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:Opinions Alert: Points in film/tv franchises at which you checked out.


Jerry Seinfeld Reaction GIF

What are film/tv franchises that you started off watching but, for whatever reason, added a title which caused you to stop watching them?

:Note: this is a forum for opinions, it's ok to rag on a film or tv series, people who get triggered by your opinion are wasting their energy. Anyway...

I bailed on Indiana Jones around the same time Shia TheBeef was looking hawt on his motorbike with his hat at a rakish angle.

I didn't mind the Jason Bourne reboot... At least i believe so, but i don't actually remember a fartlength of it... Except disappointment in whatever plot device that failed to live up to amnesia... I think I'll stick with the OG trilogy... And that spinoff for when I'm entirely devoid of anything else to do with my time.

I bailed on the MEU when i realised, with crossovers and pluralities of sequels, it was just going to be a vehicle for the lucky actors who got to be involved, and their studios, to make bank for a good decade or two.

I can't remember exactly which season it was but I bailed on GoT around the same time... Ramsey was fucking with Theon Greyjoy and i realised no punishment would ever be enough to repay that dick.

I think i bailed on The Office US when Jim and Pam finally got married and it still didn't really seem to solve anything lol... That first season was awesome though.
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I bailed on Heroes mid Season 2... for I think VERY obvious reasons... god damn that show went downhill so fucking hard it is actually impressive.

I basically already bailed on the Halo TV show after watching the trailer and reading about the changes they make to the story and characters

I stopped watching Sliders 3 episodes into the final season... because it just was a fucking joke at that point... had to fight my way through up to that point already after the Professor left.

Star Trek Discovery, about at episode 5. like no thanks


I bailed on Heroes mid Season 2... for I think VERY obvious reasons... god damn that show went downhill so fucking hard it is actually impressive.

Season 1: Peter, you’re such a good and caring person.
Season 2: Hey Peter, so you have amnesia, but hey here’s a box that will restore your memories!
Peter: Nah, fuck that, I’ll prevent my prior loved ones from finding out that I’m alive and well and just stick with these people I’ve known for like a day or two.

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

For me, Simpsons Season 11, and certainly the episode (either from S11 or 12) where Homer gets sexually assaulted by a panda.

Season 9 No GIF by The Office

Also, Family Guy Season 5. Really enjoyed 1-3, 4 was fairly good, but I got 2/3 through S5 and realized I was laughing once, maybe twice, an episode. Oof.
The Wheel of Time - episode 1.

Another Life - episode 1.

Killing Eve - a few episodes in. It tried too hard to be quirky, there were way too many lucky breaks for the villain.

Doom Patrol - A first episodes in when the girl with multiple personalities kept having anger fits. That was on the second time trying to watch it. I dropped it after the first episode on my first try.

The Witcher - After the first season. I should have dropped it after the first episode to be fair when I saw how choppy the editing and storytelling was.

Money Heist - Episode 1 when the professor meets the police officer.


Lost - Probably about three episodes in where I realized it was all going nowhere.
Transformers bay movie - The first one was enough.


Westworld - Watched all of season 2 with deep regret.

The Witcher - Saw all of season 1 and bailed.

Hannibal - Tried season 3 and it was just awful, like a completely different show


Lost - Probably about three episodes in where I realized it was all going nowhere.
Transformers bay movie - The first one was enough.
I was young and optimistic so i stuck with lost until the end, but that ending taught me something...

It was a good time though, Lost, the world was kinda going okay, playing san Andreas and far cry between episodes, exploring Beijing in the summer, pizza and coke ... Sigh.
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One example of this is a guy I grew up with who was a top shelf asshole and a bully to many became an actor and is seen on a number of TV shows and movies. He's been in Super Bowl commercials, the Jack Ryan series, a Michael Mann film, etc. Hope he's on meds and therapy. That being said, I have no interest in seeing any of his shit. Respect to Mann, Krasinski and others, but no thanks.

Fuck him and his family.


The Witcher Season 2, episode 6. I realised I was just watching the show because it was there, not because I was actively enjoying anything about it. Apart from Henry Cavil and the early scenes with Ciri and Geralt bonding, it's just an uninteresting show with expensive trimmings.


Authorized Fister
Simpsons - A bit later than most, but the son of Grimey episode. What a moronic scenario that actually destroys the legacy of the original Grimey one.

American Dad - Episodes with Tuttle and Rogu

Any show with identity politics, I tune out.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Walking dead a few years ago I got back into it, they reduced the drama, the boring scenes I checked out when it stopped being about killing zombies like season 1-3 when they got good scenes, a lot of it has been improved.

WWE checked out 2012, unbelievably bad, you got Kane and Lita, Edge just a lot of parody, not interesting, hammering Cena into every match. I got back into 2015, confident AJ Styles, a womens division that’s good enough to watch, Rollins with more experience. Haven’t missed a ppv prior to 2015 actually set wrestle mania reminders on my phone lol

Game of Thrones, changed my mind on that franchise and enjoyed it to the end I think many people jumped back in too. Incredible last season.


Walking dead: Around Season 4, the pacing was always bad and at that point it became clear there was never really going to be an end goal. Just characters suffering for countless seasons for as long as the show continued to be popular and make money

Supernatural: Season 6 or 7. Season 5 felt like it should have been the end of the show but instead they started to stretch it out with less interesting plots and repetitive storytelling ("Oh no, one of the brothers is keeping a secret from the other .....for the 9th time!!!"). Season 1-5 are still great though

Brooklyn 99: First episode of their last season, went too woke

His Dark Materials: Episode 6 or 7. Interesting world but I just wasn't feeling it, show had a weird uneven tone and all the main characters were either boring or unlikable

The Office: Soon after Steve Carell left
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After seeing Last Jedi I passed on watching the last movie. (Which was confirmed as a jumbled mess anyway)
Walking Dead after Michone and Rick got together. Felt like it was just gonna repeat storylines and I stopped caring if any of them survived.


Walking dead a few years ago I got back into it, they reduced the drama, the boring scenes I checked out when it stopped being about killing zombies like season 1-3 when they got good scenes, a lot of it has been improved.

WWE checked out 2012, unbelievably bad, you got Kane and Lita, Edge just a lot of parody, not interesting, hammering Cena into every match. I got back into 2015, confident AJ Styles, a womens division that’s good enough to watch, Rollins with more experience. Haven’t missed a ppv prior to 2015 actually set wrestle mania reminders on my phone lol

Game of Thrones, changed my mind on that franchise and enjoyed it to the end I think many people jumped back in too. Incredible last season.

People don't realize this, but TWD has gotten pretty good these last few seasons. It's a shame many checked out. There was definitely a rough patch.

Angela Kang has saved it though, and I am excited to see how it all ends here shortly. I trust her.

On the Broader topic, I typically don't quit - I am a completionist 99% of the time. It takes something crazy bad for me to quit on something.

But I will say that I watched Fear Street 1 (ugh...), Fear Street 2 (ugh... again), and then 10 minutes into Fear Street 3 when the acting was cringe, the "historical" aspect made ZERO sense and it was EXTREMELY clear what direction it was headed in with such a blatant "modern world" problem... I was out. Eef.

Couldn't do it. Boring and predictable.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Picard after Seven of Nine killed Icheb.

Nope, modern Star Trek is dead to me
Game of Thrones at the end of S5. Sand snakes, poor fight choreography, 20 good men, killing characters to thin the herd to accelerate the end game, Stannis burning his daughter then getting killed by one of the WORST characters in the show. Quality drop looking like a fucking waterfall.

Stopped watching WestWorld after S1. Glad I checked out, narrative in S1 was as dry as a bone. S2 onward was YASSS ROBOT QUEENS SLAYYYYY. I'm good.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Jojo Stone Ocean a few eps in. Some dude has the power to control weather. So he manifests a storm of raining poison dart frogs. Seemed like too much of a plot-convenient stretch from his established abilities; I was fairly into it up until that point too. Coulda just been heavy balls of hail and had a similar effect but they went with somethin random and goofy (which is kinda the identity of the series but they usually are a little more consistent with setting boundaries and characteristics of powers).

Dark Star

Dexter went real downhill after season 4, season 5. I had a real hard time getting into the rest of the schlock and dropped it.

When I heard Dexter New Blood was coming I jumped back into the mess and actually found a new appreciation for the remaining seasons. New Blood is 10x better though, really slick production and style, acting, script, etc.

I could say the same for LOST and Prison Break! They also start strong then go off rails lol
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Iron Fist is another example I checked out after season 1 rewatched 1 and 2 for the first time so much intel on Danny, and Coleen in season 2, they discuss the fist itself more, and it was nice to see the great camera work.


I stopped watching.. whatsitsname.. homeland after the dude from band of brothers' storyline ended.. when i was a kid i thought claire danes was beautiful.. she only used that freaky frown when DiCaprio died... In Homeland it's a scourge


Reseterror Resettler
I was along for the ride on Tolkien's work, and the adaptations thereof. The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The History of Middle Earth, the cartoons, the Peter Jackson movies, the videogames. I checked out in this "new," age of LotR, starting with sexy Shelob, continuing on to "stealth action game starring Smeagol, and finishing with the slam dunk of The Rings of (Black) Power and Galadriel, Warrior Princess.

Retro answer here, but I was also fuck me in the ass GAY for Power Rangers until the end of Lost Galaxy when they threw the last vestiges of the Zordon saga out with the bathwater. I know, Dino Crisis had Tommy, and Forever Red and that power ranger orgy battle happened, but I mean consistent, linked stories, damn it. It's a big deal.

Also, before Super, Dragon Ball ended with the Perfect Cell saga for me. Awesome, slowly scaling fighting series until the main villain is a fatass pink balloon who turns people into chocolate and gets angry in broken English. And straight from that to GT? No thanks bruh.


Gold Member
Most Netflix shows once they do that stupid Lesbian Trope where they have a woman with a man and show how terrible men are and how enlightening it is for the character to discover they're a Lesbian. I'm glad this was mocked in The Boys Season 2.
midway into S3 of Westworld: S2 was already a mixed bag with the terribly written action sequences and obvious plotholes. S3 just jumped the shark when she goes full terminator. The story should've stayed within the parks.


Lost, when they started fucking time-travelling. The show took a huge dive around that time. I did return to finish the show. It was not worth it.
The following. I love Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy but the policework on display here was ludicrous. I know you're supposed to suspend your sense of disbelief but it was just too much. Bailed out on episode 2 I think.

Westworld season 2. Wtf was that? All the tension from s1 is gone and now it's just bionic woman running around revenge killing men.

Another Life. This one was hilariously bad. Where's the fun and sexy Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica? She looks like she's constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown in this. I bailed out when the crew of 20-somethings on a mission to contact alien life started another fight over pointless bullshit, endangering themselves and the mission.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Oh boy, I have a lot.

3 times from the Walking Dead. 3 times I gave that awful, awful show another shot and immediately realised how much time I'd wasted. I think it was after seasons 3, 4 and then 5, I don't even know where we're up to now, it's absolute garbage.

Season 2 of Westworld a few episodes in, total waste of a concept and frankly season 1 rounded everything off well enough that you could call it a miniseries.

Season.... I think 9? Of Archer, it's a good show they just couldn't stop making.

Season 3 of The Americans, a great show on the surface that just didn't keep me hooked, I might actually go back to this one.

After season 2 of Mr. Robot, but as mind-numbingly stupid as it is it's pretty entertaining, so again I might go back.


The Walking Dead. When the wife said that it isn't right to break open the trunks of other people's cars.

The cars that were abandoned on the highway. Some with Zombies trapped inside.

What a load of tosh.


Any show or series where they introduce time travel/dimensional bullshit to make up for creatively painting themselves in a corner.
I'm looking at you Lost!!!

My wife and I used to love the Office, but around the time Jim and Pam got married the show seemed like a full-on parody of itself.

24 after about three seasons. Every season would start with Jack warning them about an imminent threat with 80% of each season being nobody believing him or actively trying to arrest him.
Dude saved Earth every other week. I think they owed it to him to at least listen instead of always side-eying him and thinking he was a spy. Also, every single person that went in that damn server room got murdered in there.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
24 after about three seasons. Every season would start with Jack warning them about an imminent threat with 80% of each season being nobody believing him or actively trying to arrest him.
Dude saved Earth every other week. I think they owed it to him to at least listen instead of always side-eying him and thinking he was a spy. Also, every single person that went in that damn server room got murdered in there.
3 is probably the weakest season. Then S5 is basically some of the best TV ever made. You should get back to it. I just rewatched the entire show last year. Season 8 is totally insane.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I saw Banshee through to the end, but season four was a huge disappointment after the first three. Dropping it would have been preferable.

Scotty W

I stopped watching House of Cards when they got divorced.

The Walking Dead at the end of season 4 I think.

Lost, when they took it off Netflix (I still want to finish)

Stranger Things after season 1.

Dragon Ball Z after Namekemono blew up.

Star Wars after the last Jedi.


Gold Member
TWD - Noped out after the governor season.

True Blood - Sometime after around season 4.

Weeds - season 3 or 4

Dexter - season 5

The Leftovers - Season 1

Hannibal - Season 3

House of Cards - stoped after that dropped Spacey

Stranger Things - dropped after season 2

Life is too short to stick with a TV show that goes to shit.
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Gold Member
When Gohan finally turned ssj2 I turned off the tv and never watched another dbz again and lived happily ever after without ever wondering if he defeated Cell. Cell probably won.


The Walking Dead I watched until
lost the prison.
It felt like I was watching the same episode over and over by that point.
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Season 5 of Breaking Bad (I know, heresy).

I have tried multiple times to watch this series, Season 5 was my final and best effort. I simply can't stand the characters. I fucking loathe them and watching them is tedious. The only thing I like about the show is its premise.

I do not understand why this show is universally well received; it should have a balance of positive and negative opinions but I seem to be one of the few.


I try to be very selective in what I watch, so its kinda rare I stop watching anything. But there's always some stuff that is a waste of time. Recent shows, two were mentioned already:

Westworld, I liked the movie, I like Jonathan Nolan so it was an obvious watch. But season 2 is so obtusely constructed, I just dropped it. Even ending that season was hard.
Witcher, I fell in love with the universe through the games and later I picked up sapkowski books. The shorter stories, the lighter side, its such a wonderful universe. I really tried to give it a chance but the show is a schlocky, borderline offensive, adaptation.
I also dropped Expense after the first season. That shitty lightining, the glossy look, the awful actors, thomas jane with a fedora....ugh. I've read (and been told) many times it gets much better but i don't have the courage to retry it.

Not a tv show but very recently I stopped cyberpunk after 15+ hours of playing (which is even rarer than stopping tv shows). It just felt pointless. I played this sort of game too many times.
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Elden Member
Star Wars: Last Jedi.

say all you want about TFA, at least I felt excited about Star Wars again after seeing it. The moment I walked out of TLJ, I was done with Star Wars. All interest in it had evaporated.

Star Trek Enterprise: It was either the 2nd or 3rd episode when it was 1000% clear this wasn't going to be a show good enough to even follow up Voyager, a low bar already, so I stopped.

Doctor Who: The moment they announced they were stopping the Christmas specials for "New Years" specials is when I said "fuck you guys". Luckily their choices have caused such a lack of faith that the show is going back to caring hands who *MAY* beable to save it. We'll see.
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