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Overwatch animated short - "Dragons"

Makes me think, are there any other companies that has pushed a game as much as blizzards done with Overwatch?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?


Makes me think, are there any other companies that pushed a game as much as blizzard?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?

Activision money b.
Makes me think, are there any other companies that has pushed a game as much as blizzards done with Overwatch?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?

Er, are you new to AAA gaming? This isn't out of the ordinary amounts of advertisement.

For a New IP though? Only one I can think of recently is Destiny

First off, kinda moving the goalposts there but OK.

And Titanfall immediately comes to mind.
Even so I still find the short to be pretty ho-hum. But at least it's not Diablo 3 bad... Or Starcraft 2 bad... Honestly blizzard just can't write.

I mean I know its from older games but WC3 and SC/SC:BW (both led by Metzen), though it wasn't anything new done by other fictional works before, was still executed very well and really enjoyable. Reaper of Souls was semi-executed well, only was held down by the shackles of poor storytelling of vanilla D3.


so not only did they ripoff TF2 gameplay now they are doing the animated movies too... shame they didnt make a single player at least then id cut them some slack it looks like a fun world to live in


so not only did they ripoff TF2 gameplay now they are doing the animated movies too... to bad they didnt make a single player at least then id cut them some slack it looks like a fun world to live in to bad the MP has nothing to do with these videos

Yeah, Overwatch is a 6 class FPS game with different weapons and hats! Does Valve have the copyright on animated movies because I feel like they should be pretty pissed about that if they do.
I mean I know its from older games but WC3 and SC/SC:BW (both led by Metzen), though it wasn't anything new done by other fictional works before, was still executed very well and really enjoyable. Reaper of Souls was semi-executed well, only was held down by the shackles of poor storytelling of vanilla D3.
Semi-executed well is your defense, huh?
I can't think of another company who can do branding better. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they make more money selling merch then from the actual game. Guess my point is these movies make overwatch feel fucking massive for a game with 12 maps and no single player. And here I am buying 2 separate copies (PC and ps4)


That was better than most movies i have seen! Holyyy shiiiiiit

Ryu gafabfjjbajlnfalfla kurawu

Ryu jin no bakjfbakjfadkjfba kureeee

fuck man..i have too much of a backlog to buy this game but god damn i'm tempted..so damn tempted
Semi-executed well is your defense, huh?

Due to being shackled to the poor storytelling of vanilla D3. To explain, Malthael, the villain of Reaper of Souls was a good villain in that he wasn't in-your-face in contrast to Diablo and Azmodan from the base game; he actually appeared threatening, the only villain in Diablo 3 who achieved it as Act 1's Butcher was a lazy copy of the Butcher from previous entries in the series, Act 2's Belial was painfully obvious, Act 3's Azmodan and Act 4's Diablo I've already gone over.

However, Malthael was still shackled to the obvious cliffhanger of the Black Soulstone given Act 4's end cinematic and said Black Soulstone plot device I would argue is the only plot device that brings down Reaper of Souls's storytelling.

So yeah, semi-executed well.



We're talking about Battleborn, right? That's what the trailer was for?


Some of the voice acting was a little cringe, but otherwise it was very pretty.

Now, release Overwatch early, Blizzard!
It's alright I suppose, it makes a myth and tells a parallel to it. But I think it was far too on the nose to add any meaning to the story and where the two diverge actually weaken the main story. Hanzo has to forgive himself but I think that the very existence of genji telling him to do so unlike the dragon not knowing to forgive himself in the story robs that of potential, unless Hanzo still clings to that mistake which can be possible but it's less sensible since Hanzo seems to be at least somewhat pragmatic. So the pivotal moment in this story doesn't really add up too well.

It's actually somewhat awkward in retrospect.
Makes me think, are there any other companies that has pushed a game as much as blizzards done with Overwatch?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?
Destiny or Uncharted 4


Makes me think, are there any other companies that has pushed a game as much as blizzards done with Overwatch?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?

Remember jobs all across South Korea closed down due to Starcraft 2 releasing that day because they knew too many people would be calling in sick to play it.

Not to mention the Warcraft series and Diablo. Blizzard is rolling in big bucks.

The weird thing about Overwatch is that even though the game is amazing and the series is expected to sell millions, I think they're overestimating how much money they will make from this series unless they sell cosmetics for money, or sell very expensive DLC packs.
Hanzo & Genji

Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. As Genji's injuries left him clinging to life, Overwatch offered to rebuild his body in exchange for his help. He was put through an extensive process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his superlative ninja skills. Transformed into a living weapon, Genji single-mindedly set about the task of dismantling his family's criminal empire.

Is this stuff all on Overwatch.com?


Makes me think, are there any other companies that has pushed a game as much as blizzards done with Overwatch?

With a bunch of animated/cgi trailers. Advertising in every freaking place, huge betas and seem to have endless pockets of money to do all that?

Fianl Fantasy XV. Full length CG movie, limited audi car.
I think they're overestimating how much money they will make from this series unless they sell cosmetics for money, or sell very expensive DLC packs.

They already said they won't be doing the latter, but cosmetic microtransactions are a given. I'm sure you'll be able to buy that in game currency you get in loot boxes to quickly unlock skins and emotes you want.
Remember jobs all across South Korea closed down due to Starcraft 2 releasing that day because they knew too many people would be calling in sick to play it.

Not to mention the Warcraft series and Diablo. Blizzard is rolling in big bucks.

The weird thing about Overwatch is that even though the game is amazing and the series is expected to sell millions, I think they're overestimating how much money they will make from this series unless they sell cosmetics for money, or sell very expensive DLC packs.

I honestly believe Overwatch is going be Blizzard's full-on attempt to break into the e-sports scene unlike SC2 which for a good portion of its life was debating on whether or not to commit to such and recent titles of Hearthstone and HotS are focused on making the game for the sake of the game (both are arguably popular in e-sports especially the former but wasn't intended in development). If it does succeed then of course e-sports advertisement, tournaments, and the like will serve as the games longterm revenue.


what I like about the video is how Hanzo starts right from where the map's start point is, goes into Objective A, secure it, then to Objective B. lol


Blizzard really knows how to tell a story and sell you on the characters. It makes the game more than just another shooter. I was on vaguely familiar with the backstory between the two but this blew me away.


That was damn good. For me this might as well be the closest thing to what a modern day Sega Dreamcast game would be like in both style & fun


I must be the only person in the world that thinks this stuff is extremely derivative...cool visuals I guess but every short feels more cliched than the last.


So fucking good. Overwatch series when?! I don't need a single player, the game doesn't need a single player, but I need my lore! D:


I honestly believe Overwatch is going be Blizzard's full-on attempt to break into the e-sports scene unlike SC2 which for a good portion of its life was debating on whether or not to commit to such and recent titles of Hearthstone and HotS are focused on making the game for the sake of the game (both are arguably popular in e-sports especially the former but wasn't intended in development). If it does succeed then of course e-sports advertisement, tournaments, and the like will serve as the games longterm revenue.

True there is a ton of money to make up costs from the e-sports scene and the game certainly can take the scene off. But it also costs a ton of money to have the game featured unless there is a strong demand on the esports side to simply have the game (just like Melee and Smash U had.)

So this will be interesting to watch, but they're definitely spending more money then they will probably instantly make. But Blizzard is smart and knows how to properly profit off their games so I'm not too worried. It's just what direction they take scares me.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
the more of these they make, the more it kills me they wont make one for every character. In fact this is probably the last one, I doubt they will keep pumping them out when the game is out.
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