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Iwata to become Nintendo of America CEO, NoA CEO promoted to NCL Managing Director

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Wind Waker remake and the new in development The Legend Of Zelda? Or am I missing something. 3DS has the 'A Link To The Past' game.

yea that's it. if this was a project that was very far away (like skyward sword level) then i doubt it would be listed at all. i'm really surprised that the game has reached a point in development where they consider it far enough along to be listed here.


My nuts just imploded!!! if there are two zelda games for wii u coming so soon I'm gonna..........


They are listing it because Aonuma mentioned that they are working on a Zelda title other than Wind Waker HD in the direct. He also said it would be quite a ways off.

Please do not become overly hyped for something that won't happen until next year at the latest and then get disappointed when it's not shown off at E3. And really, next year is highly unlikely. The next one is so far off they have to give us an HD port of a Zelda so people will buy the Wii U.


Yes, and how could they know it before WiiU? That series was one of the catalysts for skyrocketing DS, earned one more year of life for Wii and was a long seller and 3DS title shows NSMB legs. So, they had no clue it could fail like this. They tried, they failed, simple as that.

I think it's pretty self-evident myself. One could see even from E3 reactions - which were "good enough" at one point for Nintendo to base a system price around (see: 3DS) - that the "early adopter" crowd wasn't excited by NSMBU's existence.

And even if it isn't self-evident, that's why you conduct market research to find out how to launch a system and who those early adopters usually tend to be (and I'd fathom a guess the expanded audience/blue ocean of the Wii who made NSMBWii a success aren't included among those people).

"You don't know until you try" isn't really a rationale excuse for a business.


yea that's it. if this was a project that was very far away (like skyward sword level) then i doubt it would be listed at all. i'm really surprised that the game has reached a point in development where they consider it far enough along to be listed here.

I seriously doubt it is being listed there because it is close to being released, but rather they are listing it there because it was announced.


They are listing it because Aonuma mentioned that they are working on a Zelda title other than Wind Waker HD in the direct. He also said it would be quite a ways off.

Please do not become overly hyped for something that won't happen until next year at the latest and then get disappointed when it's not shown off at E3.

An official announcement at e3 kinda like smash 4 would still be fucking awesome though.


Unconfirmed Member
To write the Wii U off now is downright dumb and extremely bizarre, ESPECIALLY when it hasn't really played its hand of cards - Currently, It has no 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wii U Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Wii Fit U, Wii U Sports, Wii U Party, Brain Training, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Nintendogs & Cats, Pikmin 3, Kirby, F-Zero, Starfox, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, SMT VS Fire Emblem, Retro or Monolith Games or Smash Bros.

It always really annoys me when people act like Mario, Zelda and the other nintendo IPs will always sell tons of consoles. Were you not around for the N64 and Gamecube eras? Nintendo pushed out all their usual franchises for those systems too and it didn't work out so well in sales. Why in the world would it work out well this time? Wii may have proved that those titles can sell excellent if on a system with a large install base and not much competition, but that doesn't change the fact that those IPs have been historically proven to simply not sell systems.

The only ones that aren't like that are the Wii Fit U, Wii U Sports, and Wii U Party games, and I don't see how anyone could say that those titles will rejuvenate the Wii U, simply because its really hard to sell what those titles do differently from the Wii versions to warrant 300+ dollars to get. It's not like the gamepad or graphics benefit Wii Fit or Wii Sports in any way whatsoever.

Of course there is always a chance things will turn around, but everyone should be able to admit that those chances are extremely slim, and will take something as new, innovative, and desirable as Wii Sports once was, and that does not come around easily at all. It's ridiculous to see so many people not see this.
This is the slow clap gif:


It means one is agreeing with you.

He's a combination of these two:

In that case, I take the bite-back response back :).


Beaten, but exactly this. It's wind waker and the new Zelda game that will melt faces and end the world.

Yes, I am very optimistic about the new Zelda.

Yeah listening to Aonuma during the Nintendo Direct piqued my interest in the next title. I like Skyward Sword but the next title seems more like a revolution rather then an evolution.


Hmmmm...that doesn't sound like it bodes well for Wii U.

Bodes well for the 3DS however, you know the other console Nintendo have on the market that is more likely to be profitable. The console some people still seem to think is a flop despite its sales *ahem*
Okay, I have no idea what your problem is, but my post was in solidarity with what you wrote as it articulated much of what has been in the back of my mind.

Please accept my apology. I've always understood 'slow claps' as something negative. I hadn't realised that wasn't the case until another member pointed it out. Thanks for reading my post, I appreciate it :).

(I can see from the other responses, too, and yes, I do feel a bit of a donut... Haha).


I seriously doubt it is being listed there because it is close to being released, but rather they are listing it there because it was announced.

i don't think it's close to being released either but it is obviously far enough along and with a proper budget allocated to be considered it on this list. i don't think all games get thrown up on here just because they're announced in development.


Investor Meeting Thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546640

i don't think it's close to being released either but it is obviously far enough along and with a proper budget allocated to be considered it on this list. i don't think all games get thrown up on here just because they're announced in development.

I don't think it is because it is far along to be considered on the list either. It just seems to have what has been announced and doesn't have what hasn't been announced.


I don't think it is because it is far along to be considered on the list either. It just seems to have what has been announced and doesn't have what hasn't been announced.

i don't believe skyward sword was thrown up into these lists for a year or two after announcement which is why i was attempting to point it out as something that stands out.


Wiiu sales improve from July onwards from first party titles. From today miiverse can be accessed on pc and by yr end 3ds for entry too


i don't believe skyward sword was thrown up into these lists for a year or two after announcement which is why i was attempting to point it out as something that stands out.

Yeah I don't blame ya! It stuck out to me too. I guess its to pad out the list in order to make it seem more full, or the game is making crazy progress.


I think it's pretty self-evident myself. One could see even from E3 reactions - which were "good enough" at one point for Nintendo to base a system price around (see: 3DS) - that the "early adopter" crowd wasn't excited by NSMBU's existence.

And even if it isn't self-evident, that's why you conduct market research to find out how to launch a system and who those early adopters usually tend to be (and I'd fathom a guess the expanded audience/blue ocean of the Wii who made NSMBWii a success aren't included among those people).

"You don't know until you try" isn't really a rationale excuse for a business.

You always try when you release something, there's still a risk and even if you make surveys, market researches that just estimate appeal don't hide those risks. But I understand what you're saying.
And you talk about estimating 3DS hype from "early adopters", I think they learned it wasn't a good unit system nowadays. So, yes, after very successful titles, I don't see where they could see THE clue that NSMBU wasn't a system seller before they gathered the numbers.


This is the slow clap gif:


well... in the case of citizen kane, kane is applauding to spite the people who said his wife was a terrible singer. he does it because he can't admit he was wrong. it's not actual admiration of something or someone.
Large change in corporate structure announced by Nintendo:

Nintendo said:
At the financial announcement of yesterday, we also announced the changes in the members of our board of directors. More specifically, our plans are for the four directors, including Mr. Mori and Mr. Hatano who are currently the representative directors, to retire when their term of office expires at the end of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders this year, and for the five new directors to take office, as well as the promotion of one existing director.

We are not changing our overall business strategy, but already 11 years have passed since the current management structure was established in 2002. The planned changes this time aim to realize a generational change of our management structure. When these changes become effective, the average age of the board of directors will become 6.7 years younger than today.

For your information, as recovering the momentum in the overseas markets tops our priority list, we are planning to place our overseas operations under the direct control of the company president after this year’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Under this new management structure, the company will make its utmost efforts to achieve the 100 billion yen operating profit in the current fiscal year.

Looks like Iwata really wants to shake things up. It's interesting how this coincides with internal development structure shifts.


Junior Member
Cheers, Aquamarine. I had an inkling feeling that Iwata was opening up the windows to let the "old people smell" out. Good luck to him and his endeavours.


I've had some time to process this news and want to add my thoughts.

First, congrats to Mr. Iwata!! As this year has gotten underway I kind of suspected maybe something like this may happen. But, one of the big things I've learned here on Gaf is to make sure to substantiate my claims, soto just throw that baseless thought out there wouldn't have helped. I think he totally deserves this job, but it's more than that. NOA needs direct contact and interaction with him right now more than ever. I've always respected the man greatly and when I read about his beginnings with HAL and them working for Commodore I was in awe. I've never ever seen a businessman be as humble and gracious as he is. I certainly can't think of anyone else that would do an Ambassador program, price cut, and take a 50 percent cut in his salary all in the same year! All of us should at least strive for his humility and grace.

As for what this means for NOA? I think certainly he's pissed off at the performance and output there. Hopefully, he will take a hard look at each person there, keeping the ones who want to be there going above and beyond every day and getting rid if under performers who don't. I certainly think this is going to be good for localizations. More than likely worldwide launches instead of spread apart. I hope maybe he can get a simultaneous US/EU launch for Mario and Luigi 4 instead of a month between the two. Also, hopefully he can get this Wii U virtual console straightened out which I'm getting the feeling he's none too happy with as it is.

Overall, this will be great because it consolidates and streamlines everything between NOA and NCL. I agree it seems Reggie's days are probably numbered but that axing is probably best to wait a little longer with all the other shuffling around. That might be for the best, that man is looking worn out, tired and like he's gonna flip out any day now as it is. But, this move should make a very clear vision and direction for the company instead of 500 misunderstandings and misinterpretations. I wish him the best!


It always really annoys me when people act like Mario, Zelda and the other nintendo IPs will always sell tons of consoles. Were you not around for the N64 and Gamecube eras? Nintendo pushed out all their usual franchises for those systems too and it didn't work out so well in sales. Why in the world would it work out well this time? Wii may have proved that those titles can sell excellent if on a system with a large install base and not much competition, but that doesn't change the fact that those IPs have been historically proven to simply not sell systems.

The only ones that aren't like that are the Wii Fit U, Wii U Sports, and Wii U Party games, and I don't see how anyone could say that those titles will rejuvenate the Wii U, simply because its really hard to sell what those titles do differently from the Wii versions to warrant 300+ dollars to get. It's not like the gamepad or graphics benefit Wii Fit or Wii Sports in any way whatsoever.

Of course there is always a chance things will turn around, but everyone should be able to admit that those chances are extremely slim, and will take something as new, innovative, and desirable as Wii Sports once was, and that does not come around easily at all. It's ridiculous to see so many people not see this.

Some people seem to live in an alternate universe where the N64 and GC didn't happen and the Wii sold like crazy because of Zelda and Mario Galaxy.

Nevertheless, the point is that Nintendo released its last big guns on the Wii ages ago and still couldn't manage to get some of these ready for the WiiU's launch window.


I mean retro has proven that they can make fantastic games, but can they create new worlds with characters that in 10-20 years from now will consider to be iconic like mario link and samus?

I'd like to see them make something the direct opposite of the hollywood AAA, a new franchise filled with color and whimsy, no cinematic press a to win gameplay, characters that will be remembered decades from now with positive emotions, and most importantly not tied to another nintendo franchise.

hey.. we can all dream.. can't we? hate to say it.. but Nintendo will NEVER create a new AAA IP on Wii U.. on 3DS e-shop.. budget title.. yes.. If I'm wrong.. I will eat crow for the reminder of Wii U's life...


I don't doubt that unforeseen problems attend managers all the time, but he owns those as much as if he had gotten a lucky break.

Nor do I doubt his sincerity or his desire that things were better. I think it's inspiring he took responsibility for the 3DS failing to meet projects and got a paycut. I also think he genuinely cares about gaming in a way the beancounters at Microsoft do not.

But that doesn't absolve him of misdiagnosing problems or for failing to consider the very obvious issues of reputation his company now faces. If he was new to this, there might be more benefit of the doubt, but when problems are repeated, continue, or grow in ways that are frustrating to observe as a customer, it's hard to extend that benefit.

The fact that this system came out with a well-designed but ultimately uninspiring 2D Mario game is not a "solution" to the 3DS' problem; it's a misreading of what went wrong with the 3DS: its price and lack of compelling software, coupled with almost no support, first-party or otherwise.

The fact that Nintendo struggles to develop HD games when they had plenty of time, resources (from the Wii years), and evidence (from other developers), is disconcerting too. First party support for the Wii basically dried up in the last 2-3 years, which suggested they were working on something, but 2 E3s went by with nothing to show for it. You're right that it's silly to "write the Wii U off when [x, y, z] haven't released," but where are x, y, and z? Problems with development should have been anticipated, but weren't, for some reason.

And, purely from a business standpoint, he's bet on the wrong horse twice with the 3D on the 3DS and the touchscreen controller on the Wii U. That's pretty catastrophic that he was unable to sell these innovations/gimmicks, because he based huge parts of their production costs on features that the mass market finds no value in, and left him with little room to maneuver in some cases. You can't say that's a brilliant business move.

And this is to say nothing about Nintendo's continued insistence on backwards online account systems, although it seems they are moving (however agonizingly slowly) to better online implementation.

I like Iwata, but he's engendered some dangerous practices, some within his control and others that were easily foreseeable and correctable had he the gumption to step on the brakes.

I agree with the "3D" on the 3DS.. but there are some good examples of games where it's really well done and actually affects gameplay..

however, you are straight up 100% WRONG about the touch screen tablet of the Wii U... it's a core component of game design.. it works REALLY REALLY well... just because the adoption rate isn't that of the Wii isn't indicative of the gamepad not being the right choice.. it is the right choice.. the market climate is wildly different right now..


Why are people hell bent on the execution of Iwatta? He is one of the few CEO's to have shown ANY amount of humility! Are the ones calling for his head masochists??
Why are people hell bent on the execution of Iwatta? He is one of the few CEO's to have shown ANY amount of humility! Are the ones calling for his head masochists??

Although there are certainly people with legitimate criticism of how he has handled/is handling Nintendo's business, I don't think it's unfair to suggest that there are a lot of people here and elsewhere who view him as emblematic of everything that's "wrong" with modern Nintendo (see: complaints about hardware power, demographics, "casuals", "non-games" etc. etc. et-bloody-c.) and scent blood with the early underperformance of the 3DS and the current struggles of the Wii U.
Huh. What I take away from this is that NoA's missteps were largely the result of NCL's decisions, as speculated.

I take away the exact opposite. Had NoA done their job, Mr. Iwata wouldn't be becoming more involved in the region. At least, that's how I see it.

What decisions did NCL make, that made NoA take missteps?

I hear/see people blame NCL for all of Nintendo's problems, but I fail to see examples of NoA doing great things. What has NoA wanted to do, that NCL didn't allow them?
I take away the exact opposite. Had NoA done their job, Mr. Iwata wouldn't be becoming more involved in the region. At least, that's how I see it.

What decisions did NCL make, that made NoA take missteps?

I hear/see people blame NCL for all of Nintendo's problems, but I fail to see examples of NoA doing great things. What has NoA wanted to do, that NCL didn't allow them?

Releasing hardware with 2006 tech in 2013 for $350

Releasing it with an expensive tablet controller that doesn't have wide appeal with no compelling software to show it off

Calling it "Wii U", leading to market confusion.
Releasing hardware with 2006 tech in 2013 for $350

Releasing it with an expensive tablet controller that doesn't have wide appeal with no compelling software to show it off

Calling it "Wii U", leading to market confusion.
It's kind of grating when one extra word would stop Nintendo fans from throwing hissy fits.

The tech was made in 2011, based on 2009 and later tech, with power similar to 2006 console hardware.

Or "Releasing hardware with 2006 equivalent tech in 2013".

Otherwise it's not only inaccurate, but it spurs those with too strong of ties to Nintendo into stupidity. And then we have to get into the "next-gen" talk again.

Granted some would still argue the use of equivalent, but it's safe to ignore them.
Although there are certainly people with legitimate criticism of how he has handled/is handling Nintendo's business, I don't think it's unfair to suggest that there are a lot of people here and elsewhere who view him as emblematic of everything that's "wrong" with modern Nintendo (see: complaints about hardware power, demographics, "casuals", "non-games" etc. etc. et-bloody-c.) and scent blood with the early underperformance of the 3DS and the current struggles of the Wii U.
I think in Iwata's case it works both ways.

Yes, as you suggest, he is seen as responsible for the directions Nintendo has taken. But that's not really that unusual. Imperial Hot Wada was vilified for S-E's decisions, Bobby Kotick isn't exactly GAF's favorite person, nor was John Riccitiello. I don't think anyone necessarily dislikes Iwata in the same way as those individuals. He seems nice enough.

Conversely, the degree of empathy people have towards him is relatively unusual. Iwata has established something of a cult of personality around himself, with the advent of the Iwata Asks and Nintendo Directs. His image and Nintendo have become intrinsically connected; more-so than other senior executives from such companies. Criticism of his performance is seen as slight against Nintendo. And any suggestion of his potential departure, if he continues to see failing performance, is met with disbelief. Because who else could run Nintendo - Iwata is Nintendo; or at least a personification of the things people love about it.
Releasing hardware with 2006 tech in 2013 for $350

Releasing it with an expensive tablet controller that doesn't have wide appeal with no compelling software to show it off

Calling it "Wii U", leading to market confusion.

What would you have liked them release now? I own a PS3, and don't see the need/point of the PS4 right now. The graphical leap is minimal. The Wii U is slightly graphically superior to the PS3/360 (confirmed by games like Trine 2 and Need for Speed: Most Wanted), and we won't really see what the Wii U is capable of probably, until the first Metroid Prime/Super Mario Galaxy for the system (usually the first party games that look the best).

I think the GamePad can have wide appeal, but NOA has done a HORRID job with marketing it. They need to know their target audience, and if it's their typical market (families), the Wii U makes a lot of sense.

The name is an issue, but decent marketing could remedy much of that. Did you see the Japanese Wii U launch ad(s)?
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