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I ask you, GAF - Why u hatin

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Kurtofan said:
Who was that guy?

"Son, I think that's what he was trying to find out."


Fuuuck he got banned? Was BrandNew's tag the one that said "Sporsk shot first"? If so, I will always remember him as the one that shot second.

Also, he was a clean hipster. Which means he must have money. Hipster+money=yuppie. Dorsia anyone?


At first I thought "Damn, I figured the OP would get perma-Juniored for making this thread, but not banned" .....then I scrolled down and saw the man-titties. Yup, that'll do it.


Read the title as 'why u hattin,' as in what the Mad Hatter does. Not what I expected, but still entertaining.


Aww, I liked BrandNew. I had a similar change of username involved with a band I didn't like in order to sync up with my Gamertag.


I think this thread should bring on the realization that I'm adult who calls other people by online names on an almost daily bases, should makes me feel very weird inside.


Fail out bailed
So, should we do something with his body or just let the crows keep picking at it?

Also, I think that "banned" should be reserved for perma bans (I doubt this was a perma) and temporary bans should be called "Suspended"

Also, in before the lock.

Hawkian said:
Oh, okay. Too hot for scarves where I live.
Free BrandNew!

BTW, I'm never hatin'. People can have whatever username they want, as long as they don't change their avatar, too. If they do that, all hell breaks loose and it's like that person becomes Guy Incognito. And with the Search function down, their history disappears! :O


I thought this was just another random suicide thread.
Didn't know DeathByVolcano was Brandnew.
People should stick with their user names, or at least keep their avatar.


At first I was a bit sad, then I read...

DeathbyVolcano said:
Seems everyone hates my name. But like, I use this username for everything else I'm apart of: Twitter, Xbox, PSN on my dad's PS3, and several other forums. BrandNew got old, and I wanted to shed the name because I don't like that band anymore...and really now, who wants to be stuck with a name that they bestowed upon themselves in 7th grade?

If people overwhelming hate it, I guess I'll ask to change it back, but I'm kinda hesitant to do so. I don't want to be an annoyance to the admins, for fear of my name mysteriously changing to FartFucker or AssBlast exists.

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