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Nate Wells: "And I REALLY can't prepare you for the best MP ever conceived" (TLoU)


The only multiplayer game I played more than Uncharted 2 was Battlefield 3. Uncharted 3 is 3rd. I have high hopes for it.
That it. This does it. I have been so angry about the lack of information and PR campaign for this game. I am no longer buying it. And I will never buy a naughty dog game ever again I am so mad. This is ridiculous! How can they think this is okay? It comes out so soon, and there is NOTHING. Nothing at all.



This is sort of what I'm thinking too. Maybe a few different scenarios to be tossed into. Another would be you're on a team from the beginning, against another 1-3 teams, and each starts on a different end of the city and the goal is to make it to the center to grab some item before the other and then get the hell out of the city with it.

So you'd have team-based puzzle-solving, traversal, platforming, etc, mixed in with setting traps, ambushes, and standard gunplay.

Though I am afraid that any open-world is too much to hope for. Doesn't look like the single-player has it, after all.

Puzzles in mp? God no, that would be a sin. It would be fun for a couple of rounds then....

Everything else sound hot though!

There is so much potential with this multiplayer, and as much as I love UC in mp I hope they are making something that stands out on it's own.


I really like the idea of having human opponents playing the twitchers and enemies in the singleplayer mode. Almost seems Demons Souls-ish, if you could drop in and out of a game or invade it as an enemy. That would be pretty fucking cool.


Why are so many people paying attention to a lead artist talking up his own game?

This happens with every game ever.
I'd normally scoff at such big talk, but this is Naughty Dog we're talking about, and Naughty Dog are pretty much the greatest video game developer out there right now.


LOL why is this game getting shit on for MP? They have a fully fledged single player too guys. Cutting out MP won't automatically make singleplayer better. They have a set team, a set budget and a number of different things they want to achieve in both SP and MP from the outset. People who want that great singleplayer experience will get it, but those who want a great MP on top of that will get that too.

I personally think the SP mechanics in the MP (like the Uncharted games) can really help to make it a fun and unique experience.



That it. This does it. I have been so angry about the lack of information and PR campaign for this game. I am no longer buying it. And I will never buy a naughty dog game ever again I am so mad. This is ridiculous! How can they think this is okay? It comes out so soon, and there is NOTHING. Nothing at all.

This totally reminds me of the kid who had a crying meltdown when GTAV was delayed. "Is September SPRING?! NO! It's NOT!"



Reminds me of something.............


And we all know how that turned out!

What a douche lol
LOL why is this game getting shit on for MP? They have a fully fledged single player too guys. Cutting out MP won't automatically make singleplayer better. They have a set team, a set budget and a number of different things they want to achieve in both SP and MP from the outset. People who want that great singleplayer experience will get it, but those who want a great MP on top of that will get that too.

I personally think the SP mechanics in the MP (like the Uncharted games) can really help to make it a fun and unique experience.


We went through this exact rubbish with UC2. I'd hoped people would give ND a bit of faith after that, but alas, no.


Why are so many people paying attention to a lead artist talking up his own game?

This happens with every game ever.
Because The Last of Us is a potential Game of the Year contender that comes out in less than a month. The developers have been playing it fairly close to the chest and even so close to release, not all that much is known about the game. Any little piece of news for one of the biggest games of the year will be over-analyzed and over-discussed.

What a douche lol
It's considerably less douchey in context, he was joking. That image (as hilarious as it is) makes him out to be some kind of hyperbolic in-the-pocket-of-the-publishers dumbass, when he was really just in a room talking about a game he liked with some friends.


Why are so many people paying attention to a lead artist talking up his own game?

This happens with every game ever.
This is quite the statement, though. Could have just said, "We've got some exciting things on the multiplayer side to still show you guys, stay tuned." But it sounds like maybe they're doing something a bit more innovative, so.......lets see.


LOL why is this game getting shit on for MP? They have a fully fledged single player too guys. Cutting out MP won't automatically make singleplayer better. They have a set team, a set budget and a number of different things they want to achieve in both SP and MP from the outset. People who want that great singleplayer experience will get it, but those who want a great MP on top of that will get that too.

I personally think the SP mechanics in the MP (like the Uncharted games) can really help to make it a fun and unique experience.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.
What other MP games have you played lately? I was fairly underwhelmed by the MP for UC2 but to each his own.

Starhawk (like its mp), Kz, Soul Sacrifice (mp is good), Mlb the show 13 (which i love), COD (typical COD mp), MAx Payne, Gow Asc (also love), Journey (if you can call its mp exp an mp exp lol), Uc3, Demon Souls, and almost every notable game release this gen (i buy almost all games that i think are worth ir or get decent reviews).

I actually play alot of mp and like i stated Uc2 has been my most enjoyable experience thus far imo along with Kz2.
I'd normally scoff at such big talk, but this is Naughty Dog we're talking about, and Naughty Dog are pretty much the greatest video game developer out there right now.

Wholeheartedly agree. Ppl point at devs like Rockstar but i just dont get into Rockstar games like many do. They make good games but imo ND are better. Of course thats all subjective.
I'm thinking left 4 dead versus mode mixed with four sword adventures.

Infected in the game controlled by other players. The humans can either work together or kill each other to stop the infected. There will be a finite amount of guns and ammo. You can either work together or kill everyone and everything.

hao chi

Hmm, we'll see about that. I'm pretty skeptical of anything multiplayer related from Naughty Dog after Uncharted 2's 1.05 patch.


Oooh, what if it were to play off the loot aspect even more in this severe, dire setting? Four people in a small area, four pieces of loot, goal is to get your piece of loot and escape the area, but you can also get the other people's loot too, if you're ballsy enough.


Starting to get more excited for MP than the SP as I think of the possibilities.


Gonna have a hard time topping then likes of Red Dead Redemption and Starhawk.

I had a good run last night on RDR but damn is free roam getting painfully boring when you don't run into other retards with mics. People without mics can really make a game bleed dry.


Weird thread. I choose to believe that tweet is intentionally hyperbolic rather than a serious claim.
This forum is the quickest place I've seen to take hyperbole seriously as often as humanly possible.

I certainly do it, too. It's just part of our forum culture, I guess.

I don't flip out and call people out on their HYPERBOLE!!! and gross over exaggerations in real life, it just makes you look like a douche. Especially in the context of media, like books, movies, or video games. People overly exaggerate to show excitement and interest, who knew?

Hyperbole is unacceptable in something as serious as a political debate, but it doesn't bother me that much when we're talking about video games.


Unconfirmed Member
yup, it was pretty great before 1.04.

Yep my problem isn't with including multiplayer it's how ND always fuck it up later with unncessary changes in their patches and then refuse to listen to the fans afterwards. U2 was utterly fantastic and then they fucked it up.


Yeah, sure.

It's so uncharacteristic for Naughty Dog to make a claim like this, so I can only assume it was said sarcastically.


Inb4 all we have seen, from the other survivors to the clickers, are ACTUALLY REAL players playing and its a MMO....

Would be funny if there was a little truth to this :p


Inb4 all we have seen, from the other survivors to the clickers, are ACTUALLY REAL players playing and its a MMO....

Would be funny if there was a little truth to this :p

That would be the only MP I'd stand up and give applause too, now THAT Nate would be the best ever MP conceived.


By the many reviewers who raved and gave Uc2 high ratings not only for its sp aspect but also its great mp. By the many that awarded it the most awarded game in history yes for its visuals but also its all around appeal and great gaming in all aspects including mp. By the many upon many gamers that still play this mp to date and is always well populated.

I think you would be hard pressed to find many that didnt think the mp was great besides a few trolls onneogaf or maybe some ppl that genuinely arent into this kind of mp.

I didn't think U2 multiplayer was worthless but best in class for the generation? hell the fuck no.


They should just hope to make a fun MP instead of making bold claims like this. They're not exactly coming off a banger with UC3's multiplayer. It also had the worst implementation for DLC and the season pass I've seen. On top of that, ND is really bad at talking to their community and making timely updates to keep people interested. It doesn't just take good MP ideas for things to work. You need to cultivate a community by listening to suggestions and responding quickly.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
By the many reviewers who raved and gave Uc2 high ratings not only for its sp aspect but also its great mp. By the many that awarded it the most awarded game in history yes for its visuals but also its all around appeal and great gaming in all aspects including mp. By the many upon many gamers that still play this mp to date and is always well populated.

I think you would be hard pressed to find many that didnt think the mp was great besides a few trolls onneogaf or maybe some ppl that genuinely arent into this kind of mp.

Any game that has MP and got high reviews will do the same. I can't recall ANY review ever actually going deep into the MP details and talking about balance, map design, map quanity, etc. They all just list bullet point features and maybe a blanket statement of it being "good".

And to me, personally? I really enjoyed UC2 MP. It was simple fun, and didn't really need to be anything more. Then ND completetly and utterly buttfucked the game with updates that changed the metagame entirely, making it an unfun slogfest that as far as I could tell damn near the entire userbase was vocally against yet they would not revert the changes back, effectively offing their own game.

Then UC3 comes. It has a beta. It's hit or miss but is atleast more like original UC2 over the patched bullshit, so it has potential in the later months when they tighten it up. Then it's nearly release date, there's the early access subway beta. The game is completely fucking different, a literal 180 from before where absolutely NONE OF THE FEEDBACK was listened to or put in the game. Everyone is now running around like headless chickens, using blindfire + melee because it locks on at the hip and does ridiculous damage. That is one of many issues that infected the game at this point, much like the stats being all screwed up. Like, ya know, every single win in 3 team deathmatch counting as a loss! I mean, pretty easy to miss, and an esteemed developer capable of making the best MP ever created, simple things like actually handing out a win when you win are pretty ridiculous of me to expect.

So UC3 goes through patches, nerfs, buffs, all at seemingly random and at the current state is steal dealing with randomly OP weapons and likely dying support after they shit out one of the more dubious season passes I've seen.

You may have to forgive some people for not really taking this guy's words seriously. They don't exactly have a rock solid foundation for this shit, and in all likelihood if the game does play great at launch it will be fucked up later anyway.
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