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Need For Speed PS4: The best game nobody is talking about

can you also select events on a menu, instead of having to drive around to them?

You can select events directly off the world map and fast travel to them.

Or you can use the 'Easy GPS' (its named something diff in game, I just can't remember it) system to just pull up events to choose. Once you choose an event you will have a waypoint on your GPS to it. You can use the easy GPS thing to also find the nearest repair shop and central HUB.
As a racer at 30fps I can't buy it. I must stand by my principles and not be a slave and buy everything.
Maybe it's because I've been playing games since Atari but I have no issue with 30fps. The game is great and 30fps shouldn't hold you back. It sounds more like you're a slave to not playing 30fps racers instead of a slave to buying things.


Maybe it's because I've been playing games since Atari but I have no issue with 30fps. The game is great and 30fps shouldn't hold you back. It sounds more like you're a slave to not playing 30fps racers instead of a slave to buying things.

I personally will gladly play a 30 fps game if the game is a fun experience. People need to look at games more holistically instead of focusing on specific details. There is more to a game than 30 vs 60 fps or 900p vs 1080p. Frankly I'm jealous of people who have an Xbone since Dead Rising is a game I really want to play because it looks fun, I could care less about its resolution. The notion that someone will completely avoid a game because its 30 fps just confuses me. I can understand the argument of playing the game on another platform that is 60 fps, but when a game isn't available in that form, completely avoiding it just means you are missing out entirely on that game. But its the consumer's choice in the end.


I've been playing this for a few days now and, well, I was wrong, I simply need to take back everything negative I've said about the game. I usually don't touch 30fps racers, I get them used or at extreme sales instead just to vote with my wallet, but I got this game for free because I got the PS4 a few days late, and wow... It's really great! First off, the graphics are easily the best I've seen so far on PS4, Killzone and Resogun included, with fantastic textures, detailed geometry and effects with storms and rain etc that is simply outstanding. It is 30fps though but they've managed to hide it well with motion blur and the awesome visuals, and the sense of speed is crazy. The sound is equally great with engine roars that should make GT devs blush of embarassment. The crashes are awesome too with Burnout level of details and destruction. And it has fantastic controls and it's fun!
Don't miss it! I started it up just to test it since I got it free but I've ended up playing this more than any of my games so far.


As a racer at 30fps I can't buy it. I must stand by my principles and not be a slave and buy everything.

if you really want 60FPS, play it on PC. you can even run it at 120FPS if you want. that or get used to it because there will be tons of games with 30FPS or even sub 30FPS once going into the generation for consoles.

should note that on PC and i assume consoles too, any frame drop means the game goes in slo mo. its very irritating and i had to cap it to 60FPS instead of 80


Thinking of grabbing this as my second PS4 game to go with KZ. Looks incredible and it's been a long time since I've owned a NFS game. Just wish it'd go on sale at a B&M.


I bought this game and I'm absolutely loving it. Until a few days before the PS4 launch, this game wasn't even on my radar... but so many good reviews, I thought: why not give it a shot? I do not regret it. :)


Anyone else having the weird stuttering issue when playing in 1080p? I went from a 1080p display to a 720p display and no issues on the lower res. it's every other second when there's a very tiny stutter. Think I read that it's to do with frame duplication to output at 30fps, it's actually triplicating some frames and causing the judder.


I have one complaint, I am cruising along enjoying the tunes and then a chase starts and the music changes to the chase soundtrack , I do not want to hear that , gimme back ma tunes!! Worse when it is over the track I was listening to is gone and some other seemingly random song is on and I have to zap through to find the right song again.

It is a small silly thing, but it bugs me . When relaxing after a long workday I just cruise around now trying to avoid confrontation , just so I can keep listening to the soundtrack that is playing. lol


Game is perfectly smooth for me at 30fps. I feel there could be more game content. . As I imagine if I played it flat out I would get bored. Decent graphics tho, could to with more multiplayers on screen.


An unofficial fix I assume? I did search to see if ea had patched out the lock and saw nothing

Well of course. Ghost wants this game to run at 30 fps on PC to get comparable times on AllDrive.

There is no doubt that with 60fps the game would be more responsive and be easier to play and get good times.
The only huge downside I've found with this game is it resetting all you've earned when you're playing online and the host disconnects. They need to find a way to fix that.


I have to say, granted I have not played a ton of games as I was on vacation for 18 days and just got back this past Monday, but so far this may be my favorite launch game (I own both consoles). I am playing it on the PS4, as I will do all multiplatform titles.

The companion app and/or website is pretty damn great as well. They way they tied it all together is pretty much flawless.
Just a really damn good game. Very well made. Fun as hell to play. It really does seem to be getting overlooked.


The only huge downside I've found with this game is it resetting all you've earned when you're playing online and the host disconnects. They need to find a way to fix that.

That is infuriating. My fix has been to set my campaign to offline mode, I really don't give a shit about randoms populating my world, particularly if it means a longer wait to get into the game and the possibility of host migration losing me tons of points.

Also, this game kicks huge ass. I love the driving model and the general flow of gameplay.


I'm not feeling it that much. Wish it was more Most Wanted rather than Hot Pursuit. I need my crazy crashes, dammit!


I loved Burnout Paradise will I love this?

I really like multiplayer stuff too. I'm tempted to grab this today even though my wife will kill me and I've barely scratched BF and Killzone.

I've read through the thread so correct me if I'm wrong. Essentially you pick to be a cop or a racer and most of the game consists of chasing or running away? And the longer the chase the bigger the reward? Likewise the bigger the bounty on a racer the bigger the reward?

Some buddies and I were completely addicted to Test Drive Unlimited last gen. Will I get that sort of feeling in this with Burnout Paradise wreckage mixed in for good measure?


Game is great on PS4 except for the fact that you don't really feel like you're progressing.
I don't feel that way at all, I've only played single player though but there you get better cars, more money, better upgrades, progress with higher rank, get tougher competition from the cops etc as you progress. It's a bit unusual to have access to the whole map at once to choose start point though, but I kind of like that.


I just wish the camera options were better. I'm not expecting driver cam or anything since that would require rendering interiors, but at least give me a hood cam near the windshield. I hate chase cam in racing games and bumper cam as the only other option is a bit too low to the ground.
I loved Burnout Paradise will I love this?

I really like multiplayer stuff too. I'm tempted to grab this today even though my wife will kill me and I've barely scratched BF and Killzone.

I've read through the thread so correct me if I'm wrong. Essentially you pick to be a cop or a racer and most of the game consists of chasing or running away? And the longer the chase the bigger the reward? Likewise the bigger the bounty on a racer the bigger the reward?

Some buddies and I were completely addicted to Test Drive Unlimited last gen. Will I get that sort of feeling in this with Burnout Paradise wreckage mixed in for good measure?
You own both a cop and racer career character. You can switch between the two at any time.

Cop- Very easy to retain your score. No risk, medium gain. Spend your time chasing, or solo time trials.
Racer- Very easy to get a high score, but very easy to lose it all before banking (your banked total can't be lost). High risk, high reward to medium risk, medium reward. Spend your time speeding away, bumping enemy racers and cops, racing 1v1 other racers (while being chasged by cops), or racing in a 4-6 player race (while being chased by cops).

I didn't play test drive so I can't answer your other question well. This is an arcade racer. You will have an easier time telling yourself this is a single player game. Planned multiplayer (play a race with a friend for example) is very difficult to set up. Consider this a single player game, with a Journey like element where you may randomly see another player cross your path, maybe even join your path for a mintue, before they take a different turn than you and you never see them again.
Consider this a single player game, with a Journey like element where you may randomly see another player cross your path, maybe even join your path for a mintue, before they take a different turn than you and you never see them again.
Solid advice right here. Its a blend, which also makes it similar to Test Drive Unlimited.

Its a single player game with other people doing their own thing in the same world.

But its hard not to have your heartbeat crank up when another player gets involved, either on your side or against (or both).
If the EA servers are down does that mean you can't play this game? After some googling, it looks like online is only required for multiplayer, but my son and I have been waiting at the 'Accessing EA Servers" for about 15 mins. This is BS if you can't play the offline game without an internet connection. Is this game working for anyone else in the US?


If the EA servers are down does that mean you can't play this game? After some googling, it looks like online is only required for multiplayer, but my son and I have been waiting at the 'Accessing EA Servers" for about 15 mins. This is BS if you can't play the offline game without an internet connection. Is this game working for anyone else in the US?

This is an issue that is happening to multiple EA titles as we speak. PSN is also unstable today. If you're on the PS4 -- quit the game (close application) and try again. If you're lucky you might be able to log on.
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