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New details on the alleged 2009 rape incident involving Cristiano Ronaldo

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A few months ago, the German investigative paper DER SPIEGEL already reported about an alleged rape case involving Cristiano Ronaldo. Susan K accused Ronaldo of raping her in Las Vegas in 2009. The entire case ended with an out-of-court settlement of 350k USD. As part of the agreement, Susan K is not allowed to talk about the allegations.

How did DER SPIEGEL got to know about the case then?
DER SPIEGEL is in possession of a copy of the letter from Susan K. to Ronaldo. It is part of a trove of documents the whistleblower portal Football Leaks supplied to the newsmagazine. The letter, almost six pages long, is an angry indictment. But does K.'s depiction of events also represent the truth?

DER SPIEGEL attempted to interview Susan K., her family, her friends and her lawyer. Practically no one was willing to talk, and nobody wanted to be quoted. There are good reasons for this: Fear it will generate headlines. That the issue would bubble back to the surface. And, naturally, of the deal that was agreed to seven years ago. It stonewalls people.

The documents reviewed by DER SPIEGEL include a memorandum that details what the footballer might have once told his lawyer Osório de Castro about the night in Las Vegas. It states that Ronaldo had sex with K. That he went to bed afterward. That she went back to the Jacuzzi. And that there had been no signs that she wasn't doing well.

Was it consensual sex? Was K. playing a game later? One so good that Ronaldo's lawyers decided not to take the case to court and to settle instead? What is known is that K. did contact the police at 2:16 p.m. on the day of the alleged attack. There's a transcript of the call to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, of which DER SPIEGEL has obtained a printed copy. The computer-aided dispatch (CAD) report includes a case number that would also be cited later in the settlement between K. and Ronaldo.

The reason for the call is listed under the category "Type" in the CAD report. It's 426, the code for reported sexual offenses.


To these allegations, Ronaldo's team replied:
The agency of Ronaldo's adviser Jorge Mendes released a statement claiming that the story was "journalistic fiction" that was based "on documents which are unsigned and where the parties are not identified."

But DER SPIEGEL then published parts of the documents showing that those claims were wrong:

They also doubled down on information about the negotiations:
The text messages exchanged between Ronaldo and lawyer Osório de Castro, of which DER SPIEGEL is in possession, also substantiate that the football player already knew in 2010 what he had been accused of in Las Vegas -- and that he was very interested in the details of the agreement, especially the financial particularities.

Forty-seven minutes after the first SMS, Ronaldo received a second message from Las Vegas. This time, it was just a number: "950,000 dollars." It appears to be the sum that the counterparty was seeking in compensation. Ronaldo wrote back: "That's the amount?"

Osório de Castro answered: "That is the first demand: That's 660,000 euros. We won't accept it. The negotiations are continuing."

Ronaldo then asked: "Is that too much?" Osório de Castro replied: "I think so. I think we'll close this for less."

Ronaldo then demanded: "It has to be less!" His lawyer replied: "OK."

The agency of Ronaldo adviser Jorge Mendes is called Gestifute and it is headquartered in Porto, Portugal. In the firm's statement about the case in Las Vegas, released on April 14 in response to the SPIEGEL article, it seeks to discredit the presumed victim. It notes that Susan K. "refuses to come forward and confirm the veracity of the accusation."

But it's a deceitful statement because K. is prohibited from speaking out about the matter.

They also published more details on what had happened that night:
It would be easy to lay the blame at the feet of Susan K., as a woman whose sole intent was to land a famous football player. Professional players are idolized. And are there not tons of women who would love to spend a night with Ronaldo? He's an attractive man widely viewed as a sex symbol.

Susan K. did flirt with Ronaldo. She gave him her number. She went to Ronaldo's suite. The two kissed. She described all that in the letter that she wrote one year after the night in the Palm Place Hotel. When he wanted more, she said "no." When he then grabbed her, as she alleges, and forced her onto the bed in the bedroom, she claims to have said "no" again.

No means no.

In the letter to Ronaldo, Susan K. describes in detail what she claims the football player did to her. She claims that he anally raped her.

K., though, did notify the police -- on the day of the alleged crime, at 2:16 p.m. DER SPIEGEL has a copy of the transcript of the call. She permitted officers who came to her place to drive her to the University Medical Center, where she underwent a "rape kit" -- a special examination for victims of sexual assaults that entails securing any possible evidence and photographing injuries.

DER SPIEGEL is also in possession of the results of that examination. It first notes how Susan K. described the alleged sequence of events. It notes that the alleged perpetrator is a "well-known celebrity," and that she did not provide his name. Subsequently, the doctors examined the patient. They noted swelling and a "laceration" in her anal region. They gave Susan K. Zithromax and Rocephin, two antibiotics. Afterward, they sent her to Rape Crisis, a counseling center for victims of sexual assault.


Now DER SPIEGEL published a third article on this story, which is only in German as of now. There they report that Ronaldo's lawyers hired private detectives, trying to disprove claims that the alleged victim is still suffering from the alleged rape. The new report also says that Ronaldo's team initially only offered 40k USD. A legal expert warned Ronaldo that his chances are 50/50 if this case went to court.

The out-of-court settlement also included a provision, which required Ronaldo's lawyer to read a letter written by Susan K to Ronaldo. The lawyer told his US colleagues that he did so, to which one of his Portuguese colleagues replied (in an email) with a single word:l "Pinocchio", implying that he didn't read it to Ronaldo.

I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.


I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.

Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.


Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.

Better to sweep it under the rug if u can than rather have a media circus


Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.

Lots of rich people pay people out instead of having to go to court. Doesn't mean guilty and it doesn't mean innocent.


I know nothing of this woman or this situation but I can tell you that this lady isn't Ronaldo's 'cup of tea'.


These types of cases are always extremely difficult due to the power dynamics. Not just male/female, but ridiculous famous and mega talented athlete.

If her name was ever released she would probably never be able to live a normal life.

Not commenting on whether Ronaldo is guilty or not. I don't know. But these stories are a bit sad just mostly because going to the court system is almost always disadvantageous to the alleged victim when you're up against a mega celebrities.
Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.
He was told if it went to trial he had a 50/50 chance of winning/losing. Even if he was 100% innocent there was a chance he'd be found guilty. With him having throwaway money, might as well settle out of court.


Susan K.'s letter to Ronaldo is also part of the out-of-court settlement. Clause 10 states that the text must be read to Ronaldo by his lawyer, Osório de Castro.

In it, Susan K. writes: "I don't care about your money that was the last thing I wanted!! I wanted justice! There really is 'no justice' in this case." She mentions "medical records" listing the injuries she sustained from Ronaldo. Susan K.'s story is that of a traumatized woman. "My life will never be the same," she writes.

So, wouldn't it have been better for both of them -- Ronaldo and K. -- to have the matter between them settled definitively in court?

In Ronaldo's case, because suspicion of a rape would always linger over him?

In Susan K.'s case, for her soul. Her letter to Ronaldo ends with a P.S. She writes that she is sorry about having agreed to the settlement, and adds in bold letters, "Today I would give anything to go back and change my decision!! It has been over a year since you raped me."

The final two sentences sound like a helpless plea: "I hope you realize what you have done and learned from this terrible mistake!! Don't take another woman's life as you did mine!!"

I believe her.
Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.

All she needs is proof they had sex and she could cost him millions no matter if it was consensual or not.


Rape culture up in this topic.

All she needs is proof they had sex and she could cost him millions no matter if it was consensual or not.

Rape victims are frequently intimidated, gaslighted, called a liar, told they did something to deserve it, lead the guy on (see hideous post below) by the police themselves and had it gone public her entire life would have been picked apart by the media and she would have got a lifetime of death threats and doxxing thanks to Ronaldo's rabid fans.

I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.
Well why did she settle?

the letter and the p.s. doesn't mean she write the truth. Also 6 pages? That sounds like stalker material.
This is an rather unfortunate incident. I hope that "Susan K" recovered and was able to have a good life overcoming this event. I remember hearing about this before but not​ much was made public back then.


Well why did she settle?

the letter and the p.s. doesn't mean she write the truth. Also 6 pages? That sounds like stalker material.

Usually it is easier to settle than have her name in the open if it went to trial. Since it would be a criminal case, her identity would not be shielded.

Since Ronaldo is extremely popular worldwide, it's pretty safe to say that some maniacs would attempt to make her life hell from afar.

Again, not commented on the veracity of the account, just the reasoning why a victim would decide to settle in this type of case.


Well why did she settle?

the letter and the p.s. doesn't mean she write the truth. Also 6 pages? That sounds like stalker material.

If you were raped by a celebrity would you want the details of that traumatic event all over the newspapers, all over 24/7 news, be forever known as the person who was raped by that celebrity, have death threats, have your friends and family harassed by the media, have every detail of your life excavated and have your address and phone numbers doxxed no matter how many times you changed them?

Is that really worth any amount of money?

Have some empathy.


I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.

Dude what the fuck. If she said no that means no. It doesn't mean "now I'm going to have sex with you anyway since you're in my suite"
I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.
You can flirt and kiss and still be raped. Flirting and kissing doesn't mean you have to say yes. See the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iSlPoQm2XY

She may have accepted the amount (which is enough to buy a house in most areas of the US) to avoid the trauma of a trial and having to testify before a jury.
I know this is very sensitive, but, she flirted, kissed, went to his suite.... and accepted a pretty small amount.

Just observing.

I'll tell you what, she could've been naked and dancing right in front of his face:
That doesn't mean it's okay to force someone to have sex.
There's no justification in which someone do it when the other says "no".


This is an rather unfortunate incident. I hope that "Susan K" recovered and was able to have a good life overcoming this event. I remember hearing about this before but not​ much was made public back then.

First time i am hearing about this. How long ago did the details surfaced?


it's very easy to imagine an successful, attractive celebrity athlete believing that no means no doesn't apply to him.
Well why did she settle?

the letter and the p.s. doesn't mean she write the truth. Also 6 pages? That sounds like stalker material.

This reads like disingenuous drivel written by a CR7 fan.

Many rape victims settle to avoid reliving their trauma in court where they would be bludgeoned with questions and accusations and innuendo under cross, and to avoid having their name slandered in the press, receiving death threats and invasive media coverage that will eviscerate any bit of privacy left and put their entire life on print.

If the allegations are true, writing those six pages may have been the only bit of control and sanity she could claw back by having the lawyer read it to Ronaldo.

I suspect you know all of this already. I don't buy your "just asking questions" shtick.


Gold Member
it's very easy to imagine an successful, attractive celebrity athlete believing that no means no doesn't apply to him.

it's very easy to imagine a woman having sex with a successful man and trying to make money.

unfortunately we will never know, i hope he didn't do it, but we will never know.


Are people ignoring the reported rape kit information here?

I think this all sounds quite a bit damning.

I would veer toward sure, it looks like it's rape. However, I'm personally not comfortable making a direct pronouncement. But it looks bad. Hopefully, the victim can find peace.
it's very easy to imagine an successful, attractive celebrity athlete believing that no means no doesn't apply to him.

Especially when "no" pretty much does not exist in your life. If he wants anything at any point in the day, someone is going to deliver it to him.

We need more information. I do believe her though.
It's disgusting to see how many people will instantly jump to the womans defense just because she has labelled herself a victim, even when all the signs clearly point to her just wanting an easy payday from a multi-millionaire.

Rape 'victims' are given the benefit of the doubt way too often, this is not only a culture problem but it is a sexism problem. The amount of people instantly taking sides of the woman (after knowing nothing about what truly happened) is a stellar example of sexism.

The male is always guilty and females don't lie for personal gain apparently.

Edit: For those now chastising me for this post, you are likely part of the problem, my point is that nobody knows what truly happened nothing else, yet you are all jumping to conclusions due to sexist preconceptions. Christano could just as easily be the victim in this case, saying things like 'he probably doesn't know the meaning of no' is just as bad as blaming the 'victim'.


Are people ignoring the reported rape kit information here?

I think this all sounds quite a bit damning.

It is just evidence they had sex, it is not evidence of rape.

Regarding why christiano would want to settle even if innocent. The trial would have been in America and would have been enormously disruptive to his career. Much better just to cough up a month's wages and move on.
It's disgusting to see how many people will instantly jump to the womans defense just because she has labelled herself a victim, even when all the signs clearly point to her just wanting an easy payday from a multi-millionaire.

Rape 'victims' are given the benefit of the doubt way too often, this is not only a culture problem but it is a sexism problem. The amount of people instantly taking sides of the woman (after knowing nothing about what truly happened) is a stellar example of sexism.

The male is always guilty and females don't lie for personal gain apparently.

I don't know why Der Spiegel is digging this up, it was settled and the case is closed. Nothing will come from this except people forming pointless opinions based on accusations from both parties.
It's disgusting to see how many people will instantly jump to the womans defense just because she has labelled herself a victim, even when all the signs clearly point to her just wanting an easy payday from a multi-millionaire.

Rape 'victims' are given the benefit of the doubt way too often, this is not only a culture problem but it is a sexism problem. The amount of people instantly taking sides of the woman (after knowing nothing about what truly happened) is a stellar example of sexism.

The male is always guilty and females don't lie for personal gain apparently.
Dude... just... no. Fuck off with this bullshit and go be ashamed of yourself.

Do you know how many women are afraid to come forward after they are raped, exactly because of people like you that don't believe them?

Look up some of the cases where rape victims have been bullied out of a town, where they had to deal with harassment and attacks and people not believing them.


Why would he have paid at all if he committed no wrong doing?

That screams of the delusional Michael Jackson fans who believed he paid the hush money just to get the kids to go away.
I'm not defending this specific incident, but just because somebody settles a legal matter for a monetary sum doesn't mean they're guilty of whatever the plaintiff accuses them of. Sometimes it's just not worth fighting the matter in court.
It's disgusting to see how many people will instantly jump to the womans defense just because she has labelled herself a victim, even when all the signs clearly point to her just wanting an easy payday from a multi-millionaire.

Rape 'victims' are given the benefit of the doubt way too often, this is not only a culture problem but it is a sexism problem. The amount of people instantly taking sides of the woman (after knowing nothing about what truly happened) is a stellar example of sexism.

The male is always guilty and females don't lie for personal gain apparently.

Most disgusting thing I've read today.


When did de Spiegel release these articles??

Fyi ppl settlement doesn't assume guilt of innocence so lets stop drawing conclusions based on the articles info.

Out of curiosity...a case that has been settled can it ever be placed b4 a court in the future ?
It's disgusting to see how many people will instantly jump to the womans defense just because she has labelled herself a victim, even when all the signs clearly point to her just wanting an easy payday from a multi-millionaire.

Rape 'victims' are given the benefit of the doubt way too often, this is not only a culture problem but it is a sexism problem. The amount of people instantly taking sides of the woman (after knowing nothing about what truly happened) is a stellar example of sexism.

The male is always guilty and females don't lie for personal gain apparently.

Go fudge yourself.


When did de Spiegel release these articles??

Fyi ppl settlement doesn't mean anything so lets stop drawing conclusions based on the articles info.

Out of curiosity...a case that has been settled can it ever be placed b4 a court in the future ?
The settlement deed will usually have clauses that prevent either party from pursuing the matter further.
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