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New QuakeWars screenies


Trucker Sexologist
Phife Dawg said:
Which ones are you thinking of? We have seen QW in playable form and it looked great, not that it matters in the end but that's the whole discussion. So which comparable game looks so much better that it's safe to say the industry have caught up to id? It looks heaps better than BF2 or that mecha BF (2140? have only played the demo). It also looks better than Warhawk, which is pretty comparable from scope.


mr_nothin said:
Did you optimize your map?

Even the smallest simplest things can slow down a map considerably...

No, actually I was enabling self shadowing for everything. :) Like I said, it looked awesome, but it didn't run good.

The point is you can have excellent looking graphics and push the envelope more and more but if it runs like crap...it doesn't mean much.

Just look at the demoscene. Anyone of those guys can do jaw dropping amazing stuff on unlimited hardware. But they want it to run decent on most machines and won't ever have scenes with 3 trillion polys along with crazy multitexturing and self shadowing, etc.

Heh, I liked both versions of Battlefield 2. PC and Xbox. Both were pretty unique, though I agree the PC version is a better game overall, because I'm a sucker for online games. But I do agree that the PC version should have made its way to the Xbox and that the unique Xbox version should have been called something else. It's funny, I bought the PC version, rented the Xbox version...and put more time into the Xbox version. My motherboard died and I have a different one where I can't use my AGP video card...so I won't be able to play it really :(
SapientWolf said:
I explicitly mentioned that Battlefield game, and no it doesn't look as good as what we were shown in the QW vids.


FFChris said:
The huge mech in the last picture looks great.
Thats some scary shit. Imagine hustling around a corner then you bump right into that beast. It powers up with noise and gears screeching .....damn ownage I tell you


Cold-Steel said:
So is the Xbox 360 going to actually have a good port of this game or it it going to be the same situation as Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (inferior version) to Battlefield 2 (highly superior version) on PC shitfest?

I really, really want the game to come through intact. None of this downgrading bullshit they keep pulling on us.

The port isnt done by splashdamage - the original dev of ET:QW - so I personally have some doubts about the quality of the port.
But as I will get the PC version it wont bother me that much :D


Defcon said:
I'm tired of looking at screenshots. Release the damn game already.

I was thinking the same.

I can't count how many previews there have been on this.

Toss out a demo for the hungry masses!


The game is more than a year late.... and at the rate they're moving, who knows, it could be two years late by the time it finally comes out. WTF?

Looks good but looked better relative to the games that were out when it was supposed to be released last year. It's going to get passed up graphically when Crysis ships.
Icarus said:
The game is more than a year late.... and at the rate they're moving, who knows, it could be two years late by the time it finally comes out. WTF?

Looks good but looked better relative to the games that were out when it was supposed to be released last year. It's going to get passed up graphically when Crysis ships.

The game still looks pretty good. I'm not sure how you can fault it for getting passed graphically when Crysis ships, as every game out there is going to fall victim to the same fate.:D


WhatRuOn said:
Graphics whores are funny.

Indeed they are. :lol

Sure a game can sell on graphics alone but a game that has solid gameplay will continue to sell and be played for years after its release. This isn't a game that's meant to be shelved within a week after having been played and the graphics factor has worn off.


Doom_Bringer said:
PC. We haven't seem the PS3/360 version yet. It will probably look like ass since a no name developer is porting it, especially the PS3 version

Nerve is doing the 360 version and they are not some no name developer. Also Z-Axis is doing the PS3, not some no named developer (they havent released the best games, but have great tech). The console versions will be great, dont be a hater and talk out of your ass.
soulzen said:
Nerve is doing the 360 version and they are not some no name developer. Also Z-Axis is doing the PS3, not some no named developer (they havent released the best games, but have great tech). The console versions will be great, dont be a hater and talk out of your ass.

alright thanks for clearing that up. I remain optimistic about the console versions


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I am happy that they are taking their time, over just rushing the product out.

The graphics look good anyway, sure it aint crysis but then again what is?


Ground textures look awful, the rest is so-so.

Seems like they have given up trying to set the standard.
Does anyone know how well they fared with licensing the Doom3 engine?
soulzen said:
Nerve is doing the 360 version and they are not some no name developer. Also Z-Axis is doing the PS3, not some no named developer (they havent released the best games, but have great tech). The console versions will be great, dont be a hater and talk out of your ass.
If the PS3 version supports M&K it could be decent. Couldn't really be great because it'll lack the customizability and the support from the modding and mapping community.


Phife Dawg said:
If the PS3 version supports M&K it could be decent. Couldn't really be great because it'll lack the customizability and the support from the modding and mapping community.
and what if it had those as well :p


I can't believe people are complaining about the graphics in this game. I'm sure that id, if they wanted to, could have put out something that looked better, however, they want this game to reach as many people as they can. How many people would have the dual 8800 ultras or whatever to run a game at the extreme graphics setting anyway? If the Valve surveys are anything to go by, not many people at all. Splash Damage said a while back that they're aiming at Q4 type requirements, so it should be no surprise that the game looks like it does.

I'm glad that they've had a long beta with plenty of time to tune the game to make sure its balanced at the highest level of play. Much rather the game is balanced and tuned right off the bat, with both teams being relatively equal in power. Balancing two teams that are identical in gameplay (Battlefield) is a lot easier than balancing two teams that differ greatly.
Grayman said:
and what if it had those as well :p
Customizability? I don't think so. And while it may scare the casual, tweaking the config to one's own needs is godsend.

As far as mods and maps goes, I would tip my hat if you can actually access and play maps and mods created for the PC version on PS3.


Doom_Bringer said:
PC. We haven't seem the PS3/360 version yet. It will probably look like ass since a no name developer is porting it, especially the PS3 version

Z-axis... is the dev for PS3. Not exactly no-name.
SapientWolf said:
I know that gameplay>graphics but it would be a bad idea to release this after Crysis.
Well according to that logic so would be releasing any FPS in the forseeable future after Crysis.

It'll be interesting to see how well QW sells. They have a very healthy community with ET. If they can manage to tap that source of potential buyers I can see the title fare pretty well. Even if it's released after Crysis.
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