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Lets end this now, Gaming PC's DO NOT COST $2000


Error Macro said:
I don't know about you Be, but my computer chair kicks ass, man. I can sit in it longer than I can a couch without getting back aches.

my monitor sucks ass though. :) 15 inch NEC. everytime i go to look at monitors i get turned off by the price. i figure with my PCs current specs, it wont be worth it to build a new PC until the new windows ships and 64 bit processors are the norm.


Kiriku said:
Also, PC games tend to freeze etc a lot more than console games. And there's more work involved before actually playing the games: install, setup and that you may run into trouble because your hardware configuration is wrong/lacking.

Considering the infinitly different systems that could potentially run each game (not only does hardware matter, but OS, other programs on the system, order of which those programs were installed, etc) it's a miracle that all of this even works.
Shit, I love all the tinkering and tweaking I can do to my PC just so I can run games. It somehow makes them more enjoyable to me.
My #1 complaint with PC gaming is compatibility and OS upgrades. Sure most games purchased today will run fine on most of today's PCs but what about the TON of old DOS and Win95 only games I feel like booting up. I can no longer play these on my machine any more. Talk about a waste. I simply buy console versions of most games because 5 to 10 years from now if I want I can still play them. I still buy certain high profile PC games on occasion though.
Mr_Furious said:
My #1 complaint with PC gaming is compatibility and OS upgrades. Sure most games purchased today will run fine on most of today's PCs but what about the TON of old DOS and Win95 only games I feel like booting up. I can no longer play these on my machine any more. Talk about a waste. I simply buy console versions of most games because 5 to 10 years from now if I want I can still play them. I still buy certain high profile PC games on occasion though.

Eh, there are DOS emulators and other various programs that enable you to play those old DOS games on Win XP.


Error Macro said:
Shit, I love all the tinkering and tweaking I can do to my PC just so I can run games. It somehow makes them more enjoyable to me.

It's a massive pain in the ass for me. I cringe at the thought of a game with countless performance options in it's config with no explanation which is the biggest performance hit and whatnot. Far Cry comes to mind, which was worse than usual considering how long it takes the game to load and then test your new settings.


Never been a fan of PCs for games, tried to get into many times but it just does not work for me. Not that I don't have the hardware to play latest and greatest, I do, I just like console gaming more. I like walking into a EB or GS and buying the newest Xbox or PS2 and knowing when I get home all I got to do is pop it in and enjoy. No fussing with installations, settings, drivers, patches or what ever of a 100+ things that can go wrong with a PC game.

I know many PC gamers will scoff at such reasoning but after nearly 15 years at gamming that is how I feel on the matter. Haven't seen anything yet done on the PC gaming wise that you can't do on a console. So on consoles I will stay.


You know i was always on the side of arguement where PC's really are rather expensive but if you factor in the cost of a decent TV and surround system plus the nessecary cables and posserbly Xbox live subscription there really isn't a huge difference in price. I mean be honest those of you who bought your own tv and HT setup- you don't really use it for watching TV or something , its for games and occasionally movies.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag


Setec Astronomer
I have two words to the people who keep ranting how you must buy a new video card every 6 months: DETAIL SETTINGS.

Buying everything when it comes out new for full price doesn't do a damn thing to your ability to play games, it just satisfies graphic whore addiction to getting any available eyecandy whenever possible. :p

Lyte Edge said:
Are you intentionally trying to get somebody to troll Apple here?


Mr Pockets said:

Lets see....


You either like PC gaming, or you don't.

$400 is a realistic figure. I've been surviving on that for 3 years. One year I'll buy the best processor/motherboard/ram setup I can get for $400. The next year I'll buy a $300 videocard and another $100 worth of ram. The next year is the processor and motherboard again. Things like hard drives and DVD burners are incidentals. They can be reused and do not need to be upgraded to play newer games. You do not have to have 500 gb of storage to play Far Cry. And you will not need a dual layer DVD burner to play Half Life 2. You only need to buy a monitor once, and it is no more a part of a gaming PC then a TV is part of the Playstation 2.

$400 will do.


You really don't have to buy a new video card every 6 months. Those people with radeon 9700's are still sitting pretty. You really only have to upgrade more often when you buy budget parts.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I'm the minority when I say this, but I prefer PC gaming over console gaming, even though I have spent more on consoles than my PCs.

I prefer the cleaner look of PC games. I prefer keyboard and mouse configuration. I prefer the flexibility of PC games. PC games are generally $20-25 cheaper than console games. I don't mind upgrading - because the two things you really need to upgrade often are RAM and videocards. RAM can be upgraded once every 2 years, which isn't terrible. And videocards about once every 2-3 years.

Still, content is far better on the console side of gaming...even though PC gaming is more comfortable, IMO.


I would like PC gaming more if it had a more diverse selection of games. Lately it seems like all FPS, RTS, and MMORPGs. Doesn't look like that is changing much in the future either. The MMORPGs pisses me off the most, cause it seems like single player rpgs are a dying genre on the pc.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Have fun playing games on a 15" screen


1920x1440 @ 73hz max resolution for me ;b ;b ;b
Culex said:
I love how it's not a problem blowing 1,000 + dollars on a decent TV that supports Progressive Scan, but spending money for a computer is.

I don't mean to single you out Culex, but this particular straw man is getting his ass beat in this thread.
Console gaming cost a lot!!


Much like P-A comic.


The greatest thing about PC gaming is the replay in a lot of the games. The perfect example Neverwinter Nights.

You buy one game. You get to play another 3000 + games, a lot of them bigger and better than the official game, all for free.


Grandma's Chippy
signet said:
Haven't seen anything yet done on the PC gaming wise that you can't do on a console.
You need to play more PC games. :D

Mods alone is a great reason to be a PC gamer...especially now.

Hell I have a few games I play a lot..

Tiger Woods 2004, Battlefield, and Dungeon Siege...I play lots of others but I'll use these three.

Tiger Woods : Game shipped with the ability to play roughly 32-34 courses. Through the mod scene there are over 300+ courses available to play. I've added 18 to my own collection and all but 2-3 of them are equal in quality to the originals...the other ones are just fun.

Battlefield : Modding has kept this game going well beyond it's original intent. We had Battlefield Vietnam long before the EA version came out, and lets not forget a sensation known as Desert Combat.

Dungeon Siege : New maps, new sieglets (mini stories/quests), mini games, and entire convertions let me go 5x beyond the out-of-box play time.

Mods keep your games fresh even after their original versions die off in interest.

EDIT : How could I forget...look at that UT2K4 thread alone to see what people can do with modding...completely different games for god's sake!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Hitokage said:
Are you intentionally trying to get somebody to troll Apple here?

No, just trying to be stupid. :) Besides, I wouldn't list Macs as gaming PCs.

BTW, I got a new computer. A PC. Gaming class notebook. Cost? $3000. :\


You will not get the kind of flexibility in genre type on PCs as you do on consoles. Face it: Joypads are way more flexible in a gaming environment than a keyboard and mouse. You can be happy with your 400 buck PC (By the way, that PC would have costed you 2000+ the same day the Xbox/GC came out) but you will not be getting the full gaming experience unless you also own a console. User Mods are also coming soon to the Xbox, thanks to Microsoft's Tsunami Xbox live update. This factors in mostly to Xbox/PC crossplatform games but I hope it also is popular among Xbox-only developers.

One of the major qualms against PC gaming is that there is basically no multiplayer. Sure, there's online gaming, but that's done on consoles nowadays anyways. No true multiplayer kills me. To play multiplayer, you basically have to shell out for another 400 dollar rig and another copy of the game. ACK! With consoles, at most you have to buy a 40 dollar wireless joypad (Hey, I said AT MOST) to play with a friend.

Innovation is also lacking on PC, as well as a standardized format. There have been WAY more innovative console titles than PC
umm. you can do more with a pc than consoles. (going back to the debate.. above). So for the $400 bucks mentioned, you can have a mp3 player, do your homework/accounts/, surf the net, pr0n, play games... I would say value plus.If you chuck in that bit more money, you'd get a nice screen (LCD or big ass mother CRT); only placed here for comparative sake cause you will need a TV for console gaming.



You could get a PC for less than 200 dollars then that does all that, but it would not be suitable for gaming. I could literally get a 120 dollar PC and a 150 dollar Xbox/PC and have the same value. It works both ways.

Demigod Mac

For me, the draw is the mouse and keyboard. Gamepads crimp my style.

Witness the thumb dancing required to do flying/running jump spin attacks in Unreal Championship on a gamepad! Quite easy on a KB/mouse!

Demigod Mac

By the way, if you are nutty enough to still prefer a gamepad over a good keyboard and mouse (you poor, deluded soul, you!), there are numerous gamepads available for PC - in addition to XBOX/Cube/PS2 adapters.


The only advantage a keyboard mouse setup provides is precise aiming (which is important), but as for movement and actions it's terrible. If some company can bring out a control device with the precision aiming of a mouse and analog movement and well placed action buttons of a gamepad, it's be awesome. Of course this is only good for first person shooters. Which shouldn't be a problem since those are the majority of games released on PC.

Demigod Mac

I built a AMD64 system with 1 gig of Corsair XMS 3200 OC'd ram, a radeon 9800pro that pisses on your paltry 'puter, and yet, try as I might, I just CAN'T GET THE DAMN THING TO RUN NINJA GAIDEN. DAMMIT.

I believe the context of this discussion pertains to value relative to accomplishing the same tasks (viz: similar games on differently priced hardware) - so this 'exclusive title' point is quite irrelevant.

Nevertheless, it can be applied the other way: PC has exclusive titles, too; and a PC fanboy has the license to be equally bitchy about it, given your statements.

Carry on!
As for the main topic at hand... sure you can get a gaming PC for under $2000. But you won't get one for $200-300 that will start out top-of-the-line, and continue to play new games for 5 years.

Demigod Mac

A keyboard provides far easier and more flexible access to a multitude of buttons, however. Combinations of buttons are much easier on a keyboard.


Demigod Mac said:
A keyboard provides far easier and more flexible access to a multitude of buttons, however. Combinations of buttons are much easier on a keyboard.

No they ain't. Keyboards ain't designed for gaming, and are not comfortable to play for for long periods of time. Playing Thief DS on PC was cramping my hand big time, whereas playing it on my Xbox was much more comfortable since I didn't have to contort my hands in crazy positions to do combinations.


TheGreenGiant said:
So for the $400 bucks mentioned, you can have a mp3 player, do your homework/accounts/, surf the net, pr0n, play games... I would say value plus
Case. Closed.

edit: While we're here, can someone who knows a fair bit about PCs build me a decent system for around AUD$1200-$1400? IT Warehouse are probably the people I'm going to go with for it, and it just so happens they have an online PC Configurator with all their prices and shit already sorted. Cheers in advance if someone can help. :)
Error Macro said:
Shit, I love all the tinkering and tweaking I can do to my PC just so I can run games. It somehow makes them more enjoyable to me.

true, but i prefer to pay $150 on a console than having to spend $2000 for a decent gaming PC.
I think most Mac fans routed after the constant beatings they've received over the years. I mean really, I don't MIND Macs. They're nice machines...but not for that price. If Macs were 1500 dollars cheaper, they'd be really nice.
Hitokage said:
I use my PC for basically everything except broadcast TV: Music, Games, Movies, Internet, Work, Graphics, etc...

Therefore, the money I put into my PC can't simply be described as a $1000~ gaming machine.

Well said.


I pretty much dropped PC gaming.
You can throw mods, mice and online multiplayer at me all day, and I really just don't care. The last game I bought for pc was ut2k4 and it pretty much summed up everything I hate about pc gaming.
It had troubles installing.
It crashed frequently.
Is it my fault? Yeah, probably. The PC is pretty old. But like I said, I don't care. And that's the real point people need to realize. Sometimes we don't give a fuck about your opinion. Have fun with your mods in UT2k4 and I'll have mine on my consoles. Am I spending more money? Do you really give a fuck? Does your money saving or spending make you better? Seriously, who cares? There's so much other topics that this energy could be spent on.
As far as internet/email/music etc, that's my iBook.
Tre said:
I think most Mac fans routed after the constant beatings they've received over the years. I mean really, I don't MIND Macs. They're nice machines...but not for that price. If Macs were 1500 dollars cheaper, they'd be really nice.

That used to be my position, until the new G5 tower case design.

Now seriously....... how do you justify having only one 5.25" bay?!? It's as if they just blew up the iMac.

And and and, the "genius air tunnel design" that ate up all that space turned instantly irrelevent with the new watercooling get up to cool the new dual 2.5s without getting the fans to go into hurricane mode. WHERE ARE MY ROLLEYES!!!!!
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