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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


So, for those of us that were Insiders, do we not receive Windows DVD Player, even if we installed the Insider build over Windows 7/8/8.1?

Also, this thing is still showing up under my notifications & actions settings

Tried removing it with Remove-AppxPackage winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy in powershell, but it fails. Really annoying,

And is anyone making the Windows 10 OT? Think it's time someone made one!


Thanks so much for responding. I just thought I messed something up when I did the clean install. I can live with it if it is by design and not my fuck up.

But why did I have 4 columns on build 10240 before and now on same build but clean install have 3 columns.

No big deal just asking.

I think it was just a limbo state where you had 4 columns from some older build carry over to the new build.

Rest assured everyone inside agrees with you too, so I wouldn't be surprised if an option materializes to bring back the 4-column layout. No promises though.


I think it was just a limbo state where you had 4 columns from some older build carry over to the new build.

Rest assured everyone inside agrees with you too, so I wouldn't be surprised if an option materializes to bring back the 4-column layout. No promises though.

Thanks. Like I said no big deal just was wondering what happened. My clean install is blazing fast so I am happy.
Was using Insider builds since they started so I decided to do a clean install. Everything is running amazing after the clean install. Only thing that I did notice is that my start menu columns are now 3 wide. It was 4 on the insider builds. Anyone notice this?

Weird, it's been 3 columns wide for me ever since I remember on the preview.

But I only really started customizing the start screen on later build because initially it would lose my layout on every upgrade.
Tried to do the refresh/reset in the hopes that it would knock out a few bugs that have followed me through the recent insider builds, errored out on "inaccessible boot device". :sigh:

Edit: Tried it a second time, same result :/
There is an issue for several games where they won't run in full screen for some reason. If the games works there is a window border still and alt+enter won't force it to full screen. Some games that don't run at all will run if you put it in a windowed smaller screen. So there seems to be a big issue with games running in full screen in general. I hope they fix this.
Tried to do the refresh/reset in the hopes that it would knock out a few bugs that have followed me through the recent insider builds, errored out on "inaccessible boot device". :sigh:

Edit: Tried it a second time, same result :/
I was about to do a reset myself. Might hold off now.
I was about to do a reset myself. Might hold off now.

FWIW, it "undoes" any changes if it fails and boots you back up and says no changes were made, so it seems pretty safe to attempt in terms of permanent damage risk, but I'm not sure what to do now other than hope the "August" bug fixing update fixes all my issues or try to roll all the way back to 8.1 and update again.
FWIW, it "undoes" any changes if it fails and boots you back up and says no changes were made, so it seems pretty safe to attempt in terms of permanent damage risk, but I'm not sure what to do now other than hope the "August" bug fixing update fixes all my issues or try to roll all the way back to 8.1 and update again.
All right. I'll give it a shot tomorrow and see how it goes. Hopefully the insider preview key is still activated after I go through with it. Don't want to purchase Windows 10 until Skylake is out.


For now the 3-columns is by design. I don't know why it changed from 4 to 3 or why you can't change it back, but for now it least you can only have the 3-column groups.

I don't like it since I like using large tiles and this screws that up :-(

Do you know whether or not Microsoft is planning to remove the limit and let the user decide whether he wants a 3-tiles, 4-tiles or 2-tiles columns? Right now I find it annoying that I have one 3-tiles column and one 2-tiles column, but Windows still recognize the latter as a 3-tiles column and thus there's a 1-tile margin on the right side of the start menu. :/

So, for those of us that were Insiders, do we not receive Windows DVD Player, even if we installed the Insider build over Windows 7/8/8.1?

Also, this thing is still showing up under my notifications & actions settings

Tried removing it with Remove-AppxPackage winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy in powershell, but it fails. Really annoying,

And is anyone making the Windows 10 OT? Think it's time someone made one!

This is a leftover entry from an app that doesn't exist anymore. I think the best thing you can do is to delete your user account and create a new one - that solved all my problems (removed entries for non existing apps, fixed apps from previous builds I was unable to update, fixed apps that stopped working after updating etc.).


This is a leftover entry from an app that doesn't exist anymore. I think the best thing you can do is to delete your user account and create a new one - that solved all my problems (removed entries for non existing apps, fixed apps from previous builds I was unable to update, fixed apps that stopped working after updating etc.).

Hrm... Would that mess up everything I had installed? Sounds like even more of a hassle. x_x


You would need to copy things from the User folder. All user-dependent settings are stored in hidden AppData folder - you can easily copy them.
Has 10 removed the ability to sync settings between apps? Like do I have to set up each mailbox in the mail app on each system?

I'm nearly certain 8.1 let me set it up on one and sync the settings.
José Mourinho;173612448 said:
Has 10 removed the ability to sync settings between apps? Like do I have to set up each mailbox in the mail app on each system?

I'm nearly certain 8.1 let me set it up on one and sync the settings.

Not sure, but they removed Start screen + Modern app syncing. Maybe that was a part of it.

Stardock doesn't hog resources right? Kinda tempted to get Fences.

Unrelated, but I was watching the (horrible) trailer for The Sarkeesian Effect yesterday and was disappointed to see the Stardock CEO supporting it :(
FWIW, it "undoes" any changes if it fails and boots you back up and says no changes were made, so it seems pretty safe to attempt in terms of permanent damage risk, but I'm not sure what to do now other than hope the "August" bug fixing update fixes all my issues or try to roll all the way back to 8.1 and update again.
Well I just tried to reset and now I have the same problem as you - but even worse. Now it just boots up and gives me that same BSOD every single time. No possible way for it to rollback because the corrupted reset cleaned everything up. So now my PC is a giant coaster until I purchase Windows 10, which may happen within the next couple of hours.


Well I just tried to reset and now I have the same problem as you - but even worse. Now it just boots up and gives me that same BSOD every single time. No possible way for it to rollback because the corrupted reset cleaned everything up. So now my PC is a giant coaster until I purchase Windows 10, which may happen within the next couple of hours.

did you happen to create a recovery usb at any point by any chance i hope i hope?


That would've been a good idea at the time, wouldn't it?

You live and learn.

sorry man that sucks... i think i'm going to do that tomorrow before I refresh clean install.

also, I just found out my lenovo tablet can't get win 10 due to a crappy intel graphics chip. it's only two years old

edit... can download one from your pc manufacturer?


Ugh, the touchpad on the laptop isnt working since the install....

i know it must just be a driver issue, but damnit i dont have an external mouse and cant handle browsing with the keyboard...

how annoying


I kind of feel like upgrading my desktop this weekend. I'm still a bit hesitant with regards to upgrading vs clean install. I'd like to start fresh with a clean system, but making sure everything's backed up is so much of a hassle.

Maybe I'll just upgrade and do a clean install some time in the future.
Besides, upgrading first is probably safer to get Windows 10 activated.

As for my work machine, I'll probably wait a few months. It should be pretty safe, since I mainly work in a virtual machine, but if vmware causes any trouble, that would be problematic.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So one year for free Windows 10 huh? I guess I have to get new PC parts soon lol

Unrelated, but I was watching the (horrible) trailer for The Sarkeesian Effect yesterday and was disappointed to see the Stardock CEO supporting it :(

I really hope this thing won't be like a video game version of political parties where one's opinion would cloud the whole character of a group or person.


Maybe I'll just upgrade and do a clean install some time in the future.
Besides, upgrading first is probably safer to get Windows 10 activated.

This is the best way. I got the media tool and did the USB option. Than while in windows 7 I ran the exe and upgraded. Than tested the os out than reboot and booted from USB. Which I deleted everything and installed. Skip at the product input panes.


I just upgraded and I'm not having a lovely time so far. I don't think the new tablet mode is an improvement over 8.1. I get that they want it to be more integrated but it looks and feels worse. Onedrive is also frustrating right now. Is Edge worth using? I want to test it out more before writing it off.


Any webmasters got any stats to share? I don't think Google Analytics has updated itself to recognise Windows 10 or Edge browser (big surprise, they're still lumping it in with Chrome...), but other tools might have it and you can still see demonstrate the shift. From the site I admin:

Windows NT share (what 10 appears as) of all Windows:
Saturday 25th July: 0.30%
Saturday 1st August: 4.63%

Compared to Windows 8:
Saturday 19th October 2012: 0.09%
Saturday 26th October 2012: 0.20%


semen stains the mountaintops
What do the little symbols on the lower left of my icons mean?

Depending on what tab I have open in google there might be an x, arrow, checkmark or two people.

I keep switching from this tab to the new tab page in Chrome and it changes my icon each time.


Looks like there are two different rendering engines that depends on DirectX version or July driver.

You can verify this on cards that accept the newest drivers and legacy drivers.

Taskbar, icons, and tiles are smaller on older drivers.


I have to say I love the new utilitarian(?) and more old school design. looks refreshing. I haven't used it that much so I can't say anything performance wise.


There is an issue for several games where they won't run in full screen for some reason. If the games works there is a window border still and alt+enter won't force it to full screen. Some games that don't run at all will run if you put it in a windowed smaller screen. So there seems to be a big issue with games running in full screen in general. I hope they fix this.

What is your video card and drivers? I had this problem on my laptop and it was due to my NVidia drivers.


After reading through this thread I'm a little nervous pulling the trigger on it just yet. I'll stick with my Windows 7 for now I think. :/


Is there any good reason to activate Cortana? Right now I have it completely off. What are the advantages of using it?

Adding new events to calendar by simply typing (or saying) "Add new event named XXX on Friday at 20:00" instead of opening the app and filling all inputs feels great.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
So convenient having everything os related separate :) I have user profiles in other hard drive along with most of applications and games. Clean install is a snap, however I went with upgrading this time. Nothing messed up...yet.


holy fucking shit why is the image viewer so fucking slow?? I'M ABOUT TO FLIP MY SHIT!!!! WHAT IS THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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