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Hate Group gets school to cancel a reading of a Transgender themed Children's Book

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Around the same time a bill proposing restrictions on school bathrooms for transgender students prompted an emotional public hearing in an Assembly committee last week, one Dane County school made an effort to be more inclusive of a transgender student.

On Monday, students at Mount Horeb Primary Center were scheduled to read and discuss “I Am Jazz,” a children's book about a transgender girl. A letter was sent out to parents notifying them of the scheduled reading on Nov. 19th. The note, signed by the principal, school psychologist and a counselor, said that the school was working with a student that identifies as a girl but has male anatomy.

"We believe all students deserve respect and support regardless of their gender identity and expression, and the best way to foster that respect and support is through educating students about the issue of being transgender," the note reads.

"It is our primary responsibility to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all of our students," the note says. "Please let us know if you have concerns about your child participating in this discussion; we respect the beliefs and convictions of all families."

But the reading was cancelled after "concerned parents" contacted the Liberty Counsel, which threatened a lawsuit if the book was read to students, claiming it would be "a violation of parental rights."

The Florida-based group describes itself as a “non-profit litigation, education and policy organization with an emphasis on religious liberty issues.” The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the Liberty Counsel as a hate group that advocates for "anti-LGBT discrimination, under the guise of religious liberty."

Theresa Daane, director of student services for the Mount Horeb Area School District, provided an initial statement on Tuesday after the reading was cancelled, acknowledging "the need for parents to be given the opportunity to consider and discuss information we provide to their children. Accordingly, we intend to balance these needs and allow parents additional time to review the materials we intend to present to students."

Late Wednesday afternoon, the district issued a press release with updated details. It noted that it had "chosen not to proceed as originally planned and allow the Board of Education the opportunity to review the needs of all involved, and address a situation for which the District has no current policy.


tl;dr: School was going to read a children's book about Trans Kids in support of a trans kid at their school, anti-LGBT hate group threatens school, school backs down and cancels reading.

Edit, adding my reply from blow to op:

Btw check out what was in the letter:

Yet shortly after the letter was sent out to parents, the religious activist group Liberty Counsel interfered and threatened the school district with a lawsuit. The group, which is described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, sent a letter of its own, accusing the school of violating parental constitutional rights.
The letter, addressed to Mary Seidl, the president of the Board of Education for the Mt. Horeb Area School District, also accuses the district of “inappropriate discussion of gender confusion and sexuality with primary school students.”
“First, as you may know, ‘Jazz’ Jennings is a male child ‘transgender’ activist, who has been permitted to undergo harmful gender reassignment drug therapy and hormone blockers, resulting in permanent physical changes to his body. The book is a false and misleading book.”
The school district backed down and pulled the scheduled reading, stating that there needs to be “the need for parents to be given the opportunity to consider and discuss information we provide to their children.”


That's what the school kowtowed to.

Bullshit gross direct hatred and they just went well you raise a good point, all opinions must be debated.

And then folks wonder why trans people protest against allowing transphobic people to have platforms, it just empowers hate groups to have their hate listened to and respected as "part of the debate"


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the Liberty Counsel as a hate group that advocates for "anti-LGBT discrimination, under the guise of religious liberty."

What's the theological foundation anyway on which they base their discrimination against transgender people? Only this "god created a man and a woman" stuff?


What's the theological foundation anyway on which they base their discrimination? Only this "god created a man and a woman" stuff?

Sure, whatever. Hate doesn't need reasons. It's all just rationalisation trying to mask the stinking core anyway.


"Please let us know if you have concerns about your child participating in this discussion; we respect the beliefs and convictions of all families."
But the reading was cancelled after "concerned parents" contacted the Liberty Counsel, which threatened a lawsuit if the book was read to students, claiming it would be "a violation of parental rights."

They had the "parental right" to raise concerns or to opt out of it, but instead they threatened a lawsuit? disgusting, awful people.

I'm actually angry after reading that.


What's the theological foundation anyway on which they base their discrimination? Only this "god created a man and a woman" stuff?

Never understood that too. I guess it stems from the fact that only God is allowed to decide who you are and any tampering with those basic body functions is forbidden. And also the fact that it makes you unable to reproduce, while the church wanted everyone to have kids since it increased their size. Same reason why they aren't fond of gays I assume.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Sure, whatever. Hate doesn't need reasons. It's all just rationalisation trying to mask the stinking core anyway.

Sure, but if you can make a theological argument that transgender people are not as obviously condemned by their doctrine as gay people then you can maybe counteract this specific bigotry a little bit.


Or, or, just maybe they feel uncomfortable with anyone different and they can't deal with change, and are using religion as a cover for their horrendous bigotry?

I find it hard to tell the difference sometimes.


But the reading was cancelled after "concerned parents" contacted the Liberty Counsel, which threatened a lawsuit if the book was read to students, claiming it would be "a violation of parental rights."

fuck off


So what exactly is the legal basis for potential litigation in this case? That is assuming that the threats weren't just hot air, of course.

Never understood that too. I guess it stems from the fact that only God is allowed to decide who you are and any tampering with those basic body functions is forbidden. And also the fact that it makes you unable to reproduce, while the church wanted everyone to have kids since it increased their size. Same reason why they aren't fond of gays I assume.

I don't think that is necessarily the case. At any rate, the whole argument is rather weak.


For some reason the "no safe spaces for anyone" and "free speech"-yellers never show up in such cases. I wonder why that is?


Just for interest here is the book, I Am Jazz

"The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere."



Sure, but if you can make a theological argument that transgender people are not as obviously condemned by their doctrine as gay people then you can maybe counteract this specific bigotry a little bit.

Not really sure that's possible, the Bible doesn't touch on transgenderism directly so the fundies can pick and choose whatever passage they want that even tangentially sounds like what they've already decided is the truth. Like this:


It's all God created man and woman, God created us just the way we're supposed to be so changing things is a sin, homosexuality is a sin (and they don't recognise the sex change, so trans women being attracted to cis men are gay according to them) and apparently there's even a Law against men wearing women's clothing in Deuteronomy for some reason.

They're the fundies, religion is their home field. You're not going to win a theological debate against them and it wouldn't change their mind even if you somehow did, they chose their evidence after already deciding on the interpretation, not the other way around.
Mount horeb is about 30 minutes from me. I am not surprised, since they are a town known for trolls. The further you get from Madison the more country bumpkin you get.


which threatened a lawsuit if the book was read to students, claiming it would be "a violation of parental rights.


It's your parental right to decide what schools should teach?
Btw check out what was in the letter:

Yet shortly after the letter was sent out to parents, the religious activist group Liberty Counsel interfered and threatened the school district with a lawsuit. The group, which is described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, sent a letter of its own, accusing the school of violating parental constitutional rights.
The letter, addressed to Mary Seidl, the president of the Board of Education for the Mt. Horeb Area School District, also accuses the district of “inappropriate discussion of gender confusion and sexuality with primary school students.”
“First, as you may know, ‘Jazz’ Jennings is a male child ‘transgender’ activist, who has been permitted to undergo harmful gender reassignment drug therapy and hormone blockers, resulting in permanent physical changes to his body. The book is a false and misleading book.”
The school district backed down and pulled the scheduled reading, stating that there needs to be “the need for parents to be given the opportunity to consider and discuss information we provide to their children.”


That's what the school kowtowed to.

Bullshit gross direct hatred and they just went well you raise a good point, all opinions must be debated.

And then folks wonder why trans people protest against allowing transphobic people to have platforms, it just empowers hate groups to have their hate listened to and respected as "part of the debate"

For some reason the "no safe spaces for anyone" and "free speech"-yellers never show up in such cases. I wonder why that is?

I know right, where's Richard Dawkins on this one, where's national news orgs giving trans folk like Jazz a platform to get their ideas out? Oh right that doesn't exist for trans folks by in large.


Conservatism. The only political ideology where education is a violation of parental rights.
But they respect the beliefs and convictions of ALL families. Or rather, the families that are steeped in bigotry and ignorance, because they sure as hell aren't respecting families with compassionate and informed beliefs and convictions.
This is like the third one of these stories I've heard lately that started with the school sending out a letter warning parents that they are going to read a book that deals with LGBT issues, then immediately backing down when some hatemonger fuckwits throw a fuss. Why do they warn people about this stuff in the first place? The school just put that kid on blast to the entire community and then didn't bother to have their back. I'd fucking sue if if they pulled that shit with my kid.
I'm waiting for religion to play a non-negative role in secular society, so I can co-sign the few bad apples theory. Any day now......


And yet liberal minorities are the ones killing free speech and exchange of ideas by demanding "safe spaces." The whiniest groups about ideas that challenge their world view are -always- sheltered right wingers.
How about feeding the homeless?
I know a bunch of people that go and collect blankets and food and feed the homeless, especially on holidays. None of them are religious. That is something a decent person is doing and crediting to Jesus because they think everything is thanks to Jesus. When actual religious doctrine/belief and modern society intersect, it's bad. It's a net negative effect for all of us non-Christians.

The political arm of American Christianity, the Republican Party, is a direct antagonist to helping the homeless. You could feed a thousand homeless people and then help vote a Republican into office, and you've probably done more harm than good to the homeless.


Schools hate lawsuits, I call bullshit on the lawsuit having merit. Dammit, they should have did it but CAN'TGETSUEDTHESEDAYS.


They had the "parental right" to raise concerns or to opt out of it, but instead they threatened a lawsuit? disgusting, awful people.

I'm actually angry after reading that.
Yeah it's bullshit. If you want to be an asshole and prohibit your kid from seeing it, fine nothing that can be done about that, but preventing everyone from getting this lesson is just awful.
I have no idea how that lawsuit would actually work though.
The political arm of American Christianity, the Republican Party, is a direct antagonist to helping the homeless. You could feed a thousand homeless people and then help vote a Republican into office, and you've probably done more harm than good to the homeless.

I'm not going to disagree with that, but the reality is that religious organizations do more for the homeless than anyone else. It's a tangible, positive impact.


"Hate group" huh? I don't understand the need to always stoop down to exaggerated name calling.

We're talking about a bunch of reactionary religious conservatives, not a bunch of riled up skinheads or violent terrorists. I doubt their own description of their worldview includes the word "hate".

Listen, I'm all for social progress, I'm just not comfortable with the needlessly inflammatory language sometimes used to describe those lagging behind.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
"Hate group" huh? I don't understand the need to always stoop down to exaggerated name calling.

We're talking about a bunch of reactionary religious conservatives, not a bunch of riled up skinheads or violent terrorists. I doubt their own description of their worldview includes the word "hate".

Listen, I'm all for social progress, I'm just not comfortable with the needlessly inflammatory language sometimes used to describe those lagging behind.

Or, perhaps you could read about them and be less ignorant?



"Hate group" huh? I don't understand the need to always stoop down to exaggerated name calling.

We're talking about a bunch of reactionary religious conservatives, not a bunch of riled up skinheads or violent terrorists. I doubt their own description of their worldview includes the word "hate".

Listen, I'm all for social progress, I'm just not comfortable with the needlessly inflammatory language sometimes used to describe those lagging behind.


they advocate for things that destroy lives

they are a hate group
"Hate group" huh? I don't understand the need to always stoop down to exaggerated name calling.

We're talking about a bunch of reactionary religious conservatives, not a bunch of riled up skinheads or violent terrorists. I doubt their own description of their worldview includes the word "hate".

Listen, I'm all for social progress, I'm just not comfortable with the needlessly inflammatory language sometimes used to describe those lagging behind.
A hate group's description of their worldview rarely if ever includes the word "hate". Everyone is the hero of their own story.

If the term "hate group" includes those who fight to withhold civil rights from the groups they hate (and yes, this group inarguably hates LGBT people), attempt censor the very mention of their existence in public and private institutions, and spreads false and libelous information about the hated group to make other afraid and hateful of them......yeah that seems right to me.

You stepped into some shit trying to defend these assholes. "Lagging behind" lol. Those lovable oafish bigots!
"Hate group" huh? I don't understand the need to always stoop down to exaggerated name calling.

We're talking about a bunch of reactionary religious conservatives, not a bunch of riled up skinheads or violent terrorists. I doubt their own description of their worldview includes the word "hate".

Listen, I'm all for social progress, I'm just not comfortable with the needlessly inflammatory language sometimes used to describe those lagging behind.

Ohhh boy this is the part where I get to cite a ton of shit this stupid group has said.

Homosexual conduct can result in significant damage to those involved who engage in such conduct. There is no evidence that a person is born homosexual. And there is evidence that people can change. Our culture is being pressured with demands that our homes welcome, our daycares embrace, our schools indoctrinate, our businesses promote, and our laws reward this harmful sexual behavior.” – Liberty Counsel website, “Resources on the Family,” 2015.

“Now [the group will] allow homosexual young boys in the Scouts and allow homosexual leaders in the Scouts, and what are you going to have? You are going to have all kinds of sexual molestation. This is a playground for pedophiles to go and have all these boys as objects of their lust.” – Mat Staver, “Faith and Freedom Radio,” August 2015

“If you ultimately promoted same-sex marriage and everyone started to go towards same-sex marriage, what would happen to society? It would just simply cease to exist. Moreover, you’d have rampant increase in diseases. Already, you have rampant increase in diseases among same-sex activities, specifically men having sex with men. Same-sex marriage, same-sex relationships is destructive to individuals and it’s destructive to our very social fabric.”—Mat Staver, “VCY America,” December 2013.

“Every individual engaged in the homosexual lifestyle, who has adopted a homosexual identity, they know intuitively that what they are doing is immoral, unnatural, and self-destructive. Yet they thirst for that affirmation because they've tied their whole identity up in this sexual perversion.”—Matt Barber, “Faith and Freedom Radio,” September 2015

“When you consider that the life of the average homosexual is not controlled by reason, not controlled by the will, it’s really a life controlled by this lust, this passion, that has kind of overwhelmed them, and so you have kind of the essence of a lack of self control.”—Steve Crampton, Liberty Counsel attorney, “Faith and Freedom Radio,” July 2013

“Your lifestyle – homosexuality – is always and forever, objectively and demonstrably wrong. It is never good, natural, right or praiseworthy. … In almost every category – disease, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide – those who call themselves ‘gay’ live and die with consequences that have nothing gay, in the true sense of the word, about them.”—Matt Barber writing at WND, June 2012

“We are facing the survival of western values, western civilization. ... One of the most significant threats to our freedom is in the area of sexual anarchy with the agenda of the homosexual movement, the so-called LGBT movement. It does several things, first of all it undermines family and the very first building block of our society, but secondly, it’s a zero sum game as well and it’s a direct assault on our religious freedom and freedom of speech.”—Mat Staver, October 2011, Values Voter Summit

“Statistically, sexual promiscuity is increased among those who engage in homosexual conduct, the result of which is disease found predominantly, if not exclusively, among homosexuals.” –Mat Staver, Same-Sex Marriage: Putting Every Household at Risk, 2004


Oh and from the letter once again (which you clearly decided not to read)

“First, as you may know, ‘Jazz’ Jennings is a male child ‘transgender’ activist, who has been permitted to undergo harmful gender reassignment drug therapy and hormone blockers, resulting in permanent physical changes to his body. The book is a false and misleading book.”

Okay, okay, they do seem pretty kooky.
Or rather, really crazy.
Without any of those quotes in the post above, you were still wrong. Hate groups ate more than just violent gangs, and most of these "family values" groups are hate groups.

I'm not saying this to be hard on you, I'm pointing this out to all of those who, consciously or not, give a lot more leeway because these groups are Christian. They wouldn't give nearly the same leeway in any other equivalent circumstance.


Liberty Counsel advocated on behalf of a woman named Lisa Miller who claims to have “renounced homosexuality” thanks to her religion, and then kidnapped and fled the country with her child in order to avoid allowing her same-sex former partner – the child's other parent – from seeing her. She fled after she was found in contempt of court for denying a Vermont court order that she grant the child's other mother visitation.

Liberty Counsel thinks being LGBT is not only a health hazard, but is also just like being a drug addict, which justifies legal discrimination. They actually said, “Both are about protecting children and society. Laws that single out those who want to engage in a harmful behavior, like drug laws that discriminate against heroin users, are not unlawful discrimination but rather compassionate public policy.”

they're not lagging behind, they're trying to drag us backwards. this is the moral equivalent of a group that advocated for the reinstatement of jim crow, and nobody would have a problem calling that a hate group.


Without any of those quotes in the post above, you were still wrong. Hate groups ate more than just violent gangs, and most of these "family values" groups are hate groups.

Hmm, I'm still not sure that it's productive to call them "hate" groups. Just seems to me that blocks any chance of a productive dialogue if we want to welcome them into 2015 with the rest of us.


I think a difference of opinion definitely crosses the line into hate speech and bigotry when they publicly denounce an entire group of people and campaign for them to not get equal rights and to be treated like monsters.

Hmm, I'm still not sure that it's productive to call them "hate" groups. Just seems to me that blocks any chance of a productive dialogue if we want to welcome them into 2015 with the rest of us.
Let us know when they are ready for productive dialogue and we'll stop calling them hate groups. Hate groups are all about "We are right, you are wrong, no we do not want to talk about it"
Hmm, I'm still not sure that it's productive to call them "hate" groups. Just seems to me that blocks any chance of a productive dialogue if we want to welcome them into 2015 with the rest of us.

LOL, they are a hate group, they should be treated as a hate group, their opinions should be rejected like a hate group. Not doing so is what allows their stupid ideas to be considered and listened to like you know what happened here.


Yeah it's one thing not to sign the consent form and keep your own kid out of the class but getting it shut down for everyone else is fucking cartoon villain behavior.
Hmm, I'm still not sure that it's productive to call them "hate" groups. Just seems to me that blocks any chance of a productive dialogue if we want to welcome them into 2015 with the rest of us.
They talk about gays the way Nazis talked about Jews. What's productive to do here? Because being soft on them and letting them claim legitimacy is not the fucking answer. They live in the same year we do and have full access to the information they need to be decent human beings. There are many, many organizations and individuals doing a TON of work to reach out to these people and show that LGBT people are people too. And it doesn't work. The more inclusive and enlightened society becomes, the more it becomes accepting of LGBT people, the MORE extreme and hateful these bigots get. We move on and slough off these groups as a society by turning our backs to them and refusing to accept what they say, refusing to let them influence our society, and let them live out their days and die marginalized and ostracized and bitter. Fuck them.
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