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Liam Robertson (of Unseen64 fame): "NX is not aiming to compete on a power level"

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If it isn't significantly above a PS4 level (which itself isn't massively powerful) then Nintendo platforms will continue to only be 'Zelda boxes' for me.
But a lot of times at 900p instead of 1080p.

I'll take an NX that can "only" run those games if in 720p, every day and twice on Sundays over whatever Nintendo will try to sell me.

You and a couple of others. But not 20 million within the 1st 12 month. I doubt it will be more than 5 if they really "just" go for WiiU tec-specs.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
it probably launches with Federation Force 2.


The only reason mobile games are popular is that because they are cheap and everybody and their mother has a phone to play them on. The game aren't that high quality or imo, great, but they are there. People would rather spend money on 1 to 5 buck games than to spend a few hundred dollars or more for a console and 60 buck games.


El Capitan Todd
if NX will be an home console to substitute the wiiu after only three years with less power of a ps4 I feel so bad for nintendo.


Might be cool if it's a handheld that can easily be used as a console (hook up to TV, add controllers). Especially if they port the entire Wii U digital download library to it.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
What power level do you think the NX home version will have?
I'm not sure how my expectations relate to the original tweets and their level of contextual awareness (or lack thereof), but I have no issue sharing my expectations for the home NX.

GPU-wise I expect something below xbone levels. IOW, 1TF being the upper limit, but realistically could be half that.
CPU-wise I expect between 4 and 8 ARMv8 cores, in the 2GHz range.
Memory wise I expect between 4 and 6GB of streamlined memory (ddr3/ddr4), plus another high-performance mem pool, in line of wiiU eDRAM.

Now, to return the favour, how do you think that would (or would not) compare to the ps4?


Probably not very smart to release a console that is less powerful than the PS4 3-4 years after the PS4's release, unless Nintendo is going for an ultra cheap price or a handheld/console hybrid.


Are the people proclaiming dismay over NX not being an PS4/XBO like device the ones that were going to buy it on Day One but now aren't? Because I have to ask. What benefit is it to Nintendo to put out a device like that at this point?

Halfway through the generation people aren't going to jump from those systems to continue playing the same games that may potentially maybe kinda sorta probably not come because the install base isn't there. It's a foolish move to say 'yes, we're competing with them and starting from behind.'



this is the billion dollar question, at least outside of jpn.
Local multiplayer. You can't replicate the feeling of Mario Kart or Mario Party on a smartphone. Everyone having their own screen is nice, but it still makes for a more isolated feeling. This kind of "social living room gaming" just isn't being offered by smartphones.



But they're not and arguably don't have to in order to be successful, of which is impossible to predict without knowing the specifics. That's the point.

Which leaves me wondering what demo their are competing for: if not gamestop shoppers and smartphone users, then who?


If it's going to be a handheld can Nintendo PLEASE just make the first iteration a classy looking well built device, and not have a fucking horrific prototype as the first iteration, like we saw with the DS and 3DS. I swear if they build a cheap assortment of parts in a plastic box with resistance touch screens rather than capacitive, and they try and sell that shit for a premium, they can go F themselves. :)


If this "NX" console that Nintendo is readying to reveal in the not so distant future and it's supposed to supplant the Wii U then this console by dictations of the market is designed to compete against PS4 and Xbox One.

Having said all that, their is absolutely no reason why Nintendo's NX is less powerful than the competition. In fact it should be more powerful because of the fact that it's coming out after the PS4 and Xbox One.

Granted console R&D takes years and something tells me that relative to other instances Nintendo is developing this NX on a whim.

I believe that Nintendo needs to compete against MS and Sony with a powerful console in order to:

1. Gain back 3rd party support so AAA 3rd party titled appear on Nintendo's console.

2.get back in the good graces of core gamers

3.make a Nintendo console a viable option as "the" gaming box to own.

Many gamers just own one system unlike us gaffers who may own multiple. Unless Nintendo does something completely unexpected I doubt this new system will gain any traction unless it's as or more powerful than the current gen consoles.


At that point NX can be so many things that it's a little random to guess honestly.

If it is what i've personally always wanted, meaning a portable that is the only Nintendo console (for a while..), what are their options for a 149-199$ console..

I didn't follow android devices progress, but i would guess they can have something way more powerful than a Vita, with let's say same screen size/rez (which would be an insane gap for a Nintendo portable). Vita made us believe, for a short while that it was capable of PS3 graphics. It's far from that, but i'm pretty sure a modern portable from Nintendo could do the same with a WiiU.Meaning you'll have weaker models, but the IQ/size of the screen/good use of modern shaders will make them not that far visually.

People will say bouhouhou and that's the only nintendo console now ? That's a back step what a shame.

Then they'll realize, that 99% of Nintendo ips, Smash Bros included were played by a masssive margin on portable this generation, with dreamcast graphics on a 400x240 screen. Then they'll realize the new Pokemon has a 2 generation gap graphically, as the new Monster Hunter, as the new Yokai Watch, as the new DQ/FF remakes, Bravely Default etc.. All those games with WiiU- graphics would be incredible updates.

Then they'll realize playing Pikmin 3, or 4 on a portable is pretty awesome, and that a new Metroid on NX is actually the best looking Metroid we've had on any console, same for a FZero.

Then they'll think, oh shit i'm i really playing an open world Zelda (this one will be tough to port) game in the Bus ??

Then they'll be playing Virtual Console of N64, GC on it.

All of this is possible and Nintendo needs do work on one little thing. Convince those 15-20% of Nintendo fans who think (nah i'm not playing a nintendo game on portable" that it's now legit, by letting them output to a tv, and/or buy a super xl sku, and/or letting them plug a cordless classic controller pro to it.

Oh and about third party, even if i think that's a fake problem. You can also see the thing from a portable pov. Ubi, EA etc couldn't port their next gen game on 3ds for obvious reasons ok. Then they could, but didn't bother to do it on WiiU, cause well.. the WiiU wasn't a success. Now, on a 3ds like (at least) level of success portable, with PS3/Wiiu graphic capacities (at least looks like it), wouldn't they be super happy to sell assassin's creed and Call of duty to kids ? That's a viable market.

I'll add that, most people sad with a underpowered machine are not the Nintendo fans who enjoyed a terribly good game library on 3DS, with everything they needed, a MK, a fire emblem, many marios, 3D and 2D, Pokemon, Monster Hunter etc... Those who didn't realize the 3DS was Nintendo's main platform and not something cheaper, weaker, but their base offer. And that offer was enough, in term of software, by a big margin. When you accept that, the idea of having what was the main Nintendo platform for 5 years making a 2 generation gap graphically, is kinda awesome.

Nintendo going to be killing it on the accessories game. This thing if it is able to plug into a tv with a controller may end up being more expensive than a ps4/Xbox one. 60$ for a controller, how much ever the console is, probably some proprietary bullshit that has to be bought on top of it all. I can easily see this thing running 300$+ after all is said and done. And Nintendo fans will defend this type of shit. I like Nintendo, but I will not defend an underpowered console that may end up costing more than the more powerful consoles.


Many gamers just own one system unlike us gaffers who may own multiple. Unless Nintendo does something completely unexpected I doubt this new system will gain any traction unless it's as or more powerful than the current gen consoles.

I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate they'll have something "completely unexpected" to show with NX. Certainly it's a bit arrogant to think we have it all figured out at this point. Nobody really knows what NX is outside of Nintendo. The fact that we don't even know the form factor should tell you that much.

On the other hand what I can tell you is that making a box that is aimed to directly compete against PS4 and Xbox One could never work and would be completely insane.


I find it odd that people think Nintendo is actually aiming to be that "2nd console". I personally think all businesses want to be at the top of their industry, Nintendo included. It's just their past (poor) choices has led them to the situation that they're in now.


it kinda has to be close, since zelda is moving to nx and iwata has stated the nx was being made to absorb the wii u's architecture.

A $200 handheld could be wii u levels and still be profitable is doable. Wiiu is 45/65nm, nx will be 28nm, and the gpu is <200TF. It depends on the other components of the device and whether they have to use some of the silicon budget to pay for them.


It can work if they aim for a low entry price (200-250$ in 2016)
If it's a traditional console I think around 1 TFLOPS would be fine (+your typical jaguar toaster cpu) along with low power consumption and a simple WiiU pro controller (not sure about the disc format and hdd size, could cut some costs here along with the RAM).

Compared to now:
Wii U is 0.35 TFLOPS, XboxOne: 1.2 TFLOPS, PS4:1.8 TFLOPS


I find it odd that people think Nintendo is actually aiming to be that "2nd console". I personally think all businesses want to be at the top of their industry, Nintendo included. It's just their past (poor) choices has led them to the situation that they're in now.

Top of the industry is mobile and PC. Consoles fight over about the left-overs. It's a harsh thing but I don't think this market can support 3 power boxes. So instead Nintendo's best change is unifying their game development effort on one platform and maybe coming up with something we can't even imagine right now. Best way to go about the unifying thing is creating something power conservative.


Why on Earth would they do that? It makes the whole thing more expensive, more complex and it limits their flexibility in different markets.

I'm betting on NX being a family of systems based around a common architecture, with a shared dev environment and software ecosystem, cross-platform accounts etc. - think iPhone/iPad/iOS or the Android setup. The device being referred to as "NX" right now will be the first form factor released, likely a handheld of some type, and it will hit some time toward the end of 2016. A more powerful home form factor will hit in 2017, replacing Wii U. From then on, Nintendo will be releasing software that runs on both, scaling appropriately, with the occasional title perhaps built for one form or another. As tech improves and component prices drop, they can release more powerful incremental upgrades (again, think the iPhone/Android phone model here) which maintain full backward-compatibility, even if forward-compatibility remains limited.

It lets them target different markets with different hardware - Japan may favour the handheld NX more than home NX, the US may be the reverse - while not having to support two different lines of software development. It also lets them release more regular hardware revisions and upgrades and breaks them out of the current console model.

A simple HDMI wireless dongle would not make a roughly Wii U level system more expensive, and they could quite easily sell two skus, one with and one without the dongle with the dongle also sold as a stand alone peripheral for people who later wish to upgrade.

This would be the cheapest hardware solution Nintendo could offer their fans, which is of interest to Nintendo because their last two hardware products have lost them money (3DS and Wii U). Nintendo's #1 philosophy that separates their business model from that of Sony and Microsoft is an unwillingness to lose money on hardware.

At the same time they likely understand that a huge portion of their current profits come from a very loyal core audience, one they've been asking to double dip on hardware for generations now. If you're Nintendo what would you prefer your core audience spending money on, low to zero profit margin hardware or high profit margin software? Every time a Nintendo fan has bought a Wii U and a 3DS Nintendo robbed themselves of three to five game sales (depending on hardware and software formats chosen).

Wii U power level in a handheld would easily achieve 720p with high quality wireless streaming. I would bet the gap between 720p and 1080p likely isn't something Nintendo is overly concerned with bridging as long as their historically fantastic IQ is still in-place, which it has been on the Wii U so I see no reason that would change.

At the same time that would let them continue to support the Wii U to the end of it's life with cross platform sales, avoiding souring the existing Wii U audience and getting an instant install-base. All for very little additional cost.

The Android based OS makes a ton of sense in this case as it has basically zero licensing cost, can be massively customized, and yet has very robust wireless streaming libraries already in-place, saving Nintendo from having to pay for almost any of the R&D. Instead they can model off of existing hardware and spend all their time and money optimizing their own version of the wireless link.

This would also allow them to sell the dongle at $50 as a standalone for a tidy profit (assuming it is technologically comparable to Chromecast and Amazon's FireStick) or a bundled system for $200-$250 that comes with the handheld, a dongle, a charging dock, and a Wii Pro controller.

Simply design the handheld to charge off a USB 3 port and the dock could serve as a hub for an external HDD to expand game storage. Hell, they could probably even do some really cool OS based game library options where you can select what games you want on-device (for handheld play) and on HDD (for on TV play).


It can work if they aim for a low entry price (200-250$ in 2016)
If it's a traditional console I think around 1 TFLOPS would be fine (+your typical jaguar toaster cpu) along with low power consumption and a simple WiiU pro controller (not sure about the disc format and hdd size, could cut some costs here along with the RAM).

Compared to now:
Wii U is 0.35 TFLOPS, XboxOne: 1.2 TFLOPS, PS4:1.8 TFLOPS

It's more to it than that. The CPU in Wii U is terrible because they wanted it to run at low wattage. Also, the Wii U isn't exactly the most modern piece of tech, making it super hard to bring over tools to it without completely reworking an engine. Stuff like that made it very expensive and not cost effective to bring a game/engine to it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm not sure how my expectations relate to the original tweets and their level of contextual awareness (or lack thereof), but I have no issue sharing my expectations for the home NX.

GPU-wise I expect something below xbone levels. IOW, 1TF being the upper limit, but realistically could be half that.
CPU-wise I expect between 4 and 8 ARMv8 cores, in the 2GHz range.
Memory wise I expect between 4 and 6GB of streamlined memory (ddr3/ddr4), plus another high-performance mem pool, in line of wiiU eDRAM.

Now, to return the favour, how do you think that would (or would not) compare to the ps4?

If it's non-news, it's far more interesting to talk to you than to tweets from a non-responsive individual who doesn't know anything.

I gave my expectations basically. Modern feature set without the raw computational power. I think that's reasonable...it would be like a 3DS blown up.

Rolf NB

Expect things to turn out mostly like Cosmo.
They're picking a new shared architecture for both handheld and console derived from synthesizable, scalable mobile IP. NX is not one device, and definitely not a "hybrid" between whatever, but an architectural family with shared hardware / software feature sets.

There'll be a complete one-time BC break on console. Handheld might have some potential for BC.

I expect them to go real cheap on the first console implementation. Like, launching at 179$ or something. It's the only competitive niche that will remain open for them.

A 2016 handheld implementation might finally match Vita spec-wise, maybe. Actually, Vita architecture (ARM + PowerVR with dedicated VRAM) might be a good pick for Ninteno. Power VR SGX is quite scalable and feature rich.


Why on Earth would they do that? It makes the whole thing more expensive, more complex and it limits their flexibility in different markets.

I'm betting on NX being a family of systems based around a common architecture, with a shared dev environment and software ecosystem, cross-platform accounts etc. - think iPhone/iPad/iOS or the Android setup. The device being referred to as "NX" right now will be the first form factor released, likely a handheld of some type, and it will hit some time toward the end of 2016. A more powerful home form factor will hit in 2017, replacing Wii U. From then on, Nintendo will be releasing software that runs on both, scaling appropriately, with the occasional title perhaps built for one form or another. As tech improves and component prices drop, they can release more powerful incremental upgrades (again, think the iPhone/Android phone model here) which maintain full backward-compatibility, even if forward-compatibility remains limited.

It lets them target different markets with different hardware - Japan may favour the handheld NX more than home NX, the US may be the reverse - while not having to support two different lines of software development. It also lets them release more regular hardware revisions and upgrades and breaks them out of the current console model.

That's what I'm hopping for as well.
I am still very interested in where they take the hardware. If I am in the mood to count FLOPs and run bench marks, I boot up my PC.

Stay strong, NintenGAF!


If it being android based works out they could get a lot fo 3rd parties onboard.

just... 3rd party mobile games.

No, not just mobile games. Every SDK under the sun supports mobile hardware/OS. Unreal, Unity, Frostbite, Monogame, etc. If Nintendo offers something close to that it will be much easier to get games on their system.

A Nintendo system with a sub-$200 price point, their first party line-up, great indie games, and the most popular licensed games (sports and kids games ported from Android) would be a much, much more attractive proposition on the market than a PS4 knock-off.


Whatever it is I'm hoping its like a handheld or companion device for the Wii U. I want the Wii U to continue for several more years.


I expected this. I'm thinking 'Android console'-level device. Cheap and easy to develop for.

Using Android as an OS has little bearing on power used.

Software Operation System =/= Hardware components utilized.

There is even x86 Android compiles one can install on a typical high end PC. Android is just a OS and nothing more.


Wii U rebranding confirmed.

I've always assumed NX was a portable from the moment Iwata first mentioned it, or more likely a 3rd pillar portable experiment in the vein of the original DS. If it's a portable Wii U with a new hook, that'd fit the facts we have, and the timing, not to mention being a fairly solid idea and an opportune chance to cash in on some great, under-appreciated software.


That would be interesting. Although it doesn't solve the 'how to get smartphone users to carry a second device' problem.


Are the people proclaiming dismay over NX not being an PS4/XBO like device the ones that were going to buy it on Day One but now aren't? Because I have to ask. What benefit is it to Nintendo to put out a device like that at this point?

I like Nintendo games as much as the next person, but I can't justify purchasing a "Nintendo box", at this point. 3rd-parties not being there in the slightest doesn't interest me. And so long as they keep going this low-power route exclusively, they're never EVER going to climb past the current state of their business with Wii U.

I had hopes that Nintendo could at least retain support from Japanese 3rd-parties with Wii U, but they didn't even manage that. As much as I enjoy Nintendo games, I'd only sit through another round of that if I saw any indication that they were trying to change that. A low-power console tells me they're fine fading away into nothing instead of fighting for a place at the table. And I won't be there to hold their hand while the laze around their deathbed waiting for the nurse to offer an assisted suicide. Seems to me that other people around GAF are totally fine with that, though. More power to them, I guess. But I won't be one of them.

I'll be there if they're willing to put up a damn fight, even if it's not an immediate success.


It's more to it than that. The CPU in Wii U is terrible because they wanted it to run at low wattage. Also, the Wii U isn't exactly the most modern piece of tech, making it super hard to bring over tools to it without completely reworking an engine. Stuff like that made it very expensive and not cost effective to bring a game/engine to it.

Of course there is more. Tried a simple comparison. Modern dev tools and API are important too. but yeah if they aim at 30w power consumption under load you'll get a toaster. I hopethey aim for 60-80W (PS4 is around 130-140W)


I hate posts like these. The Wii sold because of everything from its marketing to the actual product and its launch software.

I agree with everything you stated but the Wii sold because it was aimed at a wider demographic than just the core gamer. When the system came out, nothing about it spoke to me personally. Nothing. I may be in the minority but when I play my games I like to sit in the coach or loveseat hold a CONTROLLER and play.

Not being and HD console i was OK with, but the Wii-mote was a non starter for me and I never hopped on the Wii bandwagon. Didn't play a single Wii game that entire generation and I was fine with that.

If Nintendo wants my attention they need something like PS4 or Xbox One, powerful, can be a multimedia box and give me amazing Nintendo experiences while also allowing me to play indie games and great 3rd party titles.

Useful and intuitive UI and an online infrastructure akin to XBL where I can play games online.

That is the Nintendo console that I wanna buy and would shell out money for.

After Wii and Wii u I don't think of Nintendo as a tech company, I think of them more as a toys company and this really isn't meant to be disparaging although I feel some gaffers may feel this way. Just my 2 cents.
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