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Koizumi: "Soon you will a lot more (Switch) announcements from third-party partners."

I've yet to fit a 3DS into a pocket comfortably. The GameBoy, Game Gear, DS, PSP, Vita, and every tablet ever created are all also portable devices that don't fit into a pocket. There are two things that every person carries on them every day that make placing a device like these in a pocket a bad idea even if they did fit: phones and keys.

Either you're full of crap or we've found that one guy still wearing JNCOs and cargo pants.

I fit my New 3DS XL in my pocket as well. I wear a long coat and my pockets are huge.

like this:

I also pretty much always have a bag and so do most people however. So it's not a problem either way.
But this is Neogaf and people here often like to make things more difficult than they really are so whatever.

El Topo

He did say which is the bigger get. YW has more entries, so Nintendo also makes more money with licensing and with each copies sold. With FF7R or any FF mainline entry a platform holder has to wait 10 years before they get any money out of it.

I'm sorry, but that is an incredibly simplified analysis and I get the impression you are deliberately using a different definition from him (as e.g. you compare a franchise with a game).


And why wouldn't you also play the indie games on PC? If I remember my console war history correctly that's what all the Nintendo fans did when discrediting the vita's library of great games or the X1/Ps4s games like you did just now.

Also it's interesting that 3DS losing so much sales from DS is not considered a problem but if you read Media create every week it's full of Nintendo fans claiming every game on PS4 is a failure in Japan for having less sales than their previous entry and that arguing the market has changed is just excuse making.

I don't mind being called a Nintendo fan, I've had many different consoles over the years, but I did start out on Nintendo. As for indie games, I often play them on my PC, smartphone, and even on my 3DS. I've never discredited vita's library, it has a bunch of exclusives (mostly Japanese).

PS4 has a handful of exclusives (not interested in list wars), put the majority of those games also get released on PC. If you want to buy a PS4 for simplicity or whatever reason that's great. But I think many people can have a pretty rich gaming experience going Switch+PC, I would say richer than going PS4+XBone, but that is getting into my opinion.

Yeah, the market in Japan is shifting (not shrinking) to smartphone. So what? Handhelds will outsell set-tops, so it is wise for Nintendo to put all their efforts into a handheld console (plus the occasional smartphone game). Sony would be wise to do so too, but they are chasing the western market, and nearly gave up on Japan.

As to every PS4 game being a failure, let me put it this way: The best selling console games in Japan are exclusive to Wii U, and I doubt even if gen 8 lasts another 4 years that PS4 will have game that will outsell those Wii U games (DQ11 has a small chance, but I think it will sell best on 3DS). So yeah, PS4 software sales aren't great. PS4 is actually tracking ahead of PS3 in units sold, but behind in software. I think there is an argument to be made that people are using PS4 for other things than gaming and gaming on the go. If the market is changing (and all evidence points that it is) and software sales on Sony are decreasing, they can either make excuses, or adapt. Since they have yet to adapt, that means they are just making excuses.

Id like to argue nintendo would make more money by making their console more attractive to more people than by 3rd party licencing of a game that mostly only sells in japan.
i mean god help them if their source of primary profits is gonna be 3rd party licensing.

Nintendo is making Switch more attractive, by making it a handheld, which means giving up a small amount of power. I mean, sure Nintendo could try the Sony route and just say "fuck Japan, we are only interested in western expansion", but that's not really fair to the Nintendo fans in their own home country, is it?


I'm sorry, but that is an incredibly simplified analysis and I get the impression you are deliberately using a different definition from him (as e.g. you compare a franchise with a game).

It's not my problem that SE can only release one FF mainline entry when L-5 released whatever amound of YW games in the meantime.

Id like to argue nintendo would make more money by making their console more attractive to more people than by 3rd party licencing of a game that mostly only sells in japan.
i mean god help them if their source of primary profits is gonna be 3rd party licensing.
Huh, I always thought the main income are software sales, it's not? What is? HW?
I don't mind being called a Nintendo fan, I've had many different consoles over the years, but I did start out on Nintendo. As for indie games, I often play them on my PC, smartphone, and even on my 3DS. I've never discredited vita's library, it has a bunch of exclusives (mostly Japanese).

PS4 has a handful of exclusives (not interested in list wars), put the majority of those games also get released on PC. If you want to buy a PS4 for simplicity or whatever reason that's great. But I think many people can have a pretty rich gaming experience going Switch+PC, I would say richer than going PS4+XBone, but that is getting into my opinion.

Yeah, the market in Japan is shifting (not shrinking) to smartphone. So what? Handhelds will outsell set-tops, so it is wise for Nintendo to put all their efforts into a handheld console (plus the occasional smartphone game). Sony would be wise to do so too, but they are chasing the western market, and nearly gave up on Japan.

As to every PS4 game being a failure, let me put it this way: The best selling console games in Japan are exclusive to Wii U, and I doubt even if gen 8 lasts another 4 years that PS4 will have game that will outsell those Wii U games (DQ11 has a small chance, but I think it will sell best on 3DS). So yeah, PS4 software sales aren't great. PS4 is actually tracking ahead of PS3 in units sold, but behind in software. I think there is an argument to be made that people are using PS4 for other things than gaming and gaming on the go. If the market is changing (and all evidence points that it is) and software sales on Sony are decreasing, they can either make excuses, or adapt. Since they have yet to adapt, that means they are just making excuses.

Nintendo is making Switch more attractive, by making it mobile, which means giving up a small amount of power. I mean, sure Nintendo could try the Sony route and just say "fuck Japan, we are only interested in western expansion", but that's not really fair to the Nintendo fans in their own home country, is it?

This argument would make sense if the world outside japan did not exist.Sadly it does,
also handful of exclusive is what ive bought in January alone so id argue theres more than just a handful in all.

Also, switch+ competent pc runs you at around $1000 .
a ps4 with get almost all games from pc and at least of the ones on switch for $300.
Offcourse if money is secondary to satisfaction, buy every damn console under the sun.

But i thought the entire argument stems from the questionable value of the product.

regarding your second argument, im not sure what you want sony to do, they cant magically produce a pokemon or a mario because they simply dont have one.
they are getting dragon quest which is the next big thing. just because nintendo is tanking in the west doesnt mean its because theyre trying extra hard in japan.

It's not my problem that SE can only release one FF mainline entry when L-5 released whatever amound of YW games in the meantime.

Huh, I always thought the main income are software sales, it's not? What is? HW?

Ill have to stop responding to you if youre just gonna selective omit words and carve your arguments around them.


Also, switch+ competent pc runs you at around $1000 .
a ps4 with get almost all games from pc and at least of the ones on switch for $300.
Offcourse if money is secondary to satisfaction, buy every damn console under the sun.

I mean no console ever is going to be able to match PC when it comes to how much you pay and how many games you're able to play. At least with Switch+PC you get two different gaming styles - one on couch & one when you're away from it. But yes it's easy to say that if you want to get just one system PC is the way to go.


i'm guessing it'll be made up of a lot of old ports if anything and a bunch of easily ported indie games that have been out on other platforms for years already.

either way, enough talk, show us what we can expect. the thing is released in a few weeks.
I mean no console ever is going to be able to match PC when it comes to how much you pay and how many games you're able to play. At least with Switch+PC you get two different gaming styles - one on couch & one when you're away from it. But yes it's easy to say that if you want to get just one system PC is the way to go.

Unless youre only into the indie scene . a base ps4 is still by far the best value for money + convenience option. a pc that runs most modern aaa games well would certainly cost you a lot more than 300,


Do I really have to list things out:

Tales of Beseria
Persona 5
KH 2.8
Digimon WO
Danganronpa 3
Valkyria Revolution
Ace Combat 7
FF12 Remake
Ni No Kuni II
Yakuza 6

Its time for some to wake up. Switch is missing a ton of Japanese third party support.

FF7R has not been announced for the Switch.

Switch is getting a port of Xenoverse 2. I fail to see why it can't get other important Japanese games. Its failing to get upcoming and recently released Japanese games thus far.

Miku, Digimon, Ace Combat... yeah, that's like saying that Switch has Bomberman and PS4 don't :D I don't know how are you going to cope if any PS4 "exclusive" game gets announced for Switch reading some of your reactions when some of these games got a PC version announced but let me give you an advice: Seeing that you don't plan on getting anything that is not a PlayStation product be gentle and don't go on Switch/PC threads trying to stir things up like you do. Just enjoy that PS4 has all these "exclusives" and if you go to other threads at least contribute better than showing your bias or make list wars as you always do. And don't get mad if in the near future any of these "exclusives" end up not being so exclusive as you think ;P

Sorry for the off topic but yeah, good to corroborate that there'are more third party games planned for Switch but I don't think we'll see any of them before Fall, so Nintendo better be ready to avoid a Summer drought (I don't think having only Splatoon 2 is going to cut it but maybe I'm wrong).


99% of the people preorderig a Switch already know that and they don't care. I'd rather have full Japanese dev output than a bunch of first person shooters and shallow action games.

Speak for yourself guys. I and quite a few others, definitely not 1% or even 10% of pre-orders want to be left out of AAA games on the platform. I'm looking forward to Skyrim on the Go and I would love other single player games on the go as well.

Personally Nintendo charging for online has tempered my enthusiasm for multiplayer and I most likely will stick to PC for that.


Unless youre only into the indie scene . a base ps4 is still by far the best value for money + convenience option. a pc that runs most modern aaa games well would certainly cost you a lot more than 300,

How is 'well' defined? If it is "at least PS4 quality" then my 4 and a half year old computer can do that. Sure, it did cost more than 300$ back then, but I needed a new computer anyway, and it came with a monitor, which saves me from having to try and fit a TV in my tiny apartment.

What Sony is supposed to do about Japan, not sure. But I can tell you what they shouldn't do - ignore it, like they have been.
How is 'well' defined? If it is "at least PS4 quality" then my 4 and a half year old computer can do that. Sure, it did cost more than 300$ back then, but I needed a new computer anyway, and it came with a monitor, which saves me from having to try and fit a TV in my tiny apartment.

What Sony is supposed to do about Japan, not sure. But I can tell you what they shouldn't do - ignore it, like they have been.

How have they been ignoring it though? not releasing their games on time? cancelling japan releases?
pretending it doesnt exist?
only thing i can tell is that japan gets way way better ps+ games than the west.
But im sure you have a good reason to think theyre ignoring it, id just like to know that.
Nintendo is making Switch more attractive, by making it a handheld, which means giving up a small amount of power. I mean, sure Nintendo could try the Sony route and just say "fuck Japan, we are only interested in western expansion", but that's not really fair to the Nintendo fans in their own home country, is it?

What Sony is supposed to do about Japan, not sure. But I can tell you what they shouldn't do - ignore it, like they have been.

I don't get it. Are you arguing it should be of utmost importance for Sony to develop another handheld to capture the declining Japanese gaming market? Just like Nintendo.

Because that's what this reads like to me and it's making my head hurt.


I get that this seems odd compared to other consoles, but why is it such a terrible direction to take? It's not like people aren't carrying their phones around 24/7. What's wrong with taking advantage of something so ubiquitous in order to simplify the gaming device?
I don't see it as fundamentally different from relying on a television, unless it limits the console in some way I'm not aware of, compared to the others.

This is one thing that I can see no positives at all in having.

Perhaps if it was an option then it could be considered a good feature, but to have to rely on a completely separate device for features which are commonly found on the gaming device themselves is not a good idea. The whole theory of it just screams inconvenience to me.

Take a television for example, you can use an app on a mobile as a remote control, so really cool feature right? But televisions still ship with their own remote control. Imagine if a TV didn't and they said you had to use your mobile, it wouldn't be deemed as a positive thing.

I love Nintendo, I'd be what many on this forum refer to as a FanBoy but even I think this is a shit idea. The switch on the whole has a lot of positives, but equally Nintendo have made a lot of negative moves.

Honestly I'd have been happy having no voice chat, and just a basic online (like in the past) with everything controlled on the device itself and no fee to pay.


How have they been ignoring it though? not releasing their games on time? cancelling japan releases?
pretending it doesnt exist?
only thing i can tell is that japan gets way way better ps+ games than the west.
But im sure you have a good reason to think theyre ignoring it, id just like to know that.

They couldn't even bother releasing it in Japan until months after it was released to the rest of the world. Then when they did it was lacking games that the Japanese public was interested in. At the launch, Sony had Japan Studio working exclusively on the Vita, and have with the exception of Bloodborne and The Last Guardian have yet to release anything of significance, and even those titles didn't do much for Japan. I think they only keep Japan Studio around so that if anyone asks them if they are really still a Japanese company they can point at them and say "Yes".

Com Truise: Yes, Sony is (supposedly still) a Japanese company, they should care about the Japanese market. How they do it, another hand held, or making the PS4 more attractive, or designing hardware in Japan, I don't know. I don't get paid to think up ways to solve Sony's problems.
DQ XI. We're talking about real games, don't make me laugh.

Is that judgement in any capacity determined by what platforms each of those games or no games are coming on?
because hell, ive only seen seconds of either game. clearly you have a better source to determine one isnt even a real game
because i can sure as hell guarantee you that when all is said and done more people will have played the fake game over the supposedly real one.

They couldn't even bother releasing it in Japan until months after it was released to the rest of the world. Then when they did it was lacking games that the Japanese public was interested in. At the launch, Sony had Japan Studio working exclusively on the Vita, and have with the exception of Bloodborne and The Last Guardian have yet to release anything of significance, and even those titles didn't do much for Japan. I think they only keep Japan Studio around so that if anyone asks them if they are really still a Japanese company they can point at them and say "Yes".

But if thats the case how is switch any better, sure it launches on day 1 but there isnt a single big original switch game theyve prepared. let alone one that targets japan.now i will give credit to nintendo for sticking to xenoblade despite the series never setting charts on fire.
but in sony's defense, nintendo isnt doing this out of love for japan, theyre doing it because no one else will.sony has several devs making jrpgs for them and while id love it if they themselves did too, they dont exactly need to.
far as nintendo's other games go, none of he big sellers are specifically targeted to japan either they sell because they sell, everywhere.
If there is nothing at E3 then this will be worrying. I still think the Switch will have a far better support than WiiU despite what the launch line up could lead us to think.


How is 'well' defined? If it is "at least PS4 quality" then my 4 and a half year old computer can do that. Sure, it did cost more than 300$ back then, but I needed a new computer anyway, and it came with a monitor, which saves me from having to try and fit a TV in my tiny apartment.

What Sony is supposed to do about Japan, not sure. But I can tell you what they shouldn't do - ignore it, like they have been.

You sound pretty bitter.
Sony has sold over 50M consoles in 3 years with the PS4 worldwide while "ignoring" Japan, something that Nintendo can only dream of at this point.

Meanwhile you are posting here like they are some kind of national traitor and that Nintendo following suit "wouldn't be fair for their Japanese fans" like either owes anything to their Japanese fans.

Newsflash, they both are a business in a global world, there is nothing fair or unfair, these are just toys made to entertain and generate money, if Sony wants to focus on whichever market they so choose there's nothing "unfair" about it, it's just business.
Com Truise: Yes, Sony is (supposedly still) a Japanese company, they should care about the Japanese market. How they do it, another hand held, or making the PS4 more attractive, or designing hardware in Japan, I don't know. I don't get paid to think up ways to solve Sony's problems.
That's not exactly a horrible problem for like...anybody. Sony certainly isn't troubled because the PS4 sells like the second coming of the PS2. People who like Japanese games aren't troubled because everybody is currently drowning in them if you haven't noticed. If you want Sony to continue fighting a losing battle against the Great Mobile Horde just like Nintendo, then that's great and all, but let's not pretend that this is a neccessary fight for them.


Is that judgement in any capacity determined by what platforms each of those games or no games are coming on?
because hell, ive only seen seconds of either game. clearly you have a better source to determine one isnt even a real game
because i can sure as hell guarantee you that when all is said and done more people will have played the fake game over the supposedly real one.
...it's an expression.
One is said to be released in 2017. For the other, SE said they were working on the introduction scene.
Do the maths.


I've yet to fit a 3DS into a pocket comfortably. The GameBoy, Game Gear, DS, PSP, Vita, and every tablet ever created are all also portable devices that don't fit into a pocket. There are two things that every person carries on them every day that make placing a device like these in a pocket a bad idea even if they did fit: phones and keys.

Either you're full of crap or we've found that one guy still wearing JNCOs and cargo pants.

My New 3DS XL is comfortably inside my pocket right now.

All my pants have cargo pockets, but still.
I'm definitely expecting some of the types of games Wii U got at launch announced for this fall, like Assassins' Creed, Madden, CoD... The reason we don't have them at launch is because this is launching in March, and old ports of yearly (well, semi for some) franchises don't really sell.

But I wouldn't expect anything close to multiplat parity unless the Switch sells very, very quickly. Like >10M by the end of 2017. Which is definitely possible, but I'd say pretty unlikely.

Also it's always amusing to me how many people say with certainty that X game can't run on the Switch when nobody has any idea what the hardware in the Switch actually is. Remember, Eurogamer reported launch clocks but they explicitly say they don't know what the core configurations for the CPU or GPU are.
Selling 60 million, less than a half of its predecessor and 20 million less than it "failed" competitor from last gen is bad. No matter how you look at it.
What? No

The PSP is probably more of a "failed" console than the 3DS because piracy was so easy on it that eventually people just stopped developing games for it. Thus game sales for the platform cratered, which is a large portion of where platform holders get their money. You don't see that with the 3DS.

The 3DS has had incredibly healthy support and sales throughout it's lifetime. It's STILL being sold at full price in most places, and even has stock issues all over the US currently.


99% of the people preorderig a Switch already know that and they don't care. I'd rather have full Japanese dev output than a bunch of first person shooters and shallow action games.

Lmao the defense force is so very strong. So all in all, just reinforceing the concept that this is for hardcore Nintendo fans, which is a dwindling number as each Nintendo console has sold less than it's predecessor except for the Wii
One thing is selling less than DS and the other is selling less than all other Nintendo handheld systems and PSP.
That would be more "disappointing" than failed. The 3DS' software and hardware sales are not remotely as low as the Wii U by itself and in comparison to its predecessor.

Also, some people are deriding the original point, because people brought up the 3DS as a counterpoint of having only Vita-like success if they have limited third party support. They didn't say that the situation of the 3DS is great, but it is not a death wish like some were implying.


Do I really have to list things out:

Tales of Beseria
Persona 5
KH 2.8
Digimon WO
Danganronpa 3
Valkyria Revolution
Ace Combat 7
FF12 Remake
Ni No Kuni II
Yakuza 6

Its time for some to wake up. Switch is missing a ton of Japanese third party support.

FF7R has not been announced for the Switch.

Switch is getting a port of Xenoverse 2. I fail to see why it can't get other important Japanese games. Its failing to get upcoming and recently released Japanese games thus far.

Thats a great list also shows ignorance of people saying "It will get japan third party its enough " mentality.

Also i would add
Tekken 7
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Ultimate MvC3 Remaster
Dissidia:Final Fantasy


Lmao the defense force is so very strong. So all in all, just reinforceing the concept that this is for hardcore Nintendo fans, which is a dwindling number as each Nintendo console has sold less than it's predecessor except for the Wii

The switch isn't for hardcore Nintendo fans when they're releasing stuff like 1-2 Switch, and still focusing on motion controls.

Nintendo are still trying to hook up a new niche of customers. They've been trying to find a group of people to buy their hardware that aren't "hardcore" gamers since their success of the Wii. Nintendo are NEVER going to repeat what they did with the Wii. But unfortunately they've convinced themselves they can't compete with Microsoft and Sony so they are trying to create a new market to sell to.

Maybe the best thing they could actually do is release hardware aimed at hardcore Nintendo fans., maybe a "normal" console that ships with a pro controller and revives games like F-zero etc....

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Lmao the defense force is so very strong. So all in all, just reinforceing the concept that this is for hardcore Nintendo fans, which is a dwindling number as each Nintendo console has sold less than it's predecessor except for the Wii

I'm not a Nintendo fanboy at all, but it just is what it is at this point.

The market for the big third party AAA games moved away from Nintendo years ago. They'll probably never get them back even if they launched at a gen start with the most powerful hardware as people are more locked into ecosystems that ever with "free" game libraries from PS+ and Gold, friends lists, trophies/achievements etc. They're certainly not getting them back with their trend of underpowered hardware that costs as much or more than the competition as people want the best (or close in the X1 case) version of the big AAA games.

So Nintendo's potential markets are:

1. Their fans.

2. Portable gamers. Shrinking, but still sizeable market with 3DS having sold 60ish million and Vita around 10 despite lacking support IIRC.

3. Lapsed gamers not interested in the mainstream AAA stuff, maybe have some nostalgia for Nintendo. $300 price makes getting many of these folk tough, maybe after more games are out and price is down.

4. A secondary platform for core/hardcore gamers who want to ad some variety to their main console rather than buying the other one that has mostly the same types of genres/art styles as exclusives. $300 price again hurts here, but can do better when more gamers are out and price is down.

Will they have success from these niches? Only tine will tell. If there software output is great from now being unified on one platform (well after the little remaining 3DS support is done anyway) could be a huge boon. My guess is this ends up in the 40-50 million range if they stick with this one hybrid SKU. 60-80 million if they later branch out with cheaper portable only and console only options to broaden appeal and help the value equation for people who only game one way.

In any case, we don't need a third core box. There's never been a generation with three successful core boxes. Really the only time there's been three truly successful consoles was last gen with the PS3/360 splitting the core/hardcore AAA gamer market and the Wii having a huge success with Nintendo fans, Casuals and as a secondary platform for MS/Sony gamers. Otherwise there's usually been one dominant consoles (NES, PS2) or a couple strong contenders (SNES/Genesis, N64/PS1) and a bunch of failures/niche platforms like Saturn, Dramcast, T16, 3DO, Neo-Geo etc.

So Nintendo's relevance in the hardware market is basically that Wii type spot (not meaning hitting those sales numbers again) of maximizing their fans and less serious gamers not into the mainstream stuff, and being appealing as a secondary platform to core/hardcore gamers who main other platforms. If they can't make enough profits doing that, then its time to get out of the hardware business unless they come up with some great new idea to catch mass appeal again.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I'm not wanting specifics (you aren't a Laura Kate Dale phony); just some sort of confirmation that the people saying nothing of note is coming will eat their hats.

I've never played that 'game'.
Who am I to judge what someone finds valuable, and another doesn't?

Some people will always be disappointed, and some people will always be happy.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Watch this "third party partners" turn out to be either a) Japanese or b) indies.

Doesn't seem like a problem at all to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm satisfied with the indie and Japanese support right now, but a console in this day and age does not perform well with only support from one hemisphere of the globe. Wii U should be more than a fresh example.

3DS seems to be doing pretty good and I'm hard pressed to name any interesting western games for it. Luigi's Mansion 2? That Ghost Recon strategy RPG I heard was pretty decent too? Adventure Time games? One of Wii U's biggest problems for me was a lack of Japanese 3rd party support compared to the original Wii or GC.
DQ XI. We're talking about real games, don't make me laugh.
What's that even meant to mean? Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been in development for a while now. If you're referring to that thread where the journalist speculated it wasn't in development with no evidence or reason then you are misguided. FF7 Remake may not be coming in 2017 but it is a real project.


What's that even meant to mean? Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been in development for a while now. If you're referring to that thread where the journalist speculated it wasn't in development with no evidence or reason then you are misguided. FF7 Remake may not be coming in 2017 but it is a real project.
What as the initial post meaning either ?
I'm not saying FF7 is not real, just that there are plenty of games to think of before.
I don't see how this one can be big as it's still so far away and unclear.

Square Enix said themselves they were working on the introduction scene a few days ago and that it was very far away from seeing the end.
: / . Why would I say the game is not a real project...?

But I'm not surprised seeing who's answering to me (not you, the 2 others).
The first person who used "real" meant "big" game, not "existing" game.

My point is that again, we have to eat ridiculous comments from people who wish the Switch never had any third party support, using the ridiculous amount of information (if not less that what we really know) that we have now, with the Switch not even released yet. And I wanted to say that FF7R as "THE" game was pretty relative.
Now I took DQXI as an example because it should sell more in Japan which is also the region where te Switch has the best chances to be successful. That's it.

I'm sorry if I didn't master the English language enough to use the perfect terms to make short sentences's full sense easy to understand. It's not my native language.
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