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Media Create Sales 12/17 - 12/23 2007


jgwhiteus said:
What other games were in FF Collection? (did it include VI and/or Chrono Trigger? Forgot what games were in that in the US). Because you could add 400K to those games as well - it's hard to say which games were "responsible" for FF Collection's sales though, or if it was just the fact that it was a collection.

I actually didn't realize FFIV had been released as a standalone on PS1 in Japan at all.

The standalone releases for FFV and FFVI sold far lower than FFIV's. FFVI's was actually released the same day as FFC if I remember correctly, and sales were very low as a result. Still, that's a lot of FFIV PSone.
the thoroughbred said:
Everyone seems so sure that SMG is going to stay a bit longer. But as soon as the festivities are over everything drops like a lead zeppelin. I reckon it will be back to 10k numbers in about 2 weeks. Next will probably bigger, it usually is, right? But after the new year thats it. And a bunch of new 3rd party games will overshadow the undersold gem.

This is a retarded comment.

10k numbers? Are you out of your mind?

Galaxy will go on to sell a little over 2 mil(in japan) when all is said and done after this generation.


cvxfreak said:
The standalone releases for FFV and FFVI sold far lower than FFIV's. FFVI's was actually released the same day as FFC if I remember correctly, and sales were very low as a result. Still, that's a lot of FFIV PSone.

True...in the end it's hard to do a straight comparison of titles against one another as a measure of their inherent popularity and sales potential, because there are so many factors that can come into play - time of release, original shipment supply, popularity of system, competition from other games, etc. And it's also hard not to let your personal opinion of the merits of the games (FFIII vs. FFIV vs. FFVI, etc.) influence how you think they should do saleswise.

In the end, though, S-E is still going to make major profits with each release, and they're still going to produce more remakes - I mean, what other games will give them such easy revenue?
Quickie thoughts:

1) Galaxy received a nice resurgence. I'm glad that people aren't just ignoring this game for non-game nonsense. Great game, hope it sells very well in the future. It would be nice to see a second Mario game for the Wii but that seems unlikely.

2) GT5P seems to be tanking hard. Is it because it is the Prologue and not the real thing? Huge number of PSN downloads? Either way, not good for one of the PS family's more significant series.

3) FFIV did well for a remake that received a GBA port a couple years ago. I'm not sure why people expected it to sell huge amounts. I just hope this will inspire SE to bring over FFV and FFVI.
Third-party and high-def is becoming more and more about the West.

The Experiment said:
2) GT5P seems to be tanking hard. Is it because it is the Prologue and not the real thing? Huge number of PSN downloads? Either way, not good for one of the PS family's more significant series.

Maybe ~$40 is too much to charge for an unfinished game and buyers are starting to realize it.

Sure, it's more than a demo, but still.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
norinrad21 said:
This is a retarded comment.

10k numbers? Are you out of your mind?

Galaxy will go on to sell a little over 2 mil(in japan) when all is said and done after this generation.

Its nice to want things, even when they will never happen


HK-47 said:
Its nice to want things, even when they will never happen

Everyone wanted Galaxy to outsell Sunshine, but then the first week numbers made pretty much everyone think it would never happen. Things have changed yet again, so saying it will never happen is a stretch.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Culex said:
Everyone wanted Galaxy to outsell Sunshine, but then the first week numbers made pretty much everyone think it would never happen. Things have changed yet again, so saying it will never happen is a stretch.

What? He is saying Galaxy will sell 2 million in Japan. This is quite beyond outselling Sunshine. Its outselling SM 64 and then some


MG never sold less than 30k a week did it? So saying "I reckon it will be back to 10k numbers in about 2 weeks" is just wrong...
HK-47 said:
It has nothing to do with the system
But SMG is selling better than Sunshine partially because it's on the Wii. It's been the case recently with most Nintendo franchises performing better on the Wii than they did on the Cube.

However, I'm not saying that SMG will outsell Mario 64, just that there is that possibility. If any game can grow legs, SMG is certainly one of them, if not the almost perfect example of that kind of game that has very long thunder legs.


HK-47 said:
It has nothing to do with the system
I don't know how I feel about the whole 2 million thing, but sales of software are undeniably related to system sales. At least when you're dealing with game-centric HW like the Wii and DS. Catalog sales are kept strong by strong system sales. You certainly wouldn't see multiple DS games hitting 3, 4, 5 million in sales if the system was half as popular as it is. And you also wouldn't see DS sales being as high if it didn't have the software lineup that it does.

SMG could certainly hit 2 million in the long run, but it'll require Wii hardware sales to stay really strong. And that'll require more software than just Brawl and Wii Fit.


The Autumn Wind
the thoroughbred said:
Everyone seems so sure that SMG is going to stay a bit longer. But as soon as the festivities are over everything drops like a lead zeppelin. I reckon it will be back to 10k numbers in about 2 weeks. Next will probably bigger, it usually is, right? But after the new year thats it. And a bunch of new 3rd party games will overshadow the undersold gem.
The first week of the new year is usually pretty big in Japan. Things usually get back to normal by mid-January or so. Galaxy will have two or three more weeks of big sales before it levels off. Even then, I don't think it will be a straight drop to 10k. This game is good enough to have legs similar to NSMB, especially with the userbase the Wii affords it.


The Autumn Wind
Minsc said:
Do the console versions of Mario Kart share the same success as the DS version in Japan?
The SNES and N64 versions were the highest selling games on their respective consoles, and the GC version sold quite a lot as well (don't know the exact number) despite being on the GC. If the Wii version is good (an important point), it will most definitely go on to sell a ton. It's exactly the kind of game a casual or even non-gamer can get into alongside his hardcore friend. Hell, even my mom loves Mario Kart.
Link said:
The SNES and N64 versions were the highest selling games on their respective consoles, and the GC version sold quite a lot as well (don't know the exact number) despite being on the GC. If the Wii version is good (an important point), it will most definitely go on to sell a ton. It's exactly the kind of game a casual or even non-gamer can get into alongside his hardcore friend. Hell, even my mom loves Mario Kart.

Everyone knows what Mario Kart is. Even friends of mine and total strangers on the Wii line who don't really play games ask me when Mario Kart is coming out when I tell them that the Wii is made by Nintendo(creator of Mario).


HK-47 said:
What? He is saying Galaxy will sell 2 million in Japan. This is quite beyond outselling Sunshine. Its outselling SM 64 and then some

Is it that hard to imagine that scenario though? Galaxy looks like it may sell to about 900k by years end in Japan. I think with a title such as this, with it's quality, and seemingly better legs now, 2 million is quite possible by the end of the Wii's life.
I was thinking about how much does NeoGAF loves Suzumiya Haruhi... so would many heads assplode if Haruhi PSP outsells Star Ocean PSP? I'd say there is a good chance to see that happen.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I was thinking about how much does NeoGAF loves Suzumiya Haruhi... so would many heads assplode if Haruhi PSP outsells Star Ocean PSP? I'd say there is a good chance to see that happen.

You overestimate the numbers of Haruhi fans based on the vocal fanbase. Most anime games clock in at very low numbers.


tehbear said:
You overestimate the numbers of Haruhi fans based on the vocal fanbase. Most anime games clock in at very low numbers.
Yes, but I'm sure a good portion of Haruhi Suzumiya fans are PSP owners. And those fans tend to buy lots of their Haruhi Suzumiya related merchandise.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Busaiku said:
Yes, but I'm sure a good portion of Haruhi Suzumiya fans are PSP owners. And those fans tend to buy lots of their Haruhi Suzumiya related merchandise.

They are also the PSP owners most likely to pirate games.

So the sales will still be shit.
norinrad21 said:
This is a retarded comment.

10k numbers? Are you out of your mind?

Galaxy will go on to sell a little over 2 mil(in japan) when all is said and done after this generation.

Man, I would like to believe this but I just don't see it happening. Not unless the game gets budget priced and the generation lasts a few years longer than I expect it to.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I was thinking about how much does NeoGAF loves Suzumiya Haruhi... so would many heads assplode if Haruhi PSP outsells Star Ocean PSP? I'd say there is a good chance to see that happen.

Same thought here. I guess Haruhi will sell at least 80k first week, likely to be more than SO1.
I'm amazed at the numbers for New Super Mario Bros. Count Rugen from the Princess Bride could count on one hand the number of games that have sold over five million in Japan. At this point, the only games that have sold more in Japan are Pokemon games and the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES.


Forgotten Ancient said:
Ethel, what spinoff sold more? I'm gonna guess Tactics, but did that sell as fast and as well as CC? Or is there a game I'm not thinking of?

Tactics sold well over a million. If you want to count Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon, that sold over a million, too.
Elbrain said:
So do we know what previous GT prologues did so that we can compare and bitch about!?! :D

GT4P sold more as a bundle (X'mas white PS2) than a standalone game. There is little to no point of direct comparison with GT5P.


Forgotten Ancient said:
I'm gonna guess Tactics, but did that sell as fast and as well as CC?

Tactics sold more by its second week than Crisis Core has LTD.

AnimeTheme said:
GT4P sold more as a bundle (X'mas white PS2) than a standalone game. There is little to no point of direct comparison with GT5P.

Except for the fact that bundled software is counted by Japanese sales trackers, unless you're just saying being bundled helped it to sell more.


cvxfreak said:
...well, for what it's worth, none of the above actually applies to Dragon Quest IV in Japan. The PSone version is still sold in stores new and the Famicom version is available at tons of used game stores. Tons of people know what DQIV is, too.
I know, Japan's pretty awesome like that. But since this time DQIV should be making it out of Japan, it's a good chance for new people in Europe and America to get in on this series.

Edit: But maybe my point was never clear. Along with FFIII, this is the second S-E remake that'll hit a million on DS, so I'm hoping this can open the gates for remakes of other excellent games that--unlike DQIV--were never released outside Japan, or were never re-released in the long while since they were made. (Whether those remakes come from S-E or any other company.) Or just remakes for games that were great but show some quirks in their original versions that could aggravate newer and/or younger players (DQ's menus, for example), and yet are also easy enough bring up to speed for a revival in the modern world.

Hcoregamer00 said:
Busaiku said:
Yes, but I'm sure a good portion of Haruhi Suzumiya fans are PSP owners. And those fans tend to buy lots of their Haruhi Suzumiya related merchandise.
They are also the PSP owners most likely to pirate games.
Pretty much what I'm thinking, though I'd be happy to see it do well... That and the PS2/Wii versions whenever those show up.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Link said:
The SNES and N64 versions were the highest selling games on their respective consoles, and the GC version sold quite a lot as well (don't know the exact number) despite being on the GC. If the Wii version is good (an important point), it will most definitely go on to sell a ton. It's exactly the kind of game a casual or even non-gamer can get into alongside his hardcore friend. Hell, even my mom loves Mario Kart.

SMK did not outsell SMW or SMA


ethelred said:
Tactics sold well over a million. If you want to count Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon, that sold over a million, too.
There's also FFX-2, which is about as much of a "spinoff" as CCFF7 basically. :lol

If we move out into looser spinoffs, there's also SD2-3 and KH1-2 (all of which sold over 800k).

HK-47 said:
SMK did not outsell SMW or SMA
It did in Japan iirc.


Coolio McAwesome said:
I'm amazed at the numbers for New Super Mario Bros. Count Rugen from the Princess Bride could count on one hand the number of games that have sold over five million in Japan. At this point, the only games that have sold more in Japan are Pokemon games and the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES.
Awesome :lol
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