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Liam Robertson (of Unseen64 fame): "NX is not aiming to compete on a power level"

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Really? I've always been under the impression that Unseen64 threads get a decent response, and the site is well-respected here for digging up the stuff it does.

He's directed a lot of hate towards GAF, just take a look at his Twitter feed.

*EDIT* Haha! I was going to pull up some examples but I've just been blocked by him! Oh well, guess he's not comfortable with taking criticism.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Really? I've always been under the impression that Unseen64 threads get a decent response, and the site is well-respected here for digging up the stuff it does.

I'd expect something heading in that direction, but between Wii U/PS4. The selling point won't be RAWR POWA!

"Heading in that direction" is pretty vague, but his claim was also pretty vague. I don't see why he would be wrong, honestly.

I think you'll probably see something similar to the 3DS in paradigm. Some modern effects but generally lower geometry capabilities. I expect a "mobile chassis" of sorts.
People were always wrong assuming it would be a case of WiU being more powerful than PS3, or Wi being more powerful than an xbox. They forgot those consoles had one full generation gap between their release.

Nintendo won't have a 249$, small, low power consumption PS4 2 years after it.. Even less a 149$ one!

The original Xbox and PS3 (especially the PS3) were both very power pieces of hardware upon launch. The PS3 was an extraordinarily capable machine in 2006, even in comparison to PCs when you consider the $600 price point. The PS4 and Xbox One on the other hand were much smaller leaps with much cheaper and (relative to contemporary PC hardware) much further down in terms of performance. So it's two very different scenarios you're comparing there. And combine the much cheaper hardware the other guys are packing with a three year gap, you have a very easy bar to clear.

Also, where the hell did $149 come from?


Isn't this the same dude that was certain Fallout 4 was cross-gen and then deleted his tweets about it when it was revealed to be current-gen only?

That being said, he probably isn't wrong. If Nintendo is planning to produce 20 million of this thing by a year it's probably pretty cheap, so either it's the handheld version of the NX architecture or the home console is Wii U+ in terms of power, perhaps even both.

Hopefully that video of his will clear things up, since I need to be shown that this isn't him taking his own assumptions as fact again.
I wonder how this will turn out if NX doesn't use the WiiU's tablet and/or the Wii's motion control.

People seem to think that B/C is a given. Well. It isn't. SNES, N64, GC, those were not B/C and it was only because to the almost identical hardware that the Wii was.

If NX is really a complete new concept that is cheap at the same time, than this might mean Nintendo goes for a fresh start without legacy hardware/emulators.

Nintendo explicitly stated in the past that the plan was for their next console to "absorb" the Wii U architecture. It's not exactly clear what that entails, but it's clear enough to say that unless something drastic changed it will definitely be backwards compatible with at least the Wii U.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Am I the only one expecting some kind of handheld + home console hybrid? Like a Vita with hdmi and multiple controller support? Their way of merging their markets together / an evolution on the Wii U's original offscreen concept.

That's the only promising hook I could imagine they would go for if they're not going for more power.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I think regardless of whether or not he's talking about the console or the handheld, he's probably right anyway. Does anyone think the console form factor will be on PS4's level?
Only that in one of the cases his tweets would be a non-news, and, low-and-behold, he has given no indication he knows which is the actual case.


Also, where the hell did $149 come from?

A bullshit rumour that tagged along with another bullshit rumour about a new Diddy Kong Racing game. And people ran with it to justify a "cheap Nintendo box" theory that has about as much marketability as the Wii U itself, at this point.


Totally expected, but I still hoped they would beef it up a bit. I am still interested and will of course reserve judgment, but if it is more of a mobile focused type of system and less of a traditional console, then I will be skipping it.
Übermatik;170849300 said:
He's directed a lot of hate towards GAF, just take a look at his Twitter feed.

*EDIT* Haha! I was going to pull up some examples but I've just been blocked by him! Oh well, guess he's not comfortable with taking criticism.

I'll have to have a look...

"Heading in that direction" is pretty vague, but his claim was also pretty vague. I don't see why he would be wrong, honestly.

I think you'll probably see something similar to the 3DS in paradigm. Some modern effects but generally lower geometry capabilities. I expect a "mobile chassis" of sorts.

Yeah, sorry, that was a bit vague :)

If they're going the route I expect - shared architecture, largely off-the-shelf components etc. - then I think you're probably not far off. The key here will be that they won't be stuck at that level for 5 more years - they will be out of that cycle and looking to update as and when components costs etc. make it feasible, while maintaining the ecosystem/BC.

Nintendo explicitly stated in the past that the plan was for their next console to "absorb" the Wii U architecture. It's not exactly clear what that entails, but it's clear enough to say that unless something drastic changed it will definitely be backwards compatible with at least the Wii U.

I strongly suspect that "absorbing" the Wii U is less about hardware and more about software, with the development pipelines etc. they've set up for Wii U carrying forward (and possibly software for it is built to be more portable than we expect, allowing for easier movement to the NX platform). Hardware BC would be nice, but it compromises future platforms and I think we're going to see Nintendo make a clean break and establish a platform that will do them for the next decade (much as they made that big initial investment in the GCN hardware, then built their hardware development and software around that for nearly 15 years).


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Übermatik;170849300 said:
He's directed a lot of hate towards GAF, just take a look at his Twitter feed.

*EDIT* Haha! I was going to pull up some examples but I've just been blocked by him! Oh well, guess he's not comfortable with taking criticism.

He also told me that, due to all the shit being thrown at him, he's in no hurry in making the video.

I still hope it comes soon enough. I want the better context, damn it!
...still, don't understand how can he think we shouldn't make threads about what he says, especially when it's about a next gen hardware. And he's reputed reliable enough.


I don't understand this at all. If it is not competing with the ps4/xbone then what is the point of releasing it.

They already have the wiiu that is fulfilling the weaker than current gen but slightly better than last gen bracket.


Good Art™
At that point NX can be so many things that it's a little random to guess honestly.

If it is what i've personally always wanted, meaning a portable that is the only Nintendo console (for a while..), what are their options for a 149-199$ console..

I didn't follow android devices progress, but i would guess they can have something way more powerful than a Vita, with let's say same screen size/rez (which would be an insane gap for a Nintendo portable). Vita made us believe, for a short while that it was capable of PS3 graphics. It's far from that, but i'm pretty sure a modern portable from Nintendo could do the same with a WiiU.Meaning you'll have weaker models, but the IQ/size of the screen/good use of modern shaders will make them not that far visually.

People will say bouhouhou and that's the only nintendo console now ? That's a back step what a shame.

Then they'll realize, that 99% of Nintendo ips, Smash Bros included were played by a masssive margin on portable this generation, with dreamcast graphics on a 400x240 screen. Then they'll realize the new Pokemon has a 2 generation gap graphically, as the new Monster Hunter, as the new Yokai Watch, as the new DQ/FF remakes, Bravely Default etc.. All those games with WiiU- graphics would be incredible updates.

Then they'll realize playing Pikmin 3, or 4 on a portable is pretty awesome, and that a new Metroid on NX is actually the best looking Metroid we've had on any console, same for a FZero.

Then they'll think, oh shit i'm i really playing an open world Zelda (this one will be tough to port) game in the Bus ??

Then they'll be playing Virtual Console of N64, GC on it.

All of this is possible and Nintendo needs do work on one little thing. Convince those 15-20% of Nintendo fans who think (nah i'm not playing a nintendo game on portable" that it's now legit, by letting them output to a tv, and/or buy a super xl sku, and/or letting them plug a cordless classic controller pro to it.

Oh and about third party, even if i think that's a fake problem. You can also see the thing from a portable pov. Ubi, EA etc couldn't port their next gen game on 3ds for obvious reasons ok. Then they could, but didn't bother to do it on WiiU, cause well.. the WiiU wasn't a success. Now, on a 3ds like (at least) level of success portable, with PS3/Wiiu graphic capacities (at least looks like it), wouldn't they be super happy to sell assassin's creed and Call of duty to kids ? That's a viable market.

I'll add that, most people sad with a underpowered machine are not the Nintendo fans who enjoyed a terribly good game library on 3DS, with everything they needed, a MK, a fire emblem, many marios, 3D and 2D, Pokemon, Monster Hunter etc... Those who didn't realize the 3DS was Nintendo's main platform and not something cheaper, weaker, but their base offer. And that offer was enough, in term of software, by a big margin. When you accept that, the idea of having what was the main Nintendo platform for 5 years making a 2 generation gap graphically, is kinda awesome.


Then the Emperor has already won...

Seriously though, the only way this can be a success is if they produce some kind of very cool, high specced mobile unit, think 3DS but with bigger much higher res proper touch screens, and for that device to be able to stream to a little box connected to your TV, allowing effectively a backwards Wii U style game streaming. Decent looking portable games, opened up to the Android store for much bigger variety, and with the ability to stream to a large TV and use the console as a controller. If it can compete with Wii U graphics within that set up I might get one.

And yeah, it will have limited 3rd party support as far as AAA games goes, as usual, but if they could open it up to the Android store mobile gaming it could help.


Hmm.... This thread gonna be fun. :)
I guess this will use ARM and mobile based architecture.

I heard a rumor that it was arm based from a friend in the games industry a few weeks before that Japanese paper reported the android OS. I posted about it a while back.
Since then all the new rumors seem to back up the original I was told. NX is a console, not a handheld.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I do. I just re-quoted it to show TheGreatMightyPoo that this was a joke, but it seems some people here still think it's real. Damn.

Just noticed he believed you were trying to prove he's not reliable by quoting that. Just sent a tweet explaining it wasn't your intention. What the hell.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I don't understand. PS4 hardware is a couple years old. Wouldn't that mean making a similarly powerful console now can be achieved at a cheaper price?

Makes sense, I guess some dont see it that way. One one hand some, probably many claim the XBO and PS4 are under powered right now. Even coming close to those levels I think it can be done cheaper.

Let's say it's a 50/10 million split. Is the home console not profitable at 10 million units sold? Why not continue to let people enjoy their games at a higher res/detail on their TV with little effort?

Depends on how much Nintendo spends on the home console. Would they be happy to see their home console constantly hitting 10 million sold after this gen? Depends on what they consider a success or failure.

Do they consider the Wii U a success at 10 million sold? Is it profitable for them right now? Dont really know. But coming off the Wii I cant believe they think the Wii U is a success. Going forward that might be a different story.

If they do what some have suggested...10 million home consoles sold isnt bad IMO. They would be looking to stay the 3rd option or 2nd console. I would argue a PS4 or XBO is probably more of a 2nd console than a Wii U. Just because so many ppl have either one I would get both to cover my friends choices. Based on family, friends, coworkers I was better off with a PS3 and 360 than a Wii. The Wii was my 3rd option. First for family in the home, but outside of home 3rd. And it being first for the family in the home only lasted a few years. That honor was split between the 360 and PS3 since probably 2009.


NX will be a portable system, IMO. Sold separately will be the wireless TV dongle that allows you to stream your NX to the TV. A Wii U in reverse. It will have a curved 3D top screen running at 1280x720, like the Vita. To sell at the $150 level, it would have be a quad core system with AMD R7 graphics. I also think that the New 3DS will also be able to stream to the wireless dongle as I read somewhere it has an extra antenna or something that currently does nothing.
More to the point there seems to be little desire in Nintendo to start making games that require PS4 or XB1 levels of fidelity. Nintendo's strengths have always been in art design allowing them to outshine far more expensive photo real style graphics. Why burden yourself with the insane AAA budgets of everyone else when you've shown time and again that your teams can produce more with less?
People were always wrong assuming it would be a case of WiU being more powerful than PS3, or Wi being more powerful than an xbox. They forgot those consoles had one full generation gap between their release.

Nintendo won't have a 249$, small, low power consumption PS4 2 years after it.. Even less a 149$ one!
Yeah, I didn't mean to say the new console must be at PS4 power levels. It's just that it seems WiiU being too different in performance to just modify a couple things for PS4/X1 games to be playable, hurts the console a lot in third-party support. NX being around the ballpark and similar architecture would probably lead to pubs having significantly more PS4/X1/NX multiplats. And with PS4/X1 having a huge two-year headstart with millions of owners, a very stable third-party support coupled with the heavily beloved Nintendo franchises would in my opinion have much better chances to break into the established "newgen landscape" coupled with a even slightly cheaper entry price point. Always assumed hardware prices go down steadily. NX wouldn't even have to be at PS4 performance. It could be even a bit weaker than X1 but having similar architecture would help a lot I believe.


They might as well just ride out the Wii U and push software on it hard until the next round instead of spending the money to release another underpowered system that will risk doubling their failure. I mean, the Wii U coming in underpowered at the end of a generation was part of the problem. Now they want to scrap that and release another underpowered system just as this gen is taking off? Well, good luck with that. As the console crowd that is their market will ignore it all over again.


He also told me that, due to all the shit being thrown at him, he's in no hurry in making the video.

So he creates FUD inadvertently or otherwise by being vague enough to be misinterpreted and now doesn't feel the need to try to fix the situation he created right away.

I'm not entirely sure that's a solid plan of action. Letting anything stew on the internet is always a bad idea, especially when he's lobbing attacks at NeoGAF in the interim. If you don't like being attacked by a bear, ignore the bear, don't fucking POKE it.


Why on Earth would they do that? It makes the whole thing more expensive, more complex and it limits their flexibility in different markets.

I'm betting on NX being a family of systems based around a common architecture, with a shared dev environment and software ecosystem, cross-platform accounts etc. - think iPhone/iPad/iOS or the Android setup. The device being referred to as "NX" right now will be the first form factor released, likely a handheld of some type, and it will hit some time toward the end of 2016. A more powerful home form factor will hit in 2017, replacing Wii U. From then on, Nintendo will be releasing software that runs on both, scaling appropriately, with the occasional title perhaps built for one form or another. As tech improves and component prices drop, they can release more powerful incremental upgrades (again, think the iPhone/Android phone model here) which maintain full backward-compatibility, even if forward-compatibility remains limited.

It lets them target different markets with different hardware - Japan may favour the handheld NX more than home NX, the US may be the reverse - while not having to support two different lines of software development. It also lets them release more regular hardware revisions and upgrades and breaks them out of the current console model.

Exactly. It solves their occasional software drought and lessens the impact of few 3rd parties not supporting the system if all the games Nintendo make can be played on whatever system you picked up (the handheld or home version). They release so many games right now but it's split between two systems.

I really hope it's this and doesn't end up being like the Vita/ps3 combo I had.
My bet is that what they mean by unifying development efforts is more to do with common libraries/APIs across portable and home console. Think how Metal works across iOS and OSX. That would enable them to share tech and general engine development across both platforms (NX and the next portable).


He also told me that, due to all the shit being thrown at him, he's in no hurry in making the video.


never left the stone age
All I want is a 3DS successor powerful enough to run Splatoon. Portable Splatoon *drools*


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Only that in one of the cases his tweets would be a non-news, and, low-and-behold, he has given no indication he knows which is the actual case.

What power level do you think the NX home version will have?


That would be only the case if Nintendo invests an incredible amount for R&D. But modern consoles are just customized off-the-shelf parts.

I would bet money that Nintendo's special snowflake solution is more expensive than just putting the lastest Jaguar CPU and whatever AMD has in the mobile GPU department right now together.

If Ninty was just going off-the-shelf, we'd be able to estimate what a holiday 2016 machine would be like because we know what amd could offer in late 2014 in terms of a 28nm, $50-$100 apu, which is what would be in a 2016 machine.

But the fact that ninty goes custom + the talk of 'absorbing wii u into nx' makes the situation much more interesting.

The only thing I'm hoping for is that the gimmick this time doesn't have anything to do with collectible tat like amiibos. Amiibo integration in everything pissed me off so much I sold my wii u. I just want self contained games.


So only marginally more powerful than Wii U most likely? I mean I guess that's fine if it's really cheap, but it's not exciting.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

It seems he really doesn't know what is NX, if it's a handheld or a portable. Just something about the specs?
If it's so secret, I go even more with the base of the family theory.


I feel bad for people giving up and settling for lesser capability and how that is 'the norm' now...
You can own more than one platform. *shrug*

There's no one-size-fits-all. What's best for Sony and MS isn't necessarily what's best for Nintendo. And that's fine.


Been saying the handheld would come first for the longest time. I just hope there's a decent screen, battery life and form factor. And of course they need to nail the account system, but we'll likely see their solution for that long before we ever see the NX.

What power level do you think the NX home version will have?

I know you weren't asking me, but my instinct has always told me 'closer to the Wii U than XB1' and I'm sticking with that.

Once they're in HD, more horsepower doesn't do a huge amount of Nintendo's games, especially with their core demo who don't tend to pixel peep.


I feel bad for people giving up and settling for lesser capability and how that is 'the norm' now...

I would be missing out on a lot of games if I weren't. I.e. every single one console game.

I just want to play good Nintendo games, man. The platform doesn't matter. It's just good to have realistic expectations.
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