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Nate Wells: "And I REALLY can't prepare you for the best MP ever conceived" (TLoU)

Any game that has MP and got high reviews will do the same. I can't recall ANY review ever actually going deep into the MP details and talking about balance, map design, map quanity, etc. They all just list bullet point features and maybe a blanket statement of it being "good".

And to me, personally? I really enjoyed UC2 MP. It was simple fun, and didn't really need to be anything more. Then ND completetly and utterly buttfucked the game with updates that changed the metagame entirely, making it an unfun slogfest that as far as I could tell damn near the entire userbase was vocally against yet they would not revert the changes back, effectively offing their own game.

Then UC3 comes. It has a beta. It's hit or miss but is atleast more like original UC2 over the patched bullshit, so it has potential in the later months when they tighten it up. Then it's nearly release date, there's the early access subway beta. The game is completely fucking different, a literal 180 from before where absolutely NONE OF THE FEEDBACK was listened to or put in the game. Everyone is now running around like headless chickens, using blindfire + melee because it locks on at the hip and does ridiculous damage. That is one of many issues that infected the game at this point, much like the stats being all screwed up. Like, ya know, every single win in 3 team deathmatch counting as a loss! I mean, pretty easy to miss, and an esteemed developer capable of making the best MP ever created, simple things like actually handing out a win when you win are pretty ridiculous of me to expect.

So UC3 goes through patches, nerfs, buffs, all at seemingly random and at the current state is steal dealing with randomly OP weapons and likely dying support after they shit out one of the more dubious season passes I've seen.

You may have to forgive some people for not really taking this guy's words seriously. They don't exactly have a rock solid foundation for this shit, and in all likelihood if the game does play great at launch it will be fucked up later anyway.

Oh man, I can never forget how the game felt when I booted up the first match and saw how completely different the game felt. I wanted to scream. It was like a big fuck you from ND because when I first played the summer beta, I initially didn't like it as much as UC2 but I gradually enjoyed it over time. I just saw what could be tidied up as something that would be fixed by launch and ND just ends up trolling us with retarded decisions.


Starhawk (like its mp), Kz, Soul Sacrifice (mp is good), Mlb the show 13 (which i love), COD (typical COD mp), MAx Payne, Gow Asc (also love), Journey (if you can call its mp exp an mp exp lol), Uc3, Demon Souls, and almost every notable game release this gen (i buy almost all games that i think are worth ir or get decent reviews).

I actually play alot of mp and like i stated Uc2 has been my most enjoyable experience thus far imo along with Kz2.

Have you played Battlefield 3? Did you skip UC3's MP?
Any game that has MP and got high reviews will do the same. I can't recall ANY review ever actually going deep into the MP details and talking about balance, map design, map quanity, etc. They all just list bullet point features and maybe a blanket statement of it being "good".

And to me, personally? I really enjoyed UC2 MP. It was simple fun, and didn't really need to be anything more. Then ND completetly and utterly buttfucked the game with updates that changed the metagame entirely, making it an unfun slogfest that as far as I could tell damn near the entire userbase was vocally against yet they would not revert the changes back, effectively offing their own game.

Then UC3 comes. It has a beta. It's hit or miss but is atleast more like original UC2 over the patched bullshit, so it has potential in the later months when they tighten it up. Then it's nearly release date, there's the early access subway beta. The game is completely fucking different, a literal 180 from before where absolutely NONE OF THE FEEDBACK was listened to or put in the game. Everyone is now running around like headless chickens, using blindfire + melee because it locks on at the hip and does ridiculous damage. That is one of many issues that infected the game at this point, much like the stats being all screwed up. Like, ya know, every single win in 3 team deathmatch counting as a loss! I mean, pretty easy to miss, and an esteemed developer capable of making the best MP ever created, simple things like actually handing out a win when you win are pretty ridiculous of me to expect.

So UC3 goes through patches, nerfs, buffs, all at seemingly random and at the current state is steal dealing with randomly OP weapons and likely dying support after they shit out one of the more dubious season passes I've seen.

You may have to forgive some people for not really taking this guy's words seriously. They don't exactly have a rock solid foundation for this shit, and in all likelihood if the game does play great at launch it will be fucked up later anyway.
I really don't expect TLoU to resemble the Uncharted mp at all. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt we will be running and gunning with boosters and power ups and shit. I'd rather keep an open mind and hope for the best, than to inject negative vibes into something I know nothing about at the moment.


It's just icing on the cake for me, I just want the best single-player experience Naughty Dog can deliver. Uncharted 2 will remain as one of my absolute favorite games of this generation because of it's single-player. Which coincidentally also had an amazing multiplayer, can't wait for The Last of Us!
Unless they get the netcode and animation spot on, human-controlled infected could be terrible. Imagine it, the atmosphere is perfect, every noise makes you jump, you're crawling througha corridor inch by inch. Then you walk past and infected wo's just standing there, as the player has gone to make a sandwich. Atmosphere ruined. You carry on, and AH!, there's another one skating across the floor, lagging from room to room before disconnecting and crumpling to the floor.

And while it should be better because of the human-proportons and general wuality of ND, I'll never forget how silly the human controlled necromorphs looked in Dead Space 2. They weren't designed to be moved like that.


I'm more interested in finding out why he left Irrational. He was with them for a long time. It could have been just time for him to go I suppose, or perhaps Naughty Dog gave him an offer he couldn't refuse, or perhaps Levine is difficult to work with? What about Remo? Gaynore?

...but anyway, back on topic. I'm excited to see what ND is going to do with the MP. It sounds interesting.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I really don't expect TLoU to resemble the Uncharted mp at all. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt we will be running and gunning with boosters and power ups and shit. I'd rather keep an open mind and hope for the best, than to inject negative vibes into something I know nothing about at the moment.

I would think not as well, but the only thing we do seem to know is it has boosters based off preorder bonuses.


Any game that has MP and got high reviews will do the same. I can't recall ANY review ever actually going deep into the MP details and talking about balance, map design, map quanity, etc. They all just list bullet point features and maybe a blanket statement of it being "good".

And to me, personally? I really enjoyed UC2 MP. It was simple fun, and didn't really need to be anything more. Then ND completetly and utterly buttfucked the game with updates that changed the metagame entirely, making it an unfun slogfest that as far as I could tell damn near the entire userbase was vocally against yet they would not revert the changes back, effectively offing their own game.

Then UC3 comes. It has a beta. It's hit or miss but is atleast more like original UC2 over the patched bullshit, so it has potential in the later months when they tighten it up. Then it's nearly release date, there's the early access subway beta. The game is completely fucking different, a literal 180 from before where absolutely NONE OF THE FEEDBACK was listened to or put in the game. Everyone is now running around like headless chickens, using blindfire + melee because it locks on at the hip and does ridiculous damage. That is one of many issues that infected the game at this point, much like the stats being all screwed up. Like, ya know, every single win in 3 team deathmatch counting as a loss! I mean, pretty easy to miss, and an esteemed developer capable of making the best MP ever created, simple things like actually handing out a win when you win are pretty ridiculous of me to expect.

So UC3 goes through patches, nerfs, buffs, all at seemingly random and at the current state is steal dealing with randomly OP weapons and likely dying support after they shit out one of the more dubious season passes I've seen.

You may have to forgive some people for not really taking this guy's words seriously. They don't exactly have a rock solid foundation for this shit, and in all likelihood if the game does play great at launch it will be fucked up later anyway.

Completely agree 1.04 UC 2 was bliss, and then they fucked with it in a way that counter balanced the mechanics and made it feel like a chore. Forcing players to use cheap jumping and strafing exploits to drag out fire fights.

UC3 Beta was fun, it seemed like a beacon of hope, then a complete 180 that disregarded any and all feedback and broke the game into tiny pieces. Now they do random patches that does nothing but keep the balance pendulum swinging constantly.

Keep the Multiplayer leads from those games AWAY from TLOU. Balance your game, release it, and leave it the fuck alone.


I hope that if they have multiplayer trophies for TLoU that they don't require hours and hours of grinding to get like the DLC ones for Uncharted 3.

hao chi

I hope that if they have multiplayer trophies for TLoU that they don't require hours and hours of grinding to get like the DLC ones for Uncharted 3.

They did the same thing with Uncharted 2. I'm assuming ND will do the same thing, where the multiplayer trophies that are required for the platinum will basically just be there to get you to try it, then there will be more extensive multiplayer trophies (most of which I won't get, but would have easily had if they were included in the first place).


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This game is going to have one of the best hardcore MP modes of all time... even if it's just a by the book multiplayer, the game's mechanics would make a hardcore (shit, even basic deathmatch) incredibly awesome.

If I was naughty dog, I would look to games like Socom I & II for inspiration in the design for adversarial stuff. One life per round, multiple (quick loading) rounds, objective based game type. Separate the chat for the dead and still-living like Socom did.
Unless they get the netcode and animation spot on, human-controlled infected could be terrible. Imagine it, the atmosphere is perfect, every noise makes you jump, you're crawling througha corridor inch by inch. Then you walk past and infected wo's just standing there, as the player has gone to make a sandwich. Atmosphere ruined. You carry on, and AH!, there's another one skating across the floor, lagging from room to room before disconnecting and crumpling to the floor.

And while it should be better because of the human-proportons and general quality of ND, I'll never forget how silly the human controlled necromorphs looked in Dead Space 2. They weren't designed to be moved like that.

This is what comes to mind when I think of humans controlling "enemies"


Damn, those are some strong words. Good luck backing them up when its actually announced.

I sincerely hope you are right and it ends up being good. Im faithful in ND anyway, so I will choose to believe. :)


What if...

you can join the game as a clicker, but you are blind (as I understand they are). only the briefest visual "pulse" of geometry is what you get when you Press X To Click, and you can't spam it. gotta play mostly by sound.
What if...

you can join the game as a clicker, but you are blind (as I understand they are). only the briefest visual "pulse" of geometry is what you get when you Press X To Click, and you can't spam it. gotta play mostly by sound.

There is the enigmatic "second form" that hasn't been shown....


Uncharted 2 multiplayer was a lot of fun, but Uncharted 3's multiplayer turned to complete shit in like a week after everyone found out all the shitty broken nuances to the new mechanics, so we'll see where this lands.

I am actually barely in optimistic mode for Last of Us, which is a turn around for me and Naughty Dog products this gen so far, so I'll keep my expectations in check by only hoping for the single player to be decent, but if the multiplayer is fun it'll be a nice bonus


It's funny because they also said that GTAV will revolutionize open world multiplayer, and that's another game coming out this year that has shown shit, about its mp mode, outside from this hyperbole.
Now comes tLoU, with the same stuff.

We'll see.


Uncharted 2 multiplayer was a lot of fun, but Uncharted 3's multiplayer turned to complete shit in like a week after everyone found out all the shitty broken nuances to the new mechanics, so we'll see where this lands.

I am actually barely in optimistic mode for Last of Us, which is a turn around for me and Naughty Dog products this gen so far, so I'll keep my expectations in check by only hoping for the single player to be decent, but if the multiplayer is fun it'll be a nice bonus

U2 mp :(
RIP 1.04/1.05


Never played Uncharted 2 MP but I did enjoy the Uncharted 3 Beta and looked forward to the Uncharted 3 full MP. But that turned into dog shit.
I really don't expect TLoU to resemble the Uncharted mp at all. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt we will be running and gunning with boosters and power ups and shit. I'd rather keep an open mind and hope for the best, than to inject negative vibes into something I know nothing about at the moment.

From Gamestop's pre-order bonus

The Survival Pack
  • Your best chance of staying alive in brutal multiplayer matches, this pack contains:
  • Bonus experience points to give you a head start on your rivals.
  • A powerful melee attack booster to pack a heavier punch in hand-to-hand combat.
  • In-game currency to buy boosters, customizable parts and other items to bolster your multiplayer characters.
  • Special customizable items for your multiplayer character.
  • Two bonus skins for Joel and Ellie - available once you've completed the single player game.


Not as deep as he thinks
Just like with anyone who has experience with Naughty Dog MP games, it will be awesome at first and then they're going to fuck it ALL up in a patch.


I never knew GAF hated MP modes so much.

This isin't gaming community, its general. Did you honestly think these people would be dedicated to MP modes with so many games out there featuring MP?

They hate it because they don't want to dedicate time to it when there are so many singleplayer campaigns they could enjoy instead.

Personally, I try to invest some time into MP as much as I can but its difficult when you have a large backlog and need to juggle multiple games.

I would love to try the Uncharted MP for 2 or 3 just never found time to actually try them.
My hopes for MP are

1. 4v4 or 5v5 with varying levels of AI controlled infected enemies roaming the maps. Very stealthy, very tense, very brutal. The entire crafting system and melee brawls remains in place from singleplayer. Twists on classic MP modes.

2. 5 player hoard mode with the crafting system, item sharing, human enemies, infected enemies, etc.

Any kind of human vs. "human controlled infected" modes will turn me off. They never feel right IMO.


Still saying it's a unique Coop style.

Someone else said it but what if you could play as an enemy or clicker in someones game? That would be fucking crazy just invading people's sessions and shit.
I just hope it's great. If ND can somehow make the transition from SP to MP as seamless as possible, then they've done a great job in my book. The main issue I had with UC3 was that going from SP to MP was very jarring. The graphics, animations and mechanics were totally different. Guns felt different, you were able to sprint, meleeing was stiff and still.

The thing I liked most about 2's MP was that it very much felt like the same game you just finished but online. UC3's MP if it were somehow able to be reskinned with different characters and levels, you'd probably take a glance at it and call it a bad ripoff of Uncharted. I want tense, gripping atmosphere where everything you do counts and thought is involved. If they can somehow make that E3 gameplay trailer from last year in multiplayer form where it's one life per round and you basically stealth around and use props to lure players into traps, then that's good enough for me.


the problem with UC3 summer beta was that it was so good, so good in fact GAF and other hard-core gamers communities played it 24/7 and destroyed casuals gamers round after round after round, leading to a lot of "help!" feedback, fearing sales could be hurt the mp was dumbed down so everyone could win, and in some sense that's what Sony wanted from Uncharted multiplayer, not a purist, competitive multiplayer, just a fun one your dad could play and get some kills, even some wins without much frustration (oh hi there Killzone 3)

I remember my step brother playing the UC3 summer beta with someone called Pwonager and other GAF members such as Dave1988, Killthee, Ryan and many more playing every day and owning casuals to the point they would rage quit and never come back.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I can't wait to dress up my hobo in multiplayer mode... that alone... worth the price of admission.

There must be copious amounts of beards. Beards everywhere. Beards should make you punch harder, take less damage, and be a better lover... just like irl. Someone ask epic beard Bruce, he must know this already.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My hopes for MP are

1. 4v4 or 5v5 with varying levels of AI controlled infected enemies roaming the maps. Very stealthy, very tense, very brutal. The entire crafting system and melee brawls remains in place from singleplayer. Twists on classic MP modes.

2. 5 player hoard mode with the crafting system, item sharing, human enemies, infected enemies, etc.

Any kind of human vs. "human controlled infected" modes will turn me off. They never feel right IMO.

It would be quite awesome for some feral clickers and whatnot to be roaming around in an adversarial match... it would force a slower paced game. And being able to cat and mouse (throwing a glass object to draw a clicker near an enemy) with low ammo and resources... could be something quite tense and unique.

I have a feeling whatever TLoU MP turns out to be, it will be surprisingly tactical.

edit: dp, damn sorry... too hyped I guess.
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