be considered officially sanctioned by the state by these people. If you think it's bad now, you'd have to be stupid to think it won't get worse when he is actually president.
Yeah, you're going to have to prove this a little more. Black people aren't going to die "en masse" without guns or with the election.

Go read every single post and link I've provided in this thread.

And I'm not saying mofos absolutely will go door to door murdering Black people. I'm saying I understand that there's a certain undercurrent of sentiment in mainstream America that would LOVE to do so given the opportunity. With a bonafide enabler of White Supremacy in the White House I don't blame anyone getting their protection in order.

One look at history proves the need for Blacks to be armed against racist White folk.
What are good gun channels on YouTube that are LGBT friendly or hosted by black people and don't have a lot of gun FUD? I checked out Colin Noire's channel and he has a video arguing why black people should vote republican. Lmao


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What are good gun channels on YouTube that are LGBT friendly or hosted by black people and don't have a lot of gun FUD? I checked out Colin Noire's channel and he has a video arguing why black people should vote republican. Lmao
He also has another video where he calls out people who say he's a conservative and says they're putting words in his mouth, and that his channel is apolitical. It's best just to see what he has to say about guns and ignore the rest.
He also has another video where he calls out people who say he's a conservative and says they're putting words in his mouth, and that his channel is apolitical. It's best just to see what he has to say about guns and ignore the rest.

Which videos are best for that? His Noir series?


I am familiar with the exact data you cite. But your data has no place in this thread.

I didn't know you were the arbiter of who decides what is relevant to a discussion that involves minorities buying more guns post-Trump.

But if that were the case, you failed to heed your own advice.

Seems to me what you have really been saying is you don't want stats(or arguments) that don't support your pre-existing biases. Feel free to ignore me then. You are clearly not interested in taking a rational approach to this or this thread and that is your choice.

I am not going to even bother addressing your other post because it is nonsense. You aren't Freud so quit trying to argue like you know what is in my head and have the right to shame me for what you project to be in there. If you are buying the gun on fear and disregarding whatever anyone else has to input, that is your choice.


If the opportunity arises, yes, there are some people just laying in wait.

They took their masks off during Hurricane Katrina in 2005

Rumor to Fact in Tales of Post-Katrina Violence

And heres a repost of what I added to that
I was in New Orleans for Katrina. I was flooded out and dealt with a lot of traumatic shit. I don't need you telling me what Katrina was and wasn't. I was there. My family was there. My friends were there. There was a lot of crap that went on in the aftermath. Racists, gangs, looting, rampant corruption. I saw the worst and best of humanity in single days. From all colors and all creeds.

No one has since claimed that threats don't exist. But if we go down this route it means we should put into context exactly what that elevated risk is. The problem is the data is very inconclusive right now. Hate crimes in general are not well reported and universal so there is this scrambling right now to fix this as this uptick has happened. My only point has been to push back against this one-sided notion of defensive gun use in a solely positive light and what the evidence actually shows. What a proliferation of gun ownership has in terms of its own personal and societal risk. Not to tell people they can't or have no right to buy a gun. That is a decision they can make. But I find nothing wrong with calling out bullshit where it is and presenting the argument I have through my own research.

The fear is real. Do I see any indications that Tulsa is about to be recreated? No. Do I think it is impossible? No but I also don't discount the possibility that a lot of this shit could also go the other direction when these rednecks realize, like what is happening in New York, Trump may have won but that doesnt mean there is no law or repercussions for shit. As New York is already putting together a hate-crimes unit to deal exclusively with this trend.

EDIT: I apologize for being a bit testy with my initial response. Katrina was a major invent in my life and a large portion of the people around me. Nasty shit happened but I think the comparison to now is not in any way apt and it is a bit anger inducing for people to try and use it for a bullet point for an argument. But I know you meant well. It was a shitshow is all I can describe it. Near anarchy in many places. As bad as things get, that is likely to not be how America ends up. That would mean the entire federal and local government is basically broken down, Mad Max type shit in places. That is what Katrina was like at times. But with lots of very good people trying to wade through the chaos and pockets of order and pockets of ordered evil.


I didn't know you were the arbiter of who decides what is relevant to a discussion that involves minorities buying more guns post-Trump.

But if that were the case, you failed to heed your own advice.

Seems to me what you have really been saying is you don't want stats(or arguments) that don't support your pre-existing biases. Feel free to ignore me then. You are clearly not interested in taking a rational approach to this or this thread and that is your choice.

I am not going to even bother addressing your other post because it is nonsense. You aren't Freud so quit trying to argue like you know what is in my head and have the right to shame me for what you project to be in there. If you are buying the gun on fear and disregarding whatever anyone else has to input, that is your choice.
You need to stop pretending that you can make a judgement's on an individual's choice based on statistics that are by definition generalized to the average person. You don't know the ways his situation deviates from the average, both in ways he could be mitigating risk(saftey equipment, safety classes, training) and the ways the threats he is facing could be worse and more probable than the average individuals.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Which videos are best for that? His Noir series?
I've really only been aware of him for about a month, so I've only seen about a dozen of his videos, but usually if he's doing anything other than a straight review it's tilted with a bit too much agenda for me. And the Noir series isn't always the same, he did a review of the Scorpion Rev 3 that was a good review and had some interesting history, and in another he did a strength test with one of his side kicks, a football player and a body builder. While that one was mostly good, there was this hamfisted NRA endorsement at the end. I think you just have to watch and filter out the chaff as it comes. He does so much stuff (history, education, opinion, comedy, culture, reviews) that that's about all you can do.
I've really only been aware of him for about a month, so I've only seen about a dozen of his videos, but usually if he's doing anything other than a straight review it's tilted with a bit too much agenda for me. And the Noir series isn't always the same, he did a review of the Scorpion Rev 3 that was a good review and had some interesting history, and in another he did a strength test with one of his side kicks, a football player and a body builder. While that one was mostly good, there was this hamfisted NRA endorsement at the end. I think you just have to watch and filter out the chaff as it comes. He does so much stuff (history, education, opinion, comedy, culture, reviews) that that's about all you can do.

Honestly I just focus on the specific firearm I'm interested in and search for videos/reviews/guides and go from there.


You need to stop pretending that you can make a judgement's on an individual's choice based on statistics that are by definition generalized to the average person. You don't know the ways his situation deviates from the average, both in ways he could be mitigating risk(saftey equipment, safety classes, training) and the ways the threats he is facing could be worse and more probable than the average individuals.
The only judgement I have made on Cindi, or anyone else, is around decision-making process and when rationales presented don't jive with the evidence.

You are correct. The ultimate choice is going to come down to how they weigh their own situation and the inputs they have at their disposal. I continue to say, I am not going to make a choice like that, or any choice, for a person. That is ultimately theirs and theirs alone.

My only function as I see it has been to make sure those inputs are correct in the areas I feel knowledgable enough to give my opinion and where I think people are offering up poor evidence or rationales that don't jive with the evidence as I understand it.

I have also said what you just said. If you decide ultimately to buy a gun, please do the appropriate things to reduce the risks that exist BUT be aware of the risks that are unavoidable or are at least less obvious.


What are good gun channels on YouTube that are LGBT friendly or hosted by black people and don't have a lot of gun FUD? I checked out Colin Noire's channel and he has a video arguing why black people should vote republican. Lmao

I prefer Hickok45. He's an old white dude, but not super political (especially in his review videos). He's a (former?) school teacher and seems like a genuinely good guy. He reviews tons of guns that are commonly owned. So if there's a gun you're looking to getting, odds are he's tried it.

Iraqveteran8888 is a bit more political, but they have outright stated their support for the LGBT community, so there's that I guess.

Mac on Military Arms Channel is very informative and has great reviews. He sometimes expresses frustration with certain gun laws, but otherwise isn't all that political in his videos.


Thanks! Every gun I've looked up has had a hickok45 vid. Dude seems legitimately awesome and is highly informative. Great shot too.

hickok45 and the Military Arms Channel are great. They are pretty trustworthy. There's no shortage of people peddling stuff that's wrong, dangerous, or heavily influenced/biased on youtube when it comes to guns, but they have managed to rise above it.


Nutnfncy is a bit annoying, but his videos are reeeeeally detailed. I feel like this video is highly relevant for you:


He's very political and biased towards certain brands. Uncomfortably close with them. And he bans anyone that slightly disagrees with him from his channel. He's very set on what he likes and his opinions tend to be out there. Good knife reviewer, don't trust him with guns personally.

Yeah I checked out MAC to see his thoughts on the .380 caliber and how good it is for self defense.

9mm is better and modern 9mms are almost as small as 380s. Don't recommend a .380 as a first gun. Go too small and it becomes hard to manipulate under stress and recoil starts to pick up again, even though it's a smaller round. Most ranges that have a shop have every popular carry gun available for rental, just tell them you are looking to buy and want to try them out. Get the one that fits best in your hand and that you are most comfortable with.


Frankly, people who are strong gun control supporters should be overjoyed. People of color peacefully exercising their right to bear arms is the only thing proven in America to advance the cause of gun control.
Yea, nothing to be concerned about for minorities....

To the children of Satan, You Muslims are a vile and filthy people. Your mothers are whores and your fathers are dogs. You are evil. You worship the devil. But your day of reckoning has arrived.

There’s a new sheriff in town -- President Donald Trump. He’s going to cleanse America and make it shine again. And he’s going to start with you Muslims. He’s going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews. You Muslims would be wise to pack your bags and get out of Dodge.

This is a great time for patriotic Americans. Love live President Trump and God bless the USA.

The handwriting on that letter is as atrocious as it's contents.

Frankly, people who are strong gun control supporters should be overjoyed. People of color peacefully exercising their right to bear arms is the only thing proven in America to advance the cause of gun control.

I've seen statements like this quite a few times now and it's amazing how willfully content people are hoping for gun control regulations via minority discrimination.
I've seen statements like this quite a few times now and it's amazing how willfully content people are hoping for gun control regulations via minority discrimination.

They value their agenda than they do minorities safety. Good way to push people like me towards buying a gun. It's a clever way to use minorities as pawns to get what they want. We're used as chess pieces like usual. But when minorities don't fall in line and vote the way they want...the finger pointing comes.

Typical liberals. Constantly full of shit.


Frankly, people who are strong gun control supporters should be overjoyed. People of color peacefully exercising their right to bear arms is the only thing proven in America to advance the cause of gun control.

If ANYONE is overjoyed that their cause is furthered purely due to racism, then they can get fucked.

Reconsider your gun laws California.

Agreed, but maybe not for the same reasons. I love how some Californians gloat about having "strict" gun laws when in reality the differences are shit like not being able to have a rifle with a flash hider, adjustable stock, etc. In other words, there are practically zero limits to the gun's functionality and the effort is instead to make them look less scary. Feel-good legislation at its finest.
They value their agenda than they do minorities safety. Good way to push people like me towards buying a gun. It's a clever way to use minorities as pawns to get what they want. We're used as chess pieces like usual. But when minorities don't fall in line and vote the way they want...the finger pointing comes.

Typical liberals. Constantly full of shit.

Do you guys get range time in? Shooting is like any other skill I'd wager.

Yeah it takes practice consistently to maintain a decent skill level. I sight my rifles about once a month and have my own targets for range practice. Since the nearest gun range is 30 miles.


They value their agenda than they do minorities safety. Good way to push people like me towards buying a gun. It's a clever way to use minorities as pawns to get what they want. We're used as chess pieces like usual. But when minorities don't fall in line and vote the way they want...the finger pointing comes.

Typical liberals. Constantly full of shit.
Are you deaf to irony or simply parodying reactionary conservatives?
Do you guys get range time in? Shooting is like any other skill I'd wager.

Yea, I drive to an outdoor range. I used to go very often (once a week) now maybe once a month. Cycle old ammo through. Make sure guns are running properly.

Was getting jams constantly on my shotgun and had to replace the mag tube spring. I don't know why the one that came with the fucking mossberg was such flimsy shit....

Are you deaf to irony or simply parodying reactionary conservatives?

Nah, yo. That shit ain't irony. I've read that shit too many times here to believe that. The sentiment is straight up genuine. Pretending otherwise is straight up disingenuous.

Yeah it takes practice consistently to maintain a decent skill level. I sight my rifles about once a month and have my own targets for range practice. Since the nearest gun range is 30 miles.

Yea mine is 27 miles away. I know that feel. There's another one nearby but they have shitty safety protocols and I don't like it.
Went to an outdoor range with the bf. Shot some guns, lots on my mind and will report when I get the chance, but I had a lot of fun. I haven't shot at an outdoor range I was...10 years old? 9? I don't remember, but the point is, I had a blast. Pistols are overwhelming to me compared to a rifle. Due to their more compact nature, there's less margin for error. A loaded rifle, you can hold it without remotely even being near the trigger. But a handgun? You have to remember to hold you finger straight. There's much more weight to holding a loaded handgun despite being smaller and less powerful than a rifle.

I'm still not sure between the p238 or the Shield. I got more practice with the Shield's safety today. Still not a fan of it.

I really liked shooting outside. I have never shot at an indoor range but any time I see a video or a picture of one, it just feels weird to me. Outdoor feels more natural with the sun hitting you and the wind and feeling the weather.

As a final note, as someone with history with rifles (BB, hunting) it made me really want to try out a sniper rifle. I've had a fascination with sniper rifles ever since play the first Metal Gear Solid and I've always wanted to shoot one. Doesn't seem good for a range though.

Are you deaf to irony or simply parodying reactionary conservatives?

Parodying reactionary conservatives? How so?
Yea mine is 27 miles away. I know that feel. There's another one nearby but they have shitty safety protocols and I don't like it.

Yeah it takes practice consistently to maintain a decent skill level. I sight my rifles about once a month and have my own targets for range practice. Since the nearest gun range is 30 miles.

Where do you guys live? I have 3 pretty nice ranges within 5-10 miles from where I live. One sells some damn good BBQ too.
Surprised you all are so far away from ranges. My closest outdoor range is less than 20 minutes away and I've got another (indoor) range five minutes away.


I really liked shooting outside. I have never shot at an indoor range but any time I see a video or a picture of one, it just feels weird to me. Outdoor feels more natural with the sun hitting you and the wind and feeling the weather.

As a final note, as someone with history with rifles (BB, hunting) it made me really want to try out a sniper rifle. I've had a fascination with sniper rifles ever since play the first Metal Gear Solid and I've always wanted to shoot one. Doesn't seem good for a range though.

Indoor is convenient in that you can clip a target to rails, then use a button to move it downrange without having to wait for a cease fire period which is common in outdoor ranges. If you want to shoot a rifle, unless it uses handgun or rimfire ammo, a lot of indoor ranges will not let you shoot.

You can use a semi-automatic rifle like an AR-15 for marksmanship if you really wanted to - longer / heavier barrel, heavier grain ammunition, etc. You're probably thinking of a bolt-action rifle, though, that's been set up for long range marksmanship? The M24 used by the armed forces is a Remington 700 variant. If you have an outdoor range that goes to 200yd+, I would go for it. Hell, even at 100yd, I have a blast with them.


Do you guys get range time in? Shooting is like any other skill I'd wager.

For people new to shooting, I want to point out that a lot of serious shooters practice much more dry firing at home than live firing at a range. It's convenient, free and safe. Even if you had a private personal range and infinite free ammo at your disposal 24/7, a lot of techniques you should still be training with dry fire first to more efficiently build correct muscle memory. It's easier to concentrate on specifics without getting carried away and just blasting away with poor focus. The bulk of technique can be trained without firing a single round - drawing, target acquisition, aiming, trigger technique, target transition, reload, combinations of those, combinations with all kinds of body positions and movement, and working within time limits (using a shooting timer with a random start beep followed by a second beep after your target interval).

Occasional live fire exercises are important to verify the technique (does your grip stay constant in recoil?) and there are critical skills that can only be trained with live fire, like ignoring recoil / avoiding flinch, trigger reset between shots and hit prediction, but you can get away with surprisingly little of it.


I feel like if people are considering a firearm for self-defense, learning some kind of very straightforward unarmed self defense system like Krav Maga should go along with it. Someone's self-defense mentality shouldn't be wrapped up in whether or not you can find and draw a tool fast enough.
Okay so, report on them guns.


Looking back, my second favorite of the lot. Easily rackable slide, small size that fits right into my little girly hand, decent sights, great weight when loaded. Not sure about .380 ammunition but I've been told about I think the 938 which is like the p238 but bigger and with 9mm ammo. Shoots like a dream but a bit harder to hit anything further away. Like the safety and I can shoot this sucker right handed due to the thumb safety being a decent and natural size. Really small and perfect for carrying.

M&P Shield:

Loving it. Probably my favorite. Has a badass ammo. Love that grip with the imagery on it. Don't know what that is but I love it. Safety takes getting used to but it shoots so. fucking. well. Great size for carry. Love it! Had red and green sights like Christmas. Great for creating depth and lining up the sights. I shoot best with this beauty. Only problem as of now is racking the slide. It's really, really hard.

M&P Forgot the name:

Another M&P. Basically, the Shield but bigger and it is an ambidextrous gun. It has safeties on both sides and being an ambidextrous person this helps using a safety on both sides. Got to try out the safety with my left hand it felt pretty natural. Like it but a lot more bulky and bigger than I'm hoping for carry. Women's clothes don't support a big carry gun like that. It shoots well and it's a good gun but maybe not for me.

Kimber Micro Carry:

Not bad! My friend pointed out there's a 9mm and .380 version. I'm not sure which this was as they only had one type but if I'm remembering right it was 9mm. It seems like a wonderful alternative to the p238 if I need to carry with a bigger caliber. This gun gets shit done, that's for sure.


I forgot the number but it had no safety. This freaked me out and I had to treat it like a newborn made of glass initally, but the more I got used to shooting it the more I treated it like holding a pair of scissors the right side or holding a kitchen knife. Intimidating at first, but when you realize its power, what it can do, and you start to realize it's no different from any other type of tool. I wouldn't feel good about my first personal gun being something without a safety though. Shoots really well. Now I know why Glock's are famous.

Really enjoyed the experience. The people were nice and welcoming and my bf went over the four rules with me.

Treat all guns as if they are loaded.

Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.

Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.

Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

We went over those and did target practice according to that. It was eye opening.

All in all, I really enjoyed the experience. I felt like I belonged and it had a really nice Texan atmosphere that I can't explain. Made me feel proud to be a Texan for whatever reason!

Having a loaded handgun in your hand, though? That's power. It's really intimidating at first. But you get used to it, I guess. It gets to a point where you fear it less and respect its power more, and nothing will happen as long as you pull that trigger.

This morning my boyfriend gave me an early Christmas present: a handgun class! He's really happy I'm doing this because he wants me to be safe and it's another thing we can share together. <3


Okay so, report on them guns.


Looking back, my second favorite of the lot. Easily rackable slide, small size that fits right into my little girly hand, decent sights, great weight when loaded. Not sure about .380 ammunition but I've been told about I think the 938 which is like the p238 but bigger and with 9mm ammo. Shoots like a dream but a bit harder to hit anything further away. Like the safety and I can shoot this sucker right handed due to the thumb safety being a decent and natural size. Really small and perfect for carrying.

Just remember that the P238 is a SAO gun, meaning you have to carry it hammer cocked if you want instant bang capability. If not, you have to remember to rack the slide/pull back the hammer in the event you have to draw it. SA guns are great at the range - the p238 is essentially a baby 1911 - but they are at a major disadvantage for carry. Unlike the 1911, the p238 doesn't have a palm safety that must be depressed, so you need to be very careful if you want to carry it condition one.

A beginner is much better off with any striker fired gun or double action gun, like the Shield and Glocks.
Yea mine is 27 miles away. I know that feel. There's another one nearby but they have shitty safety protocols and I don't like it.

My genuine advice is to make friends with somebody with a yard going into woods that doesn't mind loud noises lol. Only way I got any shooting done until I got one of my own.
Black Panthers gathered together in an organized manner with open carry. They don't care if minorities buy guns. They care if minorities use their guns to band together and form militias or organizations. The KKK promoted gun control for minorities. The more I read on the issue the more I'm coming to the conclusion that mass gun control (banning and not regulation) at least within the context of America is a mistake.


Got to shoot my new Mossberg 590 over the weekend and my shoulder is sore haha. The good kind of sore though. Feels like I had a heavy workout session. Maybe I should start shooting from my abs...

Mister Wolf

Waited at Turners Outdoorsman 2 hours before it opened. Was the second customer to be seen. You guys should have seen the line behind me. Ordered a left handed Ruger Gunsite Scout. Truly a thing of beauty.
Just remember that the P238 is a SAO gun, meaning you have to carry it hammer cocked if you want instant bang capability. If not, you have to remember to rack the slide/pull back the hammer in the event you have to draw it. SA guns are great at the range - the p238 is essentially a baby 1911 - but they are at a major disadvantage for carry. Unlike the 1911, the p238 doesn't have a palm safety that must be depressed, so you need to be very careful if you want to carry it condition one.

A beginner is much better off with any striker fired gun or double action gun, like the Shield and Glocks.

Yeah I'm leaning the Shield. Not only is dual action but I shoot better with it. Only issue is the safety but maybe I can get more used to it over time. Hoping to rent a Shield all day once I finish my hand gun class to get used to it.

Waited at Turners Outdoorsman 2 hours before it opened. Was the second customer to be seen. You guys should have seen the line behind me. Ordered a left handed Ruger Gunsite Scout. Truly a thing of beauty.

Why the line? How many minorities were there?
Why is carrying the p238 in condition one any more dangerous than carrying the M&p shield or many other DA handguns? Even with no grip safety it is just as safe as the m&p shield because both have an additional safety. The pull weight of the trigger is still about 5 lbs which is not light enough to be more of a concern.

Mister Wolf

Yeah I'm leaning the Shield. Not only is dual action but I shoot better with it. Only issue is the safety but maybe I can get more used to it over time. Hoping to rent a Shield all day once I finish my hand gun class to get used to it.

Why the line? How many minorities were there?

First guy there was a mexican man and his son looking to buy an AR. I'm black and the guy behind me was black as well. I tried to go the day before and it was a no go. I live in Torrance CA and gun sales are up big time judging by how packed turners is every day.


Is there a gun OT thread floating around here? Looking to get my first weapon and wanting to get some recommendations.
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