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Nintendo Direct: new presentation announced for tomorrow

Oh FFS... It's labeled clear as day by Nintendo that this direct highlights releases for the next quarter(spring). I don't think anyone expected that one releasing before this holiday.

I expected it to release spring or summer. Game has been out in Japan for a while; localizing it shouldn't take nearly a year.


No love for the great ace attorney or SMT IV final. Those 2 might just stay in Japan

That's an European leak. You should look at how long it took for SMTIV to be released there. A NA announcement without an European counterpart wouldn't be surprising.


Oh FFS... It's labeled clear as day by Nintendo that this direct highlights releases for the next quarter(spring). I don't think anyone expected that one releasing before this holiday.

And as usual Nintendo has been known to show off a game or two outside of the focus period.


If he bought a Wii U primarily for a new 3D Zelda game then he might think it's a waste if it releases on NX anyways. It's like he could have skipped a gen, especially one that looks about a year short.

If many Wii U games get pushed to NX then I will definitely feel this way.

Xenoblade Chronicles X has a good chance of being ported to NX.

Smash 4 getting ported has a very high chance of being a NX launch game.

Heck, even Splatoon might get a port for NX before the inevitable sequel's release.

Zelda Wii U being pushed to NX as a launch game can also happen.

Even a more complete edition of Pokken Fighters for NX can happen.


If many Wii U games get pushed to NX then I will definitely feel this way.

Xenoblade Chronicles X has a good chance of being ported to NX.

Smash 4 getting ported has a very high chance of being a NX launch game.

Heck, even Splatoon might get a port for NX before the inevitable sequel's release.

Zelda Wii U being pushed to NX as a launch game can also happen.

Even a more complete edition of Pokken Fighters for NX can happen.

I just don't see anything other than Smash Bros and Zelda being ported. But I don' know. I'm basing that off on rumors(Smash) and history (Zelda).
I like how at this point everyone want NX to have an entire Wii U library, ported and remastered. Speaks a lot about the quality and reception of actual Wii U games.


As in "Heathcliff"
If many Wii U games get pushed to NX then I will definitely feel this way.

Xenoblade Chronicles X has a good chance of being ported to NX.

Smash 4 getting ported has a very high chance of being a NX launch game.

Heck, even Splatoon might get a port for NX before the inevitable sequel's release.

Zelda Wii U being pushed to NX as a launch game can also happen.

Even a more complete edition of Pokken Fighters for NX can happen.

Naw, I think we are going to get Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 9. For Smash NX, we have no clue but according to the rumor, it's likely that it might be port by Namco Bandai.

To be honest, if Smash NX is 100% straight port from Wii U then I might not buy it right away because I already have Wii U and Smash U.


I like how at this point everyone want NX to have an entire Wii U library, ported and remastered. Speaks a lot about the quality and reception of actual Wii U games.
The software isn't the problem. The system itself is the main issue, as it was like poison for both the casual & hardcore audiences.


I'm torn about Legend of Zelda Wii U also being on NX because that would inevitably mean that the NX version is the version Nintendo truly wants to sell the most and it will be the prettiest and runs better. In other words, what's the point of getting a Wii U version when compared to the NX version...? This really ONLY applies to if NX version and Wii U version launch on the same day. IF the Wii U version releases with its own exclusive dungeon and the NX releases with its own exclusive dungeon or something then I will totally buy both.

BUT... if the NX version and Wii U version are the same content wise but the NX version obviously is the superior version because of better graphics and performance then I will be very hesitant in buying the Wii U version. INB4: "But you already own a Wii U... wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy it on your Wii U?" Ehhhh... I'll get NX day one if it's worth getting.
Zelda Wii U wouldn't be better without the NX version, also most people liked more Zelda TP on Gamecube because of the controller, this could be the same with the Gamepad (which was great in WW).


I like how at this point everyone want NX to have an entire Wii U library, ported and remastered. Speaks a lot about the quality and reception of actual Wii U games.

People want Wii U games without buying a WiiU, I've noticed a lot of the sentiment.


Spoiler alert
I'm really hoping for Monster Hunter Generations to be MHX here in the west. We need this localized.

You're just going to drop the ending of the game without a spoiler warning?

I get that it's goofy as hell and doesn't really reveal anything, but it's still the ending :/

Astral Dog

Is it just me or the hype for today's Direct is pretty low compared to previous pre-Direct threads on GAF? : /

As it should be, what are we going to expect that is Big and wont be revealed/talked about at E3 anyways?
Better to keep the hype down a bit than to be massive dissapointment for the last Direct before the big reveal of the new system(S)


I like how at this point everyone want NX to have an entire Wii U library, ported and remastered. Speaks a lot about the quality and reception of actual Wii U games.

Nobody is screaming for Mario Party 10 or Yoshi's WW or Kirby's Epic Yarn to be ported to NX. Wii U has great exclusives... then there are exclusives that have VERY mixed reception.


Nobody is screaming for Mario Party 10 or Yoshi's WW or Kirby's Epic Yarn to be ported to NX. Wii U has great exclusives... then there are exclusives that have VERY mixed reception.

Release donkey kong country returns: Corruption, followed by donkey kong trilogy down the line.

The "I'll buy it in a year when it's $99 and comes with three games" entitlement was absurd indeed.

I mean, that's how I feel about xbox 1. If a wii u and its games aren't worth the money to you, you're entitled, as a consumer, to wait for the price to reach a level with which you're comfortable, even if that wait is 15 years. It's the publisher's job to make the wii u a good value to a consumer, not the other way around. Nintendo clearly did not make the wii u a good enough value for most consumers.


Neo Member
Mercurysteam just posted on twitter that their last project is going to be shown really soon...
They are even asked if they are working with Nintendo, but they tell to wait a little bit. Metroid incoming!? (let me dream :p)


Astral Dog

Nobody is screaming for Mario Party 10 or Yoshi's WW or Kirby's Epic Yarn to be ported to NX. Wii U has great exclusives... then there are exclusives that have VERY mixed reception.

Yoshi WW was great :(
not as good as Island but the best Yoshi since then
Is it just me or the hype for today's Direct is pretty low compared to previous pre-Direct threads on GAF? : /

Things will probably escalate the closer we get to the direct, as always. But yeah there's significantly less traffic this time, direct hype threads usually crack 100 pages.

Astral Dog

Mercurysteam just posted on twitter that their last project is going to be shown really soon...
They are even asked if they are working with Nintendo, but they tell to wait a little bit. Metroid incoming!? (let me dream :p)


lol, im not sure Metroid by Mercurysteam is what you really want :p
Holiday? It will get crushed by zelda if they release it in the holiday. If they release it after the holiday, the wiiu will no longer be relevant because of the NX

I wouldn't be surprised if #FE follows Zelda U and becomes multiplat with NX really.

I know, the dead horse has been beaten over and over again, but it would make a lot of sense.

The WiiU is a poor fit for the game, the Fire Emblem fanbase is on handhelds and a big (apparently really good) JRPG would make for a fine launch window title, because nothing short of DQ11 would be ready.


Mercurysteam just posted on twitter that their last project is going to be shown really soon...
They are even asked if they are working with Nintendo, but they tell to wait a little bit. Metroid incoming!? (let me dream :p)


Well, let's hope it's nintendo related, but I'm not counting on it. I guess they're free of konami's shackles, so they'll need a new publisher, but that image doesn't look like anything nintendo related, so it's probably a new IP for PS4/XB1 would be my guess.


What would you want in a sequel?

New single player campaign. Pull a halo 2 and make octolings playable. More weapons/stages/modes. Standard sequel stuff, really.

I could see Hyrule Warriors getting an NX port too, with all the DLC + Legends content

I'd just hope for a sequel at this point. Use zelda wii u as the basis for new content.


What if I told you that Pikmin 4 is gonna get announced for Wii U in today's Direct? Is anybody gonna cheer or will it just be a "well... that's cool....."?
Is it just me or the hype for today's Direct is pretty low compared to previous pre-Direct threads on GAF? : /

Well, after the Pokemon Sun/Moon leak and subsequent Direct with no footage, I think expectations are pretty low.

But this will happen in the hour leading up to the Direct - as it always does;

What if I told you that Pikmin 4 is gonna get announced for Wii U in today's Direct? Is anybody gonna cheer or will it just be a "well... that's cool....."?

I'll lose my mind from excessive hype. Pikmin 3 is one of the all time GOATS of all the times, and I'm sure Pikmin 4 would be just as good if not better

Astral Dog

Mercurysteam is a pretty awful dev.

The Lords of Shadow series is a bastardization of Castlevania

Well they do have their qualities, and LOS 2 had an story of troubled development, with Nintendo supervising and a bit of work they could get out an interesting good game, but Metroid? that does not quite fit at all. specially when people want Retro to work again.

A new ip would be nice, i just dont see MS touching any of Nintendos known franchises.


What if I told you that Pikmin 4 is gonna get announced for Wii U in today's Direct? Is anybody gonna cheer or will it just be a "well... that's cool....."?

I would be beyond ecstatic. I absolutely adore Pikmin and regardless of what platform it's on, I just want a new game after the bloody fantastic Pikmin 3.
I'm going into this Direct with a strange mix of hype and pre-disappointment--but not because of the alleged leak, which is a picture of a folder in Windows. A trademark getting filed could just as well be coincidence.
Aaaanyway, it's probably for the best that people are prepared to be annoying/disappointed with something in the Direct, because anything can happen. Of course, hype knows no limits, so the meltdowns will at least be entertaining.
I'm still prepared to be disappointed about Zelda. I want Zelda news so badly. I'd take JUST new Zelda news and be happy. ;_;
Nobody is screaming for Mario Party 10 or Yoshi's WW or Kirby's Epic Yarn to be ported to NX. Wii U has great exclusives... then there are exclusives that have VERY mixed reception.

Wait... I though Yoshi's Woolly World was very well-received, way better than Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush. In fact, it's probably the best Yoshi game since the SNES one.

Also, I don't know why you've mentioned Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's a Wii game, it's amazing and I will be down for an HD remaster sometimes in the future. (But first, Wario Land: The Shake Dimension HD.)


What would you want in a sequel?

I... dunno? I'm pretty happy with the first Splatoon (at least until the online playerbase dies, which'll happen eventually, I guess). I only expect a sequel possibly so soon because Splatoon did so well and Nintendo wants the NX to sell.

More tentacle styles and Octolings of course though
Hopefully they show a little bit of the upcoming new Zelda. It's okay if they do the blowout at E3 but we deserve a fucking trailer for that game. We waited nearly 2 years and got nothing. It's really idiotic they don't show that game...


I'm going into this Direct with a strange mix of hype and pre-disappointment--but not because of the alleged leak, which is a picture of a folder in Windows. A trademark getting filed could just as well be coincidence.
Aaaanyway, it's probably for the best that people are prepared to be annoying/disappointed with something in the Direct, because anything can happen. Of course, hype knows no limits, so the meltdowns will at least be entertaining.
I'm still prepared to be disappointed about Zelda. I want Zelda news so badly. I'd take JUST new Zelda news and be happy. ;_;

Expect what they announced, details about summer games. Than you will be fine.
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