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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

keep ending up with a bunch of shitters on my team i guess

I'm pretty happy with both reworks actually:

out healed our auriel by 20k with an archon build.

What's the talent build you used specifically? Hoping to have a starting off point when I try him out tonight after some Valeera and Rexxar action.


Wow, and I thought Kio had it bad. We were just having fun and then you went for the jugular :( Also I never said that, you did.

plz forgiev me ketch i did not kno wat a monster he had bcome


i feel like nullification is must take, it's actually prtty insidious since blizz decided to barely give it an animation and it doesnt signal the way shrink way does
shield at lvl 1 is prob must take but im not gonna hate if someone feels like they cant get globes. havent tried it w/ buffed psi-storm dmg tho
like i wanna say even w/ buffed w it's not worth, not really familiar w/ the new numbers, but i wouldnt be against it if it turns out phase disruption isnt viable for ur squad. just that since the lvl 7 armor talent works w/ the 50% shield that mean youll probably win any team fight if your team isnt clownz (but it takes forever to place on ur team now)
dbl storm preserves the w dmg tick stack

also twilight archon works on any hit, so if ur into the greymane mini game youll have fun w/ it.


I guess i was thinking about keeping maximum up time on the -25% armor.

also, psi storm stacks on punisher shrine minions


oh shit thats crazy
i basically run the same talents you do, I dunno if archon is the god pick but im gonna pick it every time regardless


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I got Overwatch for Christmas but I think I'm going to mostly play HotS still not only because it is much more fun but because for whatever reason the Overwatch matchmaking wait times are waaaaaaaaay longer than HotS.


Matchmaking for PVP or for AI? If you're playing AI it's super long cause not many play it there. They didn't do a very good job with it IMO.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Matchmaking for PVP or for AI? If you're playing AI it's super long cause not many play it there. They didn't do a very good job with it IMO.
Any and all modes. Over 3 minutes every time. HotS takes like under 30 seconds every time.

Edit: Rooster race win accreditation got fixed.
Are Monkey King Samuro and Lunar Ming timed skins like the winter veil ones?

I know that they've put the other lunar skins up separately but I don't see the new ones on the shop a la carte.


Yep. They'll only be here for a few weeks then disappear til next year.

EDIT: Wow, maybe not. I didn't think they'd put up for individual sale.


Are Monkey King Samuro and Lunar Ming timed skins like the winter veil ones?

I know that they've put the other lunar skins up separately but I don't see the new ones on the shop a la carte.
From the event page:
* Item available exclusively as part of the 2017 Lunar Festival Bundle. Monkey King Samuro will become purchasable individually on January 31, and Lunar Li-Ming will follow on February 7.


So for those having success with the new Tassadar, where do you see him being used? Still as a double support with heavy auto attackers? Can he single support?

I had absolutely no luck with him at all in the ptr, but that was before they buffed psi storm damage, the fact he literally couldn't even outdamage a Johanna's standing regelation was just sad...


Second time with rooster event. I ran around gathering the items while the rest of the team ran around in circles accomplishing nothing. Even as Lunara with her speed I could only hand in 2 of the 4 during the time. Damn it, this is stupid.


Ugh. Is it worth $25 fuckin dollars for that bundle? Like I could give a shit about li ming, but it does have the cool animated robes. I want the monkey king plus nimbus. Just not for $25 bucks. I guess separately they'll be $10 each? That probably ain't worth it anyway either.


Not sure if the Nimbus will be sold separate. Maybe it's in that thing kirblar was talking about. The skin will be separate, though, apparently.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It says the skins will be sold separately, but also that they are event-exclusive, so maybe only sold on those weeks?

The monkey king model looks bad anyway.
But it changes all his animations and voice/lines!

Though TBH Valeera is like a better Samuro. All Sam has on her is clones to spam HP.


If anyone wants any chance of enjoyment tonight in QM, I suggest playing a tank (tank Varian worked well for me). Otherwise, Valeera is a comin' for ya. Tank Varian seems able to completely shut her down. She simply can't come out of stealth near him while the threat of his charge is around, and he has too much health for her to burst down from stealth.


The monkey king model looks bad anyway.

I'm probably gonna buy this shit.

I have no self control!

lmao, welcome to my life.

Valeera is really fun to play, but if she opens up on you and you're playing a ranged assassin... you are dead as fuck and there's not a damn thing you can do about it unless you have a support nearby. RIP.


lmao, welcome to my life.

Valeera is really fun to play, but if she opens up on you and you're playing a ranged assassin... you are dead as fuck and there's not a damn thing you can do about it unless you have a support nearby. RIP.
Yup, that's a WoW Rogue.


So for those having success with the new Tassadar, where do you see him being used? Still as a double support with heavy auto attackers? Can he single support?

I had absolutely no luck with him at all in the ptr, but that was before they buffed psi storm damage, the fact he literally couldn't even outdamage a Johanna's standing regelation was just sad...

he pretty much seems like a lesser version of himself, nothing they gave him (slow, baseline lifesteal, etc.) really stands out besides maybe archon coming back, so prob still the best in dbl support still

he can and did work as a single support, especially in more casual games, but many ppl are conditioned to play a particular way (heals making up for taking unnecessary dmg, all-inning on every fight, not being cognizant of shield cd, not being cognizant of positioning, etc.), like it's not really recommended. just shouldn't go into a single support tass game assuming that you are immediately at a disadvantage because of the character.


Game's broke for me right now, can't queue, can't see my gold, can't see my heroes.


Tass is my most played dude, was excited to check him out.


Happened to everyone. Was watching Dunk's stream and his game quit midgame. Me and proto too. Game just disappeared once you restarted the client.
I haven't bought or played Valeera but so far it seems like she's a glass cannon and the person playing her can really throw a match under the bus. Haven't been impressed with the Valeera's I've played with and against so far.


lmao, welcome to my life.

Valeera is really fun to play, but if she opens up on you and you're playing a ranged assassin... you are dead as fuck and there's not a damn thing you can do about it unless you have a support nearby. RIP.

Oh you don't have to welcome me. I built a house out of cardboard boxes under this bridge a long ass time ago.


We almost full toxic boys. Me and proto just queued into a Tomb game where the enemy has Tass, Valeera, Zera, and Nova.
Valeera's burst damage is impressive but she melts so damned fast under sustained focus. She just seems like more of a pub stomp hero that can flourish in games where people are spread out, not always grouped, don't always have vision, aren't super organised or focused in teamfights.


We almost full toxic boys. Me and proto just queued into a Tomb game where the enemy has Tass, Valeera, Zera, and Nova.

Close to same for me. Had the stealth trio + muradin and rexxar. Me as a solo tank dehaka. Was not an easy game but I had a ton of damage backing me up.


The amount of feeders every game is driving me insane... add me on NA if you don't have me already, Celegus#1599 - I still play every day, usually around 6 or 7 EST. Save me!!

Tried Rexxar and it's gonna take some getting used to this new control scheme. I did way way way worse than normal, Misha feels so much clunkier now.


Valeera's burst damage is impressive but she melts so damned fast under sustained focus. She just seems like more of a pub stomp hero that can flourish in games where people are spread out, not always grouped, don't always have vision, aren't super organised or focused in teamfights.
Except when she has smoke bomb you can't sustain damage her at all


The amount of feeders every game is driving me insane... add me on NA if you don't have me already, Celegus#1599 - I still play every day, usually around 6 or 7 EST. Save me!!

Tried Rexxar and it's gonna take some getting used to this new control scheme. I did way way way worse than normal, Misha feels so much clunkier now.

I find having to hit D + click Rexxar to get her to follow to be super annoying. I still had some decent games with him but yeah, not having a button to make Misha follow is dumb.


I find having to hit D + click Rexxar to get her to follow to be super annoying. I still had some decent games with him but yeah, not having a button to make Misha follow is dumb.

That's my main issue as well. Loved having that quick escape on her, feels so awkward now.


Can you Alt+D to get her to you?

Yeah but it's still worse than just D. Hopefully I can get used to it, but I never had a problem with how it was before. He was one of my favorite heroes too.
Just tried it out, yeah it works. Had no idea about that.

Ragnaros Alt+E comes to mind as one of the more useful ones. Alarak's telekinesis can be too when you want to push just yourself.


I'm curious as to how you guys were microing misha before.... I didn't really notice much of a difference except when mounting up to rotate. But I had remapped misha focus to the F key and used that for pretty much everything.

Are you all using smart cast? On press or on release?


Smart cast everything always. This new misha system seems a million times less annoying. Might be worth playing rexxar now maybe


This might be sacrilege but I've never really used quick cast. I remember trying it ages ago and not liking it, and have never tried it since. I feel like I'd still prefer some with it off, but I'm gonna try playing with it on for a week or so. Took Rexxar into try mode with it on quick and it does feel better that way for Misha. Before "1" was the get stuff done Misha button, and D was the "abort! abort!" button mostly.
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