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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm so tired of Torb and multiple turrets on console.

Yeah, this legitimately annoys me. It's the only character stack I don't see a clean way to beat and, moreso, it just isn't fun at all even if you pull it off. You get shot at from all kinds of weird openings, can't focus on just breaking turrets since the torbs will chase you down, molten core's all over the place, and if you die without actually killing one of them your work is basically undone since another turret is set up by the time you get back. Plus they just throw armor everywhere and become stronger through the match.


I'm so tired of Torb and multiple turrets on console.

Its not as good when the rest of your team sucks. If you play with randoms and you are doing significantly better, they will usually single you out. The turret will go down really fast because everyone will go for it. Been in some games though were my team will ignore the turret for the whole match even though its screwing us.
Man Macree is amazing. I own people with that character. Stun and right click=no chance.
Love owning those tracers with teleportation gimmick lol.
Yeah, this legitimately annoys me. It's the only character stack I don't see a clean way to beat and, moreso, it just isn't fun at all even if you pull it off. You get shot at from all kinds of weird openings, can't focus on just breaking turrets since the torbs will chase you down, molten core's all over the place, and if you die without actually killing one of them your work is basically undone since another turret is set up by the time you get back. Plus they just throw armor everywhere and become stronger through the match.

This is when I definitely switch to Mei.

I block those bitch ass turrets with my ice wall. Allows the team to come in and then get to the turrets.
Had a blast with everybody playing the same character tonight. We tried 5 or so different characters.

Won with 6 Meis, 6 Symmetras, and, to my amusement, 6 Zenyattas.


Finally got a play of the game as Mercy.
Revived two people right before we lost the match. Not very exciting but still, I'm glad I finally got to see one.


Genji is so fucking good. I wish I didn't suck at playing him. The potential is right there. I see it. I understand it. I try it, and I fail in a fashion so embarrassing that I wish I could downvote myself in a match, or at least gain a free seppuku emote.
Blizzard wants to penalize me for leaving unwinnable games, but not people who ignore the obvious team comp suggestions. Makes sense.

Matches don't take that long and you don't get so much more XP on a win that playing through a loss is that big of a deal. And I've turned around and won so many games that I don't consider anything unwinnable. Had a match where everyone but myself picked some offensive hero or someone like Widowmaker and I was thinking we were going to be crushed. Turns out we just decimated the other team.


I had one of the coolest nights of my life tonight...


and yes that is legit him because he was streaming OW on Twitch release night...

His Roadhogg is on point.


Yeah, this legitimately annoys me. It's the only character stack I don't see a clean way to beat and, moreso, it just isn't fun at all even if you pull it off. You get shot at from all kinds of weird openings, can't focus on just breaking turrets since the torbs will chase you down, molten core's all over the place, and if you die without actually killing one of them your work is basically undone since another turret is set up by the time you get back. Plus they just throw armor everywhere and become stronger through the match.

Learn to love the Junkrat Blind Spam


Unconfirmed Member
I felt like a dumb fuck today for buying 5 crates and getting nothing. But now I got the El Blanco skin for Reaper so it's all good with the world. 😁


sometimes rounds are just total non-starters. I'm getting used to resigning myself to an L and not worrying about it too much in pubs.


Matchmaking is so good. It's really fun when your team picks 50% offensive heroes on defense and literally does not even delay the payload for even one second.

I deal with this shit in Smite already. I don't need it in Overwatch.

If you haven't played 20+ matches it's just the MMR working itself out. Once you keep winning games you'll get into groups where everyone knows what they're doing.


Unconfirmed Member
Just had a win that was totally unsatisfying because the enemy team startet fighting in the match channel -_- why can't they keep their whining in the team channel?
Just had a win that was totally unsatisfying because the enemy team startet fighting in the match channel -_- why can't they keep their whining in the team channel?

Speaking of which. Is there a way to mute people.

Had some guy just start yelling racial slurs and I couldn't figure out how to mute him... so I just left the damn game.


Every time I join a game it's always a defeat in progress. I just want a fresh game, come on Blizzard. It's like I'm getting matched with Polygon reviewers over here, have some mercy.


Finally tried Tracer yesterday. Wow she is amazingly fun. I feel like I do really well with her too. I could be better at aiming and not trying to melee so much but my distraction skills are on point
Nothing is more satisfying than carrying a team as reinhardt and then suddenly when shield is about to break, charging in. The defense team suddenly panics, I can pick them up one by one, unleash the ultimate and then my team do the clean up.

The sheer fear an offensive reinhardt can put in their heart is so satisfying. The mess it creates, the fury of the swings and the glory of the cap in silence, checking on my allies, contemplating how good my shiny armor served me.

Repo Man

Tried the open beta and the game felt totally underwhelming. I fell in love with the art style and characters but somehow the game felt as if there wasn't much game in there so I stopped playing quickly. Last day of beta and I gave it another shot and somehow things began to "click" better with me but I still felt like this might not be for me.

Bought it last night even though missus was giving me aggro due to me having already bought a new monitor for myself and now I wanted to spend more. Aggro was worth it, currently actively looking into how I can give up my job so I can stay home and play all day long and as for the missus... she just bought it herself.


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of which. Is there a way to mute people.

Had some guy just start yelling racial slurs and I couldn't figure out how to mute him... so I just left the damn game.

press O->recent players->right click on the idiot and you get the choice to block them/report/avoid


If you haven't played 20+ matches it's just the MMR working itself out. Once you keep winning games you'll get into groups where everyone knows what they're doing.
I've been playing plenty since the game came out.

I'm assuming that my win rate is significantly higher than 50% and I am being punished.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Genji is so fucking good. I wish I didn't suck at playing him. The potential is right there. I see it. I understand it. I try it, and I fail in a fashion so embarrassing that I wish I could downvote myself in a match, or at least gain a free seppuku emote.

Someone who understands the struggle.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Wish I'd picked up Mercy earlier, she is easily the most fun i've had so far!

I played her once but i found it a bit stressful since i didn't really know when to damage boost or to heal.

I may give it another shot.

Two Words

I refuse to play Zarya just because of her design visually. I despise the tattoo, I despise the pink hair, it just completely turned me off of playing her. I have nothing against the female bodybuilder design but I don't think the stuff I mentioned goes well with it at all.
lol who refuses to play a character because of a tattoo and pink hair.


Reinhardt eats Bastion for breakfast.

God how I love walking into the right position with my shield up and then charging forward. Goodbye you silly turretbot!
People who reply to "gg" with 'not really' or something about how they were the only one on the team doing anything and their team sucks are the worst people. We don't say it because it necessarily is a good game, we say it because of sportsmanship. How people don't get that amazes me.

They also get nothing but sass from me until they go away.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Reinhardt eats Bastion for breakfast.

God how I love walking into the right position with my shield up and then charging forward. Goodbye you silly turretbot!

Dweet Dweet :(


Unconfirmed Member
Reinhardt eats Bastion for breakfast.

God how I love walking into the right position with my shield up and then charging forward. Goodbye you silly turretbot!

haha :D yeah all that noise about bastion being OP made me really afraid of fighting him, but it is not that hard with D.VA actually..
Reinhardt eats Bastion for breakfast.

God how I love walking into the right position with my shield up and then charging forward. Goodbye you silly turretbot!

Teammates should be sniping Bastion behind your shield, not watching you do your best last charge of the light brigade impression. Unless you have the Bastion totally isolated (unlikely as a back line character) it's not worth it.


haha :D yeah all that noise about bastion being OP made me really afraid of fighting him, but it is not that hard with D.VA actually..

D.Va is great as well, yesterday I flew over the enemy group and started shooting them from behind, as the rest of my team still was facing them from the other side they all died miserably and I had 4 eliminations in a row.

Shame was that the POTG was ofcourse a Hanzo ult, cause I felt that I deserved it. ;)

It's funny to see people panicking when you charge/jump with D.Va, Reinhardt or even Winston!

Teammates should be sniping Bastion behind your shield, not watching you do your best last charge of the light brigade impression. Unless you have the Bastion totally isolated (unlikely as a back line character) it's not worth it.

The times I did I definitely felt it was worth it!
I had one of the coolest nights of my life tonight...


and yes that is legit him because he was streaming OW on Twitch release night...

His Roadhogg is on point.

That's pretty sick. I remember earlier in this thread people were talking about celebrities playing online games, and here you've got first hand experience. xD
Yeah I could see the picture of the wing on the L-shift icon I just didn't know how to use it, didn't realise you had to actually target someone. Thanks!

It operates on the same level as your healing/damage boost beam, that is, you can only fly to someone you have targeted and has the diamond lock-on icon around. This means you can sometimes dash to a person who is out of line of sight but only for that brief window before you lose targeting and you fly in a straight line so if they went through a door and moved to the side you'll fly into the wall.

You'll want to use it to get away from attackers when being targeted so always try and be aware of where your teammates are. Use that sniping Widowmaker or flying Pharah, just don't hang in the air too long as it can make you a target too. It also has a really fast cool down so don't be afraid to use it.
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