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Has Arkham Knight soured your overall view of the Arkham series?

Disappointing in some areas (Riddler trophy marathon sucks, DLC practices/content weren't that great, too many tank battles, not enough fun use of the Batmobile) but still a good game overall.

I stopped at 96% because I refused to slog my way through the Riddler trophies. Rocksteady has not been crossed off my list but I am more cautious so I'll wait for GAF impressions/reviews first.


Arkham Origins is like an Arkham game by and for people who are bad at the series.

Why do things like "learn intricacies of combat" when you can just do Beat Downs and Shock Gloves to counter absolutely EVERYTHING?

The combat was a lot faster (window to counter) and harder in Origins. Unless you used the shock gloves of course. Which you shouldn't.


Junior Member
Asylum is still the best game in the series, but I liked Knight much more than City and Origins. I'm tired of Batman though; let's do something original now.


One more thing that I love from AK is that when the game started you had most of the same power up from the last game( or last game I played which was City). You only had to unlock some of the extra stuff, except the electric gun thing.
I'm about 70% done with the game and I'm loving it so far.. I'm puzzled by the backlash it's received .. There is a lot of batmobile stuff, but it's well designed and I'm not bothered by it.
If anything, some of the improvements in Knight make it hard to go back to the earlier games. Try playing Arkham City without getting irritated by the crappy grapnel boost.

Arkham Knight overdid the batmobile and batmobile combat, but there's still plenty to enjoy. It's easily one of the best games of the year. Even the batmobile is awesome for getting around and the races and stuff.
I hate that they went back to the joker shit as a crutch since they're incapable of doing anything without him

but I would be lying if I didn't enjoy that shit anyway. Maybe i'm the problem.

Other than that though, the arkham knight stuff was the worst story stuff they've done, and the game kinda didn't have enough to prop it up in spite of that. Sidequests were the worst in the series, and the boss fights were just awful.

Asylum was a crazy thing when it came out and I loved it to pieces. City and Knight make me feel that they got lucky with the first game. They never quite put it together in the right way after the first (and I like City maybe more than I like Asylum, but for specific reasons) and even then, it was shitty in a lot of ways too, but was a great first shot.

I dont know if it sours my opinion on the franchise, but it probably does.

More importantly though, it made me sour a bit on Rocksteady. They made a good batman game, and then used the same basic concepts and fucked it up (either by regressing or progressing in a strange direction)


I'm about 70% done with the game and I'm loving it so far.. I'm puzzled by the backlash it's received .. There is a lot of batmobile stuff, but it's well designed and I'm not bothered by it.

I can't speak for the general consensus, but I didn't buy the newest Batman game to drive his car all the time. Or to lug the damn thing around for like 80% of the puzzles.

Might as well have called it Batmobile: Arkham Knight Rider
I'm about 70% done with the game and I'm loving it so far.. I'm puzzled by the backlash it's received .. There is a lot of batmobile stuff, but it's well designed and I'm not bothered by it.

Pretty much this.

Most of the backlash was centered around the botched PC port and the shady DLC but the game itself is damn good.
No, I loved Arkham Knight.

But I am done with paying for anything that was developed by WB Montreal. Their stink is all over the DLC


I want the next game to be written by Grant Morrison. Fuck it it. Could be the best thing ever or the worst. Can't say anything, but shit, the series needs a huge shake-up, both gameplay-wise and as far as the storytelling/script is concerned.
No, but it made Season Passes fucking toxic to me. I used to kinda sorta see why someone would, even got a few in the past (like Evil Within), but Arkham Knight's £32.99 for a couple of shoddy hours was a fucking joke. Everyone involved in that and the PC port should be ashamed, but I didn't find the game bad at all, no.


Nah, I liked the game, way better than City IMO.

Has the PC version been fixed yet?

I played it this week, no performance problems, no crashes, no missing effects. In fact I even had to close my window multiple times because the NVIDIA GameWorks™ Enhanced Rain looked so real.
nope. its a good game. hate (as usual) is overblown

Damn rights, totally overblown from my perspective. But as well as the batmobile controlled, and as well designed as the parts I've played are (I'm about halfway through), I could see how some people simple wouldn't like it, since the Batmobile integration was far more ambitious and creatively utilized than I expected. I could see some people just finding it obtuse, or something they never wanted. Perhaps there are sections I'm still to see that are poorly done as well?


Too much Batmobile for sure, not that fun to drive (physics are c-tier) and extremely repetitive segments. Did not prevent me from enjoying what I think is a good entry in the series, not the best.
Garbage story and writing of course but that's par for the course with Rocksteady's Batmans.

Not even the disastrous performance at launch soured me on the game.


I can't speak for the general consensus, but I didn't buy the newest Batman game to drive his car all the time. Or to lug the damn thing around for like 80% of the puzzles.

Might as well have called it Batmobile: Arkham Knight Rider

The Batmobile is a staple of the character and we already had 3 games where he was only on foot.

I personally can't imagine the game without it. It would get tiresome after a couple of dozen hours to have to 'walk' everywhere.
huh? No, Arkham Knight was amazing.

Although, I played on PS4 and spent upgrade points on the Batmobile so I had no issues with it.

Best Batman simulator ever made and the DLC costumes/Batmobiles are the best in the series.
hated it. loved 1, 2, and 3. HATTTTEDDD arkham knight.

it was prettier, sure, but that insistence of using the batmobile so much just ruined the game for me.

Every single time i was having fun batman would say "using the batmobile...." and id lose all interest.
Honestly? Yeah, the Arkham series was one of my favorite last gen but AK was such a disappointment that I'm not even sure I'll buy the next one.

The Batmobile ruined it for me too much and utterly boring.
This right here. Arkham City put a damper on the series which resulted in me skipping Origins. Arkham Knight was what I hoped for out of City. The Batmobile was excessive but I didn't really mind it.
I was going to write my own response, but you did it for me.


Origins was already better than every single one of the Rocksteady ones so I don't see why.

Scaled-back puzzles, interiors, and lack of polish are just a few reasons.

I like Origins, but the Rocksteady titles just feel more like rounded, complete games.
IM only half way through but definitely not. It unfortunately has the worst pacing, not super intriguiging story, and most tedious filler bullshit, but it also has easily the best combat, atmosphere, and presentation of the bunch. It just feels and looks amazing to play. The tank battles and checklisty stuff are definitely holding it back from being a great game though.


Big fan of the series, but it's time to make a totally new type of Batman game, or at the very least, one completely divorced of the current canon and aesthetic of the Arkham games.

Too much batmobile, not enough bosses, story is just terrible at this point and doesn't need to be continued.


Nah, I actually enjoyed it. I even thought the story was the best in the series.

With the exception of one scene
(the tunnel digger)
even the batmobile even grew on me.


I'm about 70% done with the game and I'm loving it so far.. I'm puzzled by the backlash it's received .. There is a lot of batmobile stuff, but it's well designed and I'm not bothered by it.

I love the batmobile stuff. The puzzles and the general feel of roaming gotham in it.

I especially loved the drones and tank battles. I know some people had a lot of trouble with them. But they were always exciting for me.


No, and I think this is a silly position to take. Doesk Arkham Asylum have a batmobile? How can you let a sequel ruin a previous entry for you? AA was and still is a great game.

Now if you mean for future games only, then sure. But in no way does this ruin the greatness of Asylum and City.


Haven't played Arkham Knight, but it didn't do anything to spark my interest again in the franchise actually.

Asylum is by far my favourite game in the series. The Metroidvania set-up in that game was almost perfectly done (I love backtracking done good) and while the bossfights weren't that great, I enjoyed the game overall. City tampered my excitement for the series. While not a bad game (far from it!) but at a certain point I just missed the welldesigned interiors of Asylum. Open world is fun and I see why they give Batman a lot of room to operate, but I dunno; indoor sequences weren't as exciting as Asylum.

Origins is the weakest (it does have the best boss battles, go figure) but I think it made me realize that I'm done with the Arkham concept. Maybe four games in six years is a bit too much.



It's not quite that bad. It's definitely bad enough for you to worry about though.

Overall it's definitely my least favourite in the series so far... I beat the previous games in quick succession last year in the space of about a month prior to starting AK... Arkham Knight then took me 5 months to finish due to the tedium causing me to repeatedly sideline it for other games.


Still without luck
Goes to show making a franchise of something doesn't always mean greatness.

There is still only one great Batman game.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
It hasn't really soured me as I had a pretty good time with it. However, as a whole, I feel this is the right time to take a break from the franchise, or take a new route altogether for the next game. We've had 4 Arkham games, it's time for something new.
I like the batmobile. I like the game overall. I don't like hoW everytime I clear an island of militia crap, they just start adding a bunch more shit after a story mission.

The story is really souring me on the game. And it's not the Joker stuff. The Joker stuff is fantastic actually. It's Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight. Scarecrow is barely anything like his comic counterpart. He's not this megalomaniac villain. I just cant buy into it. He's just Strange 2.0 here. And the Arkham Knight stuff is too obvious. They lay it on way too thick. And when they start hinting at who he is, it's so dumb.

And Rocksteady has never read a comic with Tim Drake or Barbara Gordon in their life. This subplot is stupid is fuck.
The season pass bullshit aside, basing it off the base game itself, I think it's the best of the franchise to this point, followed closely by Asylum. I enjoyed the world and more obscure character selection, and the Joker implementation was truly one of the best ideas of the whole franchise.


yeah, just proved to me that rocksteady's creative success with arkham asylum was just a fluke they couldn't replicate, so just went bigger and louder and totally lost focus of what was good about the series in the first place.

it went from a great stealth/action game with labyrinthine level design, to "BE THE BATMAN" power fantasy with less depth than a puddle of piss


No, the series was reaching its saturation point and the game is still decent even if the Batmobile parts are a little too frequent and the forumla is somewhat stale . Why the heck not try something different in the final one? The game was missing some interesting boss battles, but really, even with them, it would have been time to let the series rest anyway, so it's not a huge loss.
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