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LTTP: Tales of Arise, looking better than ever but...yeah that's it

In my JRPG I like to play as proper character rather just avatar and online only and subscription just deal breaker for me, I'm typer of person who is not even willing to get subscription for PS+ or Nintendo online let alone for MMO.

If they can make SP only similar to their SP FF games then I'm all in.
You're not hearing me. I'm not giving you a choice. Go play FFXIV. Report back.


I wish JRPGs evolved past the ridiculously exaggerated character design


The nicest person on this forum
You're not hearing me. I'm not giving you a choice. Go play FFXIV. Report back.
I'm still playing Xenoblade 3 and in August I have Soul Hackers 2, also I still havent properly finished with MHRise Sunbreak because of XC3, not to mention October with Bayonetta 3 and Mario + Rabbits 2.

I have no room for big MMO like FFXIV.

Edit: Also Tactics Ogre: Reborn in Nov and The Callisto Protocol in Dec.


I've never played a Tales game before.
Is the two worlds thing a recurring theme like Chocobos in Final Fantasy?
Going to the other world halfway through the game is basically a franchise meme at this point. It's more surprising when it doesn't happen.

Tales of Destiny II / Tales of Eternia on PS1 was the first i think, and is still the best version of the idea that they've done. The series had more creative vision in those days :messenger_confused:


Yeah, I dropped it 25-30 hours in. Graphics were great but that was it. The story and characters were really weak. Combat was really good…..like every Tales game for me. Music…existed. What they did to skits was a travesty and I pray to every deity ever conceived that the next game goes back to the standard skits. I was really let down by this one.

For me (mind you, I’ve not played Legendia or the earlier 2D entries), I find Abyss, Berseria, Vesperia, and Symphonia (in that order) to be the true excellent Tales games. Xillia was really good but unremarkable. Graces F had possibly the best combat of the series but the story was meh and the cast was of mixed quality (Pascal was awesome, most everyone else was okay, and Cheria can fuck off for all eternity). Zesteria was a mixed bag all over that it was overall fine but oof did some shit need fixing in that game in all areas. And Xillia 2 was a lazy cash grab whose locations were just 90% directly ripped from the first game, only thing good about it was it did develop the cast more (though way to fail in doing a silent lead, they should have taken real notes on how Persona does it) but I was too bored revisiting every damn area to care.

Arise wasn’t awful by any means, but I’ve had better experiences with virtually every entry I’ve played. I can only hope they listen to criticisms people have and do better with future entries. This was not impressive for what some were claiming was going to be the “comeback of the series” (which I disagree with anyway, Berseria kicked ass!)

Sorry Fantasy Football GIF by DraftKings
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
The combat was awful, like most JRPGs lately sadly. I couldn't get past that.


Neo Member
This game sucked. I fell for the hype and bought it at full price.

The press-every button/spam combat was not fun. I understand turn-base is "outdated" to some people but the thinking "I will use my turns to defendsteal/charge up this time" beats this style of gameplay.

The main character was just so lame, especially with the prison mask thing on at the beginning. Totally uninspiring and even made me uncomfortable.

This type of art style is lazy. The anime/manga approach has been a drag on the JRPGs category. As many have said, creepy artists leads to pink hairs, short skirts, weird masks.

Not enjoyable. I quit after 5-7 hours and lost a bit of appetite for gaming.


I agree OP. Recently finished it up last month and towards the end it was really a struggle to push through. I didn't hate it all all, and the combat has its moments but the story is repeated through each style of event in barely different tones far too often making it too repetitive. I was calling the plot m=points from miles away as well. I really liked the town you posted as well. Very pretty. The fishing minigame kind of stunk though. I enjoyed Berseria and the others more. I hope they manage to really expand upon the formula in the next game, it would help immensely. And yeah, some designs(character, environment) we nice while others were kind of bad. I'd give it a 5 or 6 out of 10.


Tales of franchise has some extremely healthy competition now after looking at the quality of Xenoblade Chronicles games.


I kinda like the Women's design tbh, peak JRPG style

Anyway I've never played a Tales of/Trials of game yet, coming off Xenoblade 2, this could be a nice time to start one, would this be a good one?

They look great.
I am fucking tired of shirtless angry bald dude and frumpy average joes and janes in t-shirts/ tank top and jeans.
It's a curse how every redesign for female characters in particular is tank top and jeans, EVERY single one.
Messy combat and bad exploration, it is a straightforward game without a sense of world, journey, exploration.
Nice characters, average story. 6/10 max for me.
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I platted it and its actually my number one Tales game. Combat takes a while to click but I think its really fun. Every character plays distinct, even using the rifle girl is very fun once you learn how to and the mage can steal spells and dual cast.

The bosses are unbalanced bullet sponges, but regular mobs can be swiftly wiped even on hard. Once you use the right skills and know how to quickly break mobs, along with some very powerful crafted passives you can absolutely destroy them. Another thing I like is the battle gauge, if you keep it at max enemies will drop pretty much all materials you need each time to power up weapons. Its not frustrating to grind rare mats here.


always chasing the next thrill
This is why i avoid any jrpg.

The lost it years ago
Last good one was final fantasy 12 and only because its the most western feeling one


I'm currently on the second part of the game, closing in on the end. 100% agree with everyone here saying that the final parts are a complete slog. Way too many cutscenes, too.

I played the game on Moderate, but have shoved it down to Normal, as I got bored of the damage sponge enemies. Have also begun skipping cutscenes..!

A shame, as the game had a logic end point, and this other stuff could've just been random side quests, etc.

7/10 for me.


I'm usually not interested in JRPGs and after trying the demo of this game here I was convinced it's not for me.

So, you didn't change my mind, obviously, but
I still want to thank you for this write-up because it doesn't use much or any superlative, isn't a rant, and doesn't lose itself in too much detail but gives you a good rundown on all important stuff.
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Might be my biggest disappointment of these past few years. Reading some reviews I was expecting something great and the end result was a huge let down, as OP said the combat especially is a waste of potential with boss fights devolving into Fromsoft style dodge and punish affairs that get old immediately and the characters aren't particularly memorable or likable. Locales are neat but nothing special and the OST is also whatever. I ended up liking Scarlet Nexus much more from the same publisher this year.


I don't find it looking that good tbh, i mean it's not ugly either, but can be better, much better.

It's not up there with the best looking AAA games but you've got to look at the context. Tale of is basically a AA franchise, the last entry (Berseria) came out in 2016 and was still a Ps3 game with mid tier Ps3 visuals.
So the jump from that to a nice looking Ps4 tier game was massive

What’s a semi-recent jrpg that’s actually good?

That I've liked more than Tales of Arise: DQ11, SMTV and Triangle Strategy.
I've hear great things about Yakuza Like a Dragon and Xenoblade 3 but haven't played them

Locales are neat but nothing special and the OST is also whatever.

Didn't mention the OST in the OP but it's a weird one.
I liked the tracks themselves but I found that they often didn't fit. Like the party would be having some mundane conversation and there was some epic chorus with orchestral music playing in the background
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The game drags and drags. It's really fun when you're eliminating the (truly heinous!) masters of each world, but it simply goes on for too long.

I ain't mad at it, but it's nowhere close to the Symphonia.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
This character design is just bad, like cosplay-tier bad.

I wish JRPGs evolved past the ridiculously exaggerated character design. They look like they came out of a circus.
Even DQ11 characters don't look this ridiculous.
Me too mate, me too.

Wish we could get more sword and sorcery JRPGs with proper medieval designs instead of overdesigned anime-like designs like those in Tales of Arise.

I want less Tales of and more FF Tactics or Dragon's Dogma kind of designs.
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Finished it tonight, and this is definitely the most disappointing game I've played all year. It went from an 8/10 to a 5/10 by the time I was done.

No idea what the designers were thinking with those final sections, as they were a chore to both watch and play.

Real shame.


I admit she was my playable char for most of the game once I recruited her. But I just liked her design and character the most of all the cast. Booty was fine bonus though.
She's the only reason I bought the game. I don't care for Tales of outside of Graces but her design was just too cool.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Finished it tonight, and this is definitely the most disappointing game I've played all year. It went from an 8/10 to a 5/10 by the time I was done.

No idea what the designers were thinking with those final sections, as they were a chore to both watch and play.

Real shame.
I've got to agree - the first 3/4th of the game was absolutely great. Then the final section(s) were just... awful. Definitely took the game from an 8 to a 5 in the span of a few hours. This game was absolutely a chore to finish. The ending felt rushed like Xenogears.


I like this game until you get to the boss battles. It's one of those games where I just don't know if I'm playing it right, or if it's really just this volatile with my party members seemingly getting 1-shot right and left while my healer goes OOM repeatedly as we slowly widdle down the bosses hp and they never stagger and don't telegraph their attacks to react dodge or defensive. I got up to the 3rd town where the villain race and heroes's race were friends before quitting. Which is a shame because I was enjoying the story and character interactions, but I was just lost when it came to the gameplay for boss fights, it just wasn't enjoyable. I will say eviserating the random battle monsters was pretty fun.


Neo Member
I bought it but as with most JRPGs I own, I will probably never finish it. From the little I played I still think Tales of Symphonia is the best this franchise had to offer.

ToS 1 was amazing in their time.

But ToS 2, ruines all the magic it had.

Tried to like the series with Vesperia, but i abandoned it after 15 hours.

I still remember Symphonia as one of the two games(with Sonic Aventure 2 Battle) that Made me stay woken up the whole night.
Tales of Arise might be the worst game I've ever finished. It's dogshit. Every fight is insanely drawn out and the battle system is braindead basic. The only good thing about the game is that it starts you in the most insincere presentation of a concentration camp ever. Your guy is like "I saw another person die today..." and the generic NPC he talks to is like "yeah. that tends to happen a lot around these parts." Now, I feel like if I was in a concentration camp I wouldn't describe it as "these parts"


ToS 1 was amazing in their time.

But ToS 2, ruines all the magic it had.

Tried to like the series with Vesperia, but i abandoned it after 15 hours.

I still remember Symphonia as one of the two games(with Sonic Aventure 2 Battle) that Made me stay woken up the whole night.
Never played tos2, and ill keep it that way gladly haha


Sad to read that the combat sucks so much.

Can't the sponginess be avoided by playing on easier difficulties or something?

It doesn't suck at all.

You have lots of different moves you can try out to build combos and also use team attacks to extend the combos long enough to get the instant-kill finisher, it's really fun IMO.

Spongy enemies are like 5% of the combat encounters and they really aren't that bad either.


Gold Member
I quite like Arise but I wished they had cut out the last act of the story, I felt it dragged the story unnecessarily and the dungeon was quite uninspired I thought. Everything else about it I really liked, especially the combat.


Gold Member
What'ss with all the hate? Maybe JRPG just isn't for some people I guess
GAF can't have anime in their soup, they'll get mad like "oh no, weeb shit, what did I do to deserve this?!". Character and art design in the game is very good IMO, but I probably feel the same they do but for games like tlou and visually insipid realistic games like that.

BTW I'm playing Symphonia right now and I think I'll play Arise after it, Symphonia will be the first Tales of game I beat so Arise may be the next one.
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