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Late Night Wars - Conan's last Tonight Show was TONIGHT a long time ago

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Honorary Canadian.
That's awesome that Conan is gonna get out and NBC looks to be waiving the non-compete clause in his contract. I'm sure he'll find SOMETHING to do.

And just reading the transcript of Kimmel on Leno... that is fucking AWESOME. Kimmel has big brass ones for doing that shit :lol


KHarvey16 said:
The sheer shortsightedness of this whole thing is just staggering. What the fuck will they do the next time Jay retires?

I don't think Jay will recover after this, especially from the tremendous ill will from the lucrative youth demographic. They may not have actively watched Conan every night and or opted to watch the show on-line and through digital media, but they certainly don't like that Conan is essentially being forced to choose between two terrible outcomes.

If CBS is smart, they will get Conan to replace Letterman when Letterman retires in a few years, while keeping Conan's profile up doing other things for the network, perhaps even a prime time Conan show that airs once a week and as guest host of the Late Show.
KHarvey16 said:
The sheer shortsightedness of this whole thing is just staggering. What the fuck will they do the next time Jay retires?
They prob dont know there was an article by la times on zucker a few days ago. Im on iphone but if you google la times zucker you can find it. One point it madr is how he doesnt think long term and just scrambles from problem to problem looking for a quick fix
Deku said:
I don't think Jay will recover after this, especially from the tremendous ill will from the lucrative youth demographic. They may not have actively watched Conan every night, but they certainly don't like that Conan is essentially being forced to choose between two terrible outcomes.

If CBS is smart, they will get Conan to replace Letterman when Letterman retires in a few years, while keeping Conan's profile up doing other things for the network, perhaps even a prime time Conan show that airs once a week and as guest host of the Late Show.

I doubt this entirely. I think it's much more likely he goes to Fox for something, as much as I'd like to see him taking over Letterman's show.


BrandNew said:
I doubt this entirely. I think it's much more likely he goes to Fox for something, as much as I'd like to see him taking over Letterman's show.

Who will replace Letterman, and doesn't fox affiliates put their own programming during that time of the evening?

I usually just see reruns of MASH, Family Guy and King of the Hill


Narag said:
He's consistently excellent and rather brave with some of his material.
Yeah, Ferguson is a genius.

I just don't understand why he doesn't get better guests and a bit more money to, you know, actually do stuff. If you switch to Fallon who seems to pull essentially identical ratings most of the time... it's like watching two shows from two different centuries.

Don't get me wrong, the "crappiness" of show and studio is part of Ferguson's charm -- and I don't think he needs a band and certainly not a sidekick. But having a budget that'd actually allow him to do something other than reading e-mails (and booking better guests?) would be nice.
KHarvey16 said:
The sheer shortsightedness of this whole thing is just staggering. What the fuck will they do the next time Jay retires?

I think they have finally realized that a man with Jay Leno's ego never retires, he just... persists.


Deku said:
Who will replace Letterman, and doesn't fox affiliates put their own programming during that time of the evening?

I usually just see reruns of MASH, Family Guy and King of the Hill

I think it has been said that FOX could get their affiliates aligned and ready for a late night show, they've just never had any reason to before.


Joe said:
an 11pm show on Fox would suck.

i say either 11:30 on ABC (Kimmel at 12:30) or 12:00 on Comedy Central

Comedy Central would be too much of a ratings cut and pay cut for Conan. Even if successful by network standards, he'd essentially be sidelined and out of mind/out of sight.


KHarvey16 said:
The sheer shortsightedness of this whole thing is just staggering. What the fuck will they do the next time Jay retires?
Do you think that Jay will retire when he has this little dignity? He'll hang on until he's a frail shell of an already hollow man, or until NBC is able to actually force him out with enough confidence to keep him out.
BrandNew said:
I doubt this entirely. I think it's much more likely he goes to Fox for something, as much as I'd like to see him taking over Letterman's show.
If for some reason he wants lettermans show or even the option he could sign a deal with fox that would expire right after lettermans current deal. I think lettermam has roughly three years left on his deal. But if conan is a hit on fox i dont see the point of taking lettermans spot


whytemyke said:
That's awesome that Conan is gonna get out and NBC looks to be waiving the non-compete clause in his contract. I'm sure he'll find SOMETHING to do.

There have been many widely different reports on what Conan's contract looks like, but you can be certain there was never a non-compete clause -- such clauses are not valid in California.
Deku said:
Who will replace Letterman, and doesn't fox affiliates put their own programming during that time of the evening?

I usually just see reruns of MASH, Family Guy and King of the Hill

Letterman isn't set to retire until probably 5 years from now, if even that early, so the whole concept of Conan being able to be on another network during the tenure of his NBC contract would be, well, pointless, assuming that's the job he's aiming for. Unless Letterman tells him sometime here soon "hey, you're taking over for me buddy, hold tight" Conan should just take his chances on a network that could use a late night show. Conan seems to fit well with the Fox demographic, anyway.


good credit (by proxy)
sangreal said:
There have been many widely different reports on what Conan's contract looks like, but you can be certain there was never a non-compete clause -- such clauses are not valid in California.

ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiii


To summarize tonight's shows.

Kimmel is the boss. I am watching his show regularly after the awesomeness of the last few nights. Freaking awesome.

It was tought for me to watch Conan. The guy seemed so sad at times. Resigned to lose his job. Bloody brutal. Watching a guy make people laugh after he's been publicly humiliated and fired is tough. Conan is one classy guy.

Fuck Leno. Fuck him to hell.
Ferguson is entertaining to watch because he seems natural and home-y. It's not just punch line after punch line and more having a conversation with the audience. Like, you don't see the others go on about musicals or top model for as long as Ferguson does.

Deku said:
If CBS is smart, they will get Conan to replace Letterman when Letterman retires in a few years, while keeping Conan's profile up doing other things for the network, perhaps even a prime time Conan show that airs once a week and as guest host of the Late Show.

Technically that would be the same situation as when Leno took Letterman's spot on the tonight show many years ago--except Conan playing the role of Leno and Ferguson playing Letterman.


Deku said:
Who will replace Letterman, and doesn't fox affiliates put their own programming during that time of the evening?

I usually just see reruns of MASH, Family Guy and King of the Hill

You're lucky. We get TMZ for about an hour and then... I don't know. I ignore Fox after midnight.


BrandNew said:
I doubt this entirely. I think it's much more likely he goes to Fox for something, as much as I'd like to see him taking over Letterman's show.
Tonight Dave said that Les Moonves swung by to tell him how happy he is to have David on the network. I know I'm reading way too into it, but I kind of wondered if Les was actually saying "Please don't retire after your contract is up just to give Conan your show!"
Linkzg, I think it's fairly well known that Ferguson doesn't give two shits, and is perfectly fine with the show he hosts right now. Conan is much more the heir apparent to Letterman than Ferguson.


If Leno was smart he would mix pills until death and blame it all on going Coco. It is the only way he can save face at this point.


Yeah, Ferguson is a genius.

I just don't understand why he doesn't get better guests
He's been doing better this year. He was genuinely shocked that Morgan Freeman came on.
i say either 11:30 on ABC (Kimmel at 12:30) or 12:00 on Comedy Central
Up until this week's controversy, Nightline beat the Tonight Show 28 weeks in a row. It doesn't make sense for ABC to go for Conan.


KHarvey16 said:
The sheer shortsightedness of this whole thing is just staggering. What the fuck will they do the next time Jay retires?

Also, what the fuck are they going to do when Jay is back? I can see a sag in the ratings and a lot of people that wouldn't want to appear on the show because of all the horrific PR surrounding it once he takes it back. There's no logical reason to give it back to Leno. All NBC is setting their selves up for is giving Letterman a shit ton more viewers.

They have a bad situation in their hands currently, but what they're doing to solve it seems like they're trying everything thing within their power to just destroy any meaning the Tonight Show had. Maybe for the rest of this year they can get back on even footing with late night ratings, (doubt it) but what happens a few years from now? Guess none of the execs are thinking that far ahead considering they're all out of a job once Comcast owns the place...
Trurl said:
Tonight Dave said that Les Moonves swung by to tell him how happy he is to have David on the network. I know I'm reading way too into it, but I kind of wondered if Les was actually saying "Please don't retire after your contract is up just to give Conan your show!"

This too. Dave isn't really gangbusters in terms of ratings or anything, but he's consistent and he has a pleasant relationship with his employers.
Also you're crazy if you think Leno won't be number one after he takes back the Tonight Show. Us urbanites and internet guys hate him, but the dude wins over Middle pigfucking America.


BoboBrazil said:
I would like to see Leno back out of the deal too. I would like to see Jerry Seinfeld host the tonight show. I think he would be great.
I can see him doing sketches and monologues but not interviewing.
BrandNew said:
Linkzg, I think it's fairly well known that Ferguson doesn't give two shits, and is perfectly fine with the show he hosts right now. Conan is much more the heir apparent to Letterman than Ferguson.

I know, I'm just saying it's a similar situation to back then.

Then again, if that was the game, we would have Late Night with Carson Daily.


Ten-Song said:
Also, what the fuck are they going to do when Jay is back? I can see a sag in the ratings and a lot of people that wouldn't want to appear on the show because of all the horrific PR surrounding it once he takes it back. There's no logical reason to give it back to Leno. All NBC is setting their selves up for is giving Letterman a shit ton more viewers.

They have a bad situation in their hands currently, but what they're doing to solve it seems like they're trying everything thing within their power to just destroy any meaning the Tonight Show had. Maybe for the rest of this year they can get back on even footing with late night ratings, (doubt it) but what happens a few years from now? Guess none of the execs are thinking that far ahead considering they're all out of a job once Comcast owns the place...

This is not true unfortunately. Celebrities dont have that much integrity. I'm sure Tom Cruise, Arnold and Mel Gibson will show up in the first week.
BrandNew said:
Also you're crazy if you think Leno won't be number one after he takes back the Tonight Show. Us urbanites and internet guys hate him, but the dude wins over Middle pigfucking America.
Maybe but i hope you are wrong.


more money than God
BrandNew said:
Also you're crazy if you think Leno won't be number one after he takes back the Tonight Show. Us urbanites and internet guys hate him, but the dude wins over Middle pigfucking America.
Yeah, people on the internet always exaggerate their influence. People who dislike Leno now probably weren't watching the Tonight Show back then anyway.


Esperado said:
I can't wait for the South Park episode that will most likely deal with this.
Oh wow, I didn't even think of that. Too bad they are not in a run right now.

Anyway, can't keep up this pace forever. All that's left is to go out with a bang. Just get every rival host or otherwise ridiculous/awesome guest to fill in the last week and see what happens.


SoulPlaya said:
Yeah, people on the internet always exaggerate their influence. People who dislike Leno now probably weren't watching the Tonight Show back then anyway.

I watched Leno.


Water is not wet!
Just got off the phone with my mom. i made sure she watched Leno for the Kimmel thing. She tends to watch only the monologues and then get ready for bed. Shes over 70 and is not a Nielsen household any longer btw.

She says that she likes them all.. but didnt realize how underhanded Jay has been until recently. She also said why old people like Leno over Conan.. "My dad says he jumps around too much" :lol i asked her if her old timer friends felt like this too and she responded "Yes.. i think they dont like his energy. It tires them out" :lol So according to her its not so much the dirty jokes (she mentioned Johnny got close to that lots of times and nobody she knew had a problem with it) but its Conans constant movement.

i knew i could count on my mom to come through where my sister failed. My mom is the hippest, most active old person i know :lol


whytemyke said:
What's the thought on Conan going to HBO for a couple years maybe?
Personally, I don't like that because I don't have HBO. :lol

It would probably make a great show, but I think it might lower his profile a bit with the mass market. Also, has HBO ever done a show that was more than weekly? I can't how often the Chris Rock and Dennis Miller shows aired.

Also you're crazy if you think Leno won't be number one after he takes back the Tonight Show. Us urbanites and internet guys hate him, but the dude wins over Middle pigfucking America.
His across the board ratings might not be hurt too bad, but I think he might do far worse with young males than he used to do.

I would like to see a graph showing the overlap of people who enjoy Leno and people that enjoy Jeff Dunham.


more money than God
BrandNew said:
Linkzg, I think it's fairly well known that Ferguson doesn't give two shits, and is perfectly fine with the show he hosts right now. Conan is much more the heir apparent to Letterman than Ferguson.
Do we know this for a fact? Everyone in this thread says that Ferguson wouldn't give a shit, but how do we know that? Especially, since the transition won't happen until 2012 at the earliest.
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