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Jimquisition: Deus Ex cost $70M CAD, needs 3 mil to break even, talks pub meddling


Like many other replies here I am also going to wait till a good sale before picking the game up. Pre-order bullshit, microtransactions, telemetry, pc performance, and cut story are putting me off this game.

I actually liked HR's story for its cyberpunk cheesiness to an extent, being a fan of both Deus Ex as a franchise and the genre in general, and the cut story is unfortunate to me. I don't mind one hub if it was large, but it sounds like Prague is not particularly big in scope.

Meh, there are too many games to reward publishers acting like this and too little time on hand. I am sure I'll get to the game at some point either end of this year or sometime next year, but I am not in a hurry. I may be an equivalent of an old man shouting at the kids to get off my lawn, but I really hate the shit above in a full priced game and I am not prepared to reward that (although I am pre-ordering FFXV despite all kinds of misgivings).


You didn't in the first part of the planned trilogy. However, now that SE has them as a platform, you likely are going to see some of the leveling decisions in the sequel being potentially planned around them. We shall see I guess.
I'm a young guy and I hate this shit too, I have my own way of dealing with full-priced games with micro-transactions-buy it used at Gamestop, Amazon, Ebay, etc

With Hitman i'm waiting until next year when the full retail version comes out, fuck Square Enix for chopping that game and selling it in bits, and they can get double-fucked for putting console exclusive DLC in the game.


Weren't people saying that about online passes a few years ago? Now they're completely extinct

No, they're not.
"GOTY" editions now routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Day one editions" routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Special Editions" routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Season Pass" content is routinely sold as one time use DLC.
"Expansions" now rotuinely come solely as one time use DLC.

There's not a meaningful difference between "pay fee to multiplayer" and "pay fee to multiplayer with non-obsolete content where the userbase has moved to"


That thread for the previous Deus Ex video is upsetting to read because microtransactions dont bother everybody so its not their problem.

But im sure now with this video some people will have a less condescending attitude on these topics.


OléGunner;215705058 said:
Pretty much, don't know why this is not being mentioned by more posters.
Square are clearly gluttons for cash, I'd be worried what their greedy little mits will do to more titles moving forward.

Especially if enough casual whales are currently splooging dosh on these microtransactions.

Square made some really brilliant western studio acquisitions back in the day. Smart move on their part.
Without them, they'd fade into obscurity and be a carcass of a publisher like Konami and probably join the deep dive into pachinko wonderland lol.

Edit: with FF being analogous to MGS as their only flagship title.

Indeed, I was extremely happy when they saved Sleeping Dogs from becoming Vaporware(it was originally True Crime Hong Kong, Activision cancelled for some stupid fucking reason, speaking of which the True Crime IP is up for grabs apparently, i'd love to see another title in that franchise).


Personally I didn't care for the pre-order fiasco, the micro-transactions are so unimpactful that they may as well not even be there, Breach mode isn't crucial to the primary game experience, hell in the main campaign there is a mini-Breach mode that can be stealthed with easy, and the plot stuff while disappointing did not detract from the gameplay at all.

I'll give you Denuvo though, if you were against the game merely from Denuvo, then that'd be understandable. I still recommend you give it a chance, and if after 20 hours you find you only finished like 1/4 of the game but enjoyed your time with it, then you at least know the game's delivered despite its issues.
Fuck Denuvo, I refuse to buy any game on PC that has that horrible DRM, i've heard about it can seriously mess-up your hard drive, no thanks.


No, they're not.
"GOTY" editions now routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Day one editions" routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Special Editions" routinely come with base game on disk + one time use DLC.
"Season Pass" content is routinely sold as one time use DLC.
"Expansions" now rotuinely come solely as one time use DLC.

There's not a meaningful difference between "pay fee to multiplayer" and "pay fee to multiplayer with non-obsolete content where the userbase has moved to"
Maybe you're confused about what I meant, when I talk about online passes, i'm referring to back when games charged you 10 dollars to access the online functionality of games if you bought them used, then you had to enter in a code:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mLuAzZvpsw


I am Korean.
Fun Fact: You see that "Augment your preorder" thing that Square Enix pulled for Deus Ex? I created a website a year or so prior to it doing the same thing, except it's pro-consumer rather than anti-consumer. It's idea was to provide tiers for games that benefits developers and gamers alike, and gives a new life to a game's community if done right. The more people buy the game, the more expansions and DLC you'll get, and not just garbage DLC. Not only that, but the more you buy, the cheaper the game will get. Essentially, you'd get PC and Console games and DLC as one package, as it's meant to be, for a great price where the developers will still make a lot of money since I would essentially do it for free, and will mostly let them pay for the server and transaction cost.

Essentially, I wanted to reconstruct the way we look at digital games.

However, I was scared, and still am scared, to launch it. When this Deus Ex preorder thing popped up, and everyone hated it, it made it clear that this is something that can be abused. That and even if I don't abuse it, it'll be hard convincing developers to do so and please the community instead of pleasing the investors. I still want to launch it and let it die it's own death, but Square Enix pushed me back to the drawing board. :p

I'm actually VERY curious whay you all think about it.
Sounds like developer welfare.


Maybe you're confused about what I meant, when I talk about online passes, i'm referring to back when games charged you 10 dollars to access the online functionality of games if you bought them used, then you had to enter in a code:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mLuAzZvpsw

No, I know what they are.
They are still very much pressent.

For example, once upon a time, an expansion pack like... okay, let's say Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, came on a disk. If you bought the GOTY edition, you would get 2 disks, one with the regular game, one with the expansion.

Today, a game with an expansion, let's say... Destiny: The Taken King, doesn't come on a disk. It comes as DLC only. If you go and buy a Destony GOTY edition that 'includes' expansions, you get a disk of vanilla-near-worthless-nobody-is-playing Destiny, and a one time use code for any included expansions.


Whats the problem with the game telemetry? It's kinda a very common practice, specially in multiplayer games, where those kind of input helps the developer in adjusting and optimizing their game for future updates or next games.

Let's say that they record that most of players, in determined game section choose path A instead of path B. Why? It's because path B wasn't fun? Has a glitch? It helps them making better games.

Of course if the telemetry is restricted just for the game world info, I honestly wanna know why some people think this is an issue.


No, I know what they are.
They are still very much pressent.

For example, once upon a time, an expansion pack like... okay, let's say Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, came on a disk. If you bought the GOTY edition, you would get 2 disks, one with the regular game, one with the expansion.

Today, a game with an expansion, let's say... Destiny: The Taken King, doesn't come on a disk. It comes as DLC only. If you go and buy a Destony GOTY edition that 'includes' expansions, you get a disk of vanilla-near-worthless-nobody-is-playing Destiny, and a one time use code for any included expansions.

Those are seperate things though, we're not talking about locking the entire online portion of the game behind a paywall for people who buy a game used, we're talking about DLC.
This was nowhere in the main game so I couldn't care less. It's an extra game mode I don't care about and will never play (Breach). The single player game has none of the microtransations and yet some people here make it sound like it's ruining the main game, when it's not in it at all. If this was in the single player game I'd understand the outrage but as it is, I just don't, sorry. Having said that, Square should really stop with this bullcrap, I'm more put by the FFXV DLC shenanigans like other party members being playable through side story spin offs and yet aren't playable in the main game as well as the Triad Wars nonsense as well as what they did to the Legacy of Kain IP (online multiplayer shooter is not the first thing that comes to mind what they should have done with that series...ugh)...


This was nowhere in the main game so I couldn't care less. It's an extra game mode I don't care about and will never play (Breach). The single player game has none of the microtransations and yet some people here make it sound like it's ruining the main game, when it's not in it at all. If this was in the single player game I'd understand the outrage but as it is, I just don't, sorry. Having said that, Square should really stop with this bullcrap, I'm more put by the FFXV DLC shenanigans like other party members being playable through side story spin offs and yet aren't playable in the main game as well as the Triad Wars nonsense as well as what they did to the Legacy of Kain IP (online multiplayer shooter is not the first thing that comes to mind what they should have done with that series...ugh)...

Huh? This stuff IS available in the main game. There's been several threads over it. There are microtransactions in the single-player.


I dislike microtransactions but I doubt he'll convince anyone feeling differently with the points in this vodeo.
I mean that the game is not balanced for them is a good thing, right? If it was that would mean you'd have to buy them to have a decent charactet, but you really drown in them. The 15k for deus ex tv seem like peanuts.
Huh? This stuff IS available in the main game. There's been several threads over it. There are microtransactions in the single-player.

It is utterly and completely pointless however, you earn more than enough in regular game and even in the hardest difficulty setting at no point will a normal person think "man... I really wish I had more powers unlocked RIGHT NOW".

Its an unfortunate side affect of the game, most of the powers are fairly useless or just for show and the few core powers you kinda "need" you get like within the first hour or two. Its not at all like GTA or Rainbow Six where microtransactions can put you up at a significant advantage, you'd just literally be spending money so you could try out powers a few hours ahead of where you get them through normal play.

I finished the game with like 40 praxis points or so, and I think you need around 60 to completely unlock everything. It carries over in NG+, so within 2 hours of my second play through I had the entire power tree unlocked. Zero difference between play style though, there's only really 2 or 3 powers I use. In my first play through I also ended the game with like 45k credits (carries over), had pretty much absolutely nothing to buy for most of the game and at no point did I ever feel "man I wish I had more money!"

I've definitely felt like that in games like Assassins Creed or Watch Dogs but I'd put this closer to Tomb Raider or Uncharted in difficulty being tied more to layout and learning a route rather than loadouts.
Huh? This stuff IS available in the main game. There's been several threads over it. There are microtransactions in the single-player.

I didn't even notice it, honestly. You can buy XP boosters (Augs) but who cares really? Just ignore it and play the game. It's crap that doesn't need to be there but again, it doesn't affect the game at all. If anything it speaks lengths about the strength of the game and the developers where it was designed really well so that we didn't even notice them, when I didn't even know there was microtransactions there until I looked on GAF bitching about it (thought it was just pre-order bullcrap as usual). It's really not impacted on the game for me at all and I doubt it has for anybody else either.
Huh? This stuff IS available in the main game. There's been several threads over it. There are microtransactions in the single-player.

They're pretty much non-existant for me. Beat the game with abudant number of praxis and credits. People never need the shop in the first place. I haven't even opened the shop. It's in the main menu above exit game, not everywhere pushing you to buy them like in f2p games.


Except im not being nickle and dimed in md
Having beaten the game recently, i didnt spend any cash on microtransactions and likely wont ever need to
Not implying they are forcing it, but the fact that a $60 game has additional costs for boosts or consumables is unacceptable regardless of execution or success.


I dislike microtransactions but I doubt he'll convince anyone feeling differently with the points in this vodeo.
I mean that the game is not balanced for them is a good thing, right? If it was that would mean you'd have to buy them to have a decent charactet, but you really drown in them. The 15k for deus ex tv seem like peanuts.

The point though is why were they put in?

If the game was made in such a way that the microtransactions are redundant then why did Square Enix tell the devs to put it in? Because that's what other people do? It's like if you took your favourite series and just made it a 4 player co-op shooter because that's all the rage now.


I think a lot of people are still missing the point when they post that the micro transactions are optional etc. Yes they are, but the point is the devs had no intention of putting them there - the publisher forced them into it

How is that right? And only 2 weeks before shipping? Thank god it was only 2 weeks so it ended up tacked on rather than part of the main game.

This then took dev time and attention away from the main game. Publishers should stop interfering and let devs make the game they want. The pre order crap of deus ex might have been pulled back but that showed just how dodgy the interference has come.

And frankly micro transactions even if optional shouldn't be anywhere near a premium game. If they can't afford to get a profit out of a £40 game then just don't make it. It's all about squeezing those margins and getting even more of our money.
I love watching Sterling's videos. This one in particular is really well done, and confirmed my suspicions regarding the game's development as I was playing.
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