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How is Nintendo hurt by not doing an E3 press conference?

I think a lot of people here make the mistake by assuming that a direct will naturally target the fans, just as good as a press conference reaches the fans throughout the media.

While that may be true, Nintendo needs to reach a hell of a lot more than just the fans. Nintendo needs to reach out to every gamer out there; those who game PC, those who favour xbox, and those who like PS; they just do not hear that much nintendo news. By reaching out to them, I dont mean convert them to Nintendo, but at least let it be known to them perfectly clear with what kind of stuff they are coming. The only way to do that is with a press conference with BIG MEDIA coverage, so that Nintendo is at the front page. Ninetndo NEEDS this upcoming E3 news to reach ALL ears in the gaming business such as journalists, FANS, handheld gamers, Xbox/PS gamers, PC gamers, gamers in general etc. etc. A direct is NOT the way to go, it will only attract a secluded amount of Nintendo fans and some of GAF gaming fans but nothing more, which simply isnt enough. Its a shame nintendo has theire head upsides theire arse, because the Wiiu has some damn fine games coming up and they're all exclusives that need appropriate media coverage.

I only want Nintendo to have a televised, live conference so they can spread their message to as many people as possible. I saw clips of Sony's and Microsoft's conferences on the news, and I saw nothing from Nintendo's E3 Direct last year. I remember people on my Facebook feed being excited about the XBox One and PS4, and nobody mentioning Nintendo (they aren't huge gamers either).


I think skipping an E3 press conference this year is a bad idea for their image. The press conferences for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft were huge because they are the 3 biggest players in the console game. If you combine Nintendo bowing out of having E3 press conferences with their huge decline in market share, it very much harms their perception overall. It gives them an air of irrelevance. It's like "We don't really have anything to show you anyway, so watch this prerecorded video instead". Even if they have an amazing game plan to turn things around, the image they are presenting is of a major player on a steep decline.


I think skipping an E3 press conference this year is a bad idea for their image. The press conferences for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft were huge because they are the 3 biggest players in the console game. If you combine Nintendo bowing out of having E3 press conferences with their huge decline in market share, it very much harms their perception overall. It gives them an air of irrelevance. It's like "We don't really have anything to show you anyway, so watch this prerecorded video instead". Even if they have an amazing game plan to turn things around, the image they are presenting is of a major player on a steep decline.

Isn't having a presence outside of the show, bestbuy demos huge? Would rather go best buy and play the demos than watch a bunch of people oh and ahh and play games I want to play myself.


Isn't having a presence outside of the show, bestbuy demos huge? Would rather go best buy and play the demos than watch a bunch of people oh and ahh and play games I want to play myself.

Nobody is criticizing the demos, stop trying to derail the thread for like the third time now.

For that matter, what is preventing them from holding the conference and having the same "demos at BestBuy" thing going on?
I still love the fact that people are complaining about not having a live stream when their E3 floor presence seems to just get bigger and bigger. They just announced a tournament for super smash bros being held at E3. It seems like they're trying to get people to actually participate and play their games. If the demos at E3 are good, word will spread and people will report on it.

Once again, despite having the largest floor presence they still performed abysmally. Lack of a conference hurts the company in numerous ways, and goes to shiw that Nintendo is having setbacks that even "the largest E3 floor" couldn't fix.


Neo Member
I still love the fact that people are complaining about not having a live stream when their E3 floor presence seems to just get bigger and bigger. They just announced a tournament for super smash bros being held at E3. It seems like they're trying to get people to actually participate and play their games. If the demos at E3 are good, word will spread and people will report on it.
No. A Nintendo Direct is the gaming equivalent of a pre-recorded weather report. What I'm proposing is literally a pre-recorded press conference, complete with production values that couldn't be achieved by a guy in a suit using the studio in his basement.
At it's core it's all the same. So essentially you're more worried about losing the pageantry of E3.

I honestly don't understand this mentality of being more worried about the wrapping then you are about the gift. Especially when the wrapping has been as ugly as it has been for the past few years.
And tell me, how good did this do for their "reality of sales" exactly?

You do know that the sales were at such a low-low that the narrative was "consoles gaming is dead!!1!" all the way up until the launch of the PS4/X1 right?
Before continuing with the disscussion please adress my previous post. NIntendo had a 2011 and 2012 press conference for the Wii U and attended 2013 E3 in full force sans a live conference. The Wii U tanked in sales anyways. So what's the impact of an E3 conference has on the device? What did exactly having the best show 2 consecutive years did for the Dreamcast? What did exactly having an entire E3 of Xbox 1.5 did for the 360?

Are you considering NIntendo context at all? Is their device as easy to sell to an E3 audience as the competition ones, not considering the fact that these competition invests a lot more money into the gaming press?

DO you at least admit that what im talking is not some pile of BS even if you dont agree completly with what i say?

Shmuely Bully said:
It's not Gamespot that Nintendo needs to worry about underreporting their events, it's Yahoo, USA Today, Forbes, and the New York Times. All of those I would argue are more likely to report on you if you've got a major event at a major trade show than if you're just holding a livestream.
That crowd was served the same way as with the Wii times, you know, in 2011 and 2012, and as we knoe the Wii U blazed those sales charts... except it didn't.

So in conclusion maybe it has to do more with the product and not your E3 planning at all. But that's just reality, and reality is overrated anyways probably more than a live E3 conference in a gaming forum. XD


Isn't having a presence outside of the show, bestbuy demos huge? Would rather go best buy and play the demos than watch a bunch of people oh and ahh and play games I want to play myself.

It's not a matter of the reality of the situation, it's a matter the image they are projecting.


It's not a matter of the reality of the situation, it's a matter the image they are projecting.

And that image is only a thing because that's the talking point that Journalists want to drive home. That Nintendo is "skipping" E3, despite being there more than any other company.
It shows how broken this industry is and why we shouldn't listen to game journalists about anything.


For that matter, what is stopping people from just watching the trailers instead of a Nintendo Direct?

Well the difference is it being broadcasted to the same people all at once. People like to be surprised. When you watch something live it feels like you're one of the first to see this news. You get that from a Direct/conference, just reading a news article and watching it after it's done doesn't have the same effect. It's not memorable.

And I'm sure a lot of people watch the trailers after it's done. See the Watch_Dogs reveal trailer which has 1,5 million views now. I don't think there were 1,5 million people watching the Ubisoft conference.


OP is operating under the assumption that Nintendo is even mentioned in the same breath as Sony and Microsoft prior to not showing up at E3 2013. For at least the whole last generation, Sony and MS where the "HD twins" and treated like the only core console manufacturers. NIntendo coverage has been weak since the Gamecube era, clearly starting in the N64 era.

Nintendo going digital with announcements has been a reaction to that exclusionary treatment and yet the press acts like they are being mistreated by Nintendo taking a step back and taking the control of their message back into their own hands.

Nintendo needs to be doing more with this direction, not less. They need to go further with it because it seems to be working. Of course the press with shit on it every time because all that matters for them in the industry is access and their relationship with publishers.

Remember the huge backlash from the press last year with the January Nintendo Direct announcing all those games? Gamers were excited because they got all these games announcements in the Winter rather than waiting until E3. Yet the press found a way to spin it into something terrible for Nintendo and the industry.

GTA V had broken all kind of sales records last year and when was the last time they cared about even showing up to E3?


Nobody is criticizing the demos, stop trying to derail the thread for like the third time now.

For that matter, what is preventing them from holding the conference and having the same "demos at BestBuy" thing going on?

Once again, despite having the largest floor presence they still performed abysmally. Lack of a conference hurts the company in numerous ways, and goes to shiw that Nintendo is having setbacks that even "the largest E3 floor" couldn't fix.

First things first his point was that they had nothing to show which they do through the demos.

He later corrected by saying it was the projection and not the reality. I am not derailing anything for you rinformation.


I think skipping an E3 press conference this year is a bad idea for their image. The press conferences for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft were huge because they are the 3 biggest players in the console game. If you combine Nintendo bowing out of having E3 press conferences with their huge decline in market share, it very much harms their perception overall. It gives them an air of irrelevance. It's like "We don't really have anything to show you anyway, so watch this prerecorded video instead". Even if they have an amazing game plan to turn things around, the image they are presenting is of a major player on a steep decline.

But it's not like that at all. There is nothing inherent in this format that says that and there is no precedent to back it up. The format last year did nothing to stop them from showing off a lot of games. They went for 41 minutes of almost nonstop game footage and information whereas with the traditional format half of that would be dedicated to filler.

All they did last year was divide their conference into 3 different conferences each tailored to specific audiences. They had a direct for the home audience which was nonstop game footage and information, they had a press conference to give the press more information and hands on demos so they could report on the games, and they had an investor conference to cover financials and shit. They just made things more efficient. But the media didn't like the idea and set out to sensationalize it as "Nintendo skipping E3" and thus a poisoned mindshare. The conference was set up to fail before it ever happened.

Who cares if a new format is better? Change is scary and the media doesn't get streaming revenue.


The real lack of reality are the people who believe conferences are counter-productive and actually believe if things such as how press conferences actually don't attribute to mindshare and sales.

It's like people who don't even know the basics of business are telling people "l2business scrub."Please take the time to look at articles like this and this.

Thanks for trying to offer some objective sources but this is too weak. A howstuffworks article is about teaching you how to have a conference and not go into the merits of it.

The other article does get into this and points out strengths and weaknesses based on the experience of press reactions. It on the other hand doesn't disprove Nintendo's method is ineffective because as Jason Schrier pointed out earlier Nintendo prepares packages and private events for the press that is more efficient than full blown conferences and Nintendo has invited all the press when they are at E3 not just gaming press.
Something I don't get: people have been comparing the live press conference to a concert, which is all well and good, but only if you're one of the gaming press who is actually able to attend. It's an idiotic analogy because the vast majority of us aren't ever going to actually be at an e3 press conference. So rather than being like a concert vs listening to an album, it's actually watching a recording of a live concert compared to listening to something an album. So let me ask you this: How many people are lining up to watch recordings of concerts vs just listening to the music on their own? Going to a concert is fun for people because you are immersed in the atmosphere. That really isn't happening when you watch a live conference over a stream.

Also, for people arguing it's negatively impacting Nintendo: Do you really think Wii U would be doing significantly better if last year had been a press conference? Do you think it would've gotten that much more media coverage (Especially considering the competitors were unveiling new consoles at the same time)?

And anyone who refuses to watch it because it's a stream and not a stream of a conference is highly unlikely to be swayed by what Nintendo shows because they clearly don't care about the actual content so much as the manufactured hype machine. And ultimately, what Nintendo has to sell is games and consoles, not hype. Hype helps, but it's one factor in a much bigger equation. Can anyone find any actual data that correlates E3 reception to actual sales? E3 might get people's attention and is a good place to announce things it's true, but I think it has a lot less impact than people here think
What I think is hilarious is people going "they didn't have a conference and look, Wii U is tanking!! Correlation!!!" and then forgetting that 3DS keeps on truckin'.

Meanwhile Sony has a live conference and the Vita struggles.

I guess pre-recorded conferences are a boon to handheld devices and live shows are suicide, apparently.


I much prefer a well paced 45-60 minute prepared video to a rambling 2 hour conference that is 2/3rds sales numbers and clumsily performed celebrity stage demos.

I'd say the same if Sony or Microsoft decided to hold private events for press and just release a 45 minute sizzle reel for the PS4 and XBO. Thanks for saving me the time.
At it's core it's all the same. So essentially you're more worried about losing the pageantry of E3.

I honestly don't understand this mentality of being more worried about the wrapping then you are about the gift. Especially when the wrapping has been as ugly as it has been for the past few years.

People have lots of different potential gifts to choose from. In lieu of being able to thoroughly investigate them all, you can damn well bet they'll judge them by their covers.

If the goal of Directs was to get past that phenomenon by preaching Nintendo's lineup to the faithful so they can spread the word about the real value at the core rather than relying on traditional marketing, they have failed miserably.

By not holding a conference, Nintendo just gets lost in the noise like any other developer. And it's very, very obvious that making the appropriate ripples is what sells these days.
Or do you guys seriously believe people won't watch because it's not a conference? There is no difference apart from an audience.

Setting something up as a livestream lends it an air of exclusivity and makes you afraid on some level that you'll miss out on something even if you can go back and watch it later. Pre-recorded videos don't do that. Humans are also social creatures, we tend to mirror the emotions and reactions of those we see and interact with, pre-recorded videos lack that emotional feedback response and without a physical presence it makes things like live-blogging more pointless and less exciting too.

There are reasons why people still go to live events or watch things live and it's not just because they might have to wait an hour or a day to see them otherwise.

That crowd was served the same way as with the Wii times, you know, in 2011 and 2012, and as we knoe the Wii U blazed those sales charts... except it didn't.

So in conclusion maybe it has to do more with the product and not your E3 planning at all. But that's just reality, and reality is overrated anyways probably more than a live E3 conference in a gaming forum. XD

Content matters, but presentation matters just as much. Nintendo screwed up both in announcing the Wii U independent of their presence at E3 (and now for our next big announcement...it's a controller!), that doesn't mean the solution is to just use videos with cutesy CGI moustaches painted on Iwata to announce things.


OP is operating under the assumption that Nintendo is even mentioned in the same breath as Sony and Microsoft prior to not showing up at E3 2013. For at least the whole last generation, Sony and MS where the "HD twins" and treated like the only core console manufacturers. NIntendo coverage has been weak since the Gamecube era, clearly starting in the N64 era.

Nintendo got a lot of press out of their conferences during the Wii era. The mainstream media was all over the WiiFit announcement.
I dunno, what motivation is there for, say, the BBC to report on the situation in the Ukraine?

Well, as we both well know, BBC News is not a business for profit. Informing the public about current world events falls squarely into its PSB remit, whereas a gaming website is fundamentally dependent upon clicks.

Besides, I'm not talking about the announcements going unreported, as in your analogy. I'm talking about hyping up of individual streams of the Nintendo Conference, and giving them pride of place on the front page of the site. Weren't some sites running roundtables rather than the E3 Direct last year? It hardly lets the neutrals who might occasionally check IGN's front page know what's going on until afterwards.

Just can't believe someone actually wrote the statement you answered to. XD

XD indeed.

Personally, I consider complete ignorance and rejection of well-established doctrines of public image and perception more "XD" than a slightly hyperbolic summation of what I thought a business might consider, but to each their own.


OP is operating under the assumption that Nintendo is even mentioned in the same breath as Sony and Microsoft prior to not showing up at E3 2013. For at least the whole last generation, Sony and MS where the "HD twins" and treated like the only core console manufacturers. NIntendo coverage has been weak since the Gamecube era, clearly starting in the N64 era.

Well you are wrong as the Wii era already proved.

Back then Sony was positioning themselves as the primary console with Nintendo as a companion in order to insinuate MS had nothing of value and underplay the huge buzz Nintendo was clearly getting with motion controls.


People have lots of different potential gifts to choose from. In lieu of being able to thoroughly investigate them all, you can damn well bet they'll judge them by their covers.

Well, using the giftwrap analogy, a direct is like Nintendo just giving you the gifts while a traditional conference is like taking twice as long to get the gifts because each gift is wrapped in layers of boxes and giftwrap that you have to tediously tear through.
Just to make it shorter: How much more do you think the wii u and it's games would be selling if Nintendo had done a press conference last year?

Because ultimately that's all that matters
People have lots of different potential gifts to choose from. In lieu of being able to thoroughly investigate them all, you can damn well bet they'll judge them by their covers.
But in this situation you only have three gifts, and you generally know at least some of the details about what's in each one. It's like getting a wrapped gift, someone going "There's going to be Nintendo stuff in there." and you saying, "No, I don't like the color scheme, I've never seen it before, and I don't want to open it up to see if I'd even like whats inside."


I don't know if I can like a game until The Killers perform a hit single right before it's showing and then John Elway comes out afterward holding a football telling me how much I should like the thing that was on the screen


I don't know if I can like a game until The Killers perform a hit single right before it's showing and then John Elway comes out afterward holding a football telling me how much I should like the thing that was on the screen

This is seriously what it seems like many gamers want.
They don't want game announcements or gameplay or developer interviews.
They want celebrities that no one cares about to pretend to be into gaming.
Well, using the giftwrap analogy, a direct is like Nintendo just giving you the gifts while a traditional conference is like taking twice as long to get the gifts because each gift is wrapped in layers of boxes and giftwrap that you have to tediously tear through.

A Nintendo Direct is like someone giving you your Christmas present in a plastic Wal-Mart bag instead of at least trying to make it feel like a Christmas gift with some tacky wrapping paper.

(And, if I had to be honest, most Nintendo games these days feel this way to some extent.)

What was better, the Twilight Princess reveal... or the A Link Between Worlds reveal? (NOTE: The answer to this question is not subjective.)
This is seriously what it seems like many gamers want.
They don't want game announcements or gameplay or developer interviews.
They want celebrities that no one cares about to pretend to be into gaming.

Which of Nintendo's press conferences have ever featured anything like that?

People are more calling for a return to 2004, 2006 or 2010's level of conference, rather than getting Usher to perform on stage.


Which of Nintendo's press conferences have ever featured anything like that?

People are more calling for a return to 2004, 2006 or 2010's level of conference, rather than getting Usher to perform on stage.

They want Nintendo to copy Sony and Microsoft. This is what Sony and Microsoft do.

Should I repost my comment in the other thread here too?

I would say yes, but it was too smart and logical for most of GAF, sadly.


Nintendo got a lot of press out of their conferences during the Wii era. The mainstream media was all over the WiiFit announcement.

Therefore why I made the distinction that they are treated separately. Even in recent years, we get something like a Call of Duty announcement and it's not until months later where Activision announces it will be on a Nintendo platform.

If their QOL stuff gets a platform and a similar announcement at this Digital Event, it will get the same coverage. Gaming and non-gaming outlets will continue to ignore to pay attention to Nintendo in the same ways they always have, with or without a conference. I've been following Nintendo news enough to know that even at the Wii's highest success, it wasn't getting coverage in the gaming press to the same extent as Sony and Microsoft, whether at E3 or not.


Meh, guess the saying any attention is good attention.
Found the E3 Direct super lacking really, thought they may have went back to conference this year, but no, good ol' Nintendo... (Probably my fault for hyping over a possible new Metroid, but even so, knew about most of it), found their past E3 conferences better really, and from the E3 Direct, could see why they didn't present, really didn't have much to show. Now if I was Nintendo, I would take that as a sign that we're in major trouble, but it seems they just avoided the problem by presenting on a "different stage."

Its just...annoying they think of themselves on another level, I think it was clever of them at first, but now its just coming across that they're becoming isolated and lack the means to compete.
At this rate, I doubt they'll ever be able to compete again.

Just doesnt feel they're aiming at gamers anymore, just Nintendo fans or whatever mystery group of people they're hoping to reach every now and then. They're just some family friendly company to me now, the only soul they show me is in their games, which is probably the best place to show it really, ha ha, just a shame none of that seems to show through anywhere else. Miyamoto/Sakurai do kinda, Iwata kinda too...., but to a lesser point I think.

EDIT: Oh to address the point of if I prefer an E3 Direct compared to an E3 conference... I'm open to either really. E3 Direct is straight to the games...sorta, but Sony's E3 conference... best I ever saw and so much hype, ha ha. I think it could mostly be done through an E3 Direct though, just Nintendo lacks the content, don't think it really matters how they present it, just that they have something to present, though it just comes across to me that they're just avoiding confrontation though or comparisons.
They want Nintendo to copy Sony and Microsoft. This is what Sony and Microsoft do.


I want struggling 2014 Nintendo to copy kick-ass 2006 Nintendo.

Did you even read the post you just quoted?

People are more calling for a return to 2004, 2006 or 2010's level of conference [read: Nintendo conference]

For context-
2004: Twilight Princess reveal
2006: Wii final announcement
2010: 3DS/Skyward Sword, OOT3D/Kid Icarus/DKCR surprisetons
A Nintendo Direct is like someone giving you your Christmas present in a plastic Wal-Mart bag instead of at least trying to make it feel like a Christmas gift with some tacky wrapping paper.

A Nintendo Direct is like going to the store with your mom and she says "ok, pick out any toy you like," and then you go pick out the toy, and she says "oh sweetie, that's too expensive, sorry," and because you are really young you throw a fit and start crying in the aisle and other people start looking at you and your mom gets all embarrassed and she drags you out to the car and you go home and then a few months go by and on Christmas day it turns out she was just testing you, she wanted to see which toy you really wanted, and she secretly bought it for you! And then your brother is jealous of your toy and intentionally breaks it, so your mom makes him spend the money grandma sent him on buying you another toy, but when you get to the store they are sold out of that toy because it was so popular, so you have to buy a similar toy that is not as good as the first toy, so everyone in the family is upset.


I think skipping an E3 press conference this year is a bad idea for their image. The press conferences for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft were huge because they are the 3 biggest players in the console game. If you combine Nintendo bowing out of having E3 press conferences with their huge decline in market share, it very much harms their perception overall. It gives them an air of irrelevance. It's like "We don't really have anything to show you anyway, so watch this prerecorded video instead". Even if they have an amazing game plan to turn things around, the image they are presenting is of a major player on a steep decline.

This exactly. It's all about image and perception. I don't understand why people don't get it and are defending Nintendo. YOU don't matter. Nintendo has already won you over.



I want struggling 2014 Nintendo to copy kick-ass 2006 Nintendo.

How about a kick ass 2014 Nintendo where they actually treat their star fighting game as an actual fighting game and host their own tournament?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that puts out Demos for E3 that the public can play?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that does an entire segment where they get developer interviews throughout E3?

Oh, but no, I'm sorry. A wooden stage is what people really want, right?


Before continuing with the disscussion please adress my previous post
I did but sure.
NIntendo had a 2011 and 2012 press conference for the Wii U and attended 2013 E3 in full force sans a live conference. The Wii U tanked in sales anyways. So what's the impact of an E3 conference has on the device?

Well E3 and presence goes to show that there is a much bigger problem than advertisements and conferences doesn't it?

Despite that, when Nintendo dropped out last year sales tanked even harder with games like 3D World, Game & Wario, Sonic:Lost World, and others doing way worse than games previous years.

Nintendo should at least have a conference this year to hype up SSB and MK, the biggest games on their console, to at least hype them up for the highest amount of potential sales. An E3 livestream isn't going to make anyone go out and buy a Wii U in the same ways as a conference. It just, psychologically and business-wise, just won't.

What did exactly having the best show 2 consecutive years did for the Dreamcast?
Dreamcast did not have the best showing at E3, yet did really good in sales. Infact Sega couldn't even handle the orders. Eventually the reality of the Dreamcast. That all changed when the PS2 came out. To blame it on "E3 doesn't work" is really dumb and shows your lack of knowledge on the situation.
What did exactly having an entire E3 of Xbox 1.5 did for the 360?
Tons of great sales that surpassed its sole competitor according to you.

Are you considering NIntendo context at all? Is their device as easy to sell to an E3 audience as the competition ones, not considering the fact that these competition invests a lot more money into the gaming press?
Investing more money... like in a conference and advertising campaigns? Despite Nintendo's "warchest" current management prevents it from selling out the competition through other, yes.

DO you at least admit that what im talking is not some pile of BS even if you dont agree completly with what i say?
Well I'm sure the average two year old could equate "bad product product + bad showing = disastor." It's all synergy.

That crowd was served the same way as with the Wii times, you know, in 2011 and 2012, and as we knoe the Wii U blazed those sales charts... except it didn't.
Well maybe because the "blue ocean" attained smart phones. Let's not kid ourselves, the last years of the Wii were in the rough and that was largely due to mainstream usage of smartphones and games like Candy Crush. Instead of innovating like the Wii, the Wii U copied, already failing at the time, a market trend that was already out there. Not to mention the Wii U did not receive the same marketing as the Wii and most people thought it was a tablet add-on for the system. Not to mention many just didn't like the product to begin with.

So in conclusion maybe it has to do more with the product and not your E3 planning at all. But that's just reality, and reality is overrated anyways probably more than a live E3 conference in a gaming forum. XD
"So in conclusion maybe it has to do with more than one fault and not just attributing failure to one problem." Sure the Wii U as a product is unattractive to the average consumer, but not marketing sure as hell isn't going to boost sales, if anything it decreased overall sales last year.

I hope I addressed all your points here.

Thanks for trying to offer some objective sources but this is too weak. A howstuffworks article is about teaching you how to have a conference and not go into the merits of it.

Oh my god, I didn't mean to actually paste that article in. I was looking at sites and meant to paste in some sales firm attributing sales and stock in line with big conferences


What was Sony's Press Conference like last year?
What was Microsofts Press Conference like last year?

I bet you have a clear idea of what happened and what was shown at both in your head, even a year later.

What happened at the E3 Nintendo Direct? No one has any idea. It wasnt special.

That is the problem.

I remeber the Nintendo Direct, I think that last year people found the MS and Sony confrence memorable for the obvious reason as they were showing off their new tech, One and PS4. Unlike Nintendo.
Well, using the giftwrap analogy, a direct is like Nintendo just giving you the gifts while a traditional conference is like taking twice as long to get the gifts because each gift is wrapped in layers of boxes and giftwrap that you have to tediously tear through.

Instant gratification may be instantly satisfying, but delayed gratification leads to more long-term satisfaction. Jeez Shakespeare, why don't you just skip all the "to be or not to be" crap and go straight to the duel with Laertes? I want to know how this ends!

Therefore why I made the distinction that they are treated separately. Even in recent years, we get something like a Call of Duty announcement and it's not until months later where Activision announces it will be on a Nintendo platform.

If you're James Cameron and you're making Avatar you don't announce it for home video, you announce it for IMax.
A Nintendo Direct is like going to the store with your mom and she says "ok, pick out any toy you like," and then you go pick out the toy, and she says "oh sweetie, that's too expensive, sorry," and because you are really young you throw a fit and start crying in the aisle and other people start looking at you and your mom gets all embarrassed and she drags you out to the car and you go home and then a few months go by and on Christmas day it turns out she was just testing you, she wanted to see which toy you really wanted, and she secretly bought it for you! And then your brother is jealous of your toy and intentionally breaks it, so your mom makes him spend the money grandma sent him on buying you another toy, but when you get to the store they are sold out of that toy because it was so popular, so you have to buy a similar toy that is not as good as the first toy, so everyone in the family is upset.

Wait, we're talking about the Nintendo that does Nintendo Directs as the same Nintendo that sells out because it's so popular?

How about a kick ass 2014 Nintendo where they actually treat their star fighting game as an actual fighting game and host their own tournament?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that puts out Demos for E3 that the public can play?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that does an entire segment where they get developer interviews throughout E3?

Oh, but no, I'm sorry. A wooden stage is what people really want, right?

Putting a game announced last year at the center of the show this year does sound like a great idea. Can't believe I didn't think of it.

Also, nothing about a press conference precludes Nintendo from doing any of that.


Setting something up as a livestream lends it an air of exclusivity and makes you afraid on some level that you'll miss out on something even if you can go back and watch it later. Pre-recorded videos don't do that. Humans are also social creatures, we tend to mirror the emotions and reactions of those we see and interact with, pre-recorded videos lack that emotional feedback response and without a physical presence it makes things like live-blogging more pointless and less exciting too.

There are reasons why people still go to live events or watch things live and it's not just because they might have to wait an hour or a day to see them otherwise.

I don't really agree with your first part, since it's pretty much the same with a ND, but I see your point in the second part.

Still most of the people who watch aren't really there. Sony or Microsoft could just be playing some pre-recorded clapping. Which I think MS actually did previous year, lol.

And people still get an emotional feedback response, albeit on another level. Although only talking about myself here. When I'm watching E3 I'm constantly chatting, writing on forums and texting friends telling them how "awesome the thing we just witnessed" was and they generally say the same thing back. And in this age of social media, I think a lot of people do.
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