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'Mini ice age' coming in next fifteen years, new model of the Sun's cycle shows

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so... its not happening or is it just getting hotter or what

There will be a sunspot minimum, but it will not have nearly as much of an impact on the global temperature as past minima such as the Maunder Minimum (MM), thanks to the effect of human-driven climate change simply being so much bigger.

Basically, the mini ice-age comparison with the MM is incorrect.


Watch it just balance itself out...

I wonder if someone will run some predictive models on the most recent "little ice age" using ice core data and show us what effect our current atmospheric conditions would have on such an event. It would be interesting to see just how much our higher greenhouse gas content would counteract the effects of diminished solar energy.

To the batcave!!


Watch it just balance itself out...

I wonder if someone will run some predictive models on the most recent "little ice age" using ice core data and show us what effect our current atmospheric conditions would have on such an event. It would be interesting to see just how much our higher greenhouse gas content would counteract the effects of diminished solar energy.

To the batcave!!

Already been done, it's in the linked Skeptical Science article from the last page.

A2 is one of the high-end scenarios, but as you can see the solar min really doesn't change temperatures that much. The fact that it could still cause climate changes worthy of the name "the little ice age" just shows how sensitive the climate is.


So because of us warming the planet I'm going to miss out on a mini-ice age?

You bastards. My body was ready.
Lol I bet climate deniers will go "See? Global warming is good!"

Then you can go "but I thought you didn't trust science?"

Anyway, based on the amount of people on FB who liked the one the articles (like 70k), I'm hoping this doesn't make people become even more complacent when it comes to climate change.


Anyway, based on the amount of people on FB who liked the one the articles (like 70k), I'm hoping this doesn't make people become even more complacent when it comes to climate change.

It probably will, unfortunately. A lot of people will glance at this and say: "Aha! Scientists told us that the planet was warming, and now they're saying it's cooling, so why should we trust them?"

Lazy science journalism is so aggravating.


Already been done, it's in the linked Skeptical Science article from the last page.

Sometimes I hate how hard it is to come up with new ideas in this day and age, but then I realize how awesome it is that we have people researching so much from so many different angles and publishing for all the world to see on the internet.

+1 internet


I'm going to say the same thing I say whenever low solar activity gets brought up.

If a minimum of solar activity is what it takes to counteract global warming that's still not a good thing. It is in fact terrible.
I'm all for educating people about what we can do as individuals to cut back our emissions, but it sure is depressing knowing that our future rests mainly in the hands of corporations and politicians.
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