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Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta Behind the Scenes (direct feed vidoc footage)


could never
Not as good as I would have hoped, but I will be day one regardless. I'll get used to it I guess, still looks fun.

Wish they hadn't changed the sound for BR/Pistol.


Seriously though, the best news about Halo 5 all day long for me: the absence of differing loadouts from player-to-player. I cannot stress enough how happy I am that everyone will be starting out on a completely even playing field.

That was my biggest issue with Halo 4.


hopefully there's a control scheme that doesn't include smart scope.

If i end up changing my mind and wanting to play this next year i don't want a button on my controller being wasted on something i'll never use
I thought smart cope would be a cosmetic change to zoom?

I am definitely seeing a load of spread on the AR when fired normally and it turns into this precise aiming reticule without spread when fired in smart scope mode.

What am I supposed to think of this?


Game looks really nice in the first person screens:


That looks great!

besides them H4 spartans haha
I'll reserve judgement for when I play. It might feel really good to play, which is the important part

But that announcer is terribad


LOOKS LIKE HALO or the only way you add these while it still being Halo.

Looks a bit like Metriod Prime too. Either way. The thrusters look amazing, that slide omg


For those who are curious, here are the default Halo 5 controls (from IGN's video preview):


lol smart scope LT

hello CoD folks

Announcer was lame but I'm sure that could change.

Didn't like the random talking either. Shut up. Stop calling things out.


The worst part is hearing from people who don't even play Halo, have never really played Halo, or understand the difference in Halo gameplay and that of its peers in the shooter category, what Halo needs to do.

If all you think is Halo gameplay is old because it's based on what came in 2001 or 2004 you don't understand how it all works together. Sprint has been detrimental in two main Halo games now. So we don't need to hear, hey give Halo 5 a chance with a sprint penalty. It's a band-aid solution to a problem. Halo gameplay and maps don't work well with sprint. We've had hundreds and hundreds of posts in every Halo community analyzing this very issue.

The removal of loadouts and ordnance is a huge plus but we're back to where we were before it. Instead we now have several Sprint/Jetpack abilities in place. People like to think that because armor abilities were unequal and lead to rock paper scissors gameplay is the reason they didn't work. It's because they severely hampered the physics of the game and the maps. Jetpack gave people instant verticality and flight. Sprint gave extreme speed to get out of danger leading to cat and mouse gameplay. Active Camo literally turned people invisible at will in a first person shooter. Now we have ledge climbing for failed jumps, we have dash, thruster, ground and pound. Basically the same type of super type abilities in Destiny. Even though everyone now has them, doesn't mean they won't be unbalanced in relation to other aspects of gameplay. Forget rockets, if I can run and ground pound a group of people away etc.

It's not about giving 343 a chance. It's about the fact that this is very much a continuation of the vision of Halo 4 as opposed to returning to classic roots which H2A was. I'll of course play the beta. Hell I just came from the launch of MCC. I joined GAF for the Halo community. I don't need a Mod coming and telling me don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. I played Halo 4 for almost two years well into September. But I could see how severely it hampered the community. I don't want it to be forever ruined by the drastic changes of Halo 5. I'll play the beta, give my feedback, but I'm already apprehensive after Reach and Halo 4. There is a reason I play Halo, and not Call of Duty, or Destiny, or Crysis.
Seriously though, the best news about Halo 5 all day long for me: the absence of differing loadouts from player-to-player. I cannot stress enough how happy I am that everyone will be starting out on a completely even playing field.

Loadouts should never have been part of Halo. Their removal shouldn't be congratulated but seen as 343 realising how utterly wrong they were to include them in Halo 4 in the first place.

Now if only that extended to sprint....


That looked pretty damn good. I don't care if this isn't pure Halo like Halo 2, if I wanted to play that I'd go and play the original. I think they didn't really go overboard with the updates, and this still has the Halo feel except perhaps a little bit faster now, but this is an arena FPS, not a tactical FPS, so it's not a bad change imo.

Good work from 343i.


Looks okay, need to know what kind of cool down it has though and if using it makes you invincible until the animation is complete.

They said that you can be shot out of it and that if you are too low you will just hit the ground mid animation and be flaccid.

Still seems really out of place.


^^^ Madness there is MCC. If you want your H2 gameplay you always have that!

So basically I'm not allowed to comment or be hesitant about the future of the franchise because, hey, at least you have Halo 2 or Halo 2 Anniversary to always go back and play?
Really. I think at this point, it's either suck it up and give 343 a chance or...I dunno...don't let the door hit your ass on the way out?

First 343 Industries fucks over Reach with a half-baked title update, leaving matchmaking in shambles.

Then Halo: Anniversary comes out with a Reach mod and map pack in lieu of actual Halo: CE competitive multiplayer, supposedly to avoid splitting the userbase, when actuality it splits the Reach user base into default/tu/anniversary modes. Fucking amateur hour especially considering ODST nailed uniting the playerbase in Halo 3 competitive multiplayer.

Then 343 Industries knowingly strings the hardcore fanbase along by showing a GIF of two players jumping around in a BR fight, prompting and stoking memes like "Beli343" (in the return of core Halo), only to unleash an even more dramatic departure than the controversial Halo: Reach. Halo 4 turned many a fan sour, people that wanted it to be a success, people that had invested month upon months of game time into this franchise and its expanded universe.

Then they said they learned. Then they hired a bunch of community leaders and professional players and said they would renew their efforts to make a seriously competitive game that would appeal to the hardcore fans.

Then they released this. Then a mod on NeoGAF told me to give them a chance or GTFO. Consider this my funeral candle. Adios.


The worst part is hearing from people who don't even play Halo, have never really played Halo, or understand the difference in Halo gameplay and that of its peers in the shooter category, what Halo needs to do.

If all you think is Halo gameplay is old because it's based on what came in 2001 or 2004 you don't understand how it all works together. Sprint has been detrimental in two main Halo games now. So we don't need to hear, hey give Halo 5 a chance with a sprint penalty. It's a band-aid solution to a problem. Halo gameplay and maps don't work well with sprint. We've had hundreds and hundreds of posts in every Halo community analyzing this very issue.

The removal of loadouts and ordnance is a huge plus but we're back to where we were before it. Instead we now have several Sprint/Jetpack abilities in place. People like to think that because armor abilities were unequal and lead to rock paper scissors gameplay is the reason they didn't work. It's because they severely hampered the physics of the game and the maps. Jetpack gave people instant verticality and flight. Sprint gave extreme speed to get out of danger leading to cat and mouse gameplay. Active Camo literally turned people invisible at will in a first person shooter. Now we have ledge climbing for failed jumps, we have dash, thruster, ground and pound. Basically the same type of super type abilities in Destiny. Even though everyone now has them, doesn't mean they won't be unbalanced in relation to other aspects of gameplay. Forget rockets, if I can run and ground pound a group of people away etc.

It's not about giving 343 a chance. It's about the fact that this is very much a continuation of the vision of Halo 4 as opposed to returning to classic roots which H2A was. I'll of course play the beta. Hell I just came from the launch of MCC. I joined GAF for the Halo community. I don't need a Mod coming and telling me don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. I played Halo 4 for almost two years well into September. But I could see how severely it hampered the community. I don't want it to be forever ruined by the drastic changes of Halo 5. I'll play the beta, give my feedback, but I'm already apprehensive after Reach and Halo 4. There is a reason I play Halo, and not Call of Duty, or Destiny, or Crysis.

Dude, let it go. I gave up on this 4 years ago.

There's competitive Halo and there's casual Halo where you run at each other in a straight line with assault rifles and melee when you get close enough. Neither side is ever going to see eye-to-eye. JoeLikesCake doesn't think adding sprint is the worst addition in the world because to him, Halo isn't about controlling the map. You're never going to convince him of this.


I liked how the developers on the stream were like "Yeah our game's not balanced, the community will find ways to break it and there are probably things people will hate..... but that's why we're having a beta!" -The straight up attitude was quite refreshing to hear



I love the second gif, the visual of the linking is really well done.

Just had a mod say the same to me on the previous page. Give 343 a chance or don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. As if we're just some morons who have no clue about Halo or what to expect.

I don't think anyone has a problem with criticism or input, but the tone of your posts is really one sided and condescending.
Just had a mod say the same to me on the previous page. Give 343 a chance or don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. As if we're just some morons who have no clue about Halo or what to expect.

I think it has more to do with the "high and mighty" tone of your posts.

It's getting real tiresome to read the same posts over and over about how people believe they know what's best for Halo and that the developers don't know what they're doing and how the series is dead.

Go back and read your first post and maybe you'll understand why you got the reply you did.


Glad to hear that. Any word on cool down?

Don't think there is, atleast not a visual one like the 4-5 second thruster one. Looking at the video it seems like the main tatic against ground pound is to kill them or dodge them, which makes me think you should do double shield damage against someone charging.


I think it has more to do with the "high and mighty" tone of your posts.

It's getting real tiresome to read the same posts over and over about how people believe they know what's best for Halo and that the developers don't know what they're doing and how the series is dead.

Go back and read your first post and maybe you'll understand why you got the reply you did.

I agree it was a bit more abrasive than I wanted to be. But I just got done standing in line for MCC to come home and wait almost 4 damn hours to install the patch and disc just to play a match. On top of that, I just saw the footage as soon as I typed that.

I'm sorry it's tiresome for you to hear that. It's tiresome to read from people who barely play Halo how Halo is shit, or old, or needs to change to be relevant. This isn't new for Halo fans. We've been battling these same issues going on 4 years now. And every time it's the same. The devs know better. Wait till you play it.

People said the same about jetpack and sprint and armor lock how it'll be fun and freshen up the gameplay. Than they said the same for Halo 4 and how personal ordnance and loadouts will change up the gameplay. Now we need these armor/Spartan abilities and how it'll make the gameplay better. It's like what? We have to be positive to be allowed to post or what?
This... Looks fun. I won't say everything looks great: that ground pound is gonna get annoying after three matches and seeing the AR zoom in made me die a little inside, but at least it looks like they're giving it a bit more thought this time.

I'll reserve judgment until the beta. For now, though, while this isn't the Halo I grew up with and love dearly, it still looks fun.


as someone who has played a load of halo 2/3 (over 25K games) online this looks like a great start.

I hope they add playlists with the vanilla feel sans the spartan upgrades..

but overall upon watching it's not the cod horror story that I first imagined....

The fact that people are moaning about the commentary rather than the core gameplay mechanics is a great thing.

as long as BR and DMR beats AR and SMG at range, I think we're good.

Looking forward to the Beta!
Love the look of it. Thruster looks ace.

People who don't want any changes ever can play Halo/2/3 until they die. There's no point in doing the same thing over and over. I can't wait to give this a spin.
ok so 2014/15 is the year of the thruster pack?

Graphics looked nice in the video.

Do players get all the abilities or do they have to choose?



- I'm dumb -


Maybe the power weapon icon shows up when you're in the area of it.


The scope of the DMR is ridiculously huge. Going in-scope removes the radar, which is apparent for all the weapons.


*derp - posted this in the other thread. Meant to post it here*

From what I've seen so far, I think it's looking very promising.

Graphics are nice and clean, even at this early stage. Will be good to see the spit and polish applied the closer we get to launch next November. This generation has taught me the benefits 60FPS has on how a game plays and it's fantastic to hear that 343I is focusing on that target - and apparently, at the expense of resolution. Great news. Please 343, don't let the resolution wars force you to compromise the frame rate.

Gameplay wise too, I think it's looking great. Seems to have a nice flow to the gameplay and can envision some incredibly tricky plays being performed. Now, I understand why alot of people are having reservations from some of the new mechanics and elements being added - especially on the back of Reach and Halo 4's refinements, but at the same time I'm struggling to understand why some people are completely adverse, with alot of knee-jerk reactions, to 343 trying to modernise or, at least, expand on the Halo MP formula.

I see nothing wrong with 343I building and including mechanics into the tried and tested formula as long as it's finely balanced, in tune with the maps they provide and stays true to the core elements that makes a Halo MP game. All the evidence is there to suggest that 343I is trying to build a game that the community wants while trying to iterate on the existing mechanics and nothing I have seen so far has been so 'left wing' as to make me think that 343 have lost the plot.

As an aside, I'm really liking the new sound the suit makes for low shields and health.
Also those spawn timers. :( I can understand why they did it, I just don't really like it.

At least it's better than Ordnance Drops.
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