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Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption: Kickstarter by Quest 4 Glory's Lori/Corey Cole [Funded]


Two new updates added to the OP. Biggest news looks to be that they are promising a Linux port now. Also it has finally passed the half way mark. Still if kicktraq is right it looks like the final day bump will be what makes or breaks this kickstarter.


And another update, this time going more into the RPG part of the game


On the surface, Hero-U plays much like a typical adventure game. Shawn wanders around a fantasy environment, talks to people, and solves problems. But there is a big difference between Hero-U and most adventure games, and that's progression.

In most adventures, your character is about the same at the end of the game as at the beginning. Your character is also usually a pretty ordinary person who can only solve problems because of things he picks up during the game.

Shawn has some rather unusual skills and abilities, they change according to how you play, and they make a real difference. These skills give you choices in how to solve problems. If there's a locked door, you can find the key or a crowbar, but more likely you'll improve your lockpicking skill until you can open the door.

And then he answers a bunch of questions from a blog called CRPG Addict


Thanks Discojer that update and previous one and the newest one(went up as i was typing out this post and updating the op. So only skimmed it so far) added to the OP.

Update 13 was the kind of one I have been hoping for myself. Giving a little more details to the stuff they have previously mentioned. I would like a little more information on what types of skills and how you level them, but that is probably expecting too much at this early stage.


Hey Guys, one week left and 160K to go!!! Hero-U might be the one of the best games ever made, if the gameplay really works as Corey is saying!!!


We need some more backers!!! Let´s go people! They have a new video of their kickstater, Much Much better!!! I was a little skeptical first, but after this new video,. i have no doubts. We need RPG´s Adventures to comeback!!!



Another update, mostly a pep-talk


We are now in the final week of the Hero-U Kickstarter project, and it's a nailbiter. As I write this, we're about to reach 3,800 backers and we're just short of $250,000 towards the $400,000 we need. 6 days and 12 hours remain to raise the final $150,000. Fortunately, we have a dedicated team of Heroes, and it's growing fast - You, the backers!

At first, Lori and I thought we might create a small Kickstarter project to write some paper RPG modules or a book. Our fans wanted more – They kept urging us to make a new adventure/RPG computer game. Then Michael started collecting press contacts and researching other projects. Andrew showed us a way to get the game done, and introduced us to Ryan, Eriq, and Paul. Eriq brought in additional artists and our 2-person team was up to 10 – enough to make a real game.

We did our best to get off to a strong start, setting up press releases and interviews before the project even went live. Eriq and his team made a number of cute illustrations for the campaign and initial concept art for the game. Even at that stage, it took more than two people to get the project running. Note that everyone on the team has volunteered their time so far. That's a pretty big deal; thank you!


It's spiking! It's definitely spiking!

Wow, what a day! With close to 300 new backers and almost $23,000 added to the till, this was our best day since Day 2 of the campaign. We now have 4,100 backers and need about $127,000 to reach our goal. Keep the energy going for just five more days, we'll be funded!

By my math, we have 5-1/2 days to go, so all we have to do is keep doubling the number of players and amount of pledges each day... $46K, $92K, $184K, $368K, $736K, and another $736K on the half-day... I guess I'd better post the $1 million and $2 million stretch goals!

I admire their optimism :)


Amazon Payments being down today really screwed with this project. Still, $16k in a day is pretty good and I think this has a shot. I'm considering upping my pledge just because I love their old games so much.


Subete no aware
I just got an email via Ken Williams' blog about this project, so they're trying their best to reach as many people as they can anyway.


Amazon Payments being down today really screwed with this project. Still, $16k in a day is pretty good and I think this has a shot. I'm considering upping my pledge just because I love their old games so much.
Yikes, that is NOT good timing. :/
I really hope this makes it. I'm not sure what else they can do to get it to happen though.
I think they kind of have to depend on that last minute rush. Maybe if a few sources can get the word out so it can get pushed to that last stretch.


Never given to a kickstarter. Might consider it if this isn't there in the next few days.. always loved Quest for Glory.
It's picked up quite a bit the last couple of days. Getting closer and closer. And think the Space Quest guys one was in a similar situation at this point and made it, so there's some hope.


I really hope this one makes it. I was a bit hesitant at first, seeing how it differentiated from Quest for Glory, but after seeing the new concepts for the game and how much work they have put into this kickstarter, I'm positive it will turn out to be a great game.

The music in the campaign video makes it worth it alone.

It's also now or never.


Needs about 1k/hr now. Very doable. Time to breathe a sigh of relief? I'll wait until it's over, just to be certain!


Man, I love Heroes quest... but this manages to look worse than those... so... I'm gonna wait till it's out.

On the upside, don't have to worry about it pulling through - it already has.


Gold Member
why not make a new quest for glory?

god that screen shot..... go back to pixel art / painterly style and not flash/vector characters....


why not make a new quest for glory?

god that screen shot..... go back to pixel art / painterly style and not flash/vector characters....

No screenshots exist yet. I agree that the new tiled art doesn't stand up to the old VGA titles but imagination goes a long way when you're dealing with such a low resolution.

Quest for Glory is still owned by Activision.

I still wonder why they didn't do a spiritual sequel/clone but I'm still very interested to see where they'll go with this game. It's not very common to see these nostalgia-driven* projects try something new!

*and I say that as someome who absolutely loves what Kickstarter has done for videogames


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I got an email that they are going to go back to kickstarter to get more money. Yes seriously.
Starting May 12, we are taking a very unusual step - Two and one-half years after successfully completing the Hero-U Kickstarter, we are coming back to ask for more funding and more support.

We will need your help to succeed, and I want to show you here why supporting our second Kickstarter is both the right thing to do, and why you will benefit from supporting us.

It won’t take much - If every backer from our first Kickstarter pledges just $10, we will be more than halfway to our $100,000 goal. If you all pledge $20, we can reach our goal on the first day.

This game will be amazing! Thanks to you, we’ve made amazing progress over the last two years. Here is an example of what we showed you in late 2012 compared to what the game looks like now:

Who would give them more money after they already fucked up so badly?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I guess it's not as bad as the Yogscast shit. They should at the very least, release their finances on how the first kickstarter money was spent.
As much as I loved Quest for Glory, I've just got a feeling this game is going to suck. Same with Spaceventure, or whatever it's called. Haven't checked in on that one in awhile either, but I figure it's not doing so well either.


I got an email that they are going to go back to kickstarter to get more money. Yes seriously.

Who would give them more money after they already fucked up so badly?
I considered making a post about this, but yeah. I threw in a small amount just to make sure it could get over the finish line, and especially now I'm not inclined to do it. Money's too tight, and I want a reasonably dependable return if I pledge money right now. So Yooka-Laylee gets priority, and I could dump that too closer to the end date if it seems necessary.
I got an email that they are going to go back to kickstarter to get more money. Yes seriously.
We've known for several months that they would be doing this, they said so in some previous monthly updates.

Who would give them more money after they already fucked up so badly?
What do you mean? They haven't messed the game up. It's been delayed a lot, yes, but many kickstarters are, and they've been great in always having at least one update every month and being fairly transparent about things. As for the game, it's going to be a much more interesting game than the one that was originally proposed. More expensive and longer to make, yes, but much more like what Quest for Glory fans (like me!) want.

I guess it's not as bad as the Yogscast shit. They should at the very least, release their finances on how the first kickstarter money was spent.
If you read their many updates, they've said how the money was spent. Things to know about this:

- The game will release whether or not this supplementary funding effort succeeds; this will just mean that they don't launch it with as much debt as they otherwise will have to. (They've already put a lot into this game, financially. Refinanced their house for more money for the game, for instance.)

- The original plan was for a much simpler game, but they significantly scaled up the game without getting more money. Naturally this led to delays. They also had lots of staff turnover.

- On that note, the original plan was a topdown 2d game; it's now isometric with polygonal characters. The original plan was a fairly simple puzzle/adventure/action game, but now it's much more like Quest for Glory but with a much smaller budget.

If you're saying that they should have stuck with the original plan... maybe, but the lure of making what people really wanted was irresistible, and I don't blame them for it. I'm sure I'll find this game much more interesting than the one originally proposed. I hope it's a good game, but we don't know that yet of course, it's not done.

- The game is going to release later this year. They set a release date a few months ago; it'll be October 2015 (this year). This game IS happening, and in the relatively near future. This isn't some "we're in mid-development" supplementary funding effort, it's for the final stages of development.

- They will be releasing a new demo of the game when they launch the second kickstarter, so people can see what the final version of the game looks like.

Now, the big unknown is how good the final game is. I just hope it's worth it. As for this supplemental funding though, I don't know if I'll support it or not, I already backed the original Kickstarter at the boxed tier, not sure what more I'd want... I guess it depends on if they have any interesting supplemental stuff.


Yeah, admittedly it IS more a basic, even exec-like mentality of "you are still far behind on this project and want more money, why should I give more when I already invested?" rather than full on mistrust and demanding to be reimbursed. Heck, maybe if things were better currently I would be more inclined to pitch in the extra $20 anyway (I am curious to see how will it does this time around too), but right now I'm more inclined to go "oh, well, good luck!"
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