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Mass Effect |OT| Alien love in an elevator


Read the prequel novel and got this baby pre-ordered. I have a feeling I'll be playing it in the new year though. I'm already backlogged and Rock Band's out the same day.


Third person shooter first and RPG second!...hell.....I'm preordering this beauty along with uncharted today!!

I'm going to be sooo broke this holiday :(


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
chespace said:
oh my dear god, this game is amazing so far....wow.

I haven't really followed Mass Effect through the stages, except the occasional screenshot, but jesus christ the graphics in this game are ridiculously good... and WTF, Bioware basically created a 3rd person shooter a la GRAW, complete with cover system.

then underneath that is a deep RPG with an intriguing story and really good voice acting.

only a few hours in so far so take these impressions with a grain of salt. but whoooa, 30+ hours of this sort of bliss? who knows, maybe it'll suck in the 20th hour.

I can see myself leaving COD4 in its wrapper until I'm done with Mass Effect.

I'll post more detailed impressions once I get further into the game.

that makes me so happy, i know Bioware can tell a good story and craft a beautiful world - was curious how the 3rd person gameplay would turn out. Sounds fantastic :)

Seriously, are people just so insecure about other games they feel the need to shit on this one? It's going to be so funny when the reviews/impressions come in. Of course i am sure like good little trolls they will just disappear into the void
dejan said:
P.S. Anyone read the novel? Is it ... let's say ... at least bearable?
You can buy it almost anywhere, but more importantly is this little tidbit from Amazon:
Amazon.com said:
About the Author

Drew Karpyshyn is the New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, and several other fantasy and science fiction novels. He is also an award-winning writer/designer for the computer game company BioWare, where he was lead writer on Mass Effect and the popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game. He lives in Canada’s hinterlands with his loving wife, Jen, and their cat.




Odrion said:
Barely followed this game, so uh... Will there be any melee weapons or attacks?
I believe just melee attacks with your gun. No melee weapons like light sabers or anything like that.
chespace said:
oh my dear god, this game is amazing so far....wow.

I haven't really followed Mass Effect through the stages, except the occasional screenshot, but jesus christ the graphics in this game are ridiculously good... and WTF, Bioware basically created a 3rd person shooter a la GRAW, complete with cover system.

then underneath that is a deep RPG with an intriguing story and really good voice acting.

only a few hours in so far so take these impressions with a grain of salt. but whoooa, 30+ hours of this sort of bliss? who knows, maybe it'll suck in the 20th hour.

I can see myself leaving COD4 in its wrapper until I'm done with Mass Effect.

I'll post more detailed impressions once I get further into the game.

This is the first time in my life I have wanted to be another person.....


This is on "My Q" from Gamefly, and not a purchase... I want to play it because the story will probably be one of the best we get all year, and all the customizations to it will be cool I think as well... But from the video's, the combat is a massive turn-off to me... Looks too cookie-cutter too me, not hectic at all, and pretty much no better than the lesser fps games out there... This is the first game I may rush through the combat because I'm looking forward to the story parts more...


Didn't the Bioware guys say they were gonna get a marketing campaign like Gears did? If so its gonna be interesting to see.


I think it's pretty cool we know the main bad guy and main threat to the galaxy as it means there won't be the same story scheme again. Jade Empire disappointend me in this regard as it dad pretty much the same plot as KotOR but in different setting.
J-Rzez said:
This is on "My Q" from Gamefly, and not a purchase... I want to play it because the story will probably be one of the best we get all year, and all the customizations to it will be cool I think as well... But from the video's, the combat is a massive turn-off to me... Looks too cookie-cutter too me, not hectic at all, and pretty much no better than the lesser fps games out there... This is the first game I may rush through the combat because I'm looking forward to the story parts more...

Jesus Christ . . . it's a RPG. It's not a FPS. That's like not getting Halo 3 because you don't like the RPG elements. What RPG's have truly terrific combat systems when compared to a TPS or FPS?


pooteeweet said:
Jesus Christ . . . it's a RPG. It's not a FPS. That's like not getting Halo 3 because you don't like the RPG elements. What RPG's have truly terrific combat systems when compared to a TPS or FPS?

A lot of people are confused about the game, writing it off as a bad shooter. What they don't seem to realize is that it's a super RPG that just uses real time 3rd person shooter combat in an attempt to not bore the FPS loving crowd of the Xbox 360. The ability to pause and issue commands to teammates is to make the game more accessible to the RPG-only types that can't handle fast paced shooter action.
Zzoram said:
A lot of people are confused about the game, writing it off as a bad shooter. What they don't seem to realize is that it's a super RPG that just uses real time 3rd person shooter combat in an attempt to not bore the FPS loving crowd of the Xbox 360. The ability to pause and issue commands to teammates is to make the game more accessible to the RPG-only types that can't handle fast paced shooter action.

It's an action RPG. Action RPGs aren't as combat-oriented as a shooter, but for my money have much more engrossing combat than other RPGs---turn-based or hacknslash. BTW I'm agreeing with you, this is more a vent against people deriding the game for not offering what it was never supposed to offer.


Comics, serious business!
So I went to the bookstore and read Game Informer's Mass Effect review... man, it's the strangest review. They basically gush about the game for 1.5 columns. I can't recall exactly but they said something like this:

"This is the greatest story ever told in videogames"
"Epic beyond words"
"KOTOR/Jade were test runs compared to Mass Effect"
"One of the most impressive video games ever"

Ok, so we're doing alright. Then, they talk about the AI & combat for half a column:

"The AI is terrible"
"You'll often find your teamates shooting at a wall 2 feet away"
"The combat is clunky"
"The battles are an incoherent mess - they're over before you realized what happened"
"The combat system is ambitious but never delivers"
"You'll find your shield being depleted and you can't figure out where the enemies are"

Then they wrap it up by just absolutely gushing over the game. They definitely say it's a serious GOTY contender and "one of the most impressive games ever."

So... the combat appears to suck, but it got
out of 10. Che - what are your thoughts on the combat?
RSTEIN said:
Then they wrap it up by just absolutely gushing over the game. They definitely say it's a serious GOTY contender and "one of the most impressive games ever."

So... the combat appears to suck, but it got
out of 10. Che - what are your thoughts on the combat?

oh my dear god, this game is amazing so far....wow.

I haven't really followed Mass Effect through the stages, except the occasional screenshot, but jesus christ the graphics in this game are ridiculously good... and WTF, Bioware basically created a 3rd person shooter a la GRAW, complete with cover system.

If you like Graw's combat then you'll like Mass Effect's I gather..


golem said:
I thought it was blandly written and predictable... Nylund's stuff is way better (although I didnt really like Ghosts either).

IMO it depends largely on whether you fancy ME or Halo more. I'm expecting ME more so I gave it more leeway.

RSTEIN said:
So I went to the bookstore and read Game Informer's Mass Effect review... man, it's the strangest review. They basically gush about the game for 1.5 columns.

I honestly couldn't get further than this sentence:
Mass Effect is a science fiction tale so galvanizing it makes you question the very existence of humanity, how moral choices can affect a person, and whether or not there's a holy entity watching over us.

Is this supposed to be some kind of a parody or something? What The Fuck?

Captain N

Junior Member
I just got done watching the most recent video on gametrailers about the combat...this game looks sweet. I knew it looked sweet before, but I had my attention else where with video games. I totally forgot this game will be coming out the same week as Uncharted.
_leech_ said:
Does anyone have an update on the Canadian status of the collector's edition? Where can I pre-order it?

Actually there was news that collectors edition wont be sold in canada and the last time i checked gamestop/eb or amazon wont ship it to canada either.

edit: oh and bestbuy.ca and futureshop dont have the CE listed on their site either.
J-Rzez said:
This is on "My Q" from Gamefly, and not a purchase... I want to play it because the story will probably be one of the best we get all year, and all the customizations to it will be cool I think as well... But from the video's, the combat is a massive turn-off to me... Looks too cookie-cutter too me, not hectic at all, and pretty much no better than the lesser fps games out there... This is the first game I may rush through the combat because I'm looking forward to the story parts more...

What's with the ellipses? Ever heard of a full stop?

This is a day 1 purchase for me. Having read some of what chespace has been saying is just making me more hyped.

I do have one question though. How much is the combat like GRAW, cause i didn't particularly enjoy that game.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I had plans to do an elaborate post about this the whole time I've been playing.

I'm about 8.5 hours into the game now and it's just gotten better and better.

Too much to talk about really, so I guess I'll just answer RStein's question.

Combat is really fun. There are occasional problems with the AI, but it's really nothing 3rd/1st person shooter fans aren't already used to in teammates found in the genre (GRAW, RS: Vegas, etc). I set my squad to "active" which lets the AI use both defensive and offensive abilities on their own (without you having to pause the action, choose targets, and say "perform a neuro blast" or whatever). They definitely get the job done and I often find them stealing my kills. Thankfully, XP and loot goes to the party and it's up to you to divvy up items.

When I said earlier that this game is a shooter first and an RPG second, I was wrong. It's really a great balance of both genres. Mechanically speaking, this is an action game through and through. You dodge bullets, spring to cover, and do all the things required of you in games like Gears of War. You point your gun at something and fire and there is a 1-to-1 cause-and-effect reaction and shit takes damage and blow up, etc.

Stats act more like modifiers. For instance, if I do a full auto burst with my assault rifle, the reticle will gradually grow wider and bigger the longer you fire, representing the kick and recoil of the assault rifle. As a result, the spread of your shots will go from tight to practically useless through the duration of your burst. As you invest in your assault rifle skill, that behavior improves so your spread is tighter even if you fire longer. Of course, if you play the game like I do and just do controlled bursts, it really isn't too much of a problem.

This basically goes for all weapons (sniper rifle, shotguns, etc.) and I think it works great. In the end, combat is an action affair and really there's no other game like Mass Effect where it combines my favorite genre with a genre I no longer play. It's such a nice RPG homecoming.

The only aspect of the combat that can be clunky at times is trying to get under cover mode against an obstacle that's shorter, as it requires you to duck. Whereas Gears of War automatically makes you duck and puts you against lower cover, you have to do so manually here so there's the added click of the left stick -- and in the heat of combat, it can be frustrating... particularly because combat is really chaotic and crazy at times.

Anyway, I know it's too early to know what's GOTY at this point since I haven't played SMG, COD4, or Uncharted, but I know for a fact that Mass Effect is already an easy contender.

I'll take some phone pics and post 'em tonight. This game is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous and 8 hours later, I am still slackjawed.


What Che just posted is on its own very good news. On top of Kobold's posts about Assassin's Creed, it's just amazing. Looking forward to the phone pics.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
chespace said:
The only aspect of the combat that can be clunky at times is trying to get under cover mode against an obstacle that's shorter, as it requires you to duck. Whereas Gears of War automatically makes you duck and puts you against lower cover, you have to do so manually here so there's the added click of the left stick -- and in the heat of combat, it can be frustrating... particularly because combat is really chaotic and crazy at times.

ummmm, that is a bit of a bummer, hopefully that won't become too annoying, I know I can get bit flustered sometimes in the heat of battle, any how so far on the whole it's looking good, thanks for the write up, looking forward to the pics.


Comics, serious business!
chespace said:
I had plans to do an elaborate post about this the whole time I've been playing.

I'm about 8.5 hours into the game now and it's just gotten better and better.

Too much to talk about really, so I guess I'll just answer RStein's question.

Combat is really fun. There are occasional problems with the AI, but it's really nothing 3rd/1st person shooter fans aren't already used to in teammates found in the genre (GRAW, RS: Vegas, etc). I set my squad to "active" which lets the AI use both defensive and offensive abilities on their own (without you having to pause the action, choose targets, and say "perform a neuro blast" or whatever). They definitely get the job done and I often find them stealing my kills. Thankfully, XP and loot goes to the party and it's up to you to divvy up items.

When I said earlier that this game is a shooter first and an RPG second, I was wrong. It's really a great balance of both genres. Mechanically speaking, this is an action game through and through. You dodge bullets, spring to cover, and do all the things required of you in games like Gears of War. You point your gun at something and fire and there is a 1-to-1 cause-and-effect reaction and shit takes damage and blow up, etc.

Stats act more like modifiers. For instance, if I do a full auto burst with my assault rifle, the reticle will gradually grow wider and bigger the longer you fire, representing the kick and recoil of the assault rifle. As a result, the spread of your shots will go from tight to practically useless through the duration of your burst. As you invest in your assault rifle skill, that behavior improves so your spread is tighter even if you fire longer. Of course, if you play the game like I do and just do controlled bursts, it really isn't too much of a problem.

This basically goes for all weapons (sniper rifle, shotguns, etc.) and I think it works great. In the end, combat is an action affair and really there's no other game like Mass Effect where it combines my favorite genre with a genre I no longer play. It's such a nice RPG homecoming.

The only aspect of the combat that can be clunky at times is trying to get under cover mode against an obstacle that's shorter, as it requires you to duck. Whereas Gears of War automatically makes you duck and puts you against lower cover, you have to do so manually here so there's the added click of the left stick -- and in the heat of combat, it can be frustrating... particularly because combat is really chaotic and crazy at times.

Anyway, I know it's too early to know what's GOTY at this point since I haven't played SMG, COD4, or Uncharted, but I know for a fact that Mass Effect is already an easy contender.

I'll take some phone pics and post 'em tonight. This game is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous and 8 hours later, I am still slackjawed.

Thanks for your impressions.
chespace said:
I had plans to do an elaborate post about this the whole time I've been playing.

I'm about 8.5 hours into the game now and it's just gotten better and better.

Too much to talk about really, so I guess I'll just answer RStein's question.

Combat is really fun. There are occasional problems with the AI, but it's really nothing 3rd/1st person shooter fans aren't already used to in teammates found in the genre (GRAW, RS: Vegas, etc). I set my squad to "active" which lets the AI use both defensive and offensive abilities on their own (without you having to pause the action, choose targets, and say "perform a neuro blast" or whatever). They definitely get the job done and I often find them stealing my kills. Thankfully, XP and loot goes to the party and it's up to you to divvy up items.

When I said earlier that this game is a shooter first and an RPG second, I was wrong. It's really a great balance of both genres. Mechanically speaking, this is an action game through and through. You dodge bullets, spring to cover, and do all the things required of you in games like Gears of War. You point your gun at something and fire and there is a 1-to-1 cause-and-effect reaction and shit takes damage and blow up, etc.

Stats act more like modifiers. For instance, if I do a full auto burst with my assault rifle, the reticle will gradually grow wider and bigger the longer you fire, representing the kick and recoil of the assault rifle. As a result, the spread of your shots will go from tight to practically useless through the duration of your burst. As you invest in your assault rifle skill, that behavior improves so your spread is tighter even if you fire longer. Of course, if you play the game like I do and just do controlled bursts, it really isn't too much of a problem.

This basically goes for all weapons (sniper rifle, shotguns, etc.) and I think it works great. In the end, combat is an action affair and really there's no other game like Mass Effect where it combines my favorite genre with a genre I no longer play. It's such a nice RPG homecoming.

The only aspect of the combat that can be clunky at times is trying to get under cover mode against an obstacle that's shorter, as it requires you to duck. Whereas Gears of War automatically makes you duck and puts you against lower cover, you have to do so manually here so there's the added click of the left stick -- and in the heat of combat, it can be frustrating... particularly because combat is really chaotic and crazy at times.

Anyway, I know it's too early to know what's GOTY at this point since I haven't played SMG, COD4, or Uncharted, but I know for a fact that Mass Effect is already an easy contender.

I'll take some phone pics and post 'em tonight. This game is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous and 8 hours later, I am still slackjawed.
Che keeps threads alive: confirming

Captain N

Junior Member
I can't believe this game isn't getting as much hype on here as some of the others..I guess it's just getting lost in the shuffle without Star Wars.
Captain N said:
I can't believe this game isn't getting as much hype on here as some of the others..I guess it's just getting lost in the shuffle without Star Wars.

No, I don't think so there is a huge fan following of the game I think personally people don't want the story spoiled and second.. alot of people have doubt in one week or so the media launch will start!!

Captain N

Junior Member
DreamMachine said:
No, I don't think so there is a huge fan following of the game I think personally people don't want the story spoiled and second.. alot of people have doubt in one week or so the media launch will start!!

I can understand not wanting the story to be spoilered for you. I guess they Microsoft is still trying to push Halo 3 and on top of that they've got Scene it! coming out next week.
Captain N said:
I can understand not wanting the story to be spoilered for you. I guess they Microsoft is still trying to push Halo 3 and on top of that they've got Scene it! coming out next week.

TV commercials for most release dont start until a week away from the release date at best.

Captain N

Junior Member
Lostconfused said:
TV commercials for most release dont start until a week away from the release date at best.

I understand that, but I am just curious as to why this game doesn't have as much excitement as some of the other games coming out around the same time. It seemed like there was more people pumped for the game when it was first announced.

I also understand that the thread is only two days old, but there are usually more posts in popular game threads.
Captain N said:
I understand that, but I am just curious as to why this game doesn't have as much excitement as some of the other games coming out around the same time. It seemed like there was more people pumped for the game when it was first announced.

I also understand that the thread is only two days old, but there are usually more posts in popular game threads.

Yeah, seems like it has even less hype then bioshock. But then again i cant really answer that question because if i could only have one game this year it would be Mass Erect, or possibly orange box because i found out how awesome it is after i played it. But then again i dont remember that there was alot of hype for orange box and portal was a sleeping giant.


Synless said:
God, this game looks amazing it's either this or uncharted....this is the hardest choice between games I've had to make in years...........

If i were you, i would go sell my Kidney and get them both :)
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