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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Splitting up a team of 6 is retarded.



really, really annoying bug
. Will be fixed before ship.

Dirtbag said:
I really hate the weight on all the vehicles.
They feel like a chore to drive. The warthog turret is such a big letdown.
And given the multitude of anti-vehicle measures, this feels like halo 2 all over again:
If it's not a tank (or banshee), don't bother.

I had a nice run as a gunner in a Warthog. We survived a ton of explosions, a couple stickies, and a bunch of shooting. It was a blast. And spawning into the turret of a vehicle is awesome. The Banshee felt floaty and weird, though I did only get to fly it in the Core room. How it got in there in the first place, I don't know lol.


Skilotonn said:

Thank you.

Quitters in ANY game can lick my ass. Can't wait to read or hear what happens to them.

Yeah, because having someone not wanting to be there standing still the entire round clocking up a lot of deaths for your team and lots of kills for the other team is sooooooooooo much better.

I'm sorry but this just ain't gonna work, If people wanna quit, they will quit, just look at Halo 3.


RyuHayate said:
Played a game of Slayer Invasion about thirty minutes ago. Didn't have fun with it at all; it was just confusing and chaotic all around.

I guess thats the point of the Slayer variant. Kill, unlock new Tier weapons, kill some more. The normal Invasion is the objective based version, which seems to be the more straightforward. Well, as long as people know what the heel they are attacking/defending. :lol

It will take a good few games to nail down the map and tactics but I have enjoyed the few games I have had so far. So much more fun when you get a team that really pushes you.


I kinda wish there were multiple Phantom zones on Invasion. Only one per match, but it'd be different each time just to freshen it a bit, but I guess that'll happen in the retail when there's more maps available.
squidhands said:
You have a lot of games in your History section. A lot more than you did for H3, and you can save it while searching for the next match. I absolutely adore this feature.
Whaaaa? How do you do that? I thought you had to exit out and go into theater mode to save a game in history.


took a programming course
I've played a few Invasion games. I think the idea's got potential but it needs a lot more work.

The feel is distinctly off from the best 4v4 gametypes in Grab Bag. Boneyard itself feels a bit bland and it's screaming out for more players for me. 8v8 as an absolute bare minimum.

I can't really judge the vehicle combat yet as not enough people are using them. I think the Elite spawn/loadout is less of an issue mind once you've played a couple of times but there's a distinct lack of tension regarding any of the three phases. If the Elites all attack one side, phase one is easy. Moving the core doesn't get that much more exciting either. The process gets iterative very quickly with players spawning and dying ad infinitum to power weapons until it eventually gets up there.

The other three in the party I was with played 2 games and that was it for them. I'm willing to give it another go but I can see it turning a fair few people off. They suggested it was a poor man's MAG. I wasn't a fan of that either to be fair.

I like the idea of bringing in a bit more structure to BTB battles but the execution doesn't feel right to me at the minute.


Oh yeah, as someone else said, spawning into a vehicle is awesome. It's the primary reason why I don't want anyone but my teammate on my gun unless he's spawning jetpack.
ShinAmano said:
Any word on how the armor loadout hold up to a hog?
I wraith+boosted into an armor locked enemy and he ended up getting pushed by my wraith.

The result was me getting my wraith stuck and him boarding me... But he did definitely move.

REV 09 said:
3. Vehicles are deathtraps and the map is poorly designed for vehicle usage...too much shit lying around. Vehicles get funneled through small gates/passageways. The Banshee can't hardly fly anywhere and doesn't seem to have the fuel rod missile equiped. Pro pipe rounds disable vehicles....you can choose to spawn with a pro pipe...figure that one out.
Press the Y button
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(


Teamsplitting bug been mentioned? Oh, good. Sorry I had to duck out, but I'll definitely be on more over the weekend. Invasion is pretty fun. Big map.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(

QQ more. :p


Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(

as one superfan to another..... I feel the same way.
I can't believe I was hyped for invasion.


Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(
Really dude? That's a little much. The game is fun, the beta is fun and invasion is fun.


Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(

Aww... I hope I'm on when you post your impressions.
Dirtbag said:
as one superfan to another..... I feel the same way.
I can't believe I was hyped for invasion.

I may not have been here on NGaf as long as most, but I would like to consider myself a superfan and I think thats the problem, it seems like the longer term Halo fans are just finding some of the changes a bit drab, while people who dont play Halo much seem to love em. =(


Ssparks said:
Really dude? That's a little much. The game is fun, the beta is fun and invasion is fun.

I have fun playing Team Slayer Pro on Powerhouse.........that's it!

Invasion is a glorified 1 flag ctf crossed with Territories.

And Sword Base is quite possibly the worst designed map I have ever played, seriously!

But hey, as long as you're having fun, right?


I wish there was a straight up Team slayer playlist in the game. Arena has wore thin with the way were ranked and such, and invasion slayer is a bit too big for my liking.


Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(
You were licking Invasion's ass a couple of hours ago. What changed?


I thought invasion was pretty good but I would like to see some dynamic objectives, rather than the same two grab these territories then take this item to the ship.
Dax01 said:
Hot damn. The more I play Invasion, the less I like it. Bungie really dropped the ball with Invasion (I might even say with the whole Beta too). I'll make my detailed impressions later, but in summary: :*(

It's amazing how quickly people change their minds
4 hours :lol

If it's any consolation I feel the same about invasion.

Dax01 said:
Wu-Gambino said:
maybe it was just me but invasion is fucking boring.

i cant believe i was hyped for this


The fuck? After playing Invasion, everything else in the Beta seems so bad in comparison. I can't believe I tolerated playing Stockpile on Sword Base or Oddball on Powerhouse for so long. This is Reach to me.

REV 09

Invasion slayer aka Swords vs pro pipes.

Now we've gotten to see the full implementation of loadouts and AA...yea, this is CoD, not halo.
Invasion would be a lot better if it didn't manage to screw up teams, and then not divide them into pairs. What's weirder is the inconsistency I'm getting with respawn times. Also not loving the decision of when to increase load out selection. Don't understand the decision making involved. The only reason I'm enjoying it so much is because for some bizarre reason I decided to play Sword Base and Powerhouse for 9hrs of my life. I may sound overly critical, but I'm being honest. If there's a chance my whining will make this a better game, then call me a whambulance.

big ander

Only got 6 or so games in, but I liked them a lot. Most of the bad features seem like bugs/"Beta features" (messed up spawns, only one round, party splitting, no-loadout games, etc.) and the good is so good. Although I still think my favorite gametype in the retail will be normal BTB.


When the Invasion round start, anyone else hear Dropships? It would be much cooler if the Attacking team got dropped in via the Dropship and then start the assault. :lol

I need to play a load of Invasion before I make up my mind. It was the same with the start of the Beta. No fully feeling it and I had to play a load of games to figure things out. Invasion will be no different and Bungie will tweak it to awesomeness.


Both Invasion and Invasion Slayer are a bit of a clusterfuck. Lots of stuff I'm chalking up to just being Beta, such as the very broken spawning system (see my videos and the Banshee spawn above).

But lots of poor design decisions in the Load Out department, which I also hope gets fixed. Vehicles are a complete mess: as was mentioned earlier, the best way to fuck over the third round of Invasion is to park the Scorpion on the Core. Assuming you're able to kill it, that's a good minute or so after it's toast that you can't access the Core. That happened to me already, so word is spreading fast.

Dani said:
Apparently if you park the tank over the core in Invasion during the last minute the debris will stop anyone, Elites or Spartans, from touching it and thus force a specific outcome.
Yup, this. Seems like a big oversight.

In the last round of Invasion Slayer, it looked like the Spartans could spawn with a Grenade Launcher, which disables vehicles. The last round is when vehicles really come into play. Um, that's a problem. I saw my team actively abandoning vehicles because the map because a minefield of detonating EMPs.

Some Loadouts don't even make sense. The Elites can spawn with a jetpack, a Plasma Pistol, and a Plasma Repeater. Both of those guns are short to medium range. Jetpacking puts you largely out of range of using those weapons, since you're either flying above enemies or getting to elevated locations. A Needle Rifle seems like a better fit...

Lots and lots and LOTS of other issues. But the games degenerate into chaos and not organized chaos, which is what BTB is about, but really messy chaos. My party was filled with angry cursing. Maybe, like other aspects of the game, I'll turn around on it. But boy the first impression was nasty.


Proven said:
Oh yeah, as someone else said, spawning into a vehicle is awesome. It's the primary reason why I don't want anyone but my teammate on my gun unless he's spawning jetpack.
It's already being abused, though. I saw guys driving around preventing other people from getting into gunner until their fireteam partner could spawn into it.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, letting players spawn with grenade launchers definitely turned out to be a bad idea.

Ideally, spawing with the GL would leave you vulnerable to other weapons that operate outside the GL's niche, but when the entire Elite team is literally awash in exploding EMP grenades....not so fun.

Make the Plasma Launcher and the GL power weapons on the map.

I think Bungie assumed people would play the game like they do, the way its 'supposed to be played' instead of the easiest way to play it.

And Ghal, giving jetpackers mid-range weapons like DMRs or Needle Rifles would make the loadouts overpowered. Like you said, they could just immediately hop up to higher ground and rain down pin-point death. At least spawning with a close-range weapon forces these guys to EARN that advantage.


Invasion has great potential but it's seriously unbalanced imo. Or is it imbalanced? Damn english. Moving on. It didn't help that I was in the Elites every game I've played. Elites are supposed to be badass but you don't feel that at all. Not with all the tools of destruction the Spartans have.

We did manage to win a round though and it was very satisfying. I like it but I hope they can improve on it.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
GhaleonEB said:
Both Invasion and Invasion Slayer are a bit of a clusterfuck. Lots of stuff I'm chalking up to just being Beta, such as the very broken spawning system (see my videos and the Banshee spawn above).

But lots of poor design decisions in the Load Out department, which I also hope gets fixed. Vehicles are a complete mess: as was mentioned earlier, the best way to fuck over the third round of Invasion is to park the Scorpion on the Core. Assuming you're able to kill it, that's a good minute or so after it's toast that you can't access the Core. That happened to me already, so word is spreading fast.

Yup, this. Seems like a big oversight.

In the last round of Invasion Slayer, it looked like the Spartans could spawn with a Grenade Launcher, which disables vehicles. The last round is when vehicles really come into play. Um, that's a problem. I saw my team actively abandoning vehicles because the map because a minefield of detonating EMPs.

Some Loadouts don't even make sense. The Elites can spawn with a jetpack, a Plasma Pistol, and a Plasma Repeater. Both of those guns are short to medium range. Jetpacking puts you largely out of range of using those weapons, since you're either flying above enemies or getting to elevated locations. A Needle Rifle seems like a better fit...

Lots and lots and LOTS of other issues. But the games degenerate into chaos and not organized chaos, which is what BTB is about, but really messy chaos. My party was filled with angry cursing. Maybe, like other aspects of the game, I'll turn around on it. But boy the first impression was nasty.

Hate to agree with this sentiment. I'm going to give it more time because apparently some issues are beta related, such as the one species round or bug related, spawning with AR's and no AA's and captured territories giving nothing.

Overall I'm rather disappointed and a bit dismayed - I was initially really looking forward to this mode so it's a bit a shock to come away with such a bitter taste.

I hope traditional BTB is still in Reach with the sort of formula we've come to expect because Invasion will really have to earn it's place in my own play time and right now it's hard to see if I want to spend any time with it come retail release.

Also, can anyone elaborate on the newly implemented anti-quitting measure? What is it? Does it work? Etc?


Something I forgot to ask for that I've wanted from day one in beta: Let us know how many other people are choosing the different loadouts. It'll help me and a few other teamwork minded souls get into better positions with better starts even when our teammates are giving us the silent treatment.


Few issues I found with invasion so far. For starters, it seems like vehicles should just be removed from the map. The area you have to use them is pretty narrow, so the whole purpose of the warthog being on the map seems moot, especially considering how fragile it is. Also, the spawn system seems pointlessly broken. The way your team is divided up into smaller teams seems like something that's just needlessly complicating things. Never needed to have that two people to a team mechanic in previous Halo games with big team battle.

Overall I like the mode though. The way objectives work seems pretty cool, and I like the differences between playing as a Spartan and an Elite.


dslgunstar said:
And Ghal, giving jetpackers mid-range weapons like DMRs or Needle Rifles would make the loadouts overpowered. Like you said, they could just immediately hop up to higher ground and rain down pin-point death. At least spawning with a close-range weapon forces these guys to EARN that advantage.

Sadly, I have to agree with this. I'm killing guys across the map a little too easily with the DMR and Needle Rifle. Giving it to jetpacks may be too powerful.

However, I raged a little when I found out that only Jetpacks can start with plasma pistols in stage 3. I need that EMP blast immediately at times, but I don't like running Jetpack.


I'm indifferent about Invasion itself, but I'm just happy to be messing around in a huge beautiful new map, with a bunch of new toys, and doing elites vs spartans firefights.

Some random images



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
CozMick said:
Yeah, because having someone not wanting to be there standing still the entire round clocking up a lot of deaths for your team and lots of kills for the other team is sooooooooooo much better.

I'm sorry but this just ain't gonna work, If people wanna quit, they will quit, just look at Halo 3.

Hey, they can lick my ass as well, neither is better than the other, I hate both kinds equally.

Not like your example had anything to do with mine though, those are two different types of things.


REV 09 said:
Played another game and I have more complaints.

1. Boneyard is ugly. Yea yea big map...see BC2

I don't know about you but I really didn't get my fill of ugly brown human maps in Halo 3. Really glad we're getting more in Reach. I love ugly brown maps!
For the new page
Diablohead said:
Non rendered 4 minute game of Invasion Slayer where the game bugged out and gave everyone AR starts, no secondary, 2 frags, no abilities and drop capture points not working.

Also saw this on HIH


Makes sense... Camo and O/S were also something you 'picked up' in Halo 3.. You just never saw the prompt since it happened instantly... But if you walked at cloak or o/s slowly while holding rb you would drop your... weapon? (i forget exactly how it works) and pick up the camo but just 'hold it'. Only once you died would you drop it.

So for armor abilities to be along the same lines makes a lot of sense.

I have a feeling if this works you will see Elites Sprinting and Spartans rolling soon.
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