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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Yeah I know, I was just joking, I do think people in their 30's have generally a better head on their shoulders than people in their 20's and considering how things are going in my life, I don't expect to find anybody until I at least hit 30.

Oh, I know you were joking. Some guys tend to be insecure, especially in the gay community, with their age. Even I used to fear getting older, but now that I am older and gone through the experiences that have got me here, I've learned a lot. Gay death was just a myth. :p


I love getting older. Witnessing change and being able to contrast today with what once was is amazing, and I'm still pretty young (36).

And gay death is/was truly overblown, but something I never worried about - I've been an old man in a young man's body for a few decades now. :p
Great pics BlueBadger.
Thank you!!!
Edit: Your cosplay pics are awesome BB. :)
Thanks mister <3
Awesome pictures, BlueBadger! :) That last one is hotttt. ;)


Anyone playing any good games recently?

I've finally started The Walking Dead (Telltale) Season 2. I finished the first two episodes and am on the third one - it's pretty great so far. I love playing as Clem, too.

And I've been playing some more of Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS - I think I'm on the final world, but I assume there's some postgame content like in 3D World.
Hahaha Wahh thanks!!

I've been playing Layton vs wright and I can't put it down :) I'm addicted!!
Great cosplay, BB. :D

I like the Skull Kid one too. :)
Thanks boo!! :) the skull kid was so genius :')
I saw you outside the convention center late Monday afternoon and was surprised that those pants are even brighter than in the pictures, heh. I can't even imagine anyone wearing them for anything but a costume!
Did you see me?! Aww I'm sad I didn't say hi!!!
yaaaaaaaaassss BlueBadger you look amazing as Apollo (and hot lol)

I'm playing Person 4 for the first time, very good game so far.
Hahaha wah thanks mister <3

I still have to play P4G!! I have it, but I haven't played it yet :)
Good photos. I didn't know PAX was a cosplay type of expo. I guess it never crossed my mind. It's pretty fun trying to get your costume together. I cosplayed as Big Boss at Comic-Con, and it was a lot of fun. I at least get to say I've tried it. I think I'd like to do it again.

Aww thanks! I can't wait to cosplay again as well! Now that I've done it once I find myself looking for excuses to do it again :p


Hi joey and welcome :) What games you like?

Welcome :) What games do you like? Any other hobbies or interests? Etc lol

BTW we're nice people
not me but the rest of the thread is filled with hot and nice guys :)

Hey man,welcome :D

Any time, VICTORsaurio! *hugs back*

Thank you guys for the kind words :)

Rheon, welcome!

Hello and welcome, Rheon! ( &#65439;&#9661;&#65439;)/

Hey! :)
How's it going?
What kind of games do you play?

Whats good Joey?? You should join the skype chat!

Thanks for the welcome, guys. :)

Games I play/like are mostly fighting games, Tekken, Soul Calibur, MK, DOA, Street Fighter etc. I also love FF, TES and RPGs in general.
Other hobbies include music, web/graphic design and reading.
Hi, Rheon! Yay, a fighting game person!

This reminds me of a guy I was seeing that didn't understand how come there were gay guys who liked fighting games.

Yes, I fled the crime scene immediately.


Another victory at the appeals level - this time unanimous!


Court: Same-sex marriage bans in Indiana, Wisconsin unconstitutional

In his 40-page unanimous opinion, Judge Richard Posner wrote that the key arguments supporting the ban — that same-sex couples and their children don’t need marriage because same-sex couples can’t produce children — is “so full of holes that it cannot be taken seriously.”

“To the extent that children are better off in families in which the parents are married, they are better off whether they are raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents,” Posner wrote. “The discrimination against same-sex couples is irrational, and therefore unconstitutional.”

A bit of a mood lifter after Louisiana's bullshit opinion. Woo! :D
Thanks for the welcome, guys. :)

Games I play/like are mostly fighting games, Tekken, Soul Calibur, MK, DOA, Street Fighter etc. I also love FF, TES and RPGs in general.
Other hobbies include music, web/graphic design and reading.

We're going to get along swimmingly!

Also Joan Rivers died :( Bad year for comedy.
We're going to get along swimmingly!

Also Joan Rivers died :( Bad year for comedy.

Just saw that news :( I loved her when she did a cameo on Louie.

Another victory at the appeals level - this time unanimous!


Court: Same-sex marriage bans in Indiana, Wisconsin unconstitutional

A bit of a mood lifter after Louisiana's bullshit opinion. Woo! :D

Another win for the genderless dystopia!



Hunky Nostradamus
They know not what they do.

True! I don't think I've ever listened to KB before.

Yeah this year has kinda flown by, for better or worse. I start my masters in nursing in January, big new chapter in my life and I can't wait for it.

you're gonna be a great nurse :3

Polysexual is for folks who think that bisexuality reinforces binary genders, whereas we know, like someone said yesterday, that it's more of a spectrum.

It's almost the exact same thing.

Ahhh. How confusing, lol.


Thanks for the welcome, guys. :)

Games I play/like are mostly fighting games, Tekken, Soul Calibur, MK, DOA, Street Fighter etc. I also love FF, TES and RPGs in general.
Other hobbies include music, web/graphic design and reading.
No problem, everyone is welcome here! :D

What books/comics/mangas do you read? :)

he was a lover, not a fighter.
You have an avi now. I like it! :D
Thanks for the welcome, guys. :)

Games I play/like are mostly fighting games, Tekken, Soul Calibur, MK, DOA, Street Fighter etc. I also love FF, TES and RPGs in general.
Other hobbies include music, web/graphic design and reading.

Ahhhhh Shit! We all gotta start a GG Fighting game Tournament or session one day!

Edit: Also Welcome Bubbavelli

Son Of D

Really late to respond to this but those are great pics BlueBadger. Reminds me that I need to play the Ace Attorney games. I liked using Wright in UMvC3 and I do like the designs of characters as well.

On a different note. I wish I wasn't so shy. There's a guy I like and I'm having troubles talking to him because I get so shy and nervous :(.


Really late to respond to this but those are great pics BlueBadger. Reminds me that I need to play the Ace Attorney games. I liked using Wright in UMvC3 and I do like the designs of characters as well.

On a different note. I wish I wasn't so shy. There's a guy I like and I'm having troubles talking to him because I get so shy and nervous :(.
Try to find something in common to strike up a conversation like class or anything school related. That would at least get things started.
I don't know why I assumed this was in school...Hopefully it was. Haha

I was just going to bring up something similar to this after being in class today. For some reason I associate shyness with being gay. Does anyone else do this?


I was just going to bring up something similar to this after being in class today. For some reason I associate shyness with being gay. Does anyone else do this?

I do.For example there is this guys who I have two classes with and he is very shy. But he added me on Facebook and he shares lots of selfies and changes his profile picture very week. I tried to observe him closer and realized that he doesn't look at girls when they walk past him. I feel like he wants to grab attention to me due to not being that interested in women lol


I do.For example there is this guys who I have two classes with and he is very shy. But he added me on Facebook and he shares lots of selfies and changes his profile picture very week. I tried to observe him closer and realized that he doesn't look at girls when they walk past him. I feel like he wants to grab attention to me due to not being that interested in women lol
It's time for you to make a move! Lol


I do.For example there is this guys who I have two classes with and he is very shy. But he added me on Facebook and he shares lots of selfies and changes his profile picture very week. I tried to observe him closer and realized that he doesn't look at girls when they walk past him. I feel like he wants to grab attention to me due to not being that interested in women lol

Well, in my college group, I definitely fit the role of "shy" person. But the other guys I know are gay
thanks to my radar (jk)
are more,,, "passionate"? Extrovert?

The point is, you can't really associate "gayness with shyness" unless you are talking about conservative circles/closet situations which kind of help this happen.
I do.For example there is this guys who I have two classes with and he is very shy. But he added me on Facebook and he shares lots of selfies and changes his profile picture very week. I tried to observe him closer and realized that he doesn't look at girls when they walk past him. I feel like he wants to grab attention to me due to not being that interested in women lol

I am also pretty shy but a great way to open is to ask if he wants to grab a drink. I find if I have one or two drinks my shy-force goes down. Good ol' Dutch courage :D

I'm not interested in him though. I was just curious of his behaviour. He's definitly not my type.

And never mind then! Son of D, you could still try it though.


Listen to the cat.

I really miss this series. :(

I'm not interested in him though. I was just curious of his behaviour. He's definitly not my type.
That's okay too. How does the attention make you feel though? It's great, right? ;3

Really late to respond to this but those are great pics BlueBadger. Reminds me that I need to play the Ace Attorney games. I liked using Wright in UMvC3 and I do like the designs of characters as well.

On a different note. I wish I wasn't so shy. There's a guy I like and I'm having troubles talking to him because I get so shy and nervous :(.

Does he play games or shares any other interests with you? That would be a good starting point for a conversation. :)


Hunky Nostradamus
REPENT! (+lyrics). The lady can tell a story.

thanks, ill listen to that later

"There's two jogging scenes in the show. There's one in the pilot episode and then there's one we did much later."

"When I went to get my wardrobe for the second jogging scene way later, there was my jogging pants and then there was two pairs of underwear in the dressing room," he said. "I was like, 'Oh, I can clearly choose between two pairs,' and they were like, 'No, they want you to wear them both.'"

Except he clearly didn't wear two pairs of underwear in the second jog because his package was just as (if not even more) apparent/floppier in those scenes.

Also, I refuse to believe HBO wanted to erase his bulge. This is HBO we're talking about!

Son Of D

Does he play games or shares any other interests with you? That would be a good starting point for a conversation. :)

Game wise I know he plays Pokémon as well as the old Crash Bandicoot games. Other interests are movies (specifically Disney movies. We're both quite into clothes and fashion as well. He's a much more outgoing person than I am and at the moment he always has more to say than me when we do talk.
I love getting older. Witnessing change and being able to contrast today with what once was is amazing, and I'm still pretty young (36).

And gay death is/was truly overblown, but something I never worried about - I've been an old man in a young man's body for a few decades now. :p

Ya old fogie! (34) :p


Except he clearly didn't wear two pairs of underwear in the second jog because his package was just as (if not even more) apparent/floppier in those scenes.

Also, I refuse to believe HBO wanted to erase his bulge. This is HBO we're talking about!

He is probably the most compelling reason to watch The Leftovers.



Hey guys, been away awhile, I take it we got pics of BB in costume? Can I get a link to that? Did I miss anything important?

Also, how is everyone? I've been letting my exercise slip and I feel bad.


Hey guys, been away awhile, I take it we got pics of BB in costume? Can I get a link to that? Did I miss anything important?

Also, how is everyone? I've been letting my exercise slip and I feel bad.

That wasnt the only reason you came back right?
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