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Michael Pachter says "PC Gamers are like Racists"

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Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Even if it is a stupid analogy:

-It's still not equivalent to the Starbucks apartheid strawman.

-Racism is not worse in the Western World than elsewhere. That is bullocks.

-Certain PC gamers need to stop (almost non-ironically) screaming "PC MASTER RACE" if they don't want to see "stupid analogies."


Membero Americo
To all console players right here (except the Nintendo dudes):

Do you know that you are currently playing on x86_64 based PCs, right?

Actually, old&slow PCs, despite the new Pro and Scorpio, with no future over 2 years from now.

So all of you are already playing on PC.

My question is: are all of you retards?


Watch the NX be underperforming specs wise to people's expectations to see this suppposed mentality of superiority be just as prevalent amongst console gamers themselves. That is why I always shakke my head when people pretend it is PC gamers that can be all uppity on this subject for the most part.

Yup. Consoles have been marketed around specs since the beginning. It's funny to see some people claiming that PC gaming "started" the focus on specs. Take a look at any console ad from the 80s and 90s and you'll be bombarded with buzz like "16-bit" and "better graphics" the whole time.

Spec wars are not exclusive to either consoles nor PC. There are elitist people everywhere.


Obviously it's not true for every PC gamer, but he's not totally wrong. The PC master race culture does exist; while for some treat it as a joke, there are others that embodies the subculture.


Can Pachter be banned now or something? Like his name becomes ******* like when we post URL's of banned sites?

Or do threads about him get locked now?

Is that how it works?


So let's try his technique:

Pacther is a nazi terrorist pedophile who enjoy torturing kittens when he's not busy raping newborn infants.

Hey, wow, his fantastical analyst formula for analyzing people who prefer certain video game platforms is actually working! So easy

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Guilt tripping? Are you serious? Why don't you try going to a Western country while not white and try that out!

Walk a mile in another man's shoes yourself, please. I wouldn't exactly be welcomed with open arms in Asia or the Middle East, either. Racism is bad everywhere, and most people worldwide are not "white."

I'm sorry (for you) that you consider "Some dude said my name wrong at Starbucks" to not be as trivial as "Someone said they don't want to buy a PS4Pro because Pcs are better"

Another strawman, amazing. No matter what, it's not as bad an analogy, notwithstanding that it might still be a bad one.
Even if it is a stupid analogy:

-It's still not equivalent to the Starbucks apartheid strawman.

-Racism is not worse in the Western World than elsewhere. That is bullocks.

-Certainc PC gamer need to stop (almost non-ironically) screaming "PC MASTER RACE" if they don't want to see "stupid analogies."

Here on gaf, the only people saying pc master race are the one using it to attack people playing on PC.
They're not even the most insufferable. That changes with the website, and with the season.

For example. Imagine, if you will, an Xbox One news thread on GAF in 2013 and 2014 that doesn't get derailed or chock full of jabs at the console from a... particular userbase. M$ M$ M$ M$. That's called a pipe dream.

And it didn't slow down after Microsoft got the licks that they more than deserved at the time. It got worse until (as far as I can tell) the mods started cracking down on that shit.

Did you read the "Witcher 3 won't get a PS4 Pro patch"-thread?

Sony-GAF says hi.

You should check out some Sony threads.

Nah mates, I totally see Sony's fan base being terrible, and trust me, I hang out in forums that bring out the worst in the dredges, but a lot of them are just stupid. PC gamers get insufferable about why their system is the best. PCMR in particular.

FF13 Sony video be legendary tho.
Obviously it's not true for every PC gamer, but he's not totally wrong. The PC master race culture does exist; while for some treat it as a joke, there are others that embodies the subculture.

the people who 'embody the subculture'

#1 - are not nearly as high in numbers as some would insinuate ('some' treat it as a joke? you mean 'the overwhelming majority'?)
#2 - still treat it as a joke


Why are you pointing out grammatical errors by the writer? Pachter has nothing to do with that.

It's a funny quote that describes a, probably small, subset of PC gamers quite well. This thread will be fun.

It was a bit distracting. I don't recall pointing blame to Pachter for the. I do recall, however, having a post actually discussing the topic versus a generic "Oh boy, a controversial thread!" post.

What's funny about the quote aside from it being horribly wrong? How does it do its job well? What will be fun about the thread?


Nah mates, I totally see Sony's fan base being terrible, and trust me, I hang out in forums that bring out the worst in the dredges, but a lot of them are just stupid. PC gamers get insufferable about why their system is the best. PCMR in particular.

FF13 Sony video be legendary tho.

How does your excuse for Sony Fanboy shitposting not apply to the PC gamer shitposters?


I definitely agree with pachter. The pc gaming crowd is so annoying to see go on and on. They are largely the reason gaming discussions are overflowing with resolution and frame rate talks with way less emphasis on game mechanics and other components that actually determine a quality game.

This has to be a joke post lmao.


I don't know if it's been suggested, but the quote rings kinda fake to me. Not saying it is, but the first impression was that it was like a quote you'd read on a D-tier site that wants to be The Onion. Doesn't help that the story is rife with typographical errors.

Also odd to me that he's saying "twit," which is a much more British term (and Pachter is American, right?)

But who knows? Maybe he said it. Not defending... and I will be interested to see him address it.
So let's try his technique:

Pacther is a nazi terrorist pedophile who enjoy torturing kittens when he's not busy raping newborn infants.

Hey, wow, his fantastical analyst formula for analyzing people who prefer certain video game platforms is actually working! So easy
Videogame analysts are like pedophiles.

Hey, it makes just as much sense as Pacther's analogy (thus it makes no sense)

This joke doesn't really work unless you're gonna complete the comparison and give us some traits that are similar/identical.
Obviously it's not true for every PC gamer, but he's not totally wrong. The PC master race culture does exist; while for some treat it as a joke, there are others that embodies the subculture.

The same could be said about Sony or Nintendo fans. This is a non-topic unless you are trying to argue which fangirl is the dumbest.


Another strawman, amazing. No matter what, it's not as bad an analogy, notwithstanding that it might still be a bad one.

How the fuck is that a strawman?
That is literally what Michael Pachter is saying.
"PC gamers are like racists, they don't like mixing outside their own kind and that's why they're not going to buy a Ps4Pro"

So, again, how the fuck is that even at the most cursory glance anything like racism?
"Valve stock is not up for trade and the prices on PC are slowing the gaming industry's market growth, goddamnit! Why can't these arrogant PC snobs just bend over(!) and buy more $60 games on day1 from retail or Origin anything else I can recommend stock from! Fucking racists" ...is what I'm reading into his frustration.

But who cares what Pachter thinks, if a thread like goes on for 16 pages it should be more about differences in "gaming culture" between PC and console, but sadly I wouldn't have anything clever to contribute to that topic either.
How the fuck is that a strawman?
That is literally what Michael Pachter is saying.
"PC gamers are like racists, they don't like mixing outside their own kind and that's why they're not going to buy a Ps4Pro"

So, again, how the fuck is that even at the most cursory glance anything like racism?

that's just a strawman bro you're actually saying nothing



I think that means you dislike Mexicans, but you'll eat their food.

I like consoles, but their FPS in games are mostly pretty bad. Some games has stable good FPS, but other games, has really shitty FPS.

However, consoles makes games pretty bad. They come over, downgrade the games, worse graphics, worse FPS. Just look at Watch Dogs. It's a mess, big downgrade, yuge downgrade, an absolute mess.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
How the fuck is that a strawman?
That is literally what Michael Pachter is saying.
"PC gamers are like racists, they don't like mixing outside their own kind and that's why they're not going to buy a Ps4Pro"

So, again, how the fuck is that even at the most cursory glance anything like racism?

No, we're talking about the base quote, "PC gamers are like racists." Stupid analogy or not, he wasn't just talking about PS4 Pro here, nor did he say it quite like you.


How the fuck is that a strawman?
That is literally what Michael Pachter is saying.
"PC gamers are like racists, they don't like mixing outside their own kind and that's why they're not going to buy a Ps4Pro"

So, again, how the fuck is that even at the most cursory glance anything like racism?

The comparison is so shallow that you can use It with all platform wars.

'Iphone users just buy Iphones and won't touch Android so they are like racists'


To all console players right here (except the Nintendo dudes):

Do you know that you are currently playing on x86_64 based PCs, right?

Actually, old&slow PCs, despite the new Pro and Scorpio, with no future over 2 years from now.

So all of you are already playing on PC.

My question is: are all of you retards?


Can't tell if this is an attempt of account suicide or if you're being facetious.


The comparison is so shallow that you can use It with all platform wars.

'Iphone users just buy Iphones and won't touch Android so they are like racists'

Amusingly enough comparing PC gamers to Iphone or Android fans would have been a much more apt comparison for an analyst to make.


I hate to play on the PC and love my consoles, but "PC gamers" are right. Exclusives are overrated

if you mean in the gran scheme of thing i agree.
but it builds a strong core community and it can save you from nuclear disaster
when you look at nintendo software sales it's not that bad considering the hardware sales.
but you can also see from it how much other would do if it was only for exclusives.

but the war is now is into locking the volatil audience behind a closed ecosystem. And imo xbox and nintendo are loosing at an important time here...because when you have successfully locked the audience it is a huge argument to keep them.


The comparison is grotesque, but not literal. He didn't say, "PC gamers ARE racists", he only compared many PC gamers' affinity to only the one platform to racism as a metaphor.

This guy deals with sales projections. He's only referring to players' tendency to diversify platforms.


the people who 'embody the subculture'

#1 - are not nearly as high in numbers as some would insinuate ('some' treat it as a joke? you mean 'the overwhelming majority")
#2 - still treat it as a joke

It's hard to tell sometimes if that is indeed the case, or because it's a convenient way to backpedal on ignorant comments. Most of us game on multiple platforms and never felt the need to go out of our way to label ourselves. For someone to do so you can't help but feel it's deliberate involving hidden agendas.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
To all console players right here (except the Nintendo dudes):

Do you know that you are currently playing on x86_64 based PCs, right?

Actually, old&slow PCs, despite the new Pro and Scorpio, with no future over 2 years from now.

So all of you are already playing on PC.

My question is: are all of you retards?


I see you trolling and belittling a developmental disability.

Then again, if you are serious, you're evidence on GAF of the kind of toxic person Patcher was talking about.
It's hard to tell sometimes if that is indeed the case, or because it's a convenient way to backpedal on ignorant comments. Most of us game on multiple platforms and never felt the need to go out of our label ourselves. For someone to do so you can't help but feel it's deliberate involving hidden agendas.

You're right about that much, I'll give you that. Even at PCMR Subreddit, though, there's a clear air of 'these people are only pretending to take this shit seriously for 'fun'. As far as I'm concerned that sub is a mostly tounge-and-cheek PC-centric community with a few bad apples and a LOT of rhetoric and language that happens to rub people the wrong way - sometimes justifiably so and sometimes not so much
I propose we call console fanboy wars the: Console Masterrace Kindergarten

It's like the PC Master Race, but with lower stakes, essentially arguing about which console is less worse compared to a PC.
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