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Men should also have the choice women have in becoming a parent

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SnakeswithLasers said:
It's pretty common sense, if you don't want to deal with something, you have to be proactive about the situation. Sitting back and saying, "Well, she didn't make me wear a condom" isn't exactly a compelling reason why you should be obviated of responsibility.

And in this theoretical case, the woman isn't the one shirking responsibility like the man wants to, she's just looking for equal responsibility since both parties were equally irresponsible. So he should have been smarter in the first place.

Why do men have to be proactive, and women don't have to?
A woman can tell you "yeah, I don't want to have kids"...and then you fuck, she gets pregnant, and she decides "i'm going to keep it" and that's it.

The only real flawless way of not having a kid is to not have sex. Condoms can break/fail, birth control can fail, pulling out fails.


zoku88 said:
I would think that knowing that you are pregnant, but not telling the other party would be wrong under Zoe's rules.

That what I would assume. It wouldn't really work otherwise.\
When shanadeus says "become a parent", he doesn't mean, opting out of parenthood would mean having an adoption, though. So it's not really about controlling the woman's body. It's more about not being responsible for the birthed child.
I misunderstood then. I would agree with that (I think).

If the woman is wishy washy or picking who the better daddy would be, a opt-out process might work. But I would have a problem with a blanket opt-out system.


The best thing is that thread isn't even 6 months old yet. Couldn't he at LEAST have waited till the new year to make the exact same topic with the exact same argument again?


Shanadeus said:
Regarding the condom argument:

The man isn't making a decision to have a child by not wearing a condom, have the condom fail or in any other way unintentionally impregnate his partner. Just as the woman can decide whether or not she wants to be a mother post-sex act as well as post-impregnation the man should too.

What Zoe said should really be implemented now.
If both partners are agreeing on not having a child then why should we stop them from making it legally binding?
That's only sort of true. The man is making the decision to take a risk on it.

It's like a guy not planning on dying in a car crash by not wearing a seatbelt. It may happen anyway and you sure can't opt-out of that.

Pre-coitus makes sense regarding the contract, but if neither one of them were planning on having a baby, then why would the burden all of a sudden fall on the woman? The contract should read regardless. It also should make a note about whether the woman even wants the guy to have rights.


GitarooMan said:
That's no secret, I only made a new thread as I couldn't bump the other one with the recent personal development that relate to the subject.
The situations aren't symmetrical. I'd love it if there were a way to create equality, but in the case of a pregnant woman, there really isn't.

Whether a pregnant woman chooses to abort, put up for adoption or keep a child, it'll suck for her. All three options are way shittier for the woman than they are for the man. Figure out a way to resolve that and maybe you'll have a point.
Yet they still have a choice while the man has none.
You could consider those three negative situations to be balanced by the fact that the woman can effectively ignore a man's wish to actually have a child by aborting it - in his eyes killing his child.

That's a pretty shitty situation yet no one would say that we should restrict women's power over their bodies - so we just have to live with it.

But in this case we can solve one form of inequality without touching the woman's control over her own body - so why shouldn't we do it?


Gaborn said:
The best thing is that thread isn't even 6 months old yet. Couldn't he at LEAST have waited till the new year to make the exact same topic with the exact same argument again?
It's even the same formulation, on an almost paragraph by paragraph basis. Like he copied it out and then tweaked it. :lol

I'm curious as to whether he did that or if it was from memory/thought process.


1. Rerun

2. If a man was not interested in a child, then it would be smarter to avoid behavior that will cause a child. The argument should not start after the girl is pregnant, it should start before. As mentioned in this thread, condoms are not enough.

3. So if we take #2 into the equation, how would the woman be able dismiss this 'contract' by having a child if the man did not want to be a father? If this man did not change his mind, then this would mean the man would not be the father, somebody else would be!

But of course, people don't seem to like #2.


It's their spawn, they're are responsible. Legally, they don't even have to be a father to it, or take 1/100th of the responsibility it takes to raise it properly, just pay enough so the rest us don't have to pay more for government help to single mothers. Condom broke? Cry me a river. The risks are understood beforehand. They rolled the dice and lost, so that gives them the right to walk away from their responsibilities or leave it on someone else? Fuck that. We should abort these so called fathers and give the money from their sold organs to the kid. I don't even like kids, and still think it's pathetic.


Willy105 said:
1. Rerun

2. If a man was not interested in a child, then it would be smarter to avoid behavior that will cause a child. The argument should not start after the girl is pregnant, it should start before. As mentioned in this thread, condoms are not enough.

3. So if we take #2 into the equation, how would the woman be able dismiss this 'contract' by having a child if the man did not want to be a father? If this man did not change his mind, then this would mean the man would not be the father, somebody else would be!

But of course, people don't seem to like #2.
The problem with #2 is that some might point out that women can have the exact same non-desire to have kids as the man - yet she still avoid motherhood if that's what she wants.

I really don't mind having a contract in place before you can refuse to become a father due to all the factors that might unjustly hurt the woman (such as her not being aware of being pregnant until it's too late) but some might disagree because of the above.
It's their spawn, they're are responsible. Legally, they don't even have to be a father to it, or take 1/100th of the responsibility it takes to raise properly, just pay enough so the rest us don't have to pay more for government help to single mothers. Condom broke? Cry me a river. The risks are understood beforehand. They rolled the dice and lost, so that gives them the right to walk away from their responsibilities or leave it on someone else? Fuck that. We should abort these so called fathers and give the money from their sold organs to the kid. I don't even like kids, and still think it's pathetic.

What gives them the right to walk away?
We are the ones that should give them the right to opt-out of fatherhood.

I mean, we've already given women the right of opting-out of motherhood so why not try to extend this freedom to men as well?


Shanadeus said:
Yet they still have a choice while the man has none.

this is not true and i can't understand why you keep saying it. the man has plenty of choices to prevent it from happening unless said man was raped.


soco said:
this is not true and i can't understand why you keep saying it. the man has plenty of choices to prevent it from happening unless said man was raped.

The woman has involvement in every one of those decision points to prevent it from happening, and yet she still gets to abdicate her role in those decisions and avoid responsibility.

It's not equitable.


soco said:
this is not true and i can't understand why you keep saying it. the man has plenty of choices to prevent it from happening unless said man was raped.

When the woman is pregnant - the man has no choice.
When the woman is pregnant - the woman has a couple of choices.

Or what JayDubya said.


Willy105 said:
2. If a man was not interested in a child, then it would be smarter to avoid behavior that will cause a child. The argument should not start after the girl is pregnant, it should start before. As mentioned in this thread, condoms are not enough.
This is nonsense. One of the most common arguments for making abortions accessible for women is because a) mistakes happen, and b) telling people not to have sex is wildly unrealistic. Because having a child--whether you're a man or a woman--puts serious constraints on your life.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Flying_Phoenix said:
You make the dumbest threads.
why is this a dumb thread? I think it's pretty good actually.

It doesn't make sense. Pretty much agree spot on with what JayDubya is saying.
soco said:
this is not true and i can't understand why you keep saying it. the man has plenty of choices to prevent it from happening unless said man was raped.
He's talking about after the woman is pregnant.

Woman's Options:

1. Birth
2. Adoption
3. Abortion

Man's Options:

EDIT: Yeah, what those above me said


Shanadeus said:
Or what JayDubya said.

Man, this is unnerving, but I routinely use this exact same point as an argument for removing the the unilateral opt-out while you're using it to argue for making it bilateral.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Woman's Options:
1. Birth
2. Adoption
3. Abortion

Man's Options:

sorry but I've seen tons of dudes use the

'just kind of bail' option.

This is like complaining that a white christian accountant has it rough in america. I mean really.


Willy105 said:
If this man did not change his mind, then this would mean the man would not be the father, somebody else would be!

Why does there have to be a father?


JayDubya said:
Man, this is unnerving, but I routinely use this exact same point to argue for removing the unilateral opt-out while you're using it to argue for making it bilateral.
It's quite interesting actually that we're using the exact same point.

But shouldn't an opt-out under some conditions not conflict with your views unless?

An opt-out isn't necessarily an abortion.


catfish said:
sorry but I've seen tons of dudes use the

'just kind of bail' option.

This is like complaining that a white christian accountant has it rough in america. I mean really.

How do you "bail out" financially without ending up in prison? Because they can take up to 60% of everything you make depending on where you live. Not to mention you may have few to no rights whatsoever in how that child is brought up. Nor do you have any say in how that money is spent.
captive said:
It doesn't make sense.

You answered your own question. It's dumb because pregnancy is a couple issue. It's something that goes on during a relationship. I can think of some exceptions like a girl lying about taking birth control pills, but I cannot imagine why somebody would put a gun to their head like that. "I want a baby but I'm not sure if my boyfriend will want to take care of the child or even if he will, but I really want one. I guess I'll just lie about to using a birth control pill and "accidentally" get pregnant to see what happens. LULZ"

And nearly all of his threads are like this. I'm just pointing it out for him to let him know or before he knows it he'll be juniored.

EDIT - I guess you can also argue if the woman gets pregnant and doesn't want to abort but the father does. But really what the fuck should the government due in this situation? Say that if the father signs a contract that he disagrees with the wife in aborting he shouldn't have to pay the mother to support the child? You can't see what's wrong with this?


Shanadeus said:
The problem with #2 is that some might point out that women can have the exact same non-desire to have kids as the man - yet she still avoid motherhood if that's what she wants.

You say women also have the right to not want kids. You say men should also have this right. Since when don't they?

With #2, they both can choose to not have a baby. If you disregard #2, then someone is going to eventually earn their baby whether they want it or not. You can't choose after you got the baby.

Especially for a man. Although girls can end their pregnancy after they start it (which I don't condone, and it is a different subject, so it ends there), men don't have to deal with this. Unlike girls, a man making a baby is not a gradual process. Once he declines #2, it's no longer up to him.

Men simply can't have a choice after they already did it, other than simply walking out, which is an atrocity to both the girl and the baby. Men have to do the choice before doing it, whether he likes it or not. It's life.

Zoe said:
Why does there have to be a father?

Virgin births are rare in nature.

Also, the OP has already covered walking out.


Unconfirmed Member
nyong said:
How do you "bail out" financially? Because they can take up to 60% of everything you make depending on where you live. Not to mention you may have few to no rights whatsoever in how that child is brought up. Nor do you have any say in how that money is spent.
As a dude you have plenty of choices leading up to the point of conception which could mitigate these risks.

Dude Abides

JayDubya said:
The woman has involvement in every one of those decision points to prevent it from happening, and yet she still gets to abdicate her role in those decisions and avoid responsibility.

It's not equitable.

Neither is pregnancy. Take it up with Jesus.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This thread will probably be shat up as the idea of “mens rights” is usually laughed at (usually by those who haven’t bothered to rub two critically thinking brain cells together on the matter) , but you’d have to be insane not to acknowledge that women have an extremely disproportionate amount of power in the situation. The man was equally responsible for the baby. He’s equally a genetic contributor. He’ll be held financially responsible for the child for the next two decades. Yet the woman has 100% say in whether it’s aborted, given up for adoption, or kept, and has more control over how much or a role the man has in the child’s life than the other way around.

Basically, if you can justify the right of a woman to give up a child (opting out of parenthood), you’re a hypocrite if you don’t argue for a man’s right to opt out as well. Going through pregnancy must suck, but not that much. I’d rather put up with several months of that than 20 years of seeing my paycheck fly out the window.

Also, the “don’t want to be a father- wear a condom” comments are asinine, but that’s the kind of half-brained nonsense I expected to see in this thread. “Don’t want to be a mother? Take the pill! Use a diaphragm! Make your man wear a condom!” Don't give the child up, though, that would make you a deadbeat mother.

fake edit- I started writing this response at work before anyone else replied so I haven't exactly kept up with the thread.

sorry but I've seen tons of dudes use the

'just kind of bail' option.

This is like complaining that a white christian accountant has it rough in america. I mean really.
Ahh, the "you're a white man, you have the upper hand and an unfair advantage in every situation and never have a right to complain" argument.

Neither is pregnancy. Take it up with Jesus.
Pregnancy is 9 months long. Parenthood is not.


Brian Griffin said:
He's talking about after the woman is pregnant.


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

That's sort of the point, isn't it? After you make your choice, you live with the consequences of that choice.


Lambtron said:
As a dude you have plenty of choices leading up to the point of conception which could mitigate these risks.

You mean not having sex? You could use the exact same logic to ban abortion.


Willy105 said:
Virgin births are rare in nature.

Also, the OP has already covered walking out.

You said somebody else has to be the father. Why does there have to be a father?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Flying_Phoenix said:
You answered your own question. It's dumb because pregnancy is a couple issue. It's something that goes on during a relationship. I can think of some exceptions like a girl lying about taking birth control pills, but I cannot imagine why somebody would put a gun to their head like that.
You're not looking at the whole picture. Say you and your gf/wife whatever decide to have a baby, she gets mad at you and tells you shes going to go get an abortion because she's breaking up with you and doesn't want to have your baby. You as the man have 0 recourse to prevent her from aborting the baby if say you want to raise the child without her.
This is just one of many scenarios that people are bringing up that you're ignoring.

And nearly all of his threads are like this. I'm just pointing it out for him to let him know or before he knows it he'll be juniored
except for you know this thread doesn't suck, its gotten 90+ replies in a short amount of time.
Gaborn said:
You do. Wear a damn condom. Alternately, figure out a way for a man to grow a womb.

One could just as easily argue that a woman who decides to continue on with the pregnancy against her partners' will is acknowledging and accepting financial responsibility for the child.

We're well past the point in society where we should still be pretending that sex is purely about procreation and that people don't have sex unless they want children.
I look at it as it takes two to tango, both parties are guilty if they are not wanting to have a child. If your going to fuck a girl then be responsible for your actions.


Im kind of curious, what happens if a woman wants to give a baby up for adoption but the man doesn't?

Does the dude keep the baby? Can he collect child support from the mother?
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