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If the Oculus Rift takes off, how will it change games?

Well, first off, it won't take off. It's DOA, thank God. But, to answer the "if," the only use it has is porn and FPS. Porn is already fine and who has use for FPSers?

I don't even get the point of this post. Who has use for FPSers? You mean people who play them or the games themselves? Either way, you do realize that most games that attempt to be immersive go for first person correct (not that all first person games are at all immersive, just that first person is the obvious choice if you want the player to forget themselves and feel like they are there). Oculus Rift is a natural choice for FPSs, and it may even convince some people to like them (who don't already).

That doesn't mean other genres will die. Not at all.
I honestly think it will be like the whole 3D stuff, get alot of investment, sell alot of units, gets complaints about motion sickness, then eventually when everyone has tried it.

It will slowly die, VR always comes around like 3D and advances and progresses everytime.

But then it's nothing but a novelty which won't be used in daily lives.

Just a cool trend for a while
I wouldn't buy this for shooters especially linear ones that railroad you from point A to point B CoD style. Neither if you think it gives you an edge in multiplayer.

But I want it because I'm an immersion nut.

Imagine something like Google Maps with this. A program where you could literally go anywhere in the world you felt like going for a nice stroll.

We're getting there.


Just curious, why don't any of you think it isn't going to take off?

Because I have one, and it's fucking amazing. It needs 1080p+ resolution badly, but it's ludicrous to assume this thing isn't going anywhere.

VR sickness has gone away for anyone who has used it more than twice. Which, for me, has been around nine people. No one has continued symptoms.


Personally I hope it'll be the catalyst for a move away from games about nothing other than shooting men.
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of game to satisfy that need for you. Meanwhile, for people like me who aren't you and don't share your tastes, I'm quite happy with the games I have that are about shooting people.
Outside of first person stuff, I just see designs that enhance the increased depth perception (like a lot of 3ds games). I still don't really know enough about it though.

syko de4d

VR sickness has gone away for anyone who has used it more than twice. Which, for me, has been around nine people. No one has continued symptoms.
maybe many people use the wrong games. Sth like virieo driver games.

There are many many many EVE VR or Oculud 1080p HD reactions of people who tried it and had their first OR play ever and i heard not really much about sickness.
More first person games in non-conventional genres. Think Mirror's Edge, Amnesia, Thief, or the Forest.

I think shooters will be the least impacted. Racing and mocha games will be moreso.


Well, first off, it won't take off. It's DOA, thank God. But, to answer the "if," the only use it has is porn and FPS. Porn is already fine and who has use for FPSers?
You have the worst opinions of all time.

While I haven't played The Last Of Us yet, so I can't compare to this specific example, I personally am not a fan of games that are so dependent on sound for anything, including atmosphere. It doesn't add anything. I tend to play pretty much all games muted, or as close to muted as possible, so I can listen to music of my choice at the time. Sound is a crutch that shouldn't be so ingrained in games. It's a negative.

At this point, I'm starting to believe you're just trolling. Nobody can have such shit opinions.


If VR takes off... then the implication for gaming is that the technologies built for and around gaming will start finding much greater traction and applicability for general uses. Positive feedback loop - much greater market applicability for said tech means a lot more money available to work on said technology.

Streamlined VR asset generation will become paramount.


maybe many people use the wrong games. Sth like virieo driver games.

There are many many many EVE VR or Oculud 1080p HD reactions of people who tried it and had their first OR play ever and i heard not really much about sickness.
Yeah, Vireio is rough. I was so excited to play Mirror's Edge with the injection, but I couldn't handle it.

Native VR support is paramount.


No additional functions
VR will be the biggest change to gaming since the 3D/N64 era. Yes, there will be a lot of games that are in first person perspective and open world at first, but there will be other innovations as well. I have little doubt that developers are correct when they said VR will create entirely new genres.

In Mario 64, Lakitu (the guy on the cloud with the camera) is actually following you the entire game. Theoretically, this is the solution (at least at first) for third person games. You will be in that world as an on looker. Perhaps, they could make the character you're controlling your ghost or avatar.

There are other genre's that will benefit though, like God Games or top down games.

I can imagine a virtual room (in first person) is a hub and when you want to go to a different level, you select a different level that's laid out like a board game. You look down at the board game/level, select it and then the camera zooms in and you're there controlling your character from a top down perspective.

There's also the option of doing that virtual movie theater, but instead, you're looking at a virtual screen and playing a game.


Oculus will never take over traditional gaming. It will build a comfortable niche for itself but I don't think the mass appeal is there. There are too many shortcomings.

And yeah, motion sickness is a real issue. I've had around 15 people demo it so far, and only 3 of us were unaffected by it. A few people couldn't wear it for more than a few minutes without feeling really sick. A few people had much better experiences on repeat demos so some people can adapt to it somewhat.

The motion sickness is a tractable issue. The largest single cause of it resides in the fact that the dev kit headset doesn't track lateral motion. The second largest source is in the frame rate and latency.

After that, you have the display, its latency, refresh, smearing and resolution also affecting it to some degree.

But the first and third problems are things that Oculus intend on solving with the consumer version, while the second is largely a function of your own computers muscle and game settings.

Basically, by minimizing the gap between perceived visual motion and perceived physical motion (i.e. when you turn in the world, you're turning in real life, when you're walking, you feel like you're walking (on the spot, or omni directional - something that induces a natural head bob)), you minimize the amount of motion sickness that you experience with the device.

But while the device is prone to causing motion sickness; you're right, it won't quickly become a mass consumer device.


It won't.

There are a few gamers that are strangely threatened by the idea of VR here... that they simply don't even want to discuss the possibility of its success.

Oh well. Sucks for them when it does take off. Or rather it won't, they'll just be proven wrong. *shrug*.

syko de4d

Ah and dont forget the effect of VR on two other often discussed Gaming Topics. Online Streaming like Gaikai/Onlive and Motion Controler.
If VR becomes successful you cant use online streaming for it, it´s just not possible for VR. On the other hand, Motion Controler works much much better in VR.


relies on auto-aim
Just curious, why don't any of you think it isn't going to take off?
Because they haven't used it with EVR yet and there is nothing else close to a well polished game experience made specifically for the Oculus.


relies on auto-aim
Also I really can't recommend the current OR. It needs to be 1080p minimum with a lot of AA/SSAA behind it or even higher resolution imo.


It's not the 3D that's the issue though. Perspective and the way the camera moves in accordance to you will mess with people. You can't be pulling the camera around without making it a point to make sure the player knows its going to happen because while the eyes may see motion, the person isn't the one causing it which will ruin people.

So they're gonna have to have a camera system that's only controllable by the player. Which is the superior camera for third person perspective games anyway. And playing RTS games with this where you pan with head movements and literally have a God's eye view will be great. Imagine an isometric game designed to use the Rift. You could literally make the fantasy of watching your toys come to life and fight on your floor while you watch them from above a reality.
I'm loving OR, but there's one thing that's going backwards: the wires. I'm looking forward to a fully wireless version in the near future. The components need to mature or advance and then we're in IRL-less heaven.
It's under consideration for Rift 2.0 atm
Well, first off, it won't take off. It's DOA, thank God. But, to answer the "if," the only use it has is porn and FPS. Porn is already fine and who has use for FPSers?

The OR has already built up too much hype for it to be "DOA", so your post is ridiculous. It will sell.

I think it will carve out a nice niche for itself (it'll do fine among the hardcore), but it will initially be a very hard sell to the masses (typical casuals). If the MSRP of the consumer product is around $300, that will be a detriment. System requirements will be a detriment. It needs 1080p and good AA. A fully wireless solution would be good. Risk of motion sickness needs to be addressed and lessened. I wonder if the unit will remain comfortable on people's heads after lengthy play sessions (assuming no motion sickness). Basically the tech needs a few years of revisions to mature and the cost of entry needs to be lower, and it needs good word of mouth, plus it would help if a PS4 or X1 branded version surfaced. The "virtual tourism" and "Google Maps" ideas sprung earlier in this thread would help too...OR needs interesting non-gaming applications. Demo kiosks in a store may help too. Only then will the product have a good chance to really blow up. Even then...some people are image-conscious and simply won't want the thing on their heads. Plus it may fail the GF/wife test for some.

As for games...it won't kill traditional gaming on a TV; that's absurd. I'm sure (and hope) it will mean a resurgence of slower-paced adventure games. Fast-paced twitch shooters may not work so well; neither would on-rails style games.

I love horror games, but an Amnesia-style game + Oculus Rift might just be a bit too much for me...


The idea of virtual tourism seems kind of odd to me. The only reason I'd ever want to do that is because it'd be a place or event that it would be impossible to experience in real life (an event, a past/future time period, etc).


Just curious, why don't any of you think it isn't going to take off?

Because I have one, and it's fucking amazing. It needs 1080p+ resolution badly, but it's ludicrous to assume this thing isn't going anywhere.

VR sickness has gone away for anyone who has used it more than twice. Which, for me, has been around nine people. No one has continued symptoms.

I'm sure it will take off, but I don't think it will overtake traditional gaming, for a few reasons:

1) It requires large goggles and a PC...somewhat cumbersome.
2) Proper calibration is not obvious. For an optimal experience, it needs to be calibrated for each person, depending on their IPD and other stats.
3) Motion sickness.
4) Most traditional gaming experiences do not work well with the Rift.
5) VR gaming is a solitary experience.


I don't think it will take off in a 'Wii' kind of way due to how antisocial and uninteresting it looks from the outside, but I definitely think it will have an impact on hardcore gamers. I see people here complaining about the current gaming climate (specifically AAA gaming), I definitely think this will be the product for them, something wholly new that's exciting for gamers who have seen it all. The 'Wiimote' of hardcore gamers.
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