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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The concern about the CDC ruling for me is that people will disregard the need to be fully vacinated on the basis that "others are not wearing them so why should I?"

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The concern about the CDC ruling for me is that people will disregard the need to be fully vacinated on the basis that "others are not wearing them so why should I?"

Why should that matter in a world where anyone who wants to get vaccinated can be vaccinated for free, any day of the week? Many locations are starting to even offer choices of which vaccine you get.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No mask? Show your papers buddy.

I can't see how a vaccine passport system gets introduced for anything domestic at this point. You kind of need that to be in place before you lift restrictions if you expect people to accept it.

Then again, maybe I'm just lacking in imagination.
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Why should that matter in a world where anyone who wants to get vaccinated can be vaccinated for free, any day of the week? Many locations are starting to even offer choices of which vaccine you get.
fair point :)

I suppose my fear is probably more at those who don't plan on getting the second jab..
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
How long until I miss quarantine lifestyle comments lol.


I hope we see more states lifting the restrictions but you know there’s gonna be people out there unvaccinated not wearing a mask unfortunately


I just went and got some card holders..and going to wear them as lanyards
like these.


clear ones

Got a bunch of long lanyards and I can display my high visibility vaccine card holder to everyone near me. Good etiquette.
Going to Knotts this weekend as a preview pass holder..having these around our necks might make people around us in line feel more comfortable.
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First indications of the analysis of the India variant. Basically, more transmissable as the Kent variant, but the effectiveness of the vaccine (ie the ability to protect against serious illness and death) remains. This is crucial in ensuring health services are not swamped.


I just went and got some card holders..and going to wear them as lanyards
like these.


clear ones

Got a bunch of long lanyards and I can display my high visibility vaccine card holder to everyone near me. Good etiquette.
Going to Knotts this weekend as a preview pass holder..having these around our necks might make people around us in line feel more comfortable.
Tom Hardy Bait GIF


Neighbours from Hell
When I first heard the news I was like good news finally, we are getting back to normal. By the summer we should be very close to back to the way things were.

And then admittedly there was a small thing that crept into my mind that said is this a new strategy to try and coax people into getting the vaccines since it’s coincidentally coinciding with certain cities and states offering incentives? Ohio is offering a million dollar raffle, NYC is offering free French fries, etc. Is this “if you get vaccinated you no longer have to wear a mask and you can go near people” the latest nudge to get the unvaccinated vaccinated and they plan on reverting right back to mandatory masks again?

I think it’s highly unlikely, but I hate the fact that the idea even crept into my mind, but because of everything that went down over the last year, I’ve lost so much trust in all involved that I can’t entirely rule out that possibility.

Just crossing my fingers this truly is it and no more lockdowns, no more mask shaming, people packing into sporting events again, and people eating out at restaurants again.

This tweet certainly doesn't help any concerns I have:



Gold Member
I can't see how a vaccine passport system gets introduced for anything domestic at this point. You kind of need that to be in place before you lift restrictions if you expect people to accept it.

Then again, maybe I'm just lacking in imagination.
It is a tough situation for sure, the honor system isn’t going to be perfect.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Got my shot ASAP and then quit wearing a mask unless forced to by authority and not doing so would cause a pain in the ass scene. I never wore one outside. In a related story, I'm not a dumbass.


Well Im glad there isnt going to be any more mask issues to argue about.

I never thought it would turn political.

There's was nothing wrong about being a gun totting,
border protecting,
law and order abiding conservative
who wear masks to show that you care.
I mean past all that - you need a n95 to block out the particles.. If it helps transmit less even less than 25% its was to show your community or coworkers
that you care.

You can be the most liberal person
who hates guns but love bible study and church retreats for spiritualty
and go raving hard afterwards throwing up the hail satan sign eveyrtime the beat drops
who believe the science so much that you ditch the mask because youre vaccinated - the end.
Thats fucking cool too now.(oh man the coffee is kicking in)

I think if we are aware of our different regions and their respective mandates like SoCal whos had a outdoor mask mandate since the beginning of time ( unlike minesota or florida who never really had an outdoor mask mandate) It be easier to get to the point of masks not being used as a tool to align people to smart, dumb. Left, Right. common sense, youre an idiot.

I just hope we're not letting our guard down too fast, Ill be the first one to ditch the mask but after reading some stuff about the double mutant from India(pictured a page back)
in england. I know Im vaccinated so Im not going to die from it, but Im worried it will get the public/media panicked to possible slow down or even restart our progress on mandates.

today's news

Alarm as cases of Indian variant surge to 400 in London​

The Indian variant is believed to spread faster than the Kent mutation

Scientists are not yet clear how effective vaccines will be against the new variant.

There are three Indian variants being studied by PHE — one is classed as a variant of concern and two as variants under investigation.


All initial indications show that the vaccine is effective against the variants (see a couple of posts above us), so it's time to let it go. As far as light at the end of the tunnel, I'm at the end of the tunnel and the air is sweet. The fork has been stuck in, and I'm hungry. Anyone who declines the vaccine is putting themselves at risk at this point. The level of risk is obviously varying depending on how healthy they already are, but it's their choice at this point. I've had C19, and been fully vaccinated, so I'm about as done as anyone can be.


The prevelance in the UK of the Indian variant is based upon the combination of two considerations. 1) certain ethnic demographics and their socalising/mixture of households causing community spread and 2) those same certain demograpics unwillingness to take offered vaccinations due to lack of education and/or mistrust of science.

As the Indian variant takes hold in the UK (and it'll likely take over as being the main variant, given it's - not confirmed - up to 50% more spreadable than the previously dominant Kent variant), then you only have to overlay the hotspots with the ethnic breakdown of that part of the community.

At the end of the day, there is little the government can do if people refuse to take the vaccine. the best thing the UK can do here is ramp up the vaccination program and bring down the second jab schedule, which is exactly what has been put into motion.


Gold Member
The concern about the CDC ruling for me is that people will disregard the need to be fully vacinated on the basis that "others are not wearing them so why should I?"
Who cares? They have made their choice. Even not getting the second jab. Not your problem.

The government both in the US and UK have made the vaccine readily available to those who want it. If there are underserved communities, outreach efforts must be increased.

Other than that, its your own personal responsibility. As it should be.
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Gold Member
Brazil P1 has mutated, it helps the virus evade antibodies, and enables the R<1 to assume.. N501Y, K417N, and E484K mutations does not sound like good news atm. This observation indicates that 501Y.V2 may escape the neutralizing antibody response elicited by prior natural infection. It raises a concern of potential reduced protection against re-infection and by vaccines designed to target the spike protein of earlier SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Thank goodness for the vaccine. The vaccinated are pulling the bootstraps for the deadweight anti-vaxx. I’d say that 50% of anti-vax are doing it for political reasons, while the rest of the hippies, religion cultists, and conspiracy tards are doing what they always do.


Count of Concision
pardon me but which statement is incorect there, that statement is spot on

He (and the entire government) has absolutely no authority to mandate mask wearing based on proof of vaccination. Thus he is a clown for acting like he has that authority. I hope this gets taken to the Supreme Court. What about religious exemptions for vaccination? HIPAA? Privacy laws? Are those no longer a thing because...reasons?
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Rodent Whores
He (and the entire government) has absolutely no authority to mandate mask wearing based on proof of vaccination. Thus he is a clown for acting like he has that authority. I hope this gets taken to the Supreme Court. What about religious exemptions for vaccination? HIPAA? Privacy laws? Are those no longer a thing because...reasons?
"Reasons"? As in you think they have no good reason or reasonable justification?
Brazil P1 has mutated, it helps the virus evade antibodies, and enables the R<1 to assume.. N501Y, K417N, and E484K mutations does not sound like good news atm. This observation indicates that 501Y.V2 may escape the neutralizing antibody response elicited by prior natural infection. It raises a concern of potential reduced protection against re-infection and by vaccines designed to target the spike protein of earlier SARS-CoV-2 variants.
That publication was from January dude?
It floods the news cycle when a spike is upcoming or ongoing but nobody every talks about it when it starts declining. I had to find out indias wave is already coming down just from browsing worldmeters and google.


Count of Concision
"Reasons"? As in you think they have no good reason or reasonable justification?

Reasons that supersede the rights granted to us as Americans? No, he doesn't. This virus has a < 1.5% fatality rate. I'm not willing to suspend Americans' rights or expand government authority for that. Like I said, I truly hope this gets taken to the Supreme Court, because I'm confident that all this vaccine passport nonsense and "you have two options: get a vaccine or continue wearing a mask indefinitely" authoritarian drivel coming out of Biden's mouth will get smacked down.
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Rodent Whores
Reasons that supersede the rights granted to us as Americans? No, he doesn't. This virus has a < 1.5% fatality rate. I'm not willing to suspend Americans' rights or expand government authority for that. Like I said, I truly hope this gets taken to the Supreme Court, because I'm confident that all this vaccine passport nonsense and "you have two options: get a vaccine or continue wearing a mask indefinitely" authoritarian drivel coming out of Biden's mouth will get smacked down.
The current COVID fatality count in the USA is over 500,000 people.

The terrorist attacks of September 11 killed 3,000 people, and we suspended American's rights and expanded government authority far more than a vaccine passport would.

Was the suspension of rights granted to us as Americans after 9/11 without reason? Are you sure the cost/benefit analysis you are doing with respect to this virus is contextually accurate?


Who cares? They have made their choice. Even not getting the second jab. Not your problem.

The government both in the US and UK have made the vaccine readily available to those who want it. If there are underserved communities, outreach efforts must be increased.

Other than that, its your own personal responsibility. As it should be.

Slightly incorrect as with the UK you are only offered it based upon age. Of which we are closely hitting the 30s.

As for the Indian variant, just came to post this:

gaps in vaccine uptake will keep COVID around.
This could be expected, everyone who thinks they had the virus and shrugged it off (most didn't) or are so healthy they don't need the vaccine now get infected with this possibly more severe variant and start getting quit ill.


Gold Member
Slightly incorrect as with the UK you are only offered it based upon age. Of which we are closely hitting the 30s.

As for the Indian variant, just came to post this:

gaps in vaccine uptake will keep COVID around.

You are right, UK hadn’t made them as available as the US. But when they do, they can do what the US did.

Sure, there will be some one offs


Count of Concision
The current COVID fatality count in the USA is over 500,000 people.

The terrorist attacks of September 11 killed 3,000 people, and we suspended American's rights and expanded government authority far more than a vaccine passport would.

Was the suspension of rights granted to us as Americans after 9/11 without reason? Are you sure the cost/benefit analysis you are doing with respect to this virus is contextually accurate?

A couple of points:

- Yes, I feel the government overreached after 9/11 in many respects and encroached on constitutionally protected liberties in ways they shouldn't have, and for longer than they had reason to. So, while I don't feel they were "without reason," I do feel similarly about that overreach.

- I disagree that the abrogation of rights was/would be more severe after 9/11 than in a hypothetical vaccine passport world (where it is required for domestic activities such as bars/lounges/restaurants/sporting events/stores etc.). In the latter, you are de facto being coerced into putting something into your body simply to live what was a normal life up until 14 months ago. Doesn't get much worse than that imo. It's a violation of one's own physical sovereignty.
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Rodent Whores
- Yes, I feel the government overreached after 9/11 in many respects and encroached on constitutionally protected liberties in ways they shouldn't have, and for longer than they had reason to. So, while I don't feel they were "without reason," I do feel similarly about that overreach.
- I disagree that the abrogation of rights was/would be more severe after 9/11 than in a hypothetical vaccine passport world (where it is required for domestic activities such as bars/lounges/restaurants/sporting events/stores etc.). In the latter, you are de facto being coerced into putting something into your body simply to live what was a normal life up until 14 months ago. Doesn't get much worse than that imo. It's a violation of one's own physical sovereignty.
We got to live that normal life because there was no threat. The vaccine nullifies that threat significantly.

It is not a de facto coersion. You are still free to do whatever you want to do, but if you continue to be a threat to public health and safety, there will be public and private measures in place to protect others. You are free to choose your own path, but your rights end when they start to encroach or limit my own. This is usually how it works for most things. You are free to say whatever you want until it becomes a threat to me. You are free to go wherever you want until you encroach on my private property, or on my personal space in a threatening manner on public property. This is how we measure the rights of one individual vs another, and one individual vs a community.

The Patriot Act and many of the post 9/11 legislation utterly destroys due process, allows assassination of US citizens, and commits warrantless search upon every single American daily. I'd say that's a lot worse.

Where does your physical sovereignty end and mine begin? Is it a violation of my physical sovereignty to allow potentially biohazardous individuals within my personal space?

Would you be okay if only private entities were allowed to discriminate based on vaccination status, as in "no shirt, no shoes, no vaccine, no service"?
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