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I want to bring my son up on the NES/SNES/etc...


You guy! This man clearly wants to do an experiment on his unborn child in the intrest of science AND gaming! Go for it man!!


BramVD said:
You guy! This man clearly wants to do an experiment on his unborn child in the intrest of science AND gaming! Go for it man!!

It's not like he has to drink out of test tubes...



Gold Member
oatmeal said:
I have four nephews, one is four, one is two the others are one.

They all actively use iPads.

My parents gave all of my siblings one for Christmas (except me :( ) and they have given them to their kids.

maybe one of the saddest posts i've ever read up here. smh...


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
oatmeal said:

It was a funny way to write the sentence.

Maybe. It's very late here and I'm trying to work out whether to stay up all night for the rugby or do the sensible thing and go to sleep. All this unaccustomed quickfire response on GAF is throwing me somewhat - I'm more accustomed to daytime EuroGAF where it takes at least 24 hours to get a response.
I have a kid on the way in January and I thought of doing the same as OP. See if the kid shows interest in the older games and let him/her play them if he/she does. I'll be playing their games with them, so why would it be so bad for them to see what daddy grew up playing? It'll make us closer and have more in common, imo.
I tried getting my nephew, who loves all things Metal Gear into Snatcher and Policenauts.

20 minutes later he went back to playing Sonic Adventure 2. :(
I think it'd be a better idea to give the kid access to whatever you have and just let him decide what he wants to play. Having a regimented schedule of first NES, then SNES, then whatever, seems a bit odd. Sounds like you're afraid he might pick up Call of Duty and not give a damn about Mario.

TekDragon said:
Video games, if you were going to liken them to anything, is akin to literature, music, and art.

I'd personally say they're more akin to something like table tennis, throwing darts, board games, or playing ball outside. If your kid prefers to play tennis over baseball, then just be happy that he/she is happy. The kid doesn't have to have an appreciation of other sports to enjoy the one he or she is playing.


MushroomSamba said:
I think it'd be a better idea to give the kid access to whatever you have

If that little shit is going to drop my acid, he's gotta pitch in for it.

MushroomSamba said:
Sounds like you're afraid he might pick up Call of Duty

He better not. We'd have a legit rivalry.

/Halo fan

Angry Fork

I was thinking of doing this but just make sure he goes through all those systems by like the age of 10 or something, that way he won't miss out playing modern consoles with his friends or whatever.


Sennorin said:
I love how you started this topic in an attempt to get some serious advice and then at one point decided to activate cranky-mode. <3

I wouldn't call it cranky-mode.

More cocky and funny-mode.

I'm tryin' to pick up chicks.


Bollocks said:
Agreed, though it would be ok if he uses the PlayStation brand instead, but Nintendo?
Come on man, that's downright torture.

I´ve just had the realization that the way in which this thread backfired (basically "no, your kid won´t want to play shitty nes-games!"), this is actually just another Nintendo doom&gloom-topic. The gaming-side of gaf is surprisingly consistent these days. :>
Graphics and games we have now aren't any worse than what we had years ago...

1. Wii graphics are like 2001
2. Cell phone graphics are like 1995
3. 3DS graphics are 2001 with neck cramps thrown in.

I actually think simpler graphics would be easier for a small child to comprehend and, would help more with motor skills, logic, etc. And it isn't like he needs to spend 5+ years playing NES. Just start him out with some stuff for a while, let him play a few quality games if he likes them, and then migrate him to current gen stuff when he has outgrown the simpler games.

I mean think about it. Most games my niece plays are stuff online like simple dress up games or match the right shape, or help dora find some random shit..

And if the SOB gets into pokemon you better abort it.


MushroomSamba said:
I'd personally say they're more akin to something like table tennis, throwing darts, board games, or playing ball outside. If your kid prefers to play tennis over baseball, then just be happy that he/she is happy. The kid doesn't have to have an appreciation of other sports to enjoy the one he or she is playing.

I guess it really depends on the game.

You really think Chrono Trigger or Secret of Mana for the SNES is more akin to table tennis than a book?
OP, you are doomed to failure. You're child will not appreciate archaic game design and graphics. The only reason you look at them so fondly is because those games were cutting edge and popular when you were that age.

When all his friends are playing Modern Warfare 10 on the PS11, your child will come to you, tears in his eyes, and BEG you not to be such an old fogy.


Great Rumbler said:
OP, you are doomed to failure. You're child will not appreciate archaic game design and graphics. The only reason you look at them so fondly is because those games were cutting edge and popular when you were that age.

When all his friends are playing Modern Warfare 10 on the PS11, your child will come to you, tears in his eyes, and BEG you not to be such an old fogy.

Which is why that little bitch will wear make up to school the next day to cover his bruised right eye.


I have an old CRT and a SNES set up in my basement. I have a 4 and 2 year old and they looooove Mario, we play games for about an hour each day. Lately they have been asking for: a few races on Mario Kart (Mario Cars), then Super Mario RPG (they thought getting Bowser in the party was the best thing ever "did he promise to be nice dad?"), then Yoshi's Island (they love fighting the giant bosses), then we end up with some Super Mario 2 on All-stars. I love it, it's a great time.


Great Rumbler said:
Sounds like you'll make a great father.

All I can do is try my darndest.

aceface said:
I have an old CRT and a SNES set up in my basement. I have a 4 and 2 year old and they looooove Mario, we play games for about an hour each day. Lately they have been asking for: a few races on Mario Kart (Mario Cars), then Super Mario RPG (they thought getting Bowser in the party was the best thing ever "did he promise to be nice dad?"), then Yoshi's Island (they love fighting the giant bosses), then we end up with some Super Mario 2 on All-stars. I love it, it's a great time.

And you don't keep them chained in there or anything? They just...enjoy it?

Unheard of.
aceface said:
I have an old CRT and a SNES set up in my basement. I have a 4 and 2 year old and they looooove Mario, we play games for about an hour each day. Lately they have been asking for: a few races on Mario Kart (Mario Cars), then Super Mario RPG (they thought getting Bowser in the party was the best thing ever "did he promise to be nice dad?"), then Yoshi's Island (they love fighting the giant bosses), then we end up with some Super Mario 2 on All-stars. I love it, it's a great time.

Yep. My 2 1/2 year old niece likes Kirby, Mario and funnily enough Donkey Konga. We usually play games for a little bit when I babysit her.


My four year old nephew has a Wii, they got it 2-3 years ago and he has always played. But because he doesn't have classical training, watching him putz around in Galaxy makes me want to kill myself.


BigJiantRobut said:
What's the point of bringing a child up on your cherished playthings? Why can't they have their own?

Because the world is shit. If he goes outside he's going to join a gang.

his first game should be a 2D game rather than a 3D game. easier to understand. hell, in my opinion, everybody's first game ever should be super mario bros. 1.

and don't let him play anything violent like goldeneye or something.

i know one thing for certain. if i had a kid tomorrow, i'd parental block nickelodeon, disney, and mtv, and get dvd's of the old cartoons i watched, and the old cartoons my parents watched. no way will today's demoralizing crap ever reach my progeny.
If I had to choose a first game for my child, it'd be Sonic 2. Like father like son/daughter.

Incidentally, I'm also glad that shows like Rocko, Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, etc. have found their way on Netflix. Ain't no child of mine growing up on shit like Hannah Montana or High School Musical or whatever it is these days.

Ketchup Boy

Junior Member
Just give him the option and I'm sure he'd want to play them. SNES Mario games are timeless. But yeah, don't force him to play them, either. Give him the option to play any game (Except M-rated games of course. He can play those when he's like 13).

*Earliest memories as a child were playing NES and SNES. Nintendo had an incredible effect on me. lol*


oatmeal said:
What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea?

Perfect Idea (hint: it works). I started my son's off when they were like 1, and they both love old school games if not more than new ones, just as much. Mario 1 is the game I used to lure them in. Also, let them watch you play Punchout! and Zelda, games like that. Kids dig watching adults play through action adventure games. If I told them I was gonna get rid of the Wii and buy them an NES/SNES with a bunch of games, they would be stoked. They are always begging me to ask if they can play my classic collection of 8/16 bit games.

Unrelated note: My kids also love the cartoons I grew up on.

Ketchup Boy

Junior Member
TekDragon said:
These kinds of remarks are absolutely baffling and show a real cognitive disconnect, making me wonder if some people ever actually attained an education at all.

Video games, if you were going to liken them to anything, is akin to literature, music, and art.

No one can deny that our education systems (provided you weren't home-schooled, and even then I would imagine it'd be even MORE heavily weighted) to have a knowledge and understanding of the classics. We studied Tess of the d'Urbervilles and The Odyseey to appreciate literature and poetry. We studied Picasso and Munch to appreciate paintings. We studied British rock and American blue grass to appreciate music.

Video games, despite their modern cultural impact, have not been brought into the educational fold to a great extend because of their relative newness as well as all the stigmas that surround them in our puritan-derived society.

I think it's a great idea to have your kid play these games. In fact, I'd tie it in with a reward system my parents used. For every significant literature classic I read and wrote a 1 page book report for, they bought me a video game. You can do the same thing for your kid. Play through Chrono Trigger and write a 1 page report (that way you're not just teaching gaming, you're pushing writing skills and critical thought) and he can get a modern RPG.

Like others have said, don't make it an issue of force. Instead, tie it to a reward system that promotes education.

Good luck!

Holy crap, this is a good idea!

At least, the make your kid read a significant literature classic and write a 1 page book report for a game...hmmm...might use this technique.


My daughter has been watching me play games since the beginning. I have to say that it is unlikely your kid will be able to do anything on a NES or SNES at age two. My daughter is five now and just able to really play a NES game. She currently enjoys Adventure of Lolo. However, she doesn't like Super Mario Bros.

I don't have anything newer than a PS1 hooked up. I agree with the earlier poster that your kid will enjoy whatever it is that you play. So just play whatever you want and they will join in when they can.


milkyjay20 said:
his first game should be a 2D game rather than a 3D game. easier to understand.
I disagree. My daughter grasped Super Mario Galaxy much more quickly and at a younger age than Super Mario Bros (NES). She was even able to use the GameCube controller to play Pikmin much earlier than using the NES pad for any game.

aceface said:
I have an old CRT and a SNES set up in my basement. I have a 4 and 2 year old and they looooove Mario, we play games for about an hour each day. Lately they have been asking for: a few races on Mario Kart (Mario Cars), then Super Mario RPG (they thought getting Bowser in the party was the best thing ever "did he promise to be nice dad?"), then Yoshi's Island (they love fighting the giant bosses), then we end up with some Super Mario 2 on All-stars. I love it, it's a great time.
My daughter is the same way. She really enjoys just watching me play. She asks almost every day. Since she was around 2 she has enjoyed watching me go through Klonoa, Luigi's Mansion, both Mario Galaxies, and many other SNES, PS1, and Wii games.
at age two his motor skills are nowhere near what they need to be.

My son turns two in 15 minutes.. we had his birthday party today.. not one kid there could understand a videogame and how to play it.. try again at age 3 peraps.. I'm thinking 4 years old and he'll have the handeye coordination to start to be ok at videogames.

and i agree.. mario brothers 1 is a great starter for a kid. If he's a true gamer he'll appreciate the classics :p

I got into final fantasy 1 in grade 2 ish so i think i was around 8 years old when i understood the concept of RPG's etc and how they worked.

I'm 29 now turning 30 in february and i still play games :p my wife hates them though Lol

but what can you do! i am who i am and i'll continue to play games until they no longer entertain me!

Diablo 3 is my most anticipated game now.. after that i don't know.

for the first time ever i'm not really hyped for nintendo's next system. I'll be hyped for their games but not their hardware.


edwardslane said:
at age two his motor skills are nowhere near what they need to be.

My son turns two in 15 minutes.. we had his birthday party today.. not one kid there could understand a videogame and how to play it.. try again at age 3 peraps.. I'm thinking 4 years old and he'll have the handeye coordination to start to be ok at videogames.

Peeps be ignoring the video I posted of myself playing at 2.

I was destroying SMB, and I wore a Bow Tie.

I think he'll be fine.
Dude that is an AWESOME IDEA! I was raised on the NES and retro PC, and I thank my dad every day for it! It gives you a better appreciation for games IMO. You would be setting your son on the right track.

Mista Koo

Gilgamesh said:
I'm sure at some point, all of us gamers who went through those generations have this thought, but eventually we need to face the reality that it's actually a stupid idea.

Maybe when he's old enough to make decisions for himself you can show your retro collection to him and see if he's interested. Don't force antiquated games on him.


If the antithesis of this whole idea is your child becoming another idiotic FPS playing microphone swearing gamer who buys whatever the trendy game of the day is and tosses the previous one away for the sole reason that it's what all his buddies are playing, then a full childhood retro gaming regimen is not necessary.
You can fill your collection with all the most current games and still avoid that fate, simply keep up with whatever the games of the day with true artistic vision, visual richness and adherence to the tradition of finely tuned gameplay nuance which those old classics laid the foundation for.
Games such as El Shaddai, Journey, Machinarium, DKCR, they're still being made today and will continue to in the future. Simply exposing them to things of true worth will be enough.


Im gonna do the same thing as OP.

Not as an introduction, not as forcing him, i wont prohibit him from playing newer games, but the first game im gonna introduce to him (if i ever have a kid mind you) is gonna be something like Super Mario Bros for the NES for sure.

Otherwise what's he gonna play while being a kid? fuckin Lego games or something? dont get me wrong, they're good, but they're not comparable. Not talking about quality, but rather what game is easier to grasp and get into.
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