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Halo |OT8| A Salt on the Control Room


But I have no save file. Just the GonD and Defiant. How is my progress saved?

Server-side, I'm sure. I've switched Xboxes and my levels and difficulty completions are there once I start the game.

One of the nice touches from Bungie (except when it decides to restart some people's campaign progress)


Halo 3 lag, always good for a laugh

I love Halo 3. And After Effects.




Bungie Pro on the other hand...
Well, there's some weirdness with it.
The framerate often drops by half and they double those frames to compensate...

It's annoying, but eh, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

Hopefully whatever Halo 4 has will be better.


Server-side, I'm sure. I've switched Xboxes and my levels and difficulty completions are there once I start the game.

One of the nice touches from Bungie (except when it decides to restart some people's campaign progress)

Yah, it wasn't saving campaign for my friend and I. What if I play offline then? No save file?
Anyone else have nothing on their HDD?


Yah, it wasn't saving campaign for my friend and I. What if I play offline then? No save file? :(

It should save. I think perhaps it's just in the Gamer Profile folder when offline - I just tried playing offline and no save was generated in Reach's folder.

If you're completing levels and it's just forgetting, not sure what's going on there
That second clip is blowing my mind.

I'm not even sure if Reach does this already, but I've always liked that feature from SSF4 where you can go online and just watch replays saved from around the world. You can search for specific gamertags, top ranked players, certain characters(I guess maps or playlists would be the Halo equivelent), you could just watch good/bad/funny SF4 videos for hours. No downloading with Fileshare or requiring Bungie Pro or whatever. It was like...a Theater mode.

Get on that shit, Frankie pls


It should save. I think perhaps it's just in the Gamer Profile folder when offline - I just tried playing offline and no save was generated in Reach's folder.

If you're completing levels and it's just forgetting, not sure what's going on there

Must be a GonD thing. I d/c and started a game and everything was there. Still no save file. Must be in the GonD save combined, or in my profile.
Sticky Grenades are one of Halo's finest ideas. 10 years later, and it's still so satisfying to land one and see a guy die in a big blue explosion.


That second clip is blowing my mind.

I'm not even sure if Reach does this already, but I've always liked that feature from SSF4 where you can go online and just watch replays saved from around the world. You can search for specific gamertags, top ranked players, certain characters(I guess maps or playlists would be the Halo equivelent), you could just watch good/bad/funny SF4 videos for hours. No downloading with Fileshare or requiring Bungie Pro or whatever. It was like...a Theater mode.

Get on that shit, Frankie pls
I wonder how (or if) theater will be improved.
The fact that there's no upload a clip to Youtube/Waypoint (ew) achievement worries me. If they ever decide to turn Waypoint.com into a properly running website then having all the rendered clips in one place would be nice. That way you would be able to easily look up certain kinds of videos.

I just hope that the people who work on the Waypoint website lose their boner for having buttons and pictures for everything. For example: On the stats page you can filter on map and playlist. This is great but for some reason they decided to add a roughly 200 by 200 pixel big picture next to each playlist and map. So you have to scroll for ages to get through the entire list. It doesn't help that in the map section campaign levels come first, firefight maps come second and only third come the multiplayer maps. Who designs this shit? Seriously. Bungie displays the stats of all maps/gametypes in a row which still requires you to scroll through it but at least you don't have to click on every individual one to get the stats.

Keep it simple and for the love of god keep it functional, 343.


Sticky Grenades are one of Halo's finest ideas. 10 years later, and it's still so satisfying to land one and see a guy die in a big blue explosion.

Aww man, I had a sick random cross-map stick on Longshore yesterday.
I wish I had a capture card.

I just hope that the people who work on the Waypoint website lose their boner for having buttons and pictures for everything. For example: On the stats page you can filter on map and playlist. This is great but for some reason they decided to add a roughly 200 by 200 pixel big picture next to each playlist and map. So you have to scroll for ages to get through the entire list. It doesn't help that in the map section campaign levels come first, firefight maps come second and only third come the multiplayer maps. Who designs this shit? Seriously. Bungie displays the stats of all maps/gametypes in a row which still requires you to scroll through it but at least you don't have to click on every individual one to get the stats.

Keep it simple and for the love of god keep it functional, 343.

Waypoint does not ever want to work for me except on IE9. Chrome? nope. Firefox? nope. Fucking Safari? aww hell naw...


I remember when that jumptage came out! If only I remembered the name.

Jump Theory's, "Look Before You Leap" series (Playlist Link) is what your looking for.

The second one to be precise, but their all great.

I can't find anything on Waypoint, but this Bungie.net is taking me back. LOVE that I can actually search for(what is now my brother's) old gamertag on Halo 2 and it's all still there. Last game was Assault on Terminal...that Blue team -37 bomba

Also, randomly clicked on a video and a certain Gaffer was in it

Fyre just got pwnd.
Waypoint does not ever want to work for me except on IE9. Chrome? nope. Firefox? nope. Fucking Safari? aww hell naw...
And I thought it was just me the site didn't like!

Then again, I can go on the front page, it's just crazily janky, and as soon as I try to access stats, it crashes my browser. Every time. Probably because the unofficial Silverlight port for Ubuntu isn't perfect... get on that, MS, if you want people to use Silverlight, you could at least make it universal.

Edit: Come to think of it, Silverlight may be the source of your problems too.
As a follow up to my last post, I hope this kind of stuff happens more frequently in Halo 4.


I know that was a custom gametype, but nobody ever wanted to do this kind of stuff in Reach because increasing the movement speed with the inertia effect made the game control incredibly weird. I can't remember hearing either way whether that was back in Halo 4 or not but hopefully 343 was smart and took it out.


And I thought it was just me the site didn't like!

Then again, I can go on the front page, it's just crazily janky, and as soon as I try to access stats, it crashes my browser. Every time. Probably because the unofficial Silverlight port for Ubuntu isn't perfect... get on that, MS, if you want people to use Silverlight, you could at least make it universal.

Edit: Come to think of it, Silverlight may be the source of your problems too.

It is. The only Silverlight on Bungie's site is Bungie Pro. If we compare how responsive and organized Bungie.net is to Waypoint, Bungie.net takes 50 metaphorical dumps on Waypoint.


I can't find anything on Waypoint, but this Bungie.net is taking me back. LOVE that I can actually search for(what is now my brother's) old gamertag on Halo 2 and it's all still there. Last game was Assault on Terminal...that Blue team -37 bomba

Also, randomly clicked on a video and a certain Gaffer was in it

Oh jesus it's been years since that happened. :lol You just saw a snippet of a fued that's been going on continously since 2004.

Amazing you got that one randomly. I was the one that rendered it.

edit: oh okay, I think we submitted that one for Bungie Favorites.

edit2: edited

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Bungie constantly one-upped themselves with Theatre and Bungie Pro. No idea why Reach pretty stopped growing in that area where other games took Bungie's former lead with social media and ran further with it with in-game Youtube uploading and such. If Halo 4 has these features and they get announced tomorrow, Halo is still playing catch up.

Makes me kinda sad that instead of Halo shaping the online landscape and defining the multiplayer genre, it seems more interesting in taking cues from other games.

Clans and groups? Forgotten about.
Theatre and video playback? Pretty much ignored and not spoken about.

Why isn't Halo 4 stepping forward? I honestly think 343 is playing it safe and that it's too into this generation to make such bold moves, never mind stepping up and filling Bungie's shoes and pushing the franchise forward is a big enough task as it is.

What big innovations is Halo 4 really bringing to the table? Campaign wise? I have no idea - we haven't single anything to suggest anything really innovative. Multiplayer wise? Nothing at all looks revolutionary. It looks safe, almost too safe. For the first time you really see Halo borrowing heavily from other games - remember the days when other games borrowed heavily from Halo?

Spartan Ops? No, I'm not seeing it here either. The only "innovative" aspect about Spartan Ops that I could admit to right now is the amount of promised content that we're getting at no additional cost. PC gamers would laugh at anyone daring to call this innovative. When it comes down to it, extra content at no extra cost, it's hardly a genre defining, industry leading innovation.

Will we really have to wait until Halo 5 until we can all agree Halo is defining the multiplayer experience on it's the platform again? Will it happen even then?

After 10 years, and just a few months away from the start of a new trilogy, where has Halo's innovation gone?
I hear Halo just copied a bunch of shit from better PC shooters and that fans overrate it's innovativeness.

Looking at these videos, maybe it's just nostalgia for Valhalla, but I remember that I used to play this game a LOT, and do want to love this series again.

GOD, I hope Halo 4 doesn't suck eggs.


Spartan Ops? No, I'm not seeing it here either. The only "innovative" aspect about Spartan Ops that I could admit to right now is the amount of promised content that we're getting at no additional cost. PC games would laugh at anyone daring to call this innovative. When it comes down to it, extra content at no extra cost, it's hardly a genre defining, industry leading innovation.
I think we'll have to see how they handle the release of the Spartan Ops content (especially re: Season 2 and beyond) before we can decide whether it's a big deal or not. On paper, if 343 are the ones to have timely episodic content on a regular basis without pushing it into Valve-time or missing deadlines like Telltale does, that's a huge win for them and it would be a landmark moment for the industry. Episodic content is one of those pipe dreams that's only worked out for a few developers, and it's typically small, fairly low budget output like Telltale's adventure games--and they push back their releases fairly often (see: Walking Dead Episode 3 coming out two months after the previous rather than one month). In a AAA, high polish and budget environment, I can't think of a developer off the top of my head that's done anything quickly enough for it to be more important than an expansion pack.

Maybe it's not the content that's innovative, but the distribution method could be.



Yeah, Halo 4 doesn't seem like it's trying to move anything forward. It has things that are new to Halo, but are very common in other games. It's a bit disheartening, but hopefully it means development has been focused on making sure what it does do, it does extremely well. While innovation is important, there is a lot to be said about execution.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I think we'll have to see how they handle the release of the content (especially re: Season 2 and beyond) before we can decide whether it's a big deal or not. On paper, if 343 are the ones to have timely episodic content on a regular basis without pushing it into Valve-time or missing deadlines like Telltale does, that's a huge win for them and it would be a landmark moment for the industry. Episodic content is one of those pipe dreams that's only worked out for a few developers, and it's typically small, fairly low budget output like Telltale's adventure games--and they push back their releases fairly often (see: Walking Dead Episode 3 coming out two months after the previous rather than one month). In a AAA environment, I can't think of a developer that's done anything quickly enough for it to be more important than an expansion pack.

You said it yourself, episodic content is not innovative. Plenty of other developers in plenty of other genres have done it to various degrees of success. So what if Halo 4 does it right? 343 and Microsoft have the talent and money to make sure it goes right.

Without speaking to the quality of the content, if 343 follow through with their promises with Spartan Ops, then so what? They wouldn't be making these promises if they didn't think they could keep them. If they break their promises, they won't be the first company to do so, or the last. It's no big deal.

Are you really willing to pin Halo 4's innovations on just Spartan Ops? For a franchise known for breaking moulds for defining a genre, for setting standards and leading the industry, is this really all we're getting these days? Should we not expect more? A lot more?


I hope they nerf it in Halo 4 so it does something that significiantly reduces the apex tactical advantage.

Saw a reply in The WorkPLace (B.net private group) in response to this. Thought I'd share. Dude is a kick-ass map-maker:

MADMAN Redux said:
It isn't that it's hard to defend against. It cheapens map design as a whole. Halo has always been about where enemies can attack you from or how you can attack your enemies. Things like walls and doorways weren't just obstacles. They dictated how maps played. Choke points were a huge part of deliberate strategy.

With the jet pack, none of that matters, and every map plays similarly.

I get that it's fun to fly around the map. Totally. Especially with a needler. I enjoy that, too. But I feel like it comes at the expense of map design.

And on top of all that stuff that we see just as players, this one armor ability introduces a massive headache for level designers. Every single structure they make has to come with the consideration of whether someone with a jetpack can abuse it. And while they catch most stuff, some slips through, meaning they have to do Forge patches post-launch with heavy handed tools that, in some cases, can totally ruin the immersion of a map.

Moreover, the sheer resources that preventing jetpack exploits in Forge maps consumes is incredible. Forge maps have budget issues as it is, and preventing problems with jetpacks requires more objects and contributes to more performance issues.

Just so some players can fly around like Boba Fett. It just isn't worth it.


Isn't Spartan Ops basically bite sized Firefight? Not really sure I'll be looking forward to 5 minutes of content a week where I shoot grunts again and again while running towards a switch or something.
I remember posting about how Halo 4 has nothing innovative...Got jumped by people saying wait and see. Then more and more information came in that barely anythings changed.

Isn't Spartan Ops basically bite sized Firefight? Not really sure I'll be looking forward to 5 minutes of content a week where I shoot grunts again and again while running towards a switch or something.

You ever play Spec Ops in CoD? Its gunna be like that you just kinda fight your way to waypoints where some fractured story will be given to us that noone cares about. Basically a huge waste of resources, we could have more MP maps instead or something else useful like a technological advancement.
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