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MGSV in my opinion is a bad metal gear solid game.


i thought it was a boring open world game that had me going to the same places over and over again for missions and also wanted to introduce free to play-esque resource gathering and timers. Sent it back to Gamefly after Mission 9 or so.

I wasn't a huge MGS fan though, i enjoyed the previous games for the most part but they aren't my favorites.


It's definitely my least favourite MGS game, but I did enjoy it to some extent.

I enjoyed Mad Max more :p
okay guys i havent finish the game yet.
but as a huge metal gear fan i wanted to talk about a little bit of the game with you without spoiling.

ive playing for few hours and i dont like what ive being playing in fact i dont want to go back.

i think metal gear solid 5 is one of most boring open world games i ever played.
why that game went full open world? mgs4 and 3 have better level design than that.

the opening that a lot of people were praising its just boring. and to make it worst kiefer sucks at voice acting.

now the gameplay is a huge step up from the previous entries but pick up missions is just boring.
im glad that mgs brand is dead now, and will still love the old games

but notlikethis.gif

Im no MGS fan and i watched one of my buddies play the opening and i have to say, i was bored as fuck watching him. What a bore fest. Plus, i kinda figured out the whole story spoiler thing within the first 20 minutes. Really not my type of game.


I was starting to get a little bored because of the repetitiveness that people have mentioned, but then i realized there are a lot of ways to approach an encounter. My usual way used to be sneak in, tranq/fulton everybody, etc. Then, i gave myself a "cowboy" loadout - i ride in on D-horse with a double barrel shotgun and a revolver, and just go spaghetti western on their asses. I think once i realized how much the player can mix it up, i started having more fun.

that said, i find it weird how the boss is basically a silent protagonist. did metal get lodged in his vocal cords or something?


I loved playing through MGSV and Platinum'd it. I thought it was fantastic.

But I'll never, ever, ever play it again. It's a one and done game. Which kind of sucks, because everything else (sans Peace Walker) are timeless games that I can go back to over and over again any time. Due to the nature of the game I just can't see myself replaying it.


Low Poly Gynecologist
How does Eli transition to hate BB? Right now he just comes across as a brat. No reasons given.
What happens with Sehalanthropus? Eli steals it... then thats that. no resolution to that.
What happens to kid mantis?
This could've added tension between Kaz and BB, leading to a better explanation why Kaz decides to side with the clones rather than BB.
Ocellot could've had more insight on why he is supporting him through those events.

I can keep going.

I mean, you have to remember that MGSV, according to Konami, isn't the final MGS game.
I was annoyed by the ending with the kids taking Sahelanthropus until I realized that they could probably make a whole game out of Venom and crew trying to chase after the kid crew and retake Sahelanthropus.

Its not that unusual for a piece of media to have cliffhangers/untied story thread.


lol we never know what we want when it comes to metal gear
did you want raiden?

what im saying is every metal gear u didnt need to play more than five hours for you to fall in love.
do you remember mgs2 opening
the halo jump in 3
the war has changed speech in 4

i mean its just my opinion

I agree. Most, if not all the MGS games, throw us for a loop. MGSV included. Maybe even the biggest loop in the narrative department...

I think the MGSV opening is as strong as the ones you listed. It's just understated instead of being a big monumental LEAP (literally) in 2 and 3. It does get there though, and ramps up big time once The Man on Fire shows up.

I fell in love after 5 hours with the original MGS games because within 5 hours, you got something very condensed. A lot of stuff happens in 5 hours in almost every MGS game.

The thing with MGSV is that it's just not that kind of game, for better or worse. I personally agree that I prefer that more condensed experience. The open world makes the story's lose narrative even looser, with drawn out side ops and big landscapes that I wish just had more to do in.

For the record, I didn't ask for Raiden, but I didn't NOT want him :p.


Thank god someone finally made this thread. This is definitely not a good Metal Gear game. Open World, non linear, shitty story, minimal cutscenes. This is not what I play Metal Gear for. Metal Gear is about story, linear missions to help tell and progress that story. Gameplay is good, sure, but this really should have just been Peace Walker 2 and not MGS V. Hell, even Peace Walker 1 did more story than this.
You surely recognize the difference between multiplayer deathmatch and highly polished and produced singleplayer content yes? Look at typical open world mission design in most games and think of the number of restrictions and fail states most have, then compare that to something like MGSV.

As I already said, man. The skulls come out no matter what. Your only choice is run away or fight. Thats it.

Choice of weapon/vehicle is = or less than CoD loadout. If thats the sense of amazing choice that dazzles you beyond blatant logic, so be it. Great for you, sucks for me.

And again all I can say is- soon as I seen missions past 30 being repeats

alt + f4 - delete from hdd. bye. lol


Low Poly Gynecologist
Are you sure? I sort of hit a dead end after
Mission 49
and not taking on any of the other repeat missions.

I'm not sure that people know the exact method of unlocking the next missions, but stuff like listening to all of the yellow earmarked tapes, using quiet as a buddy on Side-ops, and spending some time out in the field/going back to ACC/Visiting motherbase are all expected components. It is definitely frustrating that it isn't more straightforward.
I agree with OP. I've played all the MGS games, even the amazing Gameboy color one, and at some point I just wanted this game to end.


I mean, you have to remember that MGSV, according to Konami, isn't the final MGS game.
I was annoyed by the ending with the kids taking Sahelanthropus until I realized that they could probably make a whole game out of Venom and crew trying to chase after the kid crew and retake Sahelanthropus.

Its not that unusual for a piece of media to have cliffhangers/untied story thread.

I can see that.

But still.. a game should be encapsuled in its own. A story arch that is tied neatly together to avoid this kind of things.


Yeah, ok, whatever. Not a real fan, right? Heard this nonsense before. You can be a real fan of MGS and not care for the ridiculous amount and length of cutscenes, mind blowing I know.

I appreciate more subtly in my stories which Kojima has no profiencency in, if you take one look at MGS4.

You are putting words in my mouth.

The topic is "is MGSV a bad MGS Game?"

MGS encompasses lots of things, a large part of that a cinematic depiction of a complex story. In addition to the sneaking gameplay. Saying that MGSV has less one, and more of the other, doesn't improve its standing as a MGS game, because in my opinion it needs to excel in both, among other things.

MGSV with excellent gameplay but no or poor quality story makes for a possibly great game in general (which is fine), but a not so great MGS game.


Im no MGS fan and i watched one of my buddies play the opening and i have to say, i was bored as fuck watching him. What a bore fest. Plus, i kinda figured out the whole story spoiler thing within the first 20 minutes. Really not my type of game.

The opening is really nothing like the rest of the game. Doesn't necessarily mean you'd like the rest of the game of course.
I can't really decide how much I like it as a MGS game. I've played something like 10 hours and havent touched it in weeks. I played MGS3 in a single sitting I was so hooked. My favorite thing about Metal Gear games is the Kojima story and this game is the lightest on that. I do really enjoy this game but the story parts are too far between to keep me sucked into it.

This is why I may be on board with saying it is the worst Metal Gear game even though I love it.


Usually when games are rushed out the door they suffer from gameplay bugs and graphical issues. I didn't see either with MGSV. It could just be that they polished all that from the beginning and then put work into the rest though.

Resolves what exactly? I think you're overvaluing what that single mission added. I watched it and it didn't really add much of anything for me.

I meant rushed out the door in comparison to other MGS games. I agree the game looks great visually and the gameplay looks tight (although I don't like over-the-shoulder 3rd person shooter view that was intro'd with MGS4). It just seems like a lot of content was ditched and this has really influenced the structure and flow of the game.
There doesn't seem to anything memorable about MGSV, where as with previous MGS games there are cutscenes, characters, conversations and gameplay segments that people still talk about today.
Still got to play it for myself and form my opinion on it.


I thought it was a good MGS game. It wasn't as heavy on the cutscenes as previous games which I kinda missed but it still felt like MGS more or less.


I think most MGS fans can agree is MGSV is simply not a MGS game. Only those who love it are not past MGS fans or MGS fans who hated linear gameplay.

Loved all the others and had a blast with this version also. We're left with near flawless gameplay from the team on final effort. This forum is quickest to the bottom tearing every game down. I appreciate what they went for.


This is a crazy thing to say about a game with so much content such a high level of polish.

If you like to call content to what it is basically fetch quests, ok, lots of content.
I like the game, but that is cheap content, just like Assasin's Creeds or Far Cry collect a tons. It's just filler.
Withcer 3 by contrast is what hand crafted quests with some production look like, real content. I feel that , that was the original scope of MGSV and somewhere at sometime they just had to cut corners.

K' Dash

I played 62 hours saying to myself:

"this can't be it, this is universally loved MG game, there must be a moment where this game pops and becomes awesome"

The moment never came, barren wasteland, boring missions, ever worse boring side ops repeated to hell and back and no fucking story, I'm really sad I spent $60 on this game :(


I played 62 hours saying to myself:

"this can't be it, this is universally loved MG game, there must be a moment where this game pops and becomes awesome"

The moment never came, barre wasteland, boring missions, ever worse boring side ops repeated to hell and back and no fucking story, I'm really sad I spent $60 in this game :(

I felt the same way. Tho by hour 50 i just wanted the game to end. First time in an MGS game that has ever happened. Even in 4, at least i had the over the top events.


When people say that they find the story in this one bad do they mean because it is so sparse or because it is so ridiculous?


I played 62 hours saying to myself:

"this can't be it, this is universally loved MG game, there must be a moment where this game pops and becomes awesome"

The moment never came, barre wasteland, boring missions, ever worse boring side ops repeated to hell and back and no fucking story, I'm really sad I spent $60 in this game :(

B-b-but the tapes!

When people say that they find the story in this one bad do they mean because it is so sparse or because it is so ridiculous?

If only it was ridiculous...

It was worse. It was boring.

This is a game that had no climax. It just kept going and going at the same pace. I was bored shitless with the plot.
Decent game, but a terrible Metal Gear. I'll never play it again.

Pretty much. Almost worth the 20 dollars I paid for it, not worth 60 as a MGS fan though. The mission structure is shit. The bosses if they can be called bosses, is shit and annoying. The story is non-existent. The pacing is absolutely terrible because of the open world influence. Open world was pointless, all it did was add in time running to one spot to another, waiting in a box, or going to the heli and back on the battlefield to get to the desired spot.


If you like to call content to what it is basically fetch quests, ok, lots of content.
I like the game, but that is cheap content, just like Assasin's Creeds or Far Cry collect a tons. It's just filler.
Withcer 3 by contrast is what hand crafted quests with some production look like, real content. I feel that , that was the original scope of MGSV and somewhere at sometime they just had to cut corners.

I really like the Witcher 3 and it does a fantastic job at providing players with motivations and context for the sidequests but for the majority of them you're performing too similar tasks of investigations using witcher senses which feel like total filler as it requires no actual investigation from the player and combat, which is serviceable but definitely not a strong point of the game. The game excels at creating a believable world and is best when you're engaging with characters. MGSV and Witcher 3 are interesting contrasts actually. Both fall on opposite spectrums of gameplay/story combinations of open world game design.


Pretty much. Almost worth the 20 dollars I paid for it, not worth 60 as a MGS fan though. The mission structure is shit. The bosses if they can be called bosses, is shit and annoying. The story is non-existent. The pacing is absolutely terrible because of the open world influence. Open world was pointless, all it did was add in time running to one spot to another, waiting in a box, or going to the heli and back on the battlefield to get to the desired spot.

Don't forget the cool deployment every time on the ACC that you can't skip. So cinematic!
I played 62 hours saying to myself:

"this can't be it, this is universally loved MG game, there must be a moment where this game pops and becomes awesome"

The moment never came, barre wasteland, boring missions, ever worse boring side ops repeated to hell and back and no fucking story, I'm really sad I spent $60 in this game :(

The last time I felt like this was Skyrim, and before that- FF13

I remember EXACTLY the point where I was staring at my save file slot only a week after release of Skyrim. It said 100 hours, and I realized that I actually did everything significant and was nearly done w story. And that the only real fun I had was blind anticipation during first few hours of learning.


Thats why I really have zero hype for anything, even though most games I play for free cuz brother buys em anyway. But the fact that this was MGS, Kojimas last work etc.. I just gave it another shot.

I'm trying to forget it. Don't give me credit PTSD.

I think I understand now why Konami removed his name from the box art.

Its like getting a Christmas present w a tag "FROM MOM" wrapped in wrapping paper of "FROM MOM" all over it
then you open it to reveal a box wrapped in yet more FROM MOM paper. The cardboard of the box, and underneath the lid says FROM MOM
Its a bottle of champagne. Brand? FROM MOM. Open it, hundreds of fortune cookie fortune size papers with FROM MOM written pour out


Played MGS II-IV and i really loved them for their story. MGSV has without the best gameplay but the story and the storytelling is awful. Least favorite MGS.


The gameplay is awesome, but the story and open world are really weak. Maybe it's because I came from playing Witcher 3 before this, but the world is completely barren, lifeless, and boring. Still love the gameplay though, and I couldn't even finish mgs 4.
I completely agree.

In terms of gameplay it's the best in the series, but its presentation, direction and pacing makes it the worst MGS game.

It's a weird feeling.

MGSV is the best "game" of the franchise, while being the worst "MGS" of them all.



I played every MGS in August to prepare for its release and loved every single one of them. MGSV came along, had an incredible prologue, then went to complete shit. Gameplay was fun, but the story was pretty much non existent and I had no desire to keep playing. Ended up trading the game in last week. Maybe I'll try it again at some point.


Phenomenal gameplay, different MGS game IMO. I mean, Kojima stated they would be doing things differently, very differently, and he just hoped that everyone would like it. Obviously it's an apples & oranges kind of situation, but it is what it is. Personally I think the gameplay is amazing, but everything else, while I love, is off. Be it because of the whole Konami + Kojima thing, or just other reasons entirely, I mean there's a lot of variables. All in all I still really enjoyed the game, I just wish we could've gotten the complete final product that Kojima originally planned to deliver. I think I got my money's worth regardless, especially after the amount of time I put into it.

Also, I didn't have a problem with Kiefer's voice acting. But I suppose I may be a minority.
OP is 100% spot on. Yeah, it had amazing gameplay mechanics, but what's the point if it's not applied to anything engaging?

We got 4 stellar mainline MGS game, and one total garbage MGS to wrap it up. I'm happy though. 4 outta 5 ain't bad.

Yeah, its a very repetitive boring game.
Waste of money tbh.

And time. And space that it takes up.
On kind of a side note

Did anyone else really miss the floating, spinning items thing?

Dem memories of getting into those warehouse rooms in MGS2, even 3, and seeing the box, having to get close to see exactly what item it is... That was a big part of modern metal gear for me

Yeah, you could say it might look a bit silly in the more photo-realistic gfx ,but

come on...

It was also a great reason to thoroughly check under tables, vehicles, foundations - for exploring in general, really. Def would have helped a lot in making the "open world" less barren too.

Tell me you didnt get soup't when seeing a new camo/facepaint spinning box in MGS3 lol


Phenomenal gameplay, different MGS game IMO. I mean, Kojima stated they would be doing things differently, very differently, and he just hoped that everyone would like it. Obviously it's an apples & oranges kind of situation, but it is what it is. Personally I think the gameplay is amazing, but everything else, while I love, is off. Be it because of the whole Konami + Kojima thing, or just other reasons entirely, I mean there's a lot of variables. All in all I still really enjoyed the game, I just wish we could've gotten the complete final product that Kojima originally planned to deliver. I think I got my money's worth regardless, especially after the amount of time I put into it.

Also, I didn't have a problem with Kiefer's voice acting. But I suppose I may be a minority.

is hard to have a problem with Snake's VA since he almost doesn't talk

Venom burrrrrn...i kid
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