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Official Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (DS) Import Thread


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I wonder if the new DS designs for the Four Devas will replace the old ones. I also wonder if Belder/Baldur and Jezebel will show up.


I'd pick this up if I didn't fall into that gap of unemployment for 5 months. Tho my last big import was Vesperia PS3, which I've barely touched. (Asking me to redo 120+ hours of work is pretty rough) I might end up impulse buying it though if impressions are shining enough. I'll be watching the GFaqs forum at least. Expecting good input from kouli and whatnot. If not, i'll def be there for domestic release. D: Currently busy with Sigma 2 anyway.
Yaweee said:
It sucks having to wait for the translation. Then I see that the US version will only cost about half as much, and I get less sad.

Not to mention the Atlus Spoils. They're surely gonna have some for their flagship series.


Kind of scary how quiet they have been... usually NichM at least pop into these threads to make some kind of comment.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
duckroll said:
There is no J GAF left. Or did the other import threads from this year not expose that?

Where did they go? To be honest, no I havent paid much attention to who is in the import threads. I usually just glance at those, since I almost always wait for local release.
HK-47 said:
Where did they go? To be honest, no I havent paid much attention to who is in the import threads. I usually just glance at those, since I almost always wait for local release.

I think they started fleeing in shame after recommending Crisis Core as a good game.
HK-47 said:
Where did they go?

The fracturing of the unified PS2 platform into at least four different systems with major import titles, terrible currency exchange rates, and other factors all combined to strike down this once proud race one by one.
Final exams
are fast approaching, but I'm always down for importing DS RPGs. I'll be playing this game as soon as I can get my hands on it.


duckroll said:
CERO A would be all audiences, CERO B is kinda like a T, and CERO C is somewhere between a T and a M, while CERO D is a clear M. It's not always directly comparable though, since games like Persona 3 and 4 are CERO B, but rated M anyway in the US.

He's getting the game, but I don't think he posts on GAF anymore...
Don't forget CERO Z (Which is like AO).


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
TheChaos said:
Hope they bring in some new demons, or at least revive some of the old ones, like Hastur from Persona 2.

Umm considering this games has more demons than any other in the series, and they always seem to bring back a pack of oldies (DS was almost completely older art) I'd say its a sure bet.


HK-47 said:
Where is j gaf on this one? Just not many SMT mainline fans or what?

I'm still around but what quin said is pretty on the money. Not that the rates ever stopped me. (fuck having to pay 100$ for FF13) Though my last import thread was Arc Rise, like I said earlier. I did get Vesperia PS3 but there's really nothing new to post there aside. Nor am I willing to replay it right now >_< I'm in a bind myself money wise too. I'll definitely will be posting a Graces thread though, and prob contributing to P3P.



Atlus has started a message board for players to post and share their demons with others. Each post contains the demon name, the level, the skills the demon has, the password, and the cost to summon it.

The first demon posted is likely from the staff. It's a lvl 19 High Pixy with Media, Mahazio, Mahagaru, Maharagi and Mahabafu. The summoning cost is 6969 Macca. :lol
duckroll said:

Atlus has started a message board for players to post and share their demons with others. Each post contains the demon name, the level, the skills the demon has, the password, and the cost to summon it.

The first demon posted is likely from the staff. It's a lvl 19 High Pixy with Media, Mahazio, Mahagaru, Maharagi and Mahabafu. The summoning cost is 6969 Macca. :lol

Hah. Neat idea though.

(For the lazy: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A//megamisj.atlusnet.jp/bbs/cbbs.cgi%23list&hl=en&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie=Shift_JIS)


For those interested, Ishida basically confirms in his blog post that SJ was programmed by Lancarse, like we all suspected to begin with.

Also, Atlus has a separate Password Forum for quick posting and searching of demons here: http://atwd.jp/pc/sj/forum/

This is different from the previous one I posted where it's meant for people to show off unique demons they have fused and to discuss about creating special and unique demon builds via fusion.

It looks like they're trying really hard to push the password sharing element of the game as a means of social networking, which might be a good idea to help the game get ongoing word of mouth and to keep core gamers interested in playing the game beyond just beating it and selling it back.


So how does the password system work? I don't know if I'll be able to resist using passwords instead of grinding the fusions and I kind of like the grind


syllogism said:
So how does the password system work? I don't know if I'll be able to resist using passwords instead of grinding the fusions and I kind of like the grind

I'm not 100% sure, since I don't have the game yet, but entering a password only puts that demon entry into your registry. You still need to pay macca to summon it into your party. Considering how cost and money is balanced in megaten games, I don't think this really takes away from the "grind" so much as it gives you the option to use a password if you're stuck or if you really like someone else's specific demon build. I don't think this takes away from the game, but rather adds to it, because by actually being able to share demons, it actually challenges players to want to create better demons to post them among friends.

If someone wants to play the game by simply using other people's demons all the time, I don't think there's anything that prevents that, but in the end you're kind of robbing yourself of part of the fun in the game. I can see people who might not enjoy demon negotiation and fusion using this system and still enjoying the dungeon crawling or story parts of the game though, so I guess it's really up to the player to decide how he wants to play the game.


I agree but personally as someone who enjoys wasting time, and even more so on a portable system, on the fusion system, I feel like having optimal builds available is going to detract from the experience. I imagine very soon after the release there will be faqs with optimal build passwords, which makes the whole sharing with friends aspect fairly unnecessary. Hopefully at the very least codes are region locked so I will not be tempted if I get the game at launch.

It would truly feel like a waste of time spending 30+ minutes fusioning a build that's already readily available.


syllogism said:
I agree but personally as someone who enjoys wasting time, and even more so on a portable system, on the fusion system, I feel like having optimal builds available is going to detract from the experience. I imagine very soon after the release there will be faqs with optimal build passwords, which makes the whole sharing with friends aspect fairly unnecessary. Hopefully at the very least codes are region locked so I will not be tempted if I get the game at launch.

It would truly feel like a waste of time spending 30+ minutes fusioning a build that's already readily available.

Well, I guess that really comes down to a player's perspective. Wouldn't you say that in a way, using a FAQ in the first place is already a form of cheating? If that is so, then the only difference here is that by inputting the password, you actually save yourself the time of going through the usual motion of following a guide's instructions of how to make an optimal build of a demon. At least, that's how I see it.

When I play a megaten game, I very rarely even turn to FAQs on -how- to create a certain build. I only use fusion charts to guide me on the results of fusions so I know which demons to hunt. So for me, having the password feature is less of an encouragement for me to cheat, and more of an option that if I plan on wasting 10 hours creating certain demons, I can use passwords to get certain other demons later on which I might not feel that inclined to build on my own anyway.
I guess I don't see the issue here. What's a "perfect build" in SMT anyway? Whenever I build powerful demons, I do so based around my own gameplay style and the other demons who are going to be in my party -- that means that even the broken demons I build for myself are still going to look different from the ones duck or whoever makes usually, since I play differently and want different things on my demons.

With passwords, sure, someone could copy a cookie-cutter set of builds off the Internet, but you can do that right now with fusion guides that tell you "how" to build the "best" versions of certain demons. (I know there are plenty of FAQs explaining how to get these insane Yoshitsunes in P4 and shit.) I think for most people who enjoy the actual process of fusing, this will be all upside -- you can still do the actual fusing yourself to get the specific mix of skills you want, and just use passwords to do other things (like bypass having to grind a demon up and learn its level skills, or swap between two different versions of the same demon.)


The battle music. Has a slow part with dumb chanting, but the rest is epically awesome.
Battle animations look about twice as fast as Devil Survivor's, or more.

The beginning looks like you select which area/dungeon you want to go to from the bay of your transport vehicle.

Miniboss theme (plays in the first tutorial battle

Both tracks are less than 90 seconds before they loop, so if the OST only has single passes for the songs that one CD could fit 40~45 songs. Not horrible, but not really enough for an 50~100 hour game.


Yaweee said:
Both tracks are less than 90 seconds before they loop, so if the OST only has single passes for the songs that one CD could fit 40~45 songs.

I don't think you should be so hopeful..... just saying. :(
Yaweee said:
Both tracks are less than 90 seconds before they loop, so if the OST only has single passes for the songs that one CD could fit 40~45 songs. Not horrible, but not really enough for an 50~100 hour game.

I would I had your optimism. =/


I just cannot afford this right now. And I'm still not finished with a lot of other games. I will buy after price bomba. ;(
HK-47 said:
Damn wish the chanting wasnt there. Its much better after.

Eh, the chanting sets up the spike, gives the tune a haunting quality.

Considering that SMT3 had imo the best story of the series so far, I'm hoping more of the same from this, need me some Evil vs. Good, Light vs. Dark, Heaven vs. Hell.
RevenantKioku said:
I just cannot afford this right now. And I'm still not finished with a lot of other games. I will buy after price bomba. ;(

I demand more OPs from you a la the SaGa II one. All other obligations be damned.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
RevenantKioku said:
I just cannot afford this right now. And I'm still not finished with a lot of other games. I will buy after price bomba. ;(
I don't know you anymore.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
TheChillyAcademic said:
Eh, the chanting sets up the spike, gives the tune a haunting quality.

Considering that SMT3 had imo the best story of the series so far, I'm hoping more of the same from this, need me some Evil vs. Good, Light vs. Dark, Heaven vs. Hell.

This is an SMT game. They dont do good versus evil.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
TheChillyAcademic said:
There is generally a Light side, a dark side and an in between side isn't there?

Law and Chaos dont equate to good and evil and are only Light and Dark in the literal sense. Not to mention Nocturne's had six paths.
There's a Law side, which is attributed to Western religion, order, and restrictiveness; there is also a Chaos side, which is attributed more towards freedom or anarchy. The two are not equivalent to good or evil whatsoever.
HK-47 said:
Law and Chaos dont equate to good and evil and are only Light and Dark in the literal sense. Not to mention Nocturne's had six paths.

There are shades of gray everywhere. There are no true paths, light and dark are what they are. Saying specifically Good vs. Evil was an error on my part, I imagine Order vs. Chaos would suffice. But again, there is no one answer.
The Light and Dark attributes, meanwhile, are more of a reference to how they were perceived then anything. Typically more heavenly beings will be associated with Light, and more hellish ones with Dark, with Neutral being any creature that wasn't really feared or worshiped.

I think that's how it is, anyway.
SpeedySwaf said:
The Light and Dark attributes, meanwhile, are more of a reference to how they were perceived then anything. Typically more heavenly beings will be associated with Light, and more hellish ones with Dark, with Neutral being any creature that wasn't really feared or worshiped.

I think that's how it is, anyway.

Which is partly why Lucifer is such an endearing character. From a Western mindset he would undoubtedly be viewed as dark, though, being Morning Star, that line isn't so definitive.
TheChillyAcademic said:
Which is partly why Lucifer is such an endearing character. From a Western mindset he would undoubtedly be viewed as dark, though, being Morning Star, that line isn't so definitive.

Well, Lucifer as Satan is kind of a misunderstood concept anyway.
duckroll said:
I'm not 100% sure, since I don't have the game yet, but entering a password only puts that demon entry into your registry. You still need to pay macca to summon it into your party. Considering how cost and money is balanced in megaten games, I don't think this really takes away from the "grind" so much as it gives you the option to use a password if you're stuck or if you really like someone else's specific demon build. I don't think this takes away from the game, but rather adds to it, because by actually being able to share demons, it actually challenges players to want to create better demons to post them among friends.

I agree with you on that. I think the password feature was implemented as another step to avoid endless XOXOXOXOXOXOXO on the fusion screen till you get the desired fusion.
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