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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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Get ready for Halo 4 BTB where people spawn with DMR, PP secondary, plasma grenades and with lasers, vehicle stun-lock in, and vehicle health in the fray.

Though it would be a nice confirmation if they said there is no PP secondary.

We know for sure that you can spawn with a PP secondary in H4.



I understand the complexity of it - I tried building a few Invasion levels myself - but that can be managed. I was less talking about a game type to build maps around than a game type for the community to play with; a freeform game type where we could define phase objectives could be an incredible thing. I'd personally park it low on a developmental priority list, though. But a boy can dream.

They = 343. Bungie already had the expertise from building it for the disc maps.

And much like Turf, since the gametype and engine was no longer a moving target, it was a really good map built for the gametype.
I'm really hoping that was just for the exhibition builds. It would be like spawning with a pro pipe in Reach.

Wait. :(

It looks like 343 is eliminating (at least by default, or at least in Infinity gametypes) non-power weapon spawns on the map. You either start with it or get it from ordnance (be it personal or global, and global just seems to be grenades and the serious power weapons like Rockets and Sniper).

You would have to think that they've thought about the capabilities of the PP carefully in relation to not only the rest of the sandbox, but to vehicles being in play as well. You would think that's a given, you'd think.

Oh, I know. I meant if they forbid it in BTB (I know, 99.9% it'll be allowed). Like how Bungie allowed jetpacks to be in any map in Reach. I'm sure we'll see the same circumstances here.
Really, even in BTB?
Honestly, I don't think that will be thing. I don't see any restrictions of the base settings based on BTB or not. Uniform player experience with emphasis on player choice. Plus doesn't that break my saved custom loadouts if I go into BTB, and then it doesn't let me use some of my loadouts?

UGHHHH...i want to go to SDCC.
I know that feel, I just made an Excel spreadsheet with the panels that I'm interested in.


Can't wait to finally see some Spartan Ops at SDCC, the same MP built is getting a tad stale at this point. I just hope 343i can find a way for me to enjoy the mode more than the first time. Firefight was great in ODST but got stale fast in Reach for me. Then in MW2 Special Ops seemed like a after thought and wasn't that enjoyable for me. Maybe it's just me as a player..


So I wander into the Snipers playlist, game matches me against a group of guys with the same GT prefixxes, ranging from Noble to Inheritor, and it gives me some randoms who are all privates or something similar. Needless to say, I got like 28 kills and we lost by 10.

Im not going to lie, I am going to miss invasion. I really hope Halo4 brings something to the table that is similar, only taken further and in new ways.
Has HaloGAF ever encountered other Gaffers in previous OT that've heavily criticized/argued Halo 4's MP, Sp, and SpOps details to the point of banning or perma-ban?
Will 343 have booths set up all day for people to visit and play Halo? Or are they only going to be around for their specific program times? (below times in PDT)
Wed, Jul 11, 11:05AM 12:00-1:00 Machinima: The Future of Entertainment— Machinima has become one of the most talked about entertainment destinations in the world. Serving over 1.6 billion video views a month, the network has established itself with quality content and passionate viewership and is now considered the leading brand for the gaming generation. Don't miss out on this panel with exclusive footage from Machinima's new channel, Machinima Prime, which focuses on thrilling episodic content, including the much anticipated tentpole series Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. Be a part of mind-blowing discussions on the next wave of content creation and the new development paradigm. Hear from big talent within the Machinima Network, such as Reckless Tortuga, The Creatures, the creators of Sanity Not Included, and Action Figure Therapy, as well as the director, producers, writers and creators behind Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
4:45-5:45 The Fiction of Halo 4— Halo 4 heralds the return of one of gaming's most iconic heroes, the Master Chief, in a new, epic sci-fi saga. Expanding and enriching the narrative, 343 Industries, with very special panelists, share how the development of stories across the Greg Bear Forerunner saga, the Karen Traviss Kilo-Five trilogy, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Halo 4 Campaign and Halo Infinity Multiplayer have become connective tissue for Halo 4. Don't miss the exciting premiere of the Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn trailer as well as Q&A with special guests. Panelists include Brian Reed, franchise writer; Armando Troisi, narrative director, 343 Industries; Brien Goodrich, cinematic director; Stewart Hendler, director (Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Whisper, H+); Todd Helbing, writer (Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Spartacus, Smallville); and Aaron Helbing, writer (Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Spartacus, Smallville). Moderated by Frank O'Connor, franchise development director, 343 Industries. Room 6BCF

Has HaloGAF ever encountered other Gaffers in previous OT that've heavily criticized/argued Halo 4's MP, Sp, and SpOps details to the point of banning or perma-ban?
I think it happens all the time lol.
Can't wait to finally see some Spartan Ops at SDCC, the same MP built is getting a tad stale at this point. I just hope 343i can find a way for me to enjoy the mode more than the first time. Firefight was great in ODST but got stale fast in Reach for me. Then in MW2 Special Ops seemed like a after thought and wasn't that enjoyable for me. Maybe it's just me as a player..

This I can agree. Reach's Daily/Weekly Challenges changed that repetitive feel to bringing replayability but playing the same maps and challenges began feeling boring until something tempting like a Jackpot is introduced, yet still the content isn't enough and Dlc comes too late.

Now things have changed and Spartan Ops is to grow upon those flaws with new missions every week. How interesting and exciting.
To be honest, Im looking forward to seeing that trailer for FUD more than anything right now.. Im sure when game details hit Ill go more crazy over those than the FUD trailer, but even so Im hyped for both. It kinda finally feels like we are getting a little taste of the live action Halo we all want, and who knows, maybe it will reignite the flame of the Halo Film.

I mean, how can you not be hyped?



Im not going to lie, I am going to miss invasion. I really hope Halo4 brings something to the table that is similar, only taken further and in new ways.

Yeah, me too. I really like the mix of different objectives.

Speaking of objectives, we have yet to see any footage of objective gametypes.


Invasion was such a failure, here stand in these grenade death traps for 20 seconds, then play some poorly thought out CTF for the last part, ugh.

Shoulda took some notes from Killzone's MP mode where the game objective changed every 5 minutes or so, was an awesome gametype.
Invasion was such a failure, here stand in these grenade death traps for 20 seconds, then play some poorly thought out CTF for the last part, ugh.

Shoulda took some notes from Killzone's MP mode where the game objective changed every 5 minutes or so, was an awesome gametype.
Good post. Killzone's MP mode made things interesting and high replay value. With each objective being changed your faction speaker informs your teams progress and new objectives. Fucking awesome game.



I kinda feel bad about this game... I cold never do this good legitinately, only reason it happened is all but one guy on the other team quit. (duplicate killing sprees/frenzies because of host migration)


The Overlords of NeoGAF do not smile upon me.

Dude, you've made as many posts in a week as I've made in 3 years.

New Halo 4 Avatar Related Duds

Kinda want a Halo 4 Mini Warthog. 320 MS Points is borderline insane though.

Kinda regret spending all my MSP last night on shitty Fifa players.

I would do unspeakable things to get hold of one of those Grifballs.

Also, I just attempted this at work, went down pretty well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7gm2UMCNS8
So, I tried switching my controller config to something different and got butchered in the games thereafter. Had a bunch of rage moments and then quickly shut off my xbox.
That's from Reddit, I'm from Michigan (I don't live in Detroit
Ah okay.
Hey do you live in Detroit? haha
I do like Pavel Datsyuk, though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Has HaloGAF ever encountered other Gaffers in previous OT that've heavily criticized/argued Halo 4's MP, Sp, and SpOps details to the point of banning or perma-ban?

I have never seen a gafer banned for complaining about something they didn't like. I have seen plenty banned for HOW they complained. But Halo gaf is pretty polite.
Riddle me this: You get to play the game for a second time, and Domino will play it for the third time this weekend. I've been 15 minutes from 343 for the past month, and will be for the next month, and I haven't played the game once. Makes sense.

plz 343!
Are you going to PAX? I mean, you live so damn close.

Juices: [bringing the Tawpgun to the Wolfpack] Noble Wolves Barrow and Steely, I have brought the incompetent.
Barrow Roll: You may leave, Juices.
Juices: But...
Barrow Roll: And take Team Downer with you
Juices: [disappointed] Release the BK
Barrow Roll: HaloGAF decided to have banned, and your account made fun of through the thread. But ultimately, the terms of your ban are up to me.
Tawpgun: IAmAlreadyDead.jpg
Barrow Roll: Indeed. Do you know where we are?
Tawpgun: The Post History of the Cleanser.
Barrow Roll: Yes. Here lies the vanguard of HaloGAF. Each Cleanser, created and consumed in times of extraordinary scrubs and bad opinions.
Steely: AR vs. BR, Bloom, the Junior Waves, were it not for the Cleansers, HaloGAF would have fallen many OT’s ago!
Tawpgun: Even when slurping, I do not belong in their presence...
Barrow Roll: FacebookHaloGAF’s reveal was your error, and you rightly bear the blame. But the Wolfpack was… sensitive-GAF. We know you are no scrub. THIS is the TRUE face of a BK.
[indicating hologram]
Barrow Roll: One who would subdue our better opinions, and induce HaloGAF Civil War in the OT.
Starwolf: HaloGAF is WRONG! Open your eyes, my juniors! Swordbase is a good map, the Star Wars Prequels are good! Halo Reach is a great ga-
Barrow Roll: This BK, and those who follow him, must be cleansed.
Tawpgun: What use am I now? I can no longer 5 shot, make bad kids rage quit...
Barrow Roll: Not as you are, no. But become the Cleanser, and you shall be set free of this mistake with our permission.
[large case holding a BR and Snipe descend]
Tawpgun: What of the Wolfpack?
Steely: The posts you will make as the Cleanser are perilous, suicidal. You will be PERMABANNED As each Cleanser before you has. The Wolfpack will have their account.
Tawpgun: [Picks up snipe and the BR] What would you have your Cleanser do?
:lol Good shit, though you switched Steely's and Heckfu's parts. The Star Wars prequels bit gold.

You guys aren't actually serious about recording this are you? Seems like that's taking it a bit far, might kill the joke.

I have never seen a gafer banned for complaining about something they didn't like. I have seen plenty banned for HOW they complained. But Halo gaf is pretty polite.
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