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Microsoft making at least four new IPs


He is referring to myself, he is bitter about our previous encounters.
Yeah, I'm bitter.


It's not like you avoid valid points, goalpost or just outright lie. No, it's not that.

Conor 419

I don't believe it was reasonable in the slightest, although it's become apparent from your later comment that you wrongly assumed they were referring to lifetime sales and not launch window sales.

A rather amateurish mistake to make if you don't mind my saying.

Not really, it was sensible to assume that 343i would have different meanings for 'best' AND 'fastest selling', so that article is certainly misleading. There is also still no reason to believe 4's outsold ODST.

How did Crackdown 2 end up? I remember passing on it.

Superior to the first imo, especially if you can do the whole game with three friends.


What has Halos sales got to do with this thread? It's tiring the same users derailing any thread that has the word MS in it.
If Horizon 2 wasn't coming I'm sure one of two things would have happened, Playground Games would've shut down or come out saying that they are moving on from the franchise.

Forza Motorsport has never sold particular great but Microsoft allows it to keep going I don't see why Horizon couldn't continue also.

Let's hope so, I'd much rather see Horizon become the new mainline Forza title as I've long since found myself tiring of the mainline entry. It was a breath of a fresh air in an otherwise dank, worn out basement.

Yeah, I'm bitter.


It's not like you avoid valid points, goalpost or just outright lie. No, it's not that.


Not really, it was sensible to assume that 343i would have different meanings for 'best' AND 'fastest selling', so that article is certainly misleading. There is also still no reason to believe 4's outsold ODST.

To be clear, when you refer to not outselling ODST, you're referring to lifetime sales, correct?

Why do you believe it hasn't outsold ODST lifetime sales?

Miles X

It's all but certain Halo 4 has already outsold ODST lifetime.

Didn't MS put ODST at 5.5m WW lifetime a few months ago on that slide?

Halo 4 did around 3m - 3.3m in US Nov, and 1m+ at least in Dec.

UK is at 700k I think?

Not hard to believe WW it's about 6m maybe even 7m (which is around what Reach is at lifetime)


Not really, it was sensible to assume that 343i would have different meanings for 'best' AND 'fastest selling', so that article is certainly misleading. There is also still no reason to believe 4's outsold ODST.

Superior to the first imo, especially if you can do the whole game with three friends.

Lol. This is fun. Enlighten us as to the sales of Halo: ODST.


Let's hope so, I'd much rather see Horizon become the new mainline Forza title as I've long since found myself tiring of the mainline entry. It was a breath of a fresh air in an otherwise dank, worn out basement.

Horizon is not going to replace Motorsport, they were made to complement each other.


No, I've made a very reasonable accusation. Halo 4 selling 12 million copies in three months would be both remarkably and questionably good for the series, so quite rightly I would like to see the 'hard data' that confirms this, as it would change a lot about how I perceive the success of this title, and the strength of these new IP's going forward.

I have what is available, this does not include.

- 7 million in 7 weeks or

- 12 million in 12 weeks

This is what I had suspected, thank you.

He is referring to myself, he is bitter about our previous encounters.

Yup, the best part was it was tracking so fast that MS subtly announced it. When they told the world that it past 4 million in 4 weeks.

The info is out there, but if you want to claim I'm wrong (which I'm not) feel free to prove it.


Of course. I was merely posting what my hopes were. In any case, if we're getting more Horizon, I don't particularly mind there being mainline Forza entry.

It would be amazing if the next Horizon was a MMO of sorts, with a range of world locales being continually added and refined to keep people coming back. I would spend hours just driving around.


Of course. I was merely posting what my hopes were. In any case, if we're getting more Horizon, I don't particularly mind there being mainline Forza entry.

I do. Forza Horizon is a blast. But, it's no Forza 3 or 4. I love both games. Horizon picked an amazing location and I love the feeling of finally being able to reach these incredible speeds on the long long straightaways. But when it comes to sheer graphics, tracks, variety and career mode. It Forza Motorsport all the way.

What Sony's DriveClub was trying to proclaim was new with the detail and getting in the car had already been done in Spades with Autovista. With Kinect you even walk around the cars you have in your garage. Plus no other racer out there has a Warthog in there garage.

I'd love to see what Playground games does in maybe a a couple of years on the NextBox, but I'm all in for a Forza 5 at launch or the year after launch to allow Gotham to get some love.
It would be amazing if the next Horizon was a MMO of sorts, with a range of world locales being continually added and refined to keep people coming back. I would spend hours just driving around.

I now demand this be the direction for Horizon 2. Such an amazing idea and if done correctly, would undoubtedly result in the best racing title ever developed.

I do. Forza Horizon is a blast. But, it's no Forza 3 or 4. I love both games. Horizon picked an amazing location and I love the feeling of finally being able to reach these incredible speeds on the long long straightaways. But when it comes to sheer graphics, tracks, variety and career mode. It Forza Motorsport all the way.

What Sony's DriveClub was trying to proclaim was new with the detail and getting in the car had already been done in Spades with Autovista. With Kinect you even walk around the cars you have in your garage. Plus no other racer out there has a Warthog in there garage.

I'd love to see what Playground games does in maybe a a couple of years on the NextBox, but I'm all in for a Forza 5 at launch or the year after launch to allow Gotham to get some love.

I concede that I'm in the minority, but I didn't particularly like Forza 4. It wasn't the sequel I was expecting, each sequel before added new element, new tweaks, etc and yet 4 felt more like a stop gap release. This isn't a slight against the game, I know some consider it the best title in the series, but I found it lacking and so when Horizon came along, it felt like a breath of fresh air and what I hoped would be at least one possible future for the series.

I haven't followed DriveClub as much, but it's surprising to hear they are claiming old ideas as new or original.
Conker or Banjo.

Okay, probably not, but if Rare isn't gonna do it might as well give Twisted Pixel a shot.

I'd like a new Conker, but the IP is for all intent and purposes dead and I can't see it being resurrected any time soon, if ever.

Banjo is more likely, but will Microsoft see any benefit in funding a platformer? Maybe as a downloadable title perhaps?


Twisted Pixel website:
Seeking a highly motivated and talented concept artist to create amazing environment illustrations for our next round of original IPs. The ideal candidate will have experience creating very high quality concepts for games noted for their environment art and design, excellent verbal and written communication skills, a team-oriented/collaborative approach to development, and can communicate and work well with all departments. Candidates must care as much about the quality of their work as completing it.


I'd like a new Conker, but the IP is for all intent and purposes dead and I can't see it being resurrected any time soon, if ever.

Banjo is more likely, but will Microsoft see any benefit in funding a platformer? Maybe as a downloadable title perhaps?

If the Xbox launched with a full fledged Conker or Banjo, or almost any legacy Rare title (or new IP that is great by Rare) i'd be there day one. I really wish MS would take the 'Nintendo market' seriously on their own system. Stuff like knack and such look so dull.. Ratchet was the last hope for colorful/spirited games with big budgets and even that seems dead now.


When it comes to Rare i really want to see a new Perfect Dark sequel or reboot. Instead of making it a traditional shooter fragfest they could play up the whole spy /espionage aspect a lot more than they had in the past.( by past i mean original PD, Zero didn't seem to have much of that) Cool gadgets, stealth elements, crazy high tech weaponry, basically Cyberpunk 007 with breasts. Take what they did with the original game and turn it up to 11.
It would easily set itself apart from the CODs and Halo's.

I wonder what happened with MS's attempts to renew the Killer Instinct trademark. I was never really a fan of the series but i am curious as to what they were planning to do with it. They went to the trouble of announcing that they were looking to renew the trademark so obviously they had something planned. Question is was it a HD XBLA re release like PD, a reboot/sequel, maybe both?

New, original IP. This is very good news. LocoCycle looks interesting enough, but I can't wait to see what they do with next generation hardware.

If the Xbox launched with a full fledged Conker or Banjo, or almost any legacy Rare title (or new IP that is great by Rare) i'd be there day one. I really wish MS would take the 'Nintendo market' seriously on their own system. Stuff like knack and such look so dull.. Ratchet was the last hope for colorful/spirited games with big budgets and even that seems dead now.

Indeed. Although I suspect Microsoft doesn't see any benefit in trying to attract that market. That's not say they didn't try, games like Viva Pinata, Kameo, Kinectimals, etc were all aimed toward that market, but they didn't succeed.


I now demand this be the direction for Horizon 2. Such an amazing idea and if done correctly, would undoubtedly result in the best racing title ever developed.

I concede that I'm in the minority, but I didn't particularly like Forza 4. It wasn't the sequel I was expecting, each sequel before added new element, new tweaks, etc and yet 4 felt more like a stop gap release. This isn't a slight against the game, I know some consider it the best title in the series, but I found it lacking and so when Horizon came along, it felt like a breath of fresh air and what I hoped would be at least one possible future for the series.

I haven't followed DriveClub as much, but it's surprising to hear they are claiming old ideas as new or original.

Nothing wrong with liking Horizon or even Need for Spped as opposed to sim racing, but honestly if you played Forza 4 you'd see the difference immediately and what they brought to the table in 2 years was amazing.

Turn 10 literally worked miracles on the 360.. I literally can't wait to the day we see what they unveiled for next gen.

They are IMO one of Micrsofts Ace in the hole, but add in Playground Games and you have a stable of great racing games next gen on the Next Xbox.


If the Xbox launched with a full fledged Conker or Banjo, or almost any legacy Rare title (or new IP that is great by Rare) i'd be there day one. I really wish MS would take the 'Nintendo market' seriously on their own system. Stuff like knack and such look so dull.. Ratchet was the last hope for colorful/spirited games with big budgets and even that seems dead now.

They did. They release Banjoo Tooie. Rare released Viva. Rare released Kameo and Perfect Dark.

But since the internet wasnt around people forget how Kameo didn't get love from the leading mags at the time.

I remember Peter Moore later telling a mag that Kameo got lowballed by some reviewers.

These games didn't sell well and MS ended up making Kameo the bundle baby to attracgt the Nintendo market.

But, now they have Kinect and that's really what has led to that market coming to the 360.

Conker's time which was cutting edge back IMO will be largely overlook in this time and age. Look at the reception to Sly or any of the Sonics this gen.

If you love platformers then XBLA is the way to go.
Nothing wrong with liking Horizon or even Need for Spped as opposed to sim racing, but honestly if you played Forza 4 you'd see the difference immediately and what they brought to the table in 2 years was amazing.

Turn 10 literally worked miracles on the 360.. I literally can't wait to the day we see what they unveiled for next gen.

They are IMO one of Micrsofts Ace in the hole, but add in Playground Games and you have a stable of great racing games next gen on the Next Xbox.

Horizon was the first Forza game that I really enjoyed, but there were a few things wrong with it (coming from a racing noob). It didn't have AutoVista, which I think was one of the most compelling features of 4. It didn't run at a high framerate like Forza 4 did (that I noticed). Other than that, the whole multiplayer aspect was really cool and is a direction I hope more games go, period.

It's gonna be open-world or bust for me this gen with a lot of games, unless the game itself has some really compelling features. Killzone was beautiful, but if you look at the actual play space, it was practically last-gen with respect to the scope.


So, any idea what are the new IP's?

I'm willing to bet that 2 of them are Kinect based though.

Would love to see Killer Instinct 3.

But they're probably another shooter and racing game.


So, any idea what are the new IP's?

I'm willing to bet that 2 of them are Kinect based though.

Would love to see Killer Instinct 3.

But they're probably another shooter and racing game.

I think Rare is working on a racer so that might have Kinect support.


Other than the possibility of a water based racing game(?) Rare was thought to be hiring for possible shooter, action adventure IP's based on hiring posts.

“Whilst continual development of their core releases will be maintained, the successful candidate will be joining at a time where the studio is looking to move into new areas and develop new IPs for future platforms,” the ad reads.

“You will have a successful history of releasing exceptional AAA games and these will ideally be in the Action/Adventure or FPS genre but this is not essential.”

From last year

Still crossing my fingers that one of these games, has Joanna in it.



What happened to the good ol' mentality of just throw guns on some form of transportation and make a game out of it?

Blood Wake & Crimson Skies <3


I'm hoping for a Banjo or Conker game and PGR5 at launch.

PGR5 seems almost a certainty. A platformer from Rare is a long shot.


Will we see a new RPG from them?

With all the talk of racers, I am sure one of the will be.

My guess:

1 Racer
1 Platformer
1 Kinect stuff
1 Shooter


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, what's up with Connor? I mean, if I ever acted the way he did at 45 years old, me being twenty two, when it come to video games, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. Poor fellow. He needs to calm down.
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