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Interest in The Division 2 is Down Significantly with Viewer Counts for the Beta Much Lower than the First Game on Twitch.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, which had its first beta start yesterday and only managed to peak with an underwhelming 105k concurrent viewers on Twitch.

And things only get worse considering that the viewer counts for The Division 2 are already down 30% compared to the first game’s 149k viewers three years ago on Twitch.

Although many have claimed over the years that viewer counts aren’t a good indicator for sales, after years of tracking viewer and player counts on GitHyp, we’re seeing that simply isn’t true.

Most recently, low viewer counts on Twitch indicated poor sales and problems for both Battlefield V and Fallout 76 way before Bethesda, EA, or the media officially reported on both failing to meet expectations.

But unlike Battlefield and Fallout, both of which hurt the reputations of once-beloved franchises, The Division‘s name already comes with the stigma of the first game — which explains the current lack of hype for the sequel and gamers lowering their expectations this time.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think moving away from winter environments was a big mistake, and kind of was the whole visual appeal of The Division.

They also got a very large bump on the first game because of that insane first trailer they had for it that turned out to be massive bullshotting. I think it's one of the few cases where the lie worked, and lots of people still had a positive impression of the game based on that trailer.

The Shepard

Let's be honest here it has alot of competition atm and it's lost that new game appeal as it's a sequel, there was alot of hype with the original aswell but people know what to expect with number 2. I loved the first so will definitely be jumping in on the sequel with my mates. One of my fave Co op experiences of the gen.
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So success is measured by twitch views now? I've never signed up for a twitch account, never watched twitch for longer than 5 minutes, and have no intention of getting a twitch account.. I imagine I'm not alone.

Codes 208

Well, despite seemingly being a more well put together game than anthem, of course anthem’s hype train would rob it just from marketing alone.

And it doesn’t help that apex Legends just straight outta nowhere stole the hype out of Plenty of upcoming Mp focused games.
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So success is measured by twitch views now? I've never signed up for a twitch account, never watched twitch for longer than 5 minutes, and have no intention of getting a twitch account.. I imagine I'm not alone.

So you are out of touch with gaming community.

Twitch is a good indicator if the game is getting any traction through viewer counts. I would even go so far that twitch makes games or breaks them.


Apex is what people play right now, division not so much. It's more a console game.
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So you are out of touch with gaming community.

Twitch is a good indicator if the game is getting any traction through viewer counts. I would even go so far that twitch makes games or breaks them.


Apex is what people play right now, division not so much. It's more a console game.

Does twitch break news?

I don't watch Match of the Day anymore, does that mean I'm out of touch with the Premier League? :messenger_dizzy:


well it isn't 2015 anymore, Twitch 'viewership' has changed

Division is a known commodity so most are going to be spending their limited beta time actually playing rather than watching somebody else's crazy Dark Zone antics or whatever. even then i remember Division 1's Twitch scene just being kinda "there" after everything was settled, can only recall a handful of the big streamers that stuck with it as their main


Division is pretty boring to watch compared to a BR unless you're constantly fighting in a DZ. It doesn't help from a viewing point that the beta shows gameplay that doesn't differ significantly from the previous game either.

So yeah, while I think a large Twitch presence can signal a successful game---if that presence lasts more than a week---not having a large presence isn't a danger sign unless you're a purely PvP game.

I think interest in The Division 2 should be down, though. It feels like an expansion for The Division. You either like Div 1 or you don't so you already know if you're going to like Div 2 or not. There's no general hype outside the established fanbase for Div1, unlike the first title where we had expectations that may not have matched what was delivered---for better or worse.

So success is measured by twitch views now? I've never signed up for a twitch account, never watched twitch for longer than 5 minutes, and have no intention of getting a twitch account.. I imagine I'm not alone.

They're not measuring success. They're measuring interest which is often an indicator how successful something may be. Interest for Div2 appears to be down compared to interest in Div1. That's definitely not a good stat, but how bad it is is a matter of speculation at this point.

The major FPS streamers who have been feasting on Apex Legends would have given Div2 at most a day or two if they weren't sponsored. The real question is whether or not the looter/shooter streamers are giving it more than a day or two. If the streamers who typically play things like Destiny, Borderlands, etc. aren't streaming the Div2 beta all day every day then yeah, I think there is a problem that isn't just a case of being overshadowed by AL.

Lastly I think coming right after the Anthem demo isn't doing them any favors. Anthem has a lot of issues but at least it is trying to do something new. I uninstalled the Div 2 beta after the 3rd delta disconnect and wished I could still be playing Anthem.
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So success is measured by twitch views now? I've never signed up for a twitch account, never watched twitch for longer than 5 minutes, and have no intention of getting a twitch account.. I imagine I'm not alone.


There's quite a bit of competition in the shooter genre atm.....Shooters are not just bursting at the seams anymore, they're overflowing......Some will get more attention than others....It seems Apex came out of nowhere and many people like that, it looks nice and it's free to play, so there's that...

Boss Mog

Anthem gameplay is really good. I don't know how deep the game's story and all that will be but for a game where you're spend the majority of your time fighting enemies, BioWare got that part very right and flying/fighting is extremely fun and for a game type of such a repetitive nature it's really a must. By comparison the shooting in the division is quite boring and it's one thing for mechs and monsters to be bullet sponges but when the enemies are regular joe schmo humans and they're bullet sponges it takes a lot out of the immersion.


Good. Watch Dogs 2 didn't do very well and neither has The Crew 2 so far. Wake up call time.
Devs and publishers never learn. They still have it in their minds that everything needs to become GaaS and online only. Regardless of how well single player games are doing.
Uplay = no buy. DLC crap = no buy. Online only gameplay = no buy.

WTF would I ever care even the slightest for this crap? I got The Division for free, but it's not on Steam, so I won't even bother playing it, and if I didn't play the first one why would I just in the middle on the second one? Stupid degenerate Ubisoft cunts.


I saw this game in DF and found it pretty boring. It doesn't have much charm in terms of gameplay. Not that the first one was any better though.
I don't think Division has that much competition. Is it competing against Apex Legends or Call of Duty? I don't think so.

It's competing against Destiny and Anthem. Anthem is nowhere near as refined and content-rich, so I think Division 2 stacks up pretty well in that regard.


Uplay = no buy. DLC crap = no buy. Online only gameplay = no buy.

WTF would I ever care even the slightest for this crap? I got The Division for free, but it's not on Steam, so I won't even bother playing it, and if I didn't play the first one why would I just in the middle on the second one? Stupid degenerate Ubisoft cunts.

Why even bother posting in the thread?


I wouldn't start panicking because of Twitch views lmao.

15K ain't bad though....right now it's sitting between FIFA/Minecraft and ahead of games like GTA V/Rainbow Siege/Black Ops/Destiny. The games in front are the heavyweights that don't really tend to shift or new games. The Division is not gonna compete with Battle Royale games like APEX/Fortnite/PUBG or DOTA2/LOL or CS:GO/Overwatch.

I'll probably pick up the game but not at launch unless there is a good deal.

I did not like the first game.

No interest in the second.
ok so why are you here?
Uplay = no buy. DLC crap = no buy. Online only gameplay = no buy.

WTF would I ever care even the slightest for this crap? I got The Division for free, but it's not on Steam, so I won't even bother playing it, and if I didn't play the first one why would I just in the middle on the second one? Stupid degenerate Ubisoft cunts.
lol if you're complaining about PC clients, DLC and online games in 2019 then i feel sorry for you.

the premise of the game is not interesting. never was.
except it was and is. opinions...how do they work??

This is a great post.

Uplay = no buy. DLC crap = no buy. Online only gameplay = no buy.

WTF would I ever care even the slightest for this crap? I got The Division for free, but it's not on Steam, so I won't even bother playing it, and if I didn't play the first one why would I just in the middle on the second one? Stupid degenerate Ubisoft cunts.
lol if you're complaining about PC clients, DLC and online games in 2019 then i feel sorry for you.

And was fortnight a thing when the division 1 had its beta?
Fortnite existed yes. Well, we knew it was in development.

Save The World released in July 2017 and Battle Royale was September 2017.
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Wish they sticked with the snowy Manhattan and take up where the first game finished. They made entire engine around the snow environment, they even called it Snowdrop, and this? Only less appealing environment in the upcoming games is that heavily downgraded Anthem, as much as fun the first game was I have zero interest in the sequel.


Wish they sticked with the snowy Manhattan and take up where the first game finished. They made entire engine around the snow environment, they even called it Snowdrop, and this? Only less appealing environment in the upcoming games is that heavily downgraded Anthem, as much as fun the first game was I have zero interest in the sequel.
no, while I think snowy manhattan was atmospheric i just got sick and tired of walking down streets covered in snow and surrounded by buildings. i love having some colour and variety now.

Winter John

After playing it a little I'd say it has the same problem I had with BF5. It hasn't evolved enough. It doesn't seem to offer anything new apart from it's bland setting. I think the devoted fans will enjoy it though.
no, while I think snowy manhattan was atmospheric i just got sick and tired of walking down streets covered in snow and surrounded by buildings. i love having some colour and variety now.

This is the thing. The environment in the first game was fantastic. But it got tedious for the end-game player.


Darkness no more
Apex came out of no where and will take people away from the game. Anthem is out in a week or two. Really bad timing.
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I think this being a sequel, going up against new and unknown games like Anthem, has to play a part. People probably feel like they already know what it’s about. The marketing campaign is supposed to convince them they need to pay attention, and it clearly hasn’t.


Gold Member
They also got a very large bump on the first game because of that insane first trailer they had for it that turned out to be massive bullshotting. I think it's one of the few cases where the lie worked, and lots of people still had a positive impression of the game based on that trailer.
UBI is almost always the reigning champ for the Bullshotting Trophy.

Watchdogs. What a scam that was.


I am interested in the Division 2 but the season pass ultimate edition is pretty expensive in Canada. The first game was pretty good but I don’t remember people being really pumped about the the Division one at anytime. I feel like it’s similar to watch dogs where the second one was not nearly as exciting in the pre release period then the first simply because of the unknowns.

At this point I think we have a pretty good sense of what The Division and what a Ubisoft product is about.


Gold Member
I am interested in the Division 2 but the season pass ultimate edition is pretty expensive in Canada. The first game was pretty good but I don’t remember people being really pumped about the the Division one at anytime. I feel like it’s similar to watch dogs where the second one was not nearly as exciting in the pre release period then the first simply because of the unknowns.

At this point I think we have a pretty good sense of what The Division and what a Ubisoft product is about.
Division 1 died off pretty fast.

I think the biggest problem with the series is that it's modern day, so things are pretty repetitive with the same kinds of settings and enemies. So people will get bored grinding.

Put the same kind of game mechanics in a fantasy game with crazy monsters and weapons and people will keep playing.

I don't know if game companies dump season passes for cheap, but UBI always dumps their game prices for bargain binning fast. Don't be surprised if Division 2 is 50% off 3 months later.
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Season pass isn't that big of a deal with Division 2 since DLC is free.

Even the stash space--which seemed like a big deal--is just a head start.
Are viewer counts really that great of a metric to use? I mean, I know it's anecdotal but I'm super excited for the game and am not really watching any media for it. I already know I want it and since Private Beta progress won't carry over into release I'm not interested in playing the beta either. I certainly had more fun with it than Anthem even though I've basically "pre-ordered" that game due to my Origin access.

Kingdom Hearts 3 sold like gangbusters but it certainly hasn't seen big viewer counts in Twitch so I don't see how GitHyp is doing anything other than participating in clickbait.


I don’t read much into viewership when it comes to games. I also don’t think it’s due to other games. What I have watched and from some of the small streamers comments it just doesn’t seem fun.

I really liked the first one and put a lot of time into it so I was hopeful for this. I’ll wait for it to go on sale before I consider picking it up.


Gold Member
Apex just sucked all the air out the room. Though I don't think it would do very well anyways.


The Division was my most hyped game this entire generation. Everytime someone asked what game I was looking forward to, I said the Division. Then as it came to release time and it got so much bad publicity and so on, I ended up not buying it. My most hyped game, not bought.

It was only like a year or two later when it was $8 that I bought it for Black Friday, and it sat in my room unplayed. Then finally last November I played it. Expecting the worst I went into it and wow was I impressed. The game is totally awesome. I regret not playing it when the player base was bigger.

My point is. If you think you will like it, get it. Don't let negative press and such talk you out of it.


So success is measured by twitch views now? I've never signed up for a twitch account, never watched twitch for longer than 5 minutes, and have no intention of getting a twitch account.. I imagine I'm not alone.
It is if you have understanding of how Twitch works. Apex Legends is doing well right at this moment, but it might not last. It is certainly successful for this short span because of variety streamers. It's the variety streamers that have the most audience.

Look at Sea of Thieves, again. They added some content, and it got some interest, and it was mostly wavering around the bottom of the top 10, now it's completely off the map because that's how variety streamers work, and where variety streamers go, the streamers with one to fifty audiences go to the games that are most popular. Sea of Thieves expansions were a success, but the game is still boring that streamers have no problem literally jumping ship.

What is true success measured by endurance, that League of Legends, for over 10 years, hasn't left the top 3. You can definitely say that is true success.


Gold Member
Pretty sure Call of Duty streams have dropped like a rock over the past 5 years, yet they still sell like hotcakes as the best selling game (or was it best selling shooter?) every year.


Agree with the previous statements that the change in venue hurt interest in the game. Manhattan in winter felt like a good change, very atmospheric, foreboding. Especially the survival dlc which to me is some of the best dlc ever made.

The division 2 looks like a rehash of wildlands. It doesn't help that all the trailers and hype reels have been snooze worthy too.

I loved division 1, at the end it turned out great, I love Massive, since ground control, but division 2 I think will be a bust.

That and Apex really hurt a lot of releases this early 2019


Twitch is a difficult thing to use to judge interest for a game . It's going to depend a lot on who is streaming it . If Dr. Disprespect , Ninja ,Shroud and Tim the Tat man or whoever decided to stream a game it will shoot to the top of the twitch chart . Hell they could stream playing tic tac toe on paper with a flip phone and it would still reach the top or at least the top row.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Personally, I think Apex is going to be the big winner here, even though it's a different genre. As for D2, I think that what I played of the closed beta is great.

The gunplay is fantastic, and enemy AI is improved and some of the best I have seen of late. Compared to the braindead enemies in Anthem, the AI im D2 stands out in stark contrast and should be commended.

I do agree that it is still very much a Division game, so it does lack the impact that something new offers. But it does seem to be a better Division in just about every way.

The one way it may not be, is in the location. DC isn't bad, but it's not too interesting either. Yeah it's cool have some of those iconic landmarks, but beyond that it's a bit bland. Also, there are many obvious instances of asset re-use. There are times where it feels exactly like a section of the first game.

Overall, I am definitely enjoying it more than Anthem. While that game does have a more interesting setting, the gameplay does not feel nearly as tight as it does in D2. And that ultimately is where I hang my hat.


Twitch is a difficult thing to use to judge interest for a game . It's going to depend a lot on who is streaming it . If Dr. Disprespect , Ninja ,Shroud and Tim the Tat man or whoever decided to stream a game it will shoot to the top of the twitch chart . Hell they could stream playing tic tac toe on paper with a flip phone and it would still reach the top or at least the top row.

You have your horse and cart reversed. Ask yourself why they're not streaming it. Three options: They don't like the game, their viewers don't like the game, or all of the above.


You have your horse and cart reversed. Ask yourself why they're not streaming it. Three options: They don't like the game, their viewers don't like the game, or all of the above.
I would say that the streamers don't like the game but if they decided to stream it they'd probably still get their 15,000+ viewers . It really doesn't matter what they stream they will always pull in big numbers. Point is it doesn't matter if the viewers like it or not they'll still watch the streamer..even if it's just to make fun of the game
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I would say that the streamers don't like the game but if they decided to stream it they'd probably still get their 15,000+ viewers . It really doesn't matter what they stream they will always pull in big numbers. Point is it doesn't matter if the viewers like it or not they'll still watch the streamer..even if it's just to make fun of the game

Their viewer count and subscribers fluctuate quite a bit from game to game. Streaming a game few of your current viewers are interested in is a great way to eventually not be a a big streamer.

None of the biggest streamers stream the looter/shooters because compstomping is boring for the average viewer, but of those that do how many of them are streaming Division 2? Looking at it right now you have Bahroo with ~4k, then the official stream with 1300. Very few people interested in watching Div2 gameplay.

I think Ubi should sponsor a streamer team just to play darkzone during the beta/early release. That way people who normally aren't interested in PvE can realize that there is some fun PvP to be had. I'd be paying Gothalian and his crew to darkzone all day every day leading up to release.
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