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Only 17% of most Xbox 360 titles are ‘FPS/TPS’


I think if you count only the high profile titles and only one iteration of every sports game (like only Tiger woon instead of Tiger 2006,2007,2008) that percentage would be much higher. I think thats where the shooter console image comes from.


Ranger X said:
I don't care about the total of games. If one console had 3 games and one was an FPS it means 33% of its games are FPS. This means its the console where there's the more FPS games. It's the percentage that interests me. The more the library of all consoles will growth, the more that percentage will show a tendency if ever there would really be one.

You know what's GAF idiocy? It's people like you taking post like my last one all wrong and sounding all offended or like i rang the fanboy bell. Another clue for your my buddy: My last post was also humoristic. But you always have to explain yourself in this board full of geniuses i guess.

ranger x said:
Do i notice that the 360 still is the console with the most FPS/TPS therefore validating the impression we get from many?

soul creator said:
if we're going by percentage, doesn't that also disprove the "360 is primarily a shooter system" as well? It seems like sports games and "action/adventure" are the ones with the highest percentage. *shrug*

You are no longer worth my own personal rebuttal. You basically were wrong on every account, "humorous" (I call it lame attempt to cover the fact that I called you out on your bs) or not.

Hunter D

ksamedi said:
I think if you count only the high profile titles and only one iteration of every sports game (like only Tiger woon instead of Tiger 2006,2007,2008) that percentage would be much higher. I think thats where the shooter console image comes from.
Really bad spin. All of the Maddens and NBA 2ks are different games. Good thing you don't work on polls or lab experiments.

Good bait thread by the way op.


I think the perception mainly comes from the fact that Gears of War and Halo signify the Xbox brand. Not to mention other shooting franchises like Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Ghost Recon sell the best on Xbox platforms.

Hunter D

Kusagari said:
I think the perception mainly comes from the fact that Gears of War and Halo signify the Xbox brand. Not to mention other shooting franchises like Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Ghost Recon sell the best on Xbox platforms.
Since when has splinter cell been a shooter?
Am I the only one or is the OP trying to put a point across but failed?

If you look at the Xbox360 lists, all those fps/tps games are the most successful games on the platform.

Other games just bomb except for the few selected exceptions.

So, imo, it still is the shooter box. Don't get mad guys, I'm trolling. It's part of my hobby.


icecream said:
It's a perception inherited from the original Xbox. And an annoying one at that.

I don't think the perception is false though. Assuming the percentages are realistic, you still have 40% of the library in the sports genre, 17% as FPS.

Also not all games sell equally, if we scale the % based on units sold, I think the FPS genre as as a % of all software sold would probably be much larger than the 17% listed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Obviously there are more genres than just FPS on 360. It just so happens that the majority that tend to be lauded and talked about are FPS. It's kinda hard to shake that perception. Same could be applied to Gamecube getting only Nintendo games, or PSP just getting ports.
so basically, people who criticize the 360 for having too many shooters are easily swayed by hype and can't use their own reasoning abilities to look at a library on its own merits



when is my burrito
soul creator said:
if we're going by percentage, doesn't that also disprove the "360 is primarily a shooter system" as well? It seems like sports games and "action/adventure" are the ones with the highest percentage. *shrug*

Or just the most broadly defined genres. Means nothing really.


so basically, people who criticize the 360 for having too many shooters are easily swayed by hype and can't use their own reasoning abilities to look at a library on its own merits

"lol - bald space marines! The only thing X360 has is shooters!....

<some months pass>

.... ZOMG ! Resistance!!! FMITA... Killzone!!!"

Ranger X

BboyDubC said:
You are no longer worth my own personal rebuttal. You basically were wrong on every account, "humorous" (I call it lame attempt to cover the fact that I called you out on your bs) or not.

You sound like you think i said that FPS/TPS genre was dominant on the 360. It's not what i said. I know that the sports genre is dominant.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
How is the library as a whole not being evaluated? The list looks like someone took a fairly recent date and started putting ALL THE AVAILABLE 360 games into categories. So how is that not evaluating the library as a whole?

No, the list doesn't look like that. There are well over 300 games for the Xbox 360. On this list, there are only 137 titles.

Kung Fu Jedi said:
Now granted, obviously there are some games that straddle a line between genres or may be somewhat mislabeled, but for the most part they're in the right spots.

How inconsistent. While on one hand, you reject the notion that disregarding Barbie Horse Adventures et al when compiling a list of relevant titles by genre would be an arbitrary and disruptive omission and yet feel that tough judgement calls on genre listings can be waved off as insignificant because they're accurate 'for the most part'?

The brunt of your point for why games should not be dismissed as irrelevant is because that requires subjective judgement, yet when other faucets prove to be subjective as well, you defend the judgement as having only minor implications. It's quite a thin line you draw between those two. A nearly unanimous judgement with important implications is dismissed for subjectivity while a debated subject with moderate implications can be ignored?

I think the worst assumption you make is that any decisions on whether or not to include a game is relevant must be arbitrary. It would not be hard to define some criteria by which to choose what games to include. Critical reception, game budget or total sales would be the three most obvious criteria for determining whether a game is relevant. Total sales and budgets for many games are too difficult to determine, so critical reception is the only way available to really say if it's relevant.

For the record, the top ten critically recieved games on the 360 (excluding XBLA titles) are:

RPG - Oblivion
TPS - Gears of War
Rythm - Guitar Hero
FPS - Call of Duty 2
Racing - Forza 2
FPS - Rainbow 6 Vegas
Racing - PGR3

Five out of ten are first person shooters. So really... What does that say when we compare it to the numbers for the library as a whole? That the Xbox 360 has plenty of games that are not shooters... But ostensibly, those games are not very good. (That's a bit of a conclusion to jump to based solely on the top ten titles vs the total library, but the pattern continues that the father down the aggregate score list you go, the more varied the genres become)

Really, I say this as a 360 owner who's frustrated at the lack of depth to the 360 library. I hate racing sims and console FPS titles. I own every title on that list up there that is not listed as FPS or racing...

Of course, all this is somewhat useless. To properly make any conclusions from these statistics, a baseline would be required. To compare these numbers against those of other recent consoles would be a vital component of analysis that has thusfar been ignored.


Slavik81 said:
No, the list doesn't look like that. There are well over 300 games for the Xbox 360. On this list, there are only 137 titles.

How inconsistent. While on one hand, you reject the notion that disregarding Barbie Horse Adventures et al when compiling a list of relevant titles by genre would be an arbitrary and disruptive omission and yet feel that tough judgement calls on genre listings can be waved off as insignificant because they're accurate 'for the most part'?

The brunt of your point for why games should not be dismissed as irrelevant is because that requires subjective judgement, yet when other faucets prove to be subjective as well, you defend the judgement as having only minor implications. It's quite a thin line you draw between those two. A nearly unanimous judgement with important implications is dismissed for subjectivity while a debated subject with moderate implications can be ignored?

I think the worst assumption you make is that any decisions on whether or not to include a game is relevant must be arbitrary. It would not be hard to define some criteria by which to choose what games to include. Critical reception, game budget or total sales would be the three most obvious criteria for determining whether a game is relevant. Total sales and budgets for many games are too difficult to determine, so critical reception is the only way available to really say if it's relevant.

For the record, the top ten critically recieved games on the 360 (excluding XBLA titles) are:

RPG - Oblivion
TPS - Gears of War
Rythm - Guitar Hero
FPS - Call of Duty 2
Racing - Forza 2
FPS - Rainbow 6 Vegas
Racing - PGR3

Five out of ten are first person shooters. So really... What does that say when we compare it to the numbers for the library as a whole? That the Xbox 360 has plenty of games that are not shooters... But ostensibly, those games are not very good. (That's a bit of a conclusion to jump to based solely on the top ten titles vs the total library, but the pattern continues that the father down the aggregate score list you go, the more varied the genres become)

Really, I say this as a 360 owner who's frustrated at the lack of depth to the 360 library. I hate racing sims and console FPS titles. I own every title on that list up there that is not listed as FPS or racing...

Of course, all this is somewhat useless. To properly make any conclusions from these statistics, a baseline would be required. To compare these numbers against those of other recent consoles would be a vital component of analysis that has thusfar been ignored.

lulz... GRAW and GRAW 2 is TPS.. noob. XD



tiptronik said:
lulz... GRAW and GRAW 2 is TPS.. noob. XD

It's TPS/FPS. You can play in either third-person or first-person mode.
Also note that I said I owned every title that's up there that's not listed as an FPS (or racing game), so I wouldn't necessarily own GRAW. (I do own GRAW, but you misread my post).


Slavik81 said:
It's TPS/FPS. You can play in either third-person or first-person mode.
Also note that I said I owned every title that's up there that's not listed as an FPS (or racing game), so I wouldn't necessarily own GRAW. (I do own GRAW, but you misread my post).



tiptronik said:
lulz... GRAW and GRAW 2 is TPS.. noob. XD


lol the guy also thinks oblivion is some sort of fps... the rpg elements are deeper than your average jrpg.. I guess we should call all jrpgs soap operas.


tiptronik said:
So light-hearted... I suppose I should be more upbeat.
My heart just sinks whenever I think about the 360. It's most touted strengths seem to me to be its greatest weaknesses; its game library or its online system just aren't all they're cracked up to be and it really makes me sad to see that wasted potential.

Really, it's more developers to blame than Microsoft for a lot of issues... It's not like Microsoft's first-party line-up is too far out of balance. It's that the 3rd party support for the system is skewed.

Shompola said:
lol the guy also thinks oblivion is some sort of fps... the rpg elements are deeper than your average jrpg.. I guess we should call all jrpgs soap operas.
I hope you're not referring to me when you say 'the guy'. I clearly listed Oblivion as an RPG, and it's most definitely in the vein of the old Might & Magic titles. It's a little more geared towards the FPS crowd, but its gameplay really has deep roots in the RPG genre. The concept of a first-person realtime action-RPG has been done in largely the same way since... 1998 (M&M VI) or earlier.


It's just like how 2D consoles since the NES featured primarily platformers. This generation, the prefered method of control is a FP/TP setup.

These games are done well in many cases, and so they sell well.

GRAW, Gears, R6: Las Vegas, Resistance...these are great titles. If more great FPS titles come out...why should we complain?

Halo 3, CoD4, Killzone 2...I welcome these games. I don't see a problem at all.

20% seems like a reasonable number. Again, I get the impression that in the 2D days, we sawa greater percentage of platformers.



:lol another one, just because



The problem is a complete lack of diversity in settings. It's really way too sci-fi oriented and not enough pure fantasy stuff.

MS needs some story driven 3rd person fantasy stuff that's actualy good. Make some characters that I can care about. That's one thing that Sony has done very well. So many good franchises with characters that were interesting.

MS made Halo, that's a really interesting universe but other than Halo.....


JoeFenix said:
The problem is a complete lack of diversity in settings. It's really way too sci-fi oriented and not enough pure fantasy stuff.

MS needs some story driven 3rd person fantasy stuff that's actualy good. Make some characters that I can care about. That's one thing that Sony has done very well. So many good franchises with characters that were interesting.

MS made Halo, that's a really interesting universe but other than Halo.....

With Shane Kim in charge of 1st party games...I don't see this improving. He's a great guy, a straight shooter, and doesn't feed you a lot of BS...but I am really skeptical that MS could even come close to Sony's game development this generation.


FightyF said:
With Shane Kim in charge of 1st party games...I don't see this improving. He's a great guy, a straight shooter, and doesn't feed you a lot of BS...but I am really skeptical that MS could even come close to Sony's game development this generation.

I think the problem is that Sony has most of the good NA/EU studios on lockdown. They have a great eye for talent and they agressively pounce on those studios and snatch them up. Either that or studios are fiercely loyal to them, like Insomniac.

All of their first party stuff exudes a certain class that MS can't seem to match. MS seems to be preaching to the choir and not grabbing new people at this point.

But the third party situation on PS3 worries me, it doesn't seem to be getting any better and if Sony can't hold on to MGS and FF then it's over here. They need to grow the userbase and fast.

Wow I'm totaly off-topic at this point. :lol


JoeFenix said:
I think the problem is that Sony has most of the good NA/EU studios on lockdown. They have a great eye for talent and they agressively pounce on those studios and snatch them up. Either that or studios are fiercely loyal to them, like Insomniac.

All of their first party stuff exudes a certain class that MS can't seem to match. MS seems to be preaching to the choir and not grabbing new people at this point.

But the third party situation on PS3 worries me, it doesn't seem to be getting any better and if Sony can't hold on to MGS and FF then it's over here. They need to grow the userbase and fast.

Wow I'm totaly off-topic at this point. :lol

It's an interesting topic though. Sony has done a lot of things right in scoping new talent, and then making them fall in love with Sony. And then from another perspective, the type and sort of games coming from these 3rd parties are varied, yet all very intriguing and interesting. Thirdly, what's amazing the amount of the games coming out.

Though it may seem we are getting off topic here...I think 1st party output does dictate and alter consumer perception of the platform. 1st party games often get a lot more advertising and media attention than a great majority of 3rd party games (which are low and medium profile games to begin with).


they call me "Man Gravy".
ex0du5 said:
I consider MGS4 and GTAIV shooters. Not considering them shooters is like not considering Oblivion an RPG (which I don't >_<).

are you f'ing kidding me? Oblivion is much more of an RPG than 99% of the jRPG trash that most console gamers play. Those games are much closer to classic "adventure" games than a true RPG.
Nerevar said:
are you f'ing kidding me? Oblivion is much more of an RPG than 99% of the jRPG trash that most console gamers play. Those games are much closer to classic "adventure" games than a true RPG.

JRPG Trash? Oh you're gonna get it now.


they call me "Man Gravy".
cartoon_soldier said:
JRPG Trash? Oh you're gonna get it now.

hey, if you want to play a poorly written interactive storybook with weak characters targeted at the 12-17 year old teen audience with a goal of "making you cry", be my guest. Just don't call it a classic RPG.


That's still pretty bad that TPS/FPS/driving/Sports games make up 50% of the library.

Or is it that most of those games get the most press?


Nerevar said:
hey, if you want to play a poorly written interactive storybook with weak characters targeted at the 12-17 year old teen audience with a goal of "making you cry", be my guest. Just don't call it a classic RPG.

Wait, are you trying to suggest Oblivion was well written?
2DMention said:
That's still pretty bad that TPS/FPS/driving/Sports games make up 50% of the library.

I have friends who can't figure out for the life of them why anybody would play a non sports game. It's all a matter of personal taste, and publishers will mostly fund titles for the genres that seem to be selling well.

Wasn't Resistance the most-hyped PS3 launch title, and isn't Killzone 2 currently the most-hyped upcoming one? If K2 sales match the hype, as was the case with Resistance, look for lots more shooters coming to PS3. :lol


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Why? Shitty games are part of the library too. And in fact, there are plenty of shitty shooters that get released. You have to count them ALL to get an accurate assessment.

Logic and reason do not belong here Jedi :D

I know an FPS I want bad. It's CoD4. Can't wait.

So long WWII CoD. I didn't miss you.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
I have friends who can't figure out for the life of them why anybody would play a non sports game. It's all a matter of personal taste, and publishers will mostly fund titles for the genres that seem to be selling well.

Wasn't Resistance the most-hyped PS3 launch title, and isn't Killzone 2 currently the most-hyped upcoming one? If K2 sales match the hype, as was the case with Resistance, look for lots more shooters coming to PS3. :lol

Don't forget Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank MGS 4 and FFXIII.
Sports games bloat that list so if you take the old versions off (as the new versions replace the old versions on the shelf) the percentage is alot higher. Then again I don't ever count sports games into a system's library of games beyond the one updated version. I know that most of the games i'm waiting on for my 360 this years are shooters or pretty close to it (Mass Erect).
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