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How is Nintendo hurt by not doing an E3 press conference?

This exactly. It's all about image and perception. I don't understand why people don't get it and are defending Nintendo. YOU don't matter. Nintendo has already won you over.
Most people's points are that the image and perception are bullshit and don't matter. It's all pageantry. I can't remember the last time Rockstar actually showed up to E3. Why isn't their image and perception tarnished? So they can not show up at all and are somehow not effected, but yet Nintendo throws out a tournament in the middle of the show floor of their most anticipated upcoming game, bringing said game out into the public to where you might actually be able to play it months before release, and giving us a Nintendo Direct that's going to have new game announcements? But somehow they don't care.

I care about games, and Nintendo Direct's give me game information far better then Sony or Microsoft events have in years. It wasn't clouded by dumb celebrity guests, another demo of the new Call Of Duty, an audience of mostly game journalists and probably about a dozen other things people could add to the list that take away from game coverage.

I want everyone to switch to this format because it's flat out the best way anyone is getting me video game information right now.
For that matter, what is stopping people from just watching the trailers instead of a Nintendo Direct?

Probably the same thing as some people not watching conferences or directs and watching trailers instead. Not every single gamer treats E3 like GAF does. Most of us sit through these presentations to watch while others just like to watch cool new trailers they hear about.

It's crazy to think the average person makes their purchases based on whether or not a company had a live conference or not. I think it's up to Nintendo to do some kind of media hype like they did with these announcements and more to get people talking. Look what it's doing to GAF and even on Facebook they have their trending topics and at the top is
Electronic Entertainment Expo: Nintendo Announces E3 2014 Plans, Includes Smash Bros. Tournament"
Instant gratification may be instantly satisfying, but delayed gratification leads to more long-term satisfaction. Jeez Shakespeare, why don't you just skip all the "to be or not to be" crap and go straight to the duel with Laertes? I want to know how this ends!

So now screwing off on stage thumping your chest is a good thing because it's actually delayed gratification?

Why don't we just call Nintendo's E3 2008 a good thing because it was delayed gratification for E3 2009?


Wait, we're talking about the Nintendo that does Nintendo Directs as the same Nintendo that sells out because it's so popular?

Putting a game announced last year at the center of the show this year does sound like a great idea. Can't believe I didn't think of it.

Also, nothing about a press conference precludes Nintendo from doing any of that.

But what does a live press conference that you, I or anyone here can go to, do, exactly?
The press will still get a conference with Nintendo before the floor opens, just like last year.
So what does announcing games on a wooden stage actually do for you?

And a Smash tournament is an amazing idea.


How about a kick ass 2014 Nintendo where they actually treat their star fighting game as an actual fighting game and host their own tournament?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that puts out Demos for E3 that the public can play?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that does an entire segment where they get developer interviews throughout E3?

Oh, but no, I'm sorry. A wooden stage is what people really want, right?
I didn't know having a conference and doing those things were mutually exclusive.

But what does a live press conference that you, I or anyone here can go to, do, exactly?
The press will still get a conference with Nintendo before the floor opens, just like last year.
So what does announcing games on a wooden stage actually do for you?

And a Smash tournament is an amazing idea.
Let's put this in laymen's terms

Big conferences = hype=mindshare=potentialsales=$$$
Videos with broken english with a plain boring backround =/= hype or the many other indirect effects of it.
A company not trying to sell their product to me or coax me into buying this over any other console =/= potential sales.


Not having a press conference isn't the problem. What's truly wrong is how they're not a company worthy of a conference anymore. The lack of a conference is just a symptom really, of the underlying problem. They're behaving like some 3rd tier company, even companies like Ubi Soft without hardware platforms regularly have conferences. Everything they're doing in lieu of a conference is just a cost-cutting measure presented in the guise of being 'different'.
So, still haven't heard about how many more units would have been sold if Nintendo did a traditional press conference last year, so here's my bet: Much less than a thousand more units would have sold for any given product showcased. To the point where Nintendo loses more money for the big spectacular show floor conference than they gain through the extra sales
I don't really agree with your first part, since it's pretty much the same with a ND, but I see your point in the second part.

Still most of the people who watch aren't really there. Sony or Microsoft could just be playing some pre-recorded clapping. Which I think MS actually did previous year, lol.

And people still get an emotional feedback response, albeit on another level. Although only talking about myself here. When I'm watching E3 I'm constantly chatting, writing on forums and texting friends telling them how "awesome the thing we just witnessed" was and they generally say the same thing back. And in this age of social media, I think a lot of people do.

They wouldn't do that if it didn't work.

So now screwing off on stage thumping your chest is a good thing because it's actually delayed gratification?

Why don't we just call Nintendo's E3 2008 a good thing because it was delayed gratification for E3 2009?

Building anticipation is absolutely valuable. Do you think Sony and Microsoft spend all that time and energy making elaborate montagues just for shits and giggles?


How about a kick ass 2014 Nintendo where they actually treat their star fighting game as an actual fighting game and host their own tournament?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that puts out Demos for E3 that the public can play?
How about a kick ass Nintendo that does an entire segment where they get developer interviews throughout E3?

Oh, but no, I'm sorry. A wooden stage is what people really want, right?

Let's be real though, How is any of that supposed to generate hype for the potential fanbase and investors outside of demos? I know people want to downplay E3 conferences because of hurt feelings in the past, but there's a reason why they get such attention more then any other event for the year. It's a company's chance to wow the media and consumers with new games, megatons, etc. When you have 2 of the Big 3 having conferences, but one not showing, that's going to automatically have people talking and not in the good way.

Honestly, I think Nintendo is going the route they have for the last few years is because they genuinely don't have anything to show on the same level as MS and Sony and would rather appeal to those who are going to go out of their way to watch a Direct on Youtube. Good plan, but bad when you consider that they need more then just the hardcore to watch. They need everyone.


A Nintendo Direct is like someone giving you your Christmas present in a plastic Wal-Mart bag instead of at least trying to make it feel like a Christmas gift with some tacky wrapping paper.

(And, if I had to be honest, most Nintendo games these days feel this way to some extent.)

What was better, the Twilight Princess reveal... or the A Link Between Worlds reveal? (NOTE: The answer to this question is not subjective.)
No, the Nintendo Directs don't try to pretend they aren't special. They are a direct line of communication between Nintendo and their customers. They focus on what's important, the games and information pertinent to players. A traditional conference may have some nice-looking giftwrap, sometimes the giftwrap is a minutes long song and dance performance that nobody wants, but wouldn't you much rather get to the gift instead of taking a ton of time unwrapping it?

How they reveal a game has nothing to do with format. A prerecorded video could just as easily pretend to end and then get out one more reveal. They handled Smash Bros the same way last year with Mega Man being a big surprise like Solid Snake but the difference was they told us ahead of time that the game would be revealed at E3 (in screenshots, video was surprising). They then revealed Wii Fit Trainer at the presser and had a stage demo where Sakurai showed off the game in playable form but the media chose gloss over that. Geoff thought it was the worst thing ever at E3.


Not having a press conference isn't the problem. What's truly wrong is how they're not a company worthy of a conference anymore. The lack of a conference is just a symptom really, of the underlying problem. They're behaving like some 3rd tier company, even companies like Ubi Soft without hardware platforms regularly have conferences. Everything they're doing in lieu of a conference is just a cost-cutting measure presented in the guise of being 'different'.

Yeah, I'm sure renting out the Nokia theater for 4 days instead of 1 is a HUGE cost cutting measure. Not to mention making demo units for dozens of stores.
Yup, totally cheaping out here.

Let's be real though, How is any of that supposed to generate hype for the potential fanbase and investors outside of demos? I know people want to downplay E3 conferences because of hurt feelings in the past, but there's a reason why they get such attention more then any other event for the year. It's a company's chance to wow the media and consumers with new games, megatons, etc. When you have 2 of the Big 3 having conferences, but one not showing, that's going to automatically have people talking and not in the good way.

Honestly, I think Nintendo is going the route they have for the last few years is because they genuinely don't have anything to show on the same level as MS and Sony and would rather appeal to those who are going to go out of their way to watch a Direct on Youtube. Good plan, but bad when you consider that they need more then just the hardcore to watch. They need everyone.

But that's the thing! ONLY the hardcore watch the E3 conferences! So what is the big flipping deal?
But what does a live press conference that you, I or anyone here can go to, do, exactly?

I have stated numerous times in this very thread that I do not care at all whatsoever whether the presentation is live; I only care that the presentation is staged appropriately for the impact Nintendo needs it to have. As things stand, the E3 Direct is hardly distinguishable from every other Direct apart from length.


Membero Americo
If I google "Nintendo @ E3" the first page of results is all "Nintendo to skip press conference at E3 2014."

The Press really doesn't help.
Not having a press conference isn't the problem. What's truly wrong is how they're not a company worthy of a conference anymore. The lack of a conference is just a symptom really, of the underlying problem. They're behaving like some 3rd tier company, even companies like Ubi Soft without hardware platforms regularly have conferences. Everything they're doing in lieu of a conference is just a cost-cutting measure presented in the guise of being 'different'.
What they're doing is way, way cooler than a conference though (and they technically are having a conference, it'll just be done in a different format). And I'd be pretty surprised if arranging the store demos didn't take way more effort than a press conference given all the coordination that'd need to be put into it


I also suggest some people go and sift through some of the live conference threads here on GAF.

Lots of "this shit is so boring", "move on already", "ZZZZZZ", "Usher, really? Where are the games at?", "I don't care about the sales numbers, fuck".

The press conferences have a lot of fluff. Sure, the live reactions to the megatons when they happen are fun, but the negatives outweigh the positives in the end. At least to me.


I didn't know that being on a wooden stage was so important to gamers. I always thought it was, you know, the games.

It feels like some people just want that stage show simply because they're so used to having it all these years. Maybe the change is just that scary to them.
This exactly. It's all about image and perception. I don't understand why people don't get it and are defending Nintendo. YOU don't matter. Nintendo has already won you over.

What changes with this? Are people who don't like the this announcement just going to plug their ears and yell out "LA LA LA LA" because their not doing a live conference? They're holding a tournament, they're putting demos out at Best Buys, they;re going to be streaming daily demos and info. I love watching conferences but I can't comprehend people writing this off as Nintendo not caring when this year they seem to be going all out way more than I've seen them do so for E3 interactivity and coverage.


I did but sure.

Well E3 and presence goes to show that there is a much bigger problem than advertisements and conferences doesn't it?

Despite that, when Nintendo dropped out last year sales tanked even harder with games like 3D World, Game & Wario, Sonic:Lost World, and others doing way worse than games previous years.

Nintendo should at least have a conference this year to hype up SSB and MK, the biggest games on their console, to at least hype them up for the highest amount of potential sales. An E3 livestream isn't going to make anyone go out and buy a Wii U in the same ways as a conference. It just, psychologically and business-wise, just won't.

Dreamcast did not have the best showing at E3, yet did really good in sales. Infact Sega couldn't even handle the orders. Eventually the reality of the Dreamcast. That all changed when the PS2 came out. To blame it on "E3 doesn't work" is really dumb and shows your lack of knowledge on the situation.

Tons of great sales that surpassed its sole competitor according to you.

Investing more money... like in a conference and advertising campaigns? Despite Nintendo's "warchest" current management prevents it from selling out the competition through other, yes.

Well I'm sure the average two year old could equate "bad product product + bad showing = disastor." It's all synergy.

Well maybe because the "blue ocean" attained smart phones. Let's not kid ourselves, the last years of the Wii were in the rough and that was largely due to mainstream usage of smartphones and games like Candy Crush. Instead of innovating like the Wii, the Wii U copied, already failing at the time, a market trend that was already out there. Not to mention the Wii U did not receive the same marketing as the Wii and most people thought it was a tablet add-on for the system. Not to mention many just didn't like the product to begin with.

"So in conclusion maybe it has to do with more than one fault and not just attributing failure to one problem." Sure the Wii U as a product is unattractive to the average consumer, but not marketing sure as hell isn't going to boost sales, if anything it decreased overall sales last year.

I hope I addressed all your points here.

Oh my god, I didn't mean to actually paste that article in. I was looking at sites and meant to paste in some sales firm attributing sales and stock in line with big conferences
I really doubt having a live conference would've made Mario and Sonic sell more like previous entries.


If I google "Nintendo @ E3" the first page of results is all "Nintendo to skip press conference at E3 2014."

The Press really doesn't help.


And they aren't here to help, they are to do journalism. But since it's game "journalism" they only produce clickbait garbage.


I didn't know that being on a wooden stage was so important to gamers. I always thought it was, you know, the games.

You're right people like the E3 solely because of the use wooden stages.

While you're at it, people liked Nintendo's conference because of broken English and plain white backrounds.

Simplifying a problem or event makes any statement sound stupid and is ignorant of the real fact of the matter.

Nintendo did not hold an E3 press conference last year, as a result, sales plummeted even more than previous years.

I really doubt having a live conference would've made Mario and Sonic sell more like previous entries.
Err, no. Way to disregard everything I posted though.

You're delusional if you think that Sonic : Lost Worlds couldn't have sold more if it achieved proper advertising.


Putting a game announced last year at the center of the show this year does sound like a great idea. Can't believe I didn't think of it.
It's pretty backwards when people feel getting hands-on with a game that is a few months from release and closer to a final build is worse than a buggy demo not representative of a final game scrapped together specifically for an announcement of a game when said game likely doesn't have anything close enough to finished in the actual game to have a hands-on with.


You're right people like the E3 solely because of the use wooden stages.

While you're at it, people liked Nintendo's conference because of broken English and plain white backrounds.

Simplifying a problem or event makes any statement sound stupid and is ignorant of the real fact of the matter.

Nintendo did not hold an E3 press conference last year, as a result, sales plummeted even more than previous years.

Ah good! I suppose you have the actual data to show that Nintendo not having an E3 conference was why they sold what they sold! I would love to see it!


You're right people like the E3 solely because of the use wooden stages.

While you're at it, people liked Nintendo's conference because of broken English and plain white backrounds.

Simplifying a problem or event makes any statement sound stupid and is ignorant of the real fact of the matter.

Nintendo did not hold an E3 press conference last year, as a result, sales plummeted even more than previous years.
You're right people like the E3 solely because of the use wooden stages.

While you're at it, people liked Nintendo's conference because of broken English and plain white backrounds.

Simplifying a problem or event makes any statement sound stupid and is ignorant of the real fact of the matter.

Nintendo did not hold an E3 press conference last year, as a result, sales plummeted even more than previous years.
Can you prove any connection between the lack of a press conference and the sales falling? ANd they did hold a conference. THe direct was a conference for all intents and purposes. Unless you were part of the press, the difference amounted to where you were getting the stream from and the lack of a live audience (and really, if you want live reactions just go on a chat stream)


Seeing as how it was a hardware E3-show last year, it made sense for Nintendo to skip out on a conference since they had no hopes of matching Sony or MS hype. This year however, its all about the games that will sell hardware, which Nintendo excels at. So I am baffled by their decision.

Its like someone at Ninty decided that they are no longer competing against Sony or MS.
You're right people like the E3 solely because of the use wooden stages.

While you're at it, people liked Nintendo's conference because of broken English and plain white backrounds.

Simplifying a problem or event makes any statement sound stupid and is ignorant of the real fact of the matter.

Nintendo did not hold an E3 press conference last year, as a result, sales plummeted even more than previous years.

Err, no. Way to disregard everything I posted though.

You're delusional if you think that Sonic : Lost Worlds couldn't have sold more if it achieved proper advertising.
E3 is far, far, far from the most important part of advertising. Especially for a game like Sonic whose target demographic probably doesn't even know what E3 is, let alone watch it


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I think Nintendo has basically decided they're out of the race this gen and are just saving money. They don't have a killer line up for Wii U this year and they know the press doesn't give a rat's ass about 3DS.

They'll be back on stage when they have something to show
for gamers, not QoL.

Or hey, maybe they're listening to the gamers that hate Nintendo and want them gone? Maybe this is a hint that they're planning to leave the game industry in a few years. Either way they're hurting from piss pour Wii U sales at this point that not holding a conference can't hurt them anymore; they're already at rock bottom where that's concerned.
The same people that watch e3 watch the Nintendo directs. E3 isn't like some event being advertised on nbc/cbs/abc and running during primetime. Its a show that runs during the day on spike tv sometimes. Most of the viewers tune in online just like they do for the Nintendo directs. I actually like the directs. They're straight to the point without the fluff. Sony for instance could do without the montage fluff.


Ah good! I suppose you have the actual data to show that Nintendo not having an E3 conference was why they sold what they sold! I would love to see it!

Can you prove any connection between the lack of a press conference and the sales falling? ANd they did hold a conference. THe direct was a conference for all intents and purposes. Unless you were part of the press, the difference amounted to where you were getting the stream from and the lack of a live audience (and really, if you want live reactions just go on a chat stream)

Super Mario 3D world, a great game with exciting new features, has sold only about 2 million since its launch. Despite this, Nintendo's NSMBU still reigns at the highest sales of the console.

Overall Nintendo also received lower YoY sales with the Wii U than it has in previous years in which they actually promoted the thing in a conference.
Honestly, I wonder if people who talk about Nintendo's marketing consider who Nintendo's targeting with their marketing in the first place. Like, how many of them are trying to gauge the marketing by looking at the amount of ads in places like cartoon network and other kids tv stations rather than basing it off their personal experiences as grown men and women who don't interact much with that type of media?
Super Mario 3D world, a great game with exciting new features, has sold only about 2 million since its launch. Despite this, Nintendo's NSMBU still reigns at the highest sales of the console.

Overall Nintendo also received lower YoY sales than it has in previous years.

NSMBU also comes with the system and some people find buying two mario games a bit redundant.
Most people's points are that the image and perception are bullshit and don't matter. It's all pageantry. I can't remember the last time Rockstar actually showed up to E3. Why isn't their image and perception tarnished? So they can not show up at all and are somehow not effected, but yet Nintendo throws out a tournament in the middle of the show floor of their most anticipated upcoming game, bringing said game out into the public to where you might actually be able to play it months before release, and giving us a Nintendo Direct that's going to have new game announcements? But somehow they don't care.

I care about games, and Nintendo Direct's give me game information far better then Sony or Microsoft events have in years. It wasn't clouded by dumb celebrity guests, another demo of the new Call Of Duty, an audience of mostly game journalists and probably about a dozen other things people could add to the list that take away from game coverage.

I want everyone to switch to this format because it's flat out the best way anyone is getting me video game information right now.

That is BS. Specially when Nintendo main problems are about fucking perception.

I care about games but I the direct of last year was also pretty underwheling.

"Mega Fucking Manin Smash Bros!" Great, a guest character in a no story driven fighting game without actual new game. My nostalgia only comes to certain extent.


Super Mario 3D world, a great game with exciting new features, has sold only about 2 million since its launch. Despite this, Nintendo's NSMBU still reigns at the highest sales of the console.

Overall Nintendo also received lower YoY sales than it has in previous years.

I stubbed my toe today. It's sunny.
Therefore, I will always stub my toe when it is sunny.

That is your entire argument.
Super Mario 3D world, a great game with exciting new features, has sold only about 2 million since its launch. Despite this, Nintendo's NSMBU still reigns at the highest sales of the console.

Overall Nintendo also received lower YoY sales than it has in previous years.
You could have just said no. You would have had less to type.


Come on man.



I didn't know having a conference and doing those things were mutually exclusive.

Let's put this in laymen's terms

Big conferences = hype=mindshare=potentialsales=$$$
Videos with broken english with a plain boring backround =/= hype or the many other indirect effects of it.
A company not trying to sell their product to me or coax me into buying this over any other console =/= potential sales.
Please stop. I beg you. Those conferences are less than 2 hours long maybe an hour if you take out the fluff, issues, snooze stuff etc.

It will be the same people presenting plus more if it was live.

All of a sudden live press conference sells games and not trailers and gameplay videos?
The same people that watch e3 watch the Nintendo directs. E3 isn't like some event being advertised on nbc/cbs/abc and running during primetime. Its a show that runs during the day on spike tv sometimes.

No, but at least NBC/CBS/ABC provide mainstream press when there is actually a press conference (something they don't do for Nintendo Directs).
Super Mario 3D world, a great game with exciting new features, has sold only about 2 million since its launch. Despite this, Nintendo's NSMBU still reigns at the highest sales of the console.

Overall Nintendo also received lower YoY sales than it has in previous years.
Ok, but can you prove this was because of the e3 conference? NSMBU sold a shit ton because it was the one launch title everybody bought. 3D world sold less because people had either started to ignore the wii u by then or had other games on it that they liked more. Not to mention NSMB:U has been out longer and can be found in console bundles
No, but at least NBC/CBS/ABC provide mainstream press when there is actually a press conference (something they don't do for Nintendo Directs).

and again you'd have to go online to see what those networks covered. They don't cover or mention that stuff on actual tv therefore they aren't really reaching the tv audience who normally doesn't watch e3.
Ok, but can you prove this was because of the e3 conference? NSMBU sold a shit ton because it was the one launch title everybody bought. 3D world sold less because people had either started to ignore the wii u by then or had other games on it that they liked more. Not to mention NSMB:U has been out longer and can be found in console bundles
Also, I'm pretty sure that the NSMB series has always sold more then the 3D Mario entries.
Building anticipation is absolutely valuable. Do you think Sony and Microsoft spend all that time and energy making elaborate montagues just for shits and giggles?

Then these non-live E3s are building anticipation for the new console reveal E3 where they have a live conference again and everyone goes OH HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT THEY STOPPED DOING THESE


Ok, but can you prove this was because of the e3 conference? NSMBU sold a shit ton because it was the one launch title everybody bought. 3D world sold less because people had either started to ignore the wii u by then or had other games on it that they liked more. Not to mention NSMB:U has been out longer and can be found in console bundles

Once again, this is due to external reasons obviously. On a separate argument, Nintendo should be able to retain the amount of sales quite adequately especially in times of big releases.

Marketing would at least remedy the situation to a certain point, and the lack of presence isn't exactly helping.


Seeing as how it was a hardware E3-show last year, it made sense for Nintendo to skip out on a conference since they had no hopes of matching Sony or MS hype. This year however, its all about the games that will sell hardware, which Nintendo excels at. So I am baffled by their decision.

Its like someone at Ninty decided that they are no longer competing against Sony or MS.

Just maybe their decision last year was made independent of what the other companies were showing at E3 like they originally said and instead based on a method of delivering information that had proven successful to them with over a year's worth of Nintendo Directs to test the water with?
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