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How do you deal with woke family members or friends?


Gold Member
I have a large family in the U.S. with 98% being super left-wing liberal and loud about it. The family I have South of the border (myself included) are pretty conservative. To deal with it? Don't bring up politics at all. I tried it once years ago and the family wanted to kill me. Once someone goes woke...you can't fix them. This is another reason why I enjoy being detached from social media, news via internet / TV / or paper.
The left went nuts. And coincidentally around the same time social media took off.

The point of the left (liberals) is "supposed" to be more giving, everyone has an opinion, don't be a stubborn stodgy conservative etc.... Everyone has a view and everyone should find a way to live together like a million person melting pot.

However, you can see the BS in that. What happened is the left took the liberty of the net and social media and nag people non stop knowing it's impossible to control that.

So what happens is these ultra left wingers morph from "different views, live together" to "different views, my way or the highway bud".

And social media just let's it go rampant. The left are more extroverted telling the world their opinion and how things should be done in life on Twitter, so it becomes a power grab as every one of them magically transform into keyboard boss. And they take those views to the dinner table with family.
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Neighbours from Hell
Just don't talk anything in that realm.

95% of people in this world would get along great if politics or sociopolitical discussions never came up.

And if they bring it up unprompted just tell them to shut the fuck up.


Cutting people out isn't the way. Politics shouldn't consume our lives. Most days before Trump people were fine. The news messed up peoples minds. I just say my peace and say can we agree to disagree and talk about some other shit?


My older brother is Far-left, I would say I’m moderate left. It’s tough OP, my brother usually blames trump for him not going to the gym, not being able to travel, etc. I told him you watch the news too much, covid is bad for sure, but it’s not the worse thing ever, just wear a mask when you go to the gym or travel. You know far left people think just leaving the house will give you covid. Also he told me the last 8 years was Biden’s economy not Obama, so I said does that mean is this pence’s economy an he said no it’s trump. I’m just confused as you are OP. It’s honestly sad, hopefully not everything think all liberals are crazy.


Most of the woke people are like bots that repeat what they hear/read on internet...so shutting them down is as easy as asking them something that makes them think and you will see them stuttering and not able to talk for some minutes. Love doing that to my sister every time she starts one of her woke speeches on the family table lol.


Just don't talk anything in that realm.

95% of people in this world would get along great if politics or sociopolitical discussions never came up.

And if they bring it up unprompted just tell them to shut the fuck up.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I actually get along with quite a few people that I have conflicting political views with. I see them all of the time in person. The problem is when they get on social media. It is like they transform into this vile person or a tool. Some are completely honest and are that way all around.
Most of the woke people are like bots that repeat what they hear/read on internet...so shutting them down is as easy as asking them something that makes them think and you will see them stuttering and not able to talk for some minutes. Love doing that to my sister every time she starts one of her woke speeches on the family table lol.
Yeah I think this is the funniest thing. Sometimes they will scramble to find news articles on google that affirm their position since they refuse to think about it.

I do agree with others about NOT cutting out people from your life that are disagreeable/woke/whatever. I guess I am in line with those that view the "leftists" and "woke" as "lost" or "misled" and that they deserve a chance to at least be led in the right direction. Sow seeds that will hopefully bear fruit one day. They may not share the same view as the left typically likes to dehumanize and in their mind that absolves them of treating humans as humans. I want to at least strive to be a better person.


Around the time of the Brexit vote back in 2016, loads and loads of my "friends" started coming out of their holes calling people xenophobes and racists for daring to think we could have a future outside of the EU's sphere of influence.

I ended up getting blocked or ghosted by dozens of people to the point that I just stopped talking to a lot of them.
Some of them just cannot bear the idea that I would support Brexit and while they keep asking me to justify my position, they have no intention of ever accepting my position so I decided it would be a waste of time and effort.

It seems that some people cannot separate the political views from the person. I honestly have no problem being friends with people who want us to be in the EU, as long as they don't stuff it down my throat every seconds.

So yeah it fucking sucks really. Luckily the majority of my family supports Brexit.


I generally let them talk themselves out, then I gradually dismantle them through a series of seemingly innocuous questions that slowly undermine their positions to the point that they know better than to ever openly talk utter drivel in front of me ever again. I'm not combative, I just make them become acutely aware internally of how utterly asinine and more often unrealistically infantile their opinions are. The key thing is to get them to explain how things would come about generally. More often than not there just preaching something they've just bought into on that surface level of 'seems reasonable' versus thought about it critically and kicked the tires on it to see if it's robust. People are big on tearing everything down, but not so hot on what they'd replace it with or more pertinently how they'd go about it.
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Jon Neu

I'm from Barcelona and so far I have no one in my family or friends that experiences the woke mind virus, but I think some will eventually get there.

Here the tensions arise when we talk about Catalonia and Spain. My father is on the far right/spanish nationalist side and I'm on the center/left catalanist pro independence side. We clashed a lot and and it was not a pleasant situation to be in it. I can talk with other people about the subject in a normal way, but my father had such extrem views against catalans and Catalonia we really had unpleasant shouting matches that sometimes were close to end up in full on fights. At one point I just decided to not engage in any debate, but sometimes it's really hard to ignore because he is watching spanish tv all the time and shouting the spanish propaganda talk points for everybody to hear.

I'm a FC Barcelona fan, the soccer team. And you must think the supporters of a soccer team would be in the same line of thinking and they all will be in the same boat, but that's far from the truth. We still have a division between the pro Cruyff and the pro Nuñez people.

Everywhere in the world every society is always binary, there's always a division. The difference lies in how people deals with the people who believe in the contrary of what you believe.

I didnt like or encourage the post. As I said, I've been seeing posts that are deleted and I can't help but wonder why they are being whisked away never to be seen. It seems bizarre for a forum that prides itself in being so open and free to voice opinions to see them swept under a rug. This is his opinion on Trump followers, a crass opinion no doubt but surely you have seen the opinions people here have about the "left" or people who vote Democrat right?


Here is another one from the Returnal thread. Remember that thread? The one about the rsd looking game but the thread immediately devolved into whining about how ugly the main character was? If they are so egregious why isn't a ban or warning being issued and the post left up for posterity? It just kinda reeks of steering the narrative in a direction. Nothing to see here folks!

-Someone insults another members family for having a different opinion.

-Mod erases the comment.

-Phunkydiabetic: Hey, why was that message erased? I thought GAF was about freedom :messenger_smirking:
Honestly that I know of just my sister-in-law that's a bit of an woke person. I just ignore it outta respect for my bro as he's such an awesome and open-minded guy. Oh and she's also a vegetarian so get your soy jokes ready LOL.


Reseterror Resettler
My best friend in the world is pretty much complete opposite of my political opinions. There's some overlap here and there, but she's to the left and I'm to the right. I think the key is befriending folks who realize first and foremost that, contrary to the biased media, political stance is just ONE facet of a person/society and regardless of ideological differences, we're all people and can engage in the areas that most benefit the relationship. This comes with the caveat of befriending people who are possessed of a high enough intellect to not be in constant argument mode, as well.

We usually don't talk about politics, but when it comes up, we take the "I disagree with the argument, not the person," route and more often than not it becomes an insightful, interesting worthwhile discussion. The idea that you "don't like SJW's," or "don't like Nazis," is only going to cause friction with those who identify with those two camps more than they'd like to admit. (In the US, at least) we're all Americans, and we're all human beings. This radicalized tribalism over the literal most insignificant of divisions amongst people is what's putting the country in a state of decay. Politics are important, I'm the first to admit it, but the importance of being an empathetic person should *always* trump it.


Trump put Betsy Devos in charge of schools, a woman who doesnt even have books on her book shelves.....
Is she not right? Lol

Fox Mulder

Just tune out or try to steer conversations to video games or movies or something else they like. These people live Trump and politics for years and snap back to it at first chance. I don’t know what they’ll suddenly fill their empty heads with if he loses.
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Just avoid the topics altogether is the best option. Try to change the topic if they keep trying to steer it in one direction. If they don't know your position tell them nicely. If that makes it worse then just avoid them altogether.
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