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Microsoft making at least four new IPs

After reading Stinkles' and Wolfkill's experiences working in a brand new team, I wonder if Rare is having similar internal issues. I would imagine the pressure to show something mindblowing to represent Durango is just as high as working on a Halo title.

they are accustomed.


But some people are using the "it is a Kinect game" statement, just for trolling or for diminishing a good news.

I know and it is used in almost every MS related thread. There is nothing we can do against it, sadly. Honestly I wonder why people continue with it because if anything, MS has provem them wrong many many times.


Junior Member
I really want them to kick ass next gen. More so than any other dev.
I even think that Lionhead will surprise some people now that Molyneux is out of the picture.

They can't kick ass with family friendly titles.

Shooters or don't bother.


I think MS big game will be a Fable MMO. WRPG genre is getting quite popular with games like Skyrim. I think a next gen Fable that's a MMO could be big. Of course it won't be like WoW where you pay for subscription, but more similar to Guild Wars where its a one time purchase like any normal game.


I think MS big game will be a Fable MMO. WRPG genre is getting quite popular with games like Skyrim. I think a next gen Fable that's a MMO could be big. Of course it won't be like WoW where you pay for subscription, but more similar to Guild Wars where its a one time purchase like any normal game.

Could be. I'm really curious to see what Lionhead is up to now that Molyneux. Him being such a loud mouthpiece for their company's games was always such a double-edged sword.
It would be funny to see them release Kameo 2. "We waited an entire generation to bring you this game!"

It would be funny to see them release Kameo 2. "We waited an entire generation to bring you this game!"

Indeed it would. It would also blow my mind. I cant begin to describe how badly I want a sequel, it's easily one of most loved and played games this generation. Really rustles my jimmies that MS didn't push ahead with a sequel.


I think MS big game will be a Fable MMO. WRPG genre is getting quite popular with games like Skyrim. I think a next gen Fable that's a MMO could be big. Of course it won't be like WoW where you pay for subscription, but more similar to Guild Wars where its a one time purchase like any normal game.

Well Lionhead was hiring not too long ago for a new "MMO like" IP.

I actually haven't played it. Was the first really that good?[/QUOTE]

It had some issues, camera wasn't great, controls weren't as good as they could have been, but I found it extremely enjoyable. The various powers, transformations, level design, etc were and still are fantastic.


It had some issues, camera wasn't great, controls weren't as good as they could have been, but I found it extremely enjoyable. The various powers, transformations, level design, etc were and still are fantastic.

Did it sell okay, or no?

One thing I wish Microsoft followed Sony's lead in is allowing smaller franchises to grow. Things like Heavy Rain can still make a fantastic profit. I don't know if Kameo did anywhere near as well in sales, but it would be another franchise that could fill out the 360's overall library of games, which is always nice for consumers who come into a console later on in the cycle.
So do we know anything about the supposed studio in Redmond other than a few people are listed as working there? I'm really interested in that studio specifically since it appears John Howard(lead designer on Halo CE and Shadowrun) works there.


so thedakotagame.com site is live now. It's invite only, but there is a background image

The "Dakota Invitation Request" email they give is dakmod at microsoft.com

I guess they're reading this thread since they killed the page shortly after I posted and have since replaced it with a blank page saying "you don't have access" This is what you used to be:

I'm curious if anyone recognizes the favicon. Also there seems to be something at https://portal.dakota.msgamestudios.com/portal but requires l/p


I guess they're reading this thread since they killed the page shortly after I posted and have since replaced it with a blank page saying "you don't have access" This is what you used to be:

I'm curious if anyone recognizes the favicon. Also there seems to be something at https://portal.dakota.msgamestudios.com/portal but requires l/p

The artwork interests me. Very un-Microsoft.

Btw it seems like Microsoft has abandoned the trademark for Ascend: New Gods http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=85763486&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch


I'm rooting hard for Rare to show something that blows minds.

And add me to the Kameo fanboy list. Loved that game.
So do we know anything about the supposed studio in Redmond other than a few people are listed as working there? I'm really interested in that studio specifically since it appears John Howard(lead designer on Halo CE and Shadowrun) works there.

Nobody ever said answered me on this, so I decided to do a little research myself.

MS jobs page lists a Narrative Director position in Redmond.


I'm pretty sure they don't have any known development studios in Redmond, and there have been mentions of a possible studio in this thread with a few notable people listed as working there on their linkedin pages.

If you look at this page there are quite a few job listings for different positions in Redmond.


They normally list the studio if it's for 343, or Soho, or another known studio, but I find it interesting there are quite a few without a specific studio mentioned, only Redmond as the location.

EDIT: I found a few people on linkedin who just mention working in Redmond. I noticed there is a theme of the people who work there that actually put something on their page as describing it as top secret or something along those lines.






Did it sell okay, or no?

One thing I wish Microsoft followed Sony's lead in is allowing smaller franchises to grow. Things like Heavy Rain can still make a fantastic profit. I don't know if Kameo did anywhere near as well in sales, but it would be another franchise that could fill out the 360's overall library of games, which is always nice for consumers who come into a console later on in the cycle.

What are you talking when you say allowing smaller franchises to grow. Heavy Rain was a one off and it sold well, but it had nothing to do with growth. MS released Alan Wake the same year, it got a XBLA game and Remedy still says the franchise will continue into next gen.

Huh? That's weird. They had a smartglass app for it and everything. They just updated the xblm listing a few days ago

Interesting. Maybe it's getting a new name


What are you talking when you say allowing smaller franchises to grow. Heavy Rain was a one off and it sold well, but it had nothing to do with growth. MS released Alan Wake the same year, it got a XBLA game and Remedy still says the franchise will continue into next gen.

I'm saying things like Kameo could have been nice sellers on the thing; nothing that would blow the doors off, but they would sell and make a nice profit nonetheless. Not to mention they add even more depth to the console's library, and exclusive library.

I'm not saying MS did a bad job, but they can do better.


I guess they're reading this thread since they killed the page shortly after I posted and have since replaced it with a blank page saying "you don't have access" This is what you used to be:

I'm curious if anyone recognizes the favicon. Also there seems to be something at https://portal.dakota.msgamestudios.com/portal but requires l/p

Pretty sure, though not positive, the favicon is the default html5 boilerplate template favicon.
I'm saying things like Kameo could have been nice sellers on the thing; nothing that would blow the doors off, but they would sell and make a nice profit nonetheless. Not to mention they add even more depth to the console's library, and exclusive library.

I'm not saying MS did a bad job, but they can do better.

I think it goes back to them shutting down studios when the recession happened in 2008. Since then they've been slowly building studios back up. I think we'll see much more consistent and quality releases from MS next-gen then what we've seen this gen.

The current list of studios,

343 Industries
Turn 10
Black Tusk
MS Victoria
Big Park
Good Science
Press Play
Lift London
Twisted Pixel
MS Los Angeles

then based on posts in this thread it appears they are building studios in Redmond and Richmond VA.

There are also partnerships with studios like Epic, Crytek, Remedy, Ruffian, and a rumored one with Respawn. If VGLeaks roadmap thing they posted a few weeks ago is true, a lot of these studios could be making core titles since it says Kinect is not the focus for gaming.


I think it goes back to them shutting down studios when the recession happened in 2008. Since then they've been slowly building studios back up. I think we'll see much more consistent and quality releases from MS next-gen then what we've seen this gen.

The current list of studios,

343 Industries
Turn 10
Black Tusk
MS Victoria
Big Park
Good Science
Press Play
Lift London
Twisted Pixel
MS Los Angeles

then based on posts in this thread it appears they are building studios in Redmond and Richmond VA.

There are also partnerships with studios like Epic, Crytek, Remedy, Ruffian, and a rumored one with Respawn. If VGLeaks roadmap thing they posted a few weeks ago is true, a lot of these studios could be making core titles since it says Kinect is not the focus for gaming.

Most definitely. I was just saying I hope it's something that Microsoft improves upon in the next generation. The way things are shaping up, with all the talent they're building, it seems to be going that way. I also think Microsoft learned a whole hell of a lot of things from the 360, and are going to give us an even better console next generation, just like Sony will deliver a better overall console than the PS3. That's my guess at least.

I think there was a lot of weird growing pains this generation, and all of those things will be used to learn how to make better products.
Most definitely. I was just saying I hope it's something that Microsoft improves upon in the next generation. The way things are shaping up, with all the talent they're building, it seems to be going that way. I also think Microsoft learned a whole hell of a lot of things from the 360, and are going to give us an even better console next generation, just like Sony will deliver a better overall console than the PS3. That's my guess at least.

I think there was a lot of weird growing pains this generation, and all of those things will be used to learn how to make better products.

Yeah, I think MS will definitely surprise people this gen, especially with all the bad rumors the past few months.


Holy shit, I just realised I can't wait to see what Twisted Pixel might be doing for Durango.

Also, I need to get Gunstringer :/
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