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handytips.info Rumor: Microsoft to 'reintroduce' Xbox1 @ event/may lower price to 399

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Redmond's Baby
Isn't the Xbox One sold out of preorders, like, everywhere? Seems to be doing pretty well outside of the echo chamber of GAF.

They sold up preorder allocations for several biggest US chains and some of UKs. Maybe this is everywhere, yup.

How much units is this? 100.000? 75.000? Only guys in Redmond operate with exact number
The only games in the launch window that require Kinect to function are Kinect Sports and Disney Fantasia. The only app that requires it so far is Skype. These "won't function" without it...but the same is true on 360. The 360 also has numerous games that are "better with Kinect" but operate just fine without it.

Maybe some people just want to play Forza, Killer Instinct and some 3rd party games? MS, as a business, should never put someone in the position where buying another console is the only option. Choice is good.

Unbundling Kinect is a much, much better business decision than simply eating $100 for the first 10 million consoles, you don't lose that kind of money because someone had a "vision."
Point acknowledged. I think Kinect give XONE the potential to be the next "Black Swan" technologically. It gives the console more potential to be the place where there are new types of games.

If these consoles were on an normal consumer electronics release cycles, incremental feature upgrades would make sense (faster GPU and more memory). But doing that for a machine that has to be viable for a decade is a fool's errand. With Apple now looking to buy out the firm that created the original Kinect technology, these consoles have to be forward thinking. Tens of millions of casual gamers being roped in later in the console life cycle is no longer a given. The oh so critical "critical mass" have other devices competing for their gaming dollars. Both companies know this and have built their consoles around this--Sony straddling the fence and MS going all-in.


No way they will or should drop kinect.

Think about it.

If they dropped Kinect you now are launching nothing more than a less powerful PS4 at the same time as the PS4 so why would anyone buy it? Halo won't sell that many consoles.

They have to frame the X1 as an entirely different (better) package and experience than their competition and Kinect is central to that.


I don't get why people want Microsoft to drop Kinect if the console will cost $400 with Kinect. It's just an addition. You're not forced to say "Xbox on." You're not forced to buy Kinect games just like you aren't forced to buy Playstation Eye games.


Really doubt a price drop before it even hits the market. At least a year or half a year before any major action. On the other hand, It seems like they've been taking an interesting way to test people's threshold for bullshit by making tweaks. Announce an utter garbage proposition to the consumers and see how much of it can stick as they slowly peel back the layers of shit. It's taken on a much more palatable shape lately.


Because it shows intent and how easily Microsoft would dump shit on our heads were they in such a position of market dominance and able to do so.

That's called capitalism. If you think Sony is any different you're delusional.


I don't get why people what Microsoft to drop Kinect if the console will cost $400 with Kinect. It's just an addition. You're not forced to say "Xbox on." You're not forced to buy Kinect games just like you aren't forced to buy Playstation Eye games.

You are forced to have it connected at all times.


If true I have a feeling the Xbone will be a success, sadly.

Microsoft doesn't deserve it to be if true.
Isn't the Xbox One sold out of preorders, like, everywhere? Seems to be doing pretty well outside of the echo chamber of GAF.

I don't believe there are distinct lines between Hardcore and Casual gamers.

Anecdotally, when I'm alone I'm a "Hardcore" gamer. I sit down on the couch and play all my narrative-driven single player games or boot up a match of Halo. But, when I'm with friends or with my girlfriend we LOVE to play those silly minigame games, or Dance Central or other social games. If I'm going to be spending hundreds of dollars on a games box, I want the box that gives me both of these experiences.

Unbundling Kinect doesn't mean that Kinect will not be sold separately. I own a Kinect, and I love Dance Central, but I'd rather not pay for a peripheral up front before any decent games are made for it.


As long as the only way of avoiding Kinect is to not buy the Xbox One at all, they can lower the price as far as they want - I'm not going to buy it.


Gold Member
Not ever going to give this company money to be able to push their "delayed" plans back on us next time.

This is pretty narrow minded. Sony is not exactly the White Knight in regards to DRM policies, or screwing the consumer with some of their policies.

Both companies are capable of doing 180s on anything and everything. Both have shown us examples of such practices, or are we forgetting the PS3 Alternate OS installation?
Very true. And that's the problem. They attempted to show us with the stick figure, block man and muscle man demos, but until we see some actual games that implement what the new Kinect can do, it's just waggle 2.0. Microsoft has utterly failed in this area and the burden is on their first and second parties to make it happen. The same can be said about their cloud. No one cares. Show us the games.

They should have learned from history from the N64. If there was no Mario, Pilotwings and WaveRace to show off how good Analog controls could be, the N64 probably would have flatlined on a Killer Instinct and Crusin' USA launch line up. Never mind convincing people. Hell, People hated the analog stick until Mario 64 was in their hands and people wanted Miyamoto's head on a pike for even considering going outside the digital safezone considering analog till that point was terrible. Microsoft are lacking the Mario 64.

The problem on top of that is that Kinect has potential if you put your mind to it. That Dead Rising 3 stuff they showed where you can distract and attract zombies using sounds in your room? Basic, but a good start into how you think outside the box using it. But how about tracking the player's movements. Say, they look away from the screen to talk to someone and take their eyes off it, turn back and OH SHIT HORDE GET OUT NOW. Have Tricks you can play on the player. The game can react to you as much as you input to the game. That is potential that doesn't rely on motion gaming.

Heck, hypothetical. Rare or Double Fine makes a new cartoonish 3D Platformer where the main character gets controlled by the player, and the sidekick is invincible and motion controlled. You can have a set up where a parent can play as the main character and have their kids play the motion controlled sidekick who can run around and go nuts and they can solve puzzles together using the combination of the pad player and the kinect player. While solo, the sidekick isn't there or is on your back (Banjo-Threeie, HINT HINT)

That's Microsoft's problem. They have a tech which can be applied with a lot of imagination, as hackers have shown. But they don't have that game that says "This is WHY you want to use that tech" like Mario, like Pilotwings or like Waverace (Though arguably we haven't had that sort of game since Wii Sports). That's what they badly need to get the core gamers convinced on Kinect. But they don't have it yet and it remains to be seen if they will get it.

Or they could just make The Wavy Tube Man Chronicles 2. That would work a charm.


This thread is about a Xbox one with kinect for $399. Posters are saying they don't want kinect period...

No, this thread is about a rumor of them reintroducing Xbone, and that there were discussions about price but nothing is set.
Backtracking like a mother.
This will be a very interesting year with two competing consoles. Now if Nintendo drops they're console by $50, it'll look a hell of a lot more appealing to families looking for a new console this year.

Not really. Nintendo will be virtually forgotten if the XB1 and PS4 both come in at $400.
Maybe...they don't want...to spend more money...on a feature they won't....use....Christ...

People.........in here........... are saying........... they would spend 399 on an XB1 without Kinect..............but not on an XB1 with Kinect.

Post like this make no sense... Why would you want less value... Christ you guys...

God, this reminds me so much of the "PS3 with no Blu-Ray" rumors early in this gen. In the end Sony took a gamble that almost killed them, but it worked out for the corporation as a whole. And don't kid yourself, Blu-Ray didn't do squat for games this gen unless you consider no disc swapping an innovation. But by being bundled in the PS4 helped kill HD-DVD.

I think Kinect 2.0 can actually help make better games.
All signs point to the xbox one selling out at launch. Why would they drop price if they are already selling all of their consoles?



Funny how Microsoft was all about, and was hypeding up OPTIONS at the beginning of this gen, but are now mandating a camera to play games on their console

Rat Salad

If this rumor turns out to be true and we do infact see a 400 dollar Kinect X1 at launch i bet u Sony goes into panik mode and throws the Eye camera into their next playstation. Justto match the other console feature for feature. LOL. Both companies playng chess here. Eh better for consumers, its good to see.


This is pretty narrow minded. Sony is not exactly the White Knight in regards to DRM policies, or screwing the consumer with some of their policies.

Both companies are capable of doing 180s on anything and everything. Both have shown us examples of such practices, or are we forgetting the PS3 Alternate OS installation?

People keep forgetting Sony and their "rumble is last gen" 180


The reaction of the hardcore gamer is integral (see what I did there?) to gaining positive word of mouth, generating momentum and more importantly, convincing casual friends that a new console is worth buying.

The Wii was an outlier that clicked immediately with casuals. The same folks who tossed it in the closet when they got bored. The WiiU clicked with neither, and is on life support. Do you really believe that the casual market that Kinect is aimed at will spend $500 on a new system? Hardcore gamers spend that money, and Kinect is anathema to that group.

Potentially? They're willing to purchase luxury items like iPads, and a large portion of the casual market are parents making purchases for their kids. It's infinitely easier to sell a product to parents when the parents in question have a legitimate interest in the product as well. Regardless of cost, if an item is seen as hot or trendy, it's going to sell regardless of price. Whether the Xbox One actually achieves that is certainly questionable, but it's more than possible.

And we don't really know if price barrier alone is enough to tank a console. The Playstation 3 was A) More expensive than the Xbox 360 and Wii B) Had less games than the 360 and C) Was releasing a year after the Xbox 360. It was the perfect trifecta of bad decisions (although Microsoft would have exclipsed them had they not backtracked), and the Xbox One is only deficient in one of those three categories. Microsoft has done pretty well selling 360s with only added value to the existing price point, so maybe they feel packing in something like Kinect is going to resonate with consumers at the price point they've set. If a price drop doesn't occur, we'll see if Microsoft floats or sinks with the $499 price point.
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